Misaka Misaka complained wantonly in her heart.

The last work secretly shook his head at the reasoning of Police Officer Nakamori.

"Because you have nowhere to run now."

After saying this, Officer Nakamori's mouth twitched slightly, and he felt extremely relieved when he thought that this abominable thief who had teased him several times on weekdays would be arrested and brought to justice immediately.

However, Kaiju Kidd glanced at everyone present, and then said in a low voice,

"The reason why I came here to visit everyone is just to do a preview, because I don't intend to steal that black pearl at all tonight."


Officer Nakamori was startled.

Kaitou Kidd chuckled, and said calmly, "Didn't I mention it in the notice letter, today is April Fool's Day!"

Suddenly, seeing Kaito Kidd suddenly raised his arm, a small, chubby thing slipped out of his sleeve.

Seeing such a thing, Conan subconsciously took two steps back and reminded the group of policemen in unison.


Before Officer Nakamori waited for the police to react, their field of vision was immediately covered by a burst of dazzling white light, which was a flash bomb.

After finishing speaking, the flash bomb that fell on the ground and emitted a dazzling light completely covered the figure of Kaitou Kidd, and there was also a mocking voice from Kaito Kidd.

"By the way, little detective, if the phantom thief is a creative artist, then the detective will only be nitpicking after the phantom thief, at best a critic."

A few seconds later, when Conan, Officer Nakamori and others looked into the field again, the white figure of Kaitou Kidd completely disappeared.

"This, how is this possible!?" Conan said in disbelief.

"Phantom Thief Kidd, how could it be missing?" Officer Nakamori also said in shock.



The last work curled his lips, and his eyes immediately glanced at a person dressed as a policeman at the iron gate on the roof, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart: Kaitou Kidd didn't disappear at all, he just disguised himself as a policeman.

Chapter 274 Chapter 230 Chapter [-] Misaka Misaka vs Kidd! (Happy New Year, Bullish)

Kaitou Kidd's white figure disappeared without a trace under the eyes of everyone, which really shocked everyone present.

Of course, Misaka Misaka is not included.

Because Misaka Misaka already knew the method of Kaitou Kidd's disappearance through the prophetic memory.

In fact, Kaito Kidd's method is very simple, just using the effect of visual deception in magic, and people's normal logic and idiomatic thinking.

From the moment he appeared, he was already preparing to implement this trick of disappearing in full view. He changed his voice to call the police, all for his own performance and the audience he called.

From the very beginning, Kaitou Kidd was dressed in a white suit and white cloak, as if he was eager to be discovered.

Although, pure white clothing is too conspicuous in the dark, which is not conducive to concealment and escape.

Of course, Kaitou Kidd did this not only to deliberately show that he is a "bold, fearless and extremely gorgeous" monster thief, but the main reason is that such clothing is more conducive to concealment when escaping.

Once the white object disappears in front of the eyes, people's eyes will continue to search for white subconsciously, and the Kaitou Kidd is here, so it is easier to escape by changing into black clothes or the like.

I have to say that Kaito Kidd is worthy of being a magician, and the speed of changing clothes is really fast.

At this time, the policemen on the scene were nervously searching for Kaitou Kidd, and the last work was moving their eyes, staring at the Kaitou Kidd who had been dressed as a policeman, and was secretly preparing to leave.

Seeing this, The Last Work also quietly followed.

The Last Work follows Kaitou Kidd, who is dressed as a policeman, as he walks down the emergency stairs for a while.

At the corner of the emergency stairs, Kidd, a phantom thief dressed as a policeman, dodges and quickly disappears.

Fortunately, there was a clear sound of footsteps ahead.

Seeing this, Last Work quickly trotted over.

Then, the sound of footsteps suddenly disappeared in the emergency stairwell. The Last Work came to the place where the sound disappeared, and looked at the wall in front of him speechlessly.

Tracking is really not what Misaka Misaka is good at, it seems that Misaka Misaka has been discovered.

While thinking this way, Last Work resolutely stopped, and the dull hair on his head stood up, like an animal guarding his surroundings, then he stared at a certain direction and walked over.

The last work came to a corridor on a certain floor in a few steps. I looked at the corridor and the stairwell and found no one.

This is the guest room corridor on a certain floor of the Cupee Hotel. It is quiet and there is no one there.

I was almost deceived, but fortunately Misaka has superpowers, and can detect fluctuations in the magnetic field of the human body.

Misaka Misaka activated the electromagnetic sonar named after Misaka, vibrating with a wavelength of [-] MHz, and began to detect the situation, and found that the thief Kidd was ahead.

Although the thief Kidd likes to play visual magic tricks such as disappearing to deceive people, it is impossible for you to escape the eyes of Ben Misaka.

The last work is full of confidence. After all, Misaka Misaka has the ability to control space through electromagnetic waves.

By the way, Misaka's super powers are very strong. Misaka Misaka is an electromagnetic ability user of LV4, and can detect the fluctuation of the human body's magnetic field just like Miss Pao.

As long as there are electromagnetic fluctuations, it can be found, and who can be known according to the magnitude of the fluctuations emitted by the object?

In fact, Misaka itself can be used as a small radar.

Under normal circumstances, the last work will involuntarily emit weak electromagnetic waves to the surroundings. As long as the person concerned is willing to sense the subtle changes in the surrounding reflected waves, it can play the role of radar.

As long as there is a strange movement, the reflected wave can detect it, which has nothing to do with the blind spot.With this, Misaka Misaka can avoid surprise attacks from blind spots and track the opponent's movements.

According to the calculation of Misaka's maximum ability, the large-scale and powerful electromagnetic waves released by Misaka can also directly interfere with the radars used to search for enemies by missiles flying in the air at twice the speed of sound, not to mention general communication equipment and cameras. .The principle of induction heating can also be used to heat food...

So it was impossible to pretend in front of Misaka.

If you want to hide it, it is impossible to shield the tiny fluctuations emitted by the human body. Unless the individual dies, Misaka cannot scan it out.

At this time, a few wisps of blue and white electric current burst out from the forehead of the last work, and they disappeared in a flash.

Then, the body moved suddenly, and walked a few meters forward.Then, she faced the direction of the corridor window and stared quietly for a few seconds.

Suddenly, the wind blowing from the window seemed to caress the cheek of the last work.

The window should have been closed just now.

The last work thought so, and turned his face to the window.

The glass of the window does not know when it is open.

Not only that, but there was also a strange young man in police uniform leaning against the window frame, and a soft male voice sounded from the young man's mouth.

"Little sister, it's so late, what are you doing alone?"

"Misaka Misaka is looking for a very poor thief! He blinded Misaka Misaka with a flash bomb just now, Misaka Misaka said very angrily."

Although Misaka Misaka quickly covered his eyes the moment the phantom thief Kidd threw the flash bomb on the roof, and was not irradiated by the dazzling light of the flash bomb.

However, what Misaka Misaka said, for Kaitou Kidd, he had to find a good excuse.

"Uh...haha." The man in police uniform smiled calmly, "Catching thieves is what our police do."

"Really? Is that so? Misaka Misaka repeated it in her unique accent."

"Okay, little sister. It's so late, it's time to go back to sleep." Said, the Kaitou Kidd dressed as a policeman was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, you seem to be in a hurry, Misaka Misaka asked this person in front of you."

"That, little sister. I'm a policeman! Right now, I'm searching for Kaitou Kid, so please don't disturb your lord's handling of the case."

Phantom Thief Kid, dressed as a policeman, has an unusually pretentious manner.

It seems to be intoxicated in such a situation, this criminal who likes to pretend to be X all the time.

"~Hey! The thief is calling for the thief, just now you threw a flash bomb on the roof, then changed into a policeman, and slipped away quietly... Misaka Misaka pointed at the person in front of you with certainty, that is the thief Kidd!"

"Huh? Little sister, what are you talking about?...I'm a policeman, not Kaitou Kidd." The police man's expression was unmoved.

That expression seemed to express from the bottom of my heart that I really wasn't Kaitou Kid.

This thief's acting skills can win an Oscar, Misaka Misaka complained in her heart.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, Misaka Misaka will always pester you, follow you, and won't let you go, Misaka Misaka said calmly, Misaka's next move."

"Children, it's not good to make trouble for no reason?" Kaitou Kidd's expression changed slightly, and he said slowly.

The last work defaults to silently watching Kaitou Kidd's every move.

After a moment of silence——

Kaitou Kidd finally muttered, "Little sister, you're too smart, but not too cute."

After admitting his identity, Kaitou Kidd continued to ask,

"Little sister, how did you notice it?"

Of course Misaka Misaka would not say that she has seen the plot!

The last work pretended to be 'I've seen through you' and said,

"Hmph, this little trick of changing disguises has long been revealed, Misaka Misaka said very casually."

"Haha, little sister, you are really calm. If you meet bad people, you will be in trouble."

Said, Phantom Thief Kidd showed a kind smile and touched the little head of the last work.

Misaka Misaka was patted on the head.

This guy... Damn it!

I saw that the last work suddenly swung his fist, and suddenly attacked Kaitou Kidd's chest.

Because of her petite stature, she can accurately hit the vitals of others with just a straight punch.This fist is extremely dangerous.


When Kaitou Kidd had no time or didn't want to react, the small fist of the last work directly hit him in the stomach.

Kaitou Kidd took several steps back in pain, then knelt down on the ground in pain, howling in pain.

"Wow... it hurts..."

This little girl is too strong!

No, I can't stay any longer.

Kaitou Kidd made a left somersault on the ground and ran towards the emergency stairwell beside him.

"Stop for Misaka Misaka!"

The voice of the little girl came from behind, Kaitou Kidd pretended not to hear, and ran away with all his might.

After a few minutes--

"Huh...huh...you don't know where you ran to?"

Kaitou Kidd gradually slowed down because he was out of breath, and finally stood in a corner of the corridor.

Looking around, he found that there was no one there, Kaitou Kidd bent down, his shoulders rose and fell to adjust his breathing, and he leaned against the wall feeling tired.

"By the way, who is that little girl who suddenly appeared?...It's really difficult."

"Hey, Mr. Thief!...It's not good to talk about others behind their backs, isn't it? Misaka Misaka frowned and said to the person in front of her, expressing her dissatisfaction."

I don't know when the last work has stood in front of Kaitou Kidd.

Kaitou Kidd looked helplessly at the petite figure in front of him.

When did this little girl come here, but I didn't even notice her, is she a ninja?silently...

What a hell today, I suddenly met two kids who were even more incredible than the police.

"Are you leaving like this? Mr. Thief. Misaka, Misaka, I need to tell you something."

"Little sister, what are you going to do?" Kaitou Kidd looked at the little girl with brown hair who blocked him, and he didn't dare to ignore him, so he had to smile wryly.

"Well, how should I put it, to make a long story short...Misaka Misaka just wants to stay at your house for a while, and will never disturb your life, Misaka Misaka said very seriously."

That's right, Misaka Misaka just came to this world, before finding the little nun, Misaka Misaka didn't even have a foothold.

I happened to meet this Kaitou Kidd. If I stayed at his house, then Misaka Misaka's board and lodging issues would be resolved.

As for why Misaka doesn't follow the protagonist Conan.

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