A rectangular drawer popped out from the side of Shinji Ikari. Inside the drawer was the Walkman that Shinji Ikari always carried with him.

"There is nothing wrong with the inspection results. I will return it to you now."

"This is father's... Lingbo was holding it at that time, and I really rescued her!" Shinji Ikari held the walkman in his hand, and he was even more convinced that he had indeed rescued Ayanami Rei.




EVA theatrical version is broken.

"Oh my, Asuka is still so cute 14 years later. Even if she becomes an apostle, she still has such strong feelings for Shinji-kun."

In the large bathroom of WILLE headquarters, Misato Katsuragi soaked in the bathtub with a smile, looked at Asuka and said:

"This punch can break the tempered glass.

The power of this punch is your longing for Shinji Ikari for 14 years, right?Hey hey hey..."

"No!! The other me in the future will do this, it must be because the angry idiot Shinji messed up a lot of things!

Misato, don't always talk about me.

Humph, don't you also have a strange attitude towards idiot Shinji in the future?She even wore a blindfold to hide her emotions. "

Asuka was taking a bath, spitting bubbles in the bathtub, holding her knees with her hands, her fair face slightly red.

"Hey! You idiot took the back door, don't stand there in a daze, you'll catch a cold, come in quickly!"

Asuka looked at Ayanami Rei, who was standing under the sprinkler head, staring blankly at Shinji Ikari, and shouted dissatisfied.

Really, now you have seen how much Shinji Ikari cares about you.

Then you should realize by now what emotions you have for Shinji Ikari right now!

"Oh... Shinji-kun, are you still thinking about me after sleeping for 14 years...

Why, why should I care so much about whether I am saved or not?

But I...why didn't I appear in NERV...? "

Rei Ayanami was natural and spoke silently, soaking in the bathtub and letting Asuka wash her blue hair.

Asuka looked at the picture with a blank expression. She couldn't figure out why she would burst out with such emotions after seeing Shinji Ikari 14 years later.

She should just talk to Shinji Ikari, not punch him!

In this way, for Asuka, this punch seemed to... tell the other party how much she cherished Shinji Ikari.

fgo valentine world line.

"Hey! Zedecius, can you figure out why these people have changed so much now! Isn't it just that 14 years have passed...

I don’t understand it at all. I still like the young Asuka, but now I miss Shinji Ikari so much! ?

The emotions of these people are too complicated, I can’t understand them at all!Really, why is it so troublesome...! "

Circe waved the wooden spoon stained with wheat porridge in her hand and looked at Odysseus beside her.

"Uh...Miss Circe, my relationship with my wife has always been very good, even though we haven't seen each other for a long time...

But when we met again, we hugged each other, we kissed each other..."

“Stop, stop, stop…!! I don’t want to know the sweet story between you and your wife!! Don’t just send me dog food!!

Ahhhhh, that's not what I asked at all.

Forget it...it's useless to ask you guys questions about relationships, just pretend I didn't say anything!

I'll ask Xiao Qingji! "

Circe covered her ears, pouted, dropped the wooden spoon, blew out the fire under the pottery pot, and walked to Qingji's room.

Odysseus had the same blank look on his face as Shinji Ikari, and looked at Circe in confusion as he walked away angrily.

But he felt that this was the best.

"It seems that Miss Circe has also found a new relationship. She should not be pestering me anymore... I am only loyal to my wife."

In fact, he couldn't understand why the emotional relationship between Asuka, Ikari Shinji, and Katsuragi Misato became like this.

Could it be that the pressure of external battles, tense nerves, and the joy of reunion after 14 years were mixed together, which made these people temporarily speechless and unable to explain things clearly to Shinji Ikari?

He had encountered such situations on the battlefield.

He can only understand it through this method of tactical thinking.

After all, his wife is neither arrogant nor speechless, a natural attribute, but a gentle and elegant existence.





The Miracle's hull kept shaking.

This unusual vibration made Shinji Ikari uneasy, "What happened!?"

"The target appeared on the quarter deck and suddenly we were caught!"

"Has the protagonist appeared..." Misato Katsuragi, she knew that NERV would not let go of Shinji Ikari and the Miracle that controlled Unit [-], she ordered without hesitation:

"Enable first-level combat preparations for the entire ship! Prioritize order to protect Unit [-]."

Asuka ran quickly in the corridor.

She left her combat post in order to see Shinji Ikari, leaving the Miracle in a bad state.

"Unit No. [-] can be dispatched now!"

"Of course!" Makiha Mari said to Asuka with a smile: "I'm already making preparations, Your Highness.


Compared to this, what about that little dog?

Did I sit down for you obediently? "

"Still the same. Still looking like an idiot who just woke up!" Asuka said angrily.

Mashiba Mari showed her beauty and mischievous expression, like a black cat peeking into other people's hearts. She joked to Asuka: "Isn't it just because of this face that you went to visit him specifically?"

"It's not——!——!——! I just wanted to go over and beat her up! I'm much happier now." Asuka said no, what a joke, how could I want to go out of my way to see the idiot Shinji.

That idiot, idiot, slow madman, when I see his face, I get angry!

"Miss Misato, Miss Ritsuko. What happened??" Shinji Ikari lay on the mirror and faced Misato Katsuragi who ignored him. Ritsuko Akagi asked loudly: "Is it the new apostle??"

But no matter how Ikari Shinji asked, Katsuragi Misato and Akagi Ritsuko were like mutes and didn't say a word.

Shinji Ikari is desperate and helpless. He is angry. He cannot understand what he has done wrong. Why are each of you targeting me?

Why didn't you tell me anything? Why don't you even want to communicate with me now?

32 2 more different ways of understanding, please read and collect

"Ikari-san, where are you..."

Just when Shinji Ikari was extremely irritated and wanted to ask the matter clearly, Ayanami Rei's voice echoed in the ship.

"Ling Bo...?" Shinji Ikari was stunned. Yes, this was definitely Ling Bo's voice. He asked Ritsuko Akagi excitedly:

"Was it Ayanami's voice just now!?"

Ritsuko Akagi didn't want to explain anything to Shinji Ikari, so she controlled the screen in front of Shinji Ikari, turning the transparent glass into an invisible state and completely sealing Shinji Ikari inside.

She thought it was best not to let Shinji Ikari know anything now.

Because the power of Shinji Ikari in his awakened state is really terrifying.

This is a power that WILLE cannot control at all now, even if Shinji Ikari is not on Unit [-]...

Unit-[-] is also likely to encounter various uncertain factors due to Shinji Ikari's abnormal mental state.

Whether they go berserk or awaken again, they cannot bear the price.

Although doing this is a bit sorry for Shinji Ikari who has been fighting for mankind 14 years ago.

But now she's focused on the big picture.

She didn't trust Shinji Ikari, not at all, because he was the type of person who could easily be manipulated by Ikari Gentang and Seele's words.

"Miss Misato——!——!——!——!" Shinji Ikari slapped the mirror hard with both hands, feeling painful and anxious. He now desperately wanted to know what happened.

He wanted to know the current situation of Ayanami Rei. He didn't believe that Ayanami Rei was not rescued by him.

He didn't believe that Ayanami Rei had disappeared. The voice just now was clearly Ayanami Rei's.

Why, why, each of you would do this to me! ?

Do you think that I am useless now and that I am no longer needed to drive the EVA, so you have completely ignored me and abandoned me?

"What the hell is going on!? Really!!"

He couldn't understand the attitudes of Misato Katsuragi, Ritsuko Akagi, and Sakura Suzuhara behind him, the people in this ship, toward him.

He still clearly remembers that 14 years ago, Miss Misato approved of what he did.

"Let it go, Shinji-kun!! This time it's not for others, but for your own wishes!"

"Ready! Mr. Ikari, come here." Sakura Suzuhara said hurriedly to Shinji Ikari.

Shinji Ikari only has one thought in his mind now, which is to confirm the safety of Ayanami Rei. He wants to see Ayanami Rei and wants to see Ayanami Rei again.

"Sure enough, it's Lingbo..." Shinji Ikari kept banging on the window, unwilling to accept the pain, and shouted in confusion: "That's Lingbo!!"

"Mr. Ikari!! Please hurry up!!"

Until now, you still don't want to tell me about Limbo. Shinji Ikari has given up and completely given up communicating with these people.

"I've had enough. Limbo! I'm here—!—!—!"

Shinji Ikari shouted loudly, all he could think about now was Limbo.


The isolation door next to him exploded, billowing dust obscured the monitor, and the tables and chairs in the isolation room overturned.

After the smoke dissipated, Shinji Ikari saw through the smoke, Rei Ayanami, who was driving Unit-[-], stretched out her hand to him.

The cabin of the Miracle is now in chaos, with damage occurring everywhere on the ship. Several dozen artificial apostles are fighting against the Miracle.

"EVA Unit Zero...!" Seeing Unit Zero, Shinji Ikari became even more convinced that Misato Katsuragi, Ritsuko Akagi, and Asuka were all lying to him, but he didn't understand that Ayanami Rei was clearly right in front of him... ...

Why, why do I have to tell myself that the Ayanami Rei I knew is gone.

"Ikari, come to me." Black Ayanami Rei said.

"Don't go, Shinji-kun!!"

The goggles on Katsuragi Misato's eyes were broken, revealing her right eye. She held the controller that controlled the DSS explosion ring on Shinji Ikari's neck. As long as Shinji Ikari didn't listen to her, she would detonate it without hesitation.

"Please stay here for me."

Shinji Ikari stared at Misato Katsuragi with disappointed eyes, clenched his fists with both hands, and looked at the controller in Misato Katsuragi's hand. He could not suppress the sadness and disappointment in his heart, "What do you mean? Miss Misato..." ?

Didn't you just say you don't need me? "

"But your personal safety must be protected by us."

"Are you talking too much to yourself?" Shinji Ikari looked at Misato Katsuragi who had become a different person with disappointment.

He didn't expect that Misato Katsuragi would become the same as before, she didn't care about her own thoughts at all and could do whatever she wanted.

He is still the same teenage boy who is rebellious and prone to rebellion.

Since Misato Katsuragi and Ritsuko Akagi didn't tell me what happened, then I'll go find Ayanami myself and ask what happened!

Rumble, rumble——!

The cannon fire of WILLE's fleet flying in the sky roared, and all the firepower was focused on the No. [-] fuselage holding the bridge.

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