"Where else can we find so many people now!"

Uchiha Izuna helplessly discovered that Konoha Village is still too small!

Even now in the entire ninja world, compared to any other place, the population here is definitely not small.

But for Konoha, which is booming and with hundreds of flowers blooming in the village, this population is simply not enough.

The Nara clan leader thought for a while and finally said it.

"Well, maybe we can go to the Snow Country again."

Uchiha Izuna's expression changed after hearing about Snow Country.

Going to the Land of Snow again?

"The Country of Snow is indeed a good choice."

Forcibly suppressing the restlessness in his heart, after all, the first time Big Brother and the others encountered failure was when they met Future Tobirama in the Land of Snow.

"Yes, judging from the previous situation, the Country of Snow is probably the place that has suffered the most serious disaster.

At this time, we are willing to help the refugees there and give some money to the Daimyo of Snow Country.

I believe that the daimyo side will be willing to come to our Konoha in order to keep ordinary people alive. "

There is nothing the Nara clan leader can do, if Madara, Hashirama, and Tobirama are all still there.

Then Konoha must have quietly chosen to occupy and control the Snow Country!

Under the current situation, Konoha is still unable to become the dominant player in the entire ninja world, so it must slow down and develop steadily.

After Uchiha Izuna thought for a long time, he called Uchiha Yue and Sarutobi Sasuke.

Let them set off again to the Snow Country to negotiate with the Snow Country.

Sasuke Sarutobi and Yue Uchiha took a deep breath, feeling a little heavy.

The last defeat has always made them brood.

However, if the enemy is the future Tobirama-sama, there is nothing we can do.

Although Izuna just asked them to go over this time and bring back as many people as possible, maybe they can continue to perform the following things that Tobirama asked them to do last time.

For example, he brought a child named Kazehana Hayeyuki, one of the current Daimyos of the Land of Snow, whom Tobirama-sama was very concerned about, back to the village, and allowed him to receive education from the Leaf Village.

After Sarutobi Sasuke and Uchiha Yue left, Uchiha Izuna stood in the Hokage's office and looked outside the village.

"I really didn't expect that Nine Lamas and Shukaku alone could have such a huge impact on the entire village?

But that's right, Shukaku could make a steady stream of money every day just by using his magnetic escape chakra to supply the entire village's electricity supply.

When the scale becomes larger and larger, this kind of steady flow is more stable and lasting than any wealth. "

And Kyuubi's chakra selling business is also a very profitable thing.

Whenever there is danger, any Konoha ninja knows whether money or life is more important.

Why do you feel that the wealth of the tailed beasts is accumulating faster than the old ninja clan like Uchiha and Senju, who own various minerals and field resources!

By the way, there's Tobirama too!

They had forgotten that that guy owned the same shares as Shukaku in the power station.

Moreover, Tobirama still has a share of the output and income from the laboratory.

If you calculate it carefully.

Tobirama seems to be like Shukaku and Kurama, a rich man who can use his personal wealth to leverage the entire village's industry!

Depend on!

I originally thought that this guy was just a little smarter and stronger than me, with one more wife, one more son, and two more brothers!

Unexpectedly, I also lost in terms of wealth!




Tobirama sneezed and raised his head to look at the sky.

The sun is bright and not blinding.

But it always felt like someone was chanting my name.

Isn't it someone who misses me?

Tobirama thought this, then lowered his head and looked at Tsunade standing in front of him, shrouded in his own power.

Sweat was seeping out from her body, running along her skin and soaking her clothes.

Then it twisted into drops of water and fell to the ground.

Powerful power enveloped Tsunade's body, making her feel extremely heavy pressure.

"This, what the hell is this!"

Tsunade raised her fingers with difficulty, clenched her fists, and pointed upwards hard, trying to swing her fists.

But he found that his fists had become extremely slow and weak.

Not only that, not only did the movements become slower, but even breathing became much more difficult, requiring greater effort.

"This is my power. Using the power of magnetic escape, I can resist the gravity that drags us towards our feet.

Of course, it can also be used to strengthen the downward force!

Now, everywhere around you is ten times the gravity.

No matter whether it is the appearance of your body or the inside of your body, they are all subjected to the oppression of this powerful force equally. "

"Tsunade, go beyond the current limits of your body and make yourself stronger!

Don’t live up to the expectations I have for you, Grandpa Er! "

162 Studying medicine can’t save Konoha Village, nor can it save the Senju clan!

"Second Grandpa, what are you talking about? I don't understand you at all!"

Second Grandpa, when did you gain this power? I don’t understand it at all!

Large beads of sweat seeped out of Tsunade's body.

Her whole body was as hot and red as a red-hot lobster.

Under twice the gravity, the pressure on her body made her feel the fragility of the ninja's body.

The body's organs and blood vessels seemed particularly fragile at this moment.

Fortunately, the human body actually has amazing adaptability.

Although she felt that her whole body was very heavy, it was not to the point of being internally injured.

Although only specially trained aerospace trainers can withstand accelerations of several g when the rocket accelerates.

But that was also while wearing a special spacesuit.

Sustaining such strong acceleration for a long time will quickly cause a person's body to collapse.

However, Tsunade's physical fitness is far beyond what a trained astronaut can compare with, let alone what ordinary people can compare with.

But even so, after enduring such gravity for a long time, although Tsunade was not injured, her body did not collapse.

But I already felt very strong symptoms of nausea, distortion, and tinnitus.

The chakra moved very slowly, and almost made mistakes when my mind was a little confused.

Fortunately, relying on the instinct of using medical ninjutsu, Tsunade reluctantly used the healing technique.

However, this kind of physical nausea, distortion, and tinnitus cannot be cured by medical ninjutsu.

"Second Grandpa, I feel so uncomfortable."

"Come on, Xiaozuna.

Once you have adapted to ten times gravity, you can continue to improve.

Your second grandfather, I can now help you lift to about twenty times the gravity at most, if you can adapt to normal life in that state.

Your physical fitness, your strength, everything about you will be greatly improved. "

If you really can't bear it, I can give you an injection of your eldest grandfather's cells!

Tobirama's words seemed a bit heartless, but Tsunade gritted her teeth and prepared to continue.

If I were still a child of only five or six years old, I could now act like a spoiled child in the arms of my second grandfather as much as I wanted.

But, I have experienced so much and lost so much.

The second grandpa personally took action to help him become stronger. How could he continue to be so weak?

Stand up, stand up, stand up, Tsunade!

Studying medicine cannot save the Leaf Village or the Senju clan!

Medical ninjas cannot protect everyone they want to protect!

Be strong, be strong.


Tsunade stepped on the ground, and the huge force caused her shoes and soles to sink deeply into the ground.

The dead Dan, the dead rope tree, the great grandfather who left me, the second grandfather, Grandma Mito, my father, my mother, and so many other clan members!

I have already lost so much!

Then I want the rest, the only thing, and hold it firmly in the palm of my hand!


The other foot stepped on the ground hard, causing large cracks to appear on the ground under his feet.

There were bursts of overwhelming creaking sounds on his back that was straightening up a little.

In the clenched fist, the nails pierced hard into the palm of the hand, and the pain of breaking was awakening more power sleeping in Tsunade's body.

This is nothing at all!

Tick, tick, tick!

Blood dripped from the bitten lip and fell to the ground.

Blood also dripped from the punctured palm and fell to the ground.

"Master Tsunade!"

Shizune looked at Tsunade at this moment with worry. Tsunade-sama, who was already suffering from hemophobia, still had to stand under such heavy pressure.

This, this is too embarrassing for her!

"Don't go there, she is transforming."

"But, Tsunade-sama is like this, does it really not matter?"

"Take a good look, she is Tsunade, but she is even more Senju Tsunade, the granddaughter of my elder brother Senju Hashirama!

How could the granddaughter of the Senju family be so weak! "


Really weak!


It's really painful!

So, do you have to succumb to these pains, these weaknesses again?

The color of scarlet blood occupied Tsunade's pupils.

However, she is still patient and she is still trying her best.

Because this little bit of pain, this little bit of pain, is nothing compared to the pain of losing them, nothing compared to the pain of watching everything around you, slipping away from you, but not being able to catch it, is like a knife!

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