"What are you thinking about? I have already said about the matter between you and Su Wan. It is impossible to hide this kind of matter. Of course, Leng Mengyun wants Su Wan to make a fuss and give Su Rong two choices. One, the choice." If you marry Zhang Yuan, you don't need to hand over the house, and the dividends will not change.

The other is the current situation, Su Rong's head is hard, and if Su Wan doesn't get married, then she can find a reason to take over the house. "

Mu Zhiqing smiled helplessly.

"Anyway, no matter what, Su Wan and the others are going to be finished, right? They're so big? That's fine. At worst, I'll take care of them."

"On the bright side, do you think you can support me? If Leng Mengyun finds out, you funded it. Do you think I can stand by your side?" Mu Zhiqing looked at me.

I squeezed her hard, "It's true, you woman is only interested in profit."

"Otherwise, it would have collapsed a long time ago. Standing in a team is very important. I can hold up so much sky by myself. Do you think it's just me talking and drinking tea? Leng Mengyun is very important to me. For decades Sisterhood, we have helped each other in many things, it is impossible to destroy our relationship for you, a little kid."

"Then why did she attack Su Rong? Isn't Su Rong very obedient now? Do nothing?"

"She just feels that Su Rong does nothing and still gets a dividend, and she still has a large store owned by her man, which is of course uncomfortable, not to mention that Su Wan is not a good type, and her reputation is not very good.

Of course she wanted to take it back. The deeper reason was that Leng Mengyun had to concentrate resources. "

"I still don't understand. Su Rong didn't bother her at all. Hey, can it be remedied? Can you repair the relationship with Leng Mengyun?"

"It's almost impossible. What she decides cannot be judged by others. What's more, her plan is very careful, and Su Wan really has a handle, just like when I solved Chu Zixin back then. Some schemes existed thousands of years ago. Yes, and it’s still tried and tested.”

"But...Jiang Ye is different from Jiang Yunheng after all. He still has some real power in his hands. He may not do too much to Su Rong. After all, he still has to care about the old relationship, but the premise is that you and her are not discovered. If you find out about it, hehe." Mu Zhiqing's eyes naturally had...

"So you still plan to report on it?"

"Of course, it's a matter of once and for all. Su Rong has been hit like this. It's impossible for Su Rong to believe you. Whether it's you who made trouble or not, even if Su Wan doesn't hold grudges, she won't have any good feelings for you. Those in the circle who want to occupy When your cheap woman hears this kind of news, she will also tremble with fright, weighing whether she will be played to a miserable end.

Knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger can achieve multiple goals~" Mu Zhiqing was still laughing, and I really didn't know if she was serious for a while.

"Don't be like this, Mu Zhiqing...I'm serious." I hugged her anxiously.

"There are a lot of things that I don't want to settle. I'm not qualified to make decisions... In this kind of matter, I can only tell the truth."

"But I didn't say anything. You're just guessing? That's fine. In this way, I will try my best to make a perfect alibi so that you and I can have a happy date for a day. Don't target Su Rong, it's fine." ?" I know that's probably what she thinks in her heart... Maybe it's not... But Mu Zhiqing didn't say it to death.

"It's really a cheap and ridiculous exchange, do you think I will agree?" Mu Zhiqing looked at me with a half-smile.

Chapter 262 She's really stingy in love. (2/)

"I know, Mu Zhiqing, it's really not easy for you to agree, and I also know that you have various difficulties. In the end, you fatten yourself up and ruin others. All the people who stand in front of you are all kinds of mistakes.

But I still don't quite believe that Leng Mengyun would choose such a time to make trouble. After thinking about it, you may have more problems.

If she really wanted to do it, she couldn't just let some junior persuade her. "I shook my head.

My train of thought was indeed a bit off before, after much deliberation about Leng Mengyun, Mu Zhiqing just followed me along.

But this is not the case. If Leng Mengyun was really as terrifying as Mu Zhiqing said, it would be impossible to just hide behind the scenes like this, nor would she be so gentle.

Of course, it is not ruled out that she wants to explore the way.

But when Mu Zhiqing talked about these issues, she didn't speak the truth. More importantly, she really needed me to express my opinion. If it was Leng Mengyun, what would my emotions be?

But even if it's just Mu Zhiqing, I can't take it lightly, what she wants is to share my time with her daughter, the kind of sharing after complete ownership, she is worried about Su Rong and Su Wan, and also worried that other women will occupy my time.

Leng Mengyun will not be able to take away this kind of property that does not do business and only has house owners.

Of course, the premise is that Su Rong should argue hard.

If both Su Rong and Su Wan feel wronged and don't care about these things... then it is indeed a little troublesome.

And Mu Zhiqing didn't intend to be friendly to them, even though my conversations with her seemed to be half-joking.

But I understand some meaning in her words.

Mu Zhiqing is already wandering on the verge of loving me, and her tolerance towards me is still so stingy, think about how she treats other people ~ of course it won't be any better.

I can only make the best use of her limited feelings for me to make use of it.

Just such a small focus...

"Hmm~ It's up to you how you understand it. Anyway, I think I should go back. Someone wanted to drive me away just now."

"No, Mu Zhiqing, listen to me, you and Mu Huang are absolutely unshakable in my heart..."

"Then here comes the question, Jiang Yue, can you shake Gu Ling in your heart?" Mu Zhiqing immediately asked me back.

"Ahem... this..." I was stunned, of course it was not easy to answer.

"Isn't that enough? Everyone is unshakable. It doesn't matter how high or low they are. Who knows who you like? Of course, I have to put my hand on your neck to force you to make a choice, so that I can See, does my dear Xiao Jiangyue really like me? If he likes me, he should give up other women for me. I won’t talk about Gu Ling. Can Su Rong and Su Wan give up? Of course, you also When they are still living a luxurious life, you can be drunk with them ~ help them walk the last stage paved by money ~ and then watch them fall to the bottom ~"

"Scaremongering, you just like to scare people. If there is such a day, no matter what pressure I can withstand, I won't care if there is Leng Mengyun on the other side to make it difficult for you. I will also let them live the most comfortable and safest life possible." Live with peace of mind."

"It's up to you? Huh?"

"Otherwise? I have nothing, can I still hold you now? Can't I still hold your ankle and admire your well-maintained face and skin?

I rely on money?I didn't send you any presents, and you didn't ask for a garage.

It doesn't matter if you talk about me casually now, but you will also feel distressed. As long as you start to feel distressed, I will not be beaten to death by you and Muhuang. At that time, I will have many ways.

And no matter how bad you are, it is impossible to use me as a knife. Of course, you can also try. I really hate you. Are you afraid that you will regret it later? "

"Hehehe, I really thought you could...what to do?" Mu Zhiqing saw me approaching, and shouted.

Of course I don't want to reason with her, conspiracy theory, I just want her to take good care of me.

I was on the sofa thinking about going all out, at worst, I would put all the little combat power I just recovered today into the battlefield between Mu Zhiqing and me.

"I'm not going to be a human anymore. If you are tired, be tired. If you can't suppress your desire, you can't suppress it. Now you can see the sun outside. I hope I can persist until the sun sets. I want to feel you Are you different from other women? Will you not love me when you are with me, and still hate me so much? Always play tricks, always..."

"Of course...otherwise why do you think I'm so young?"

"But no matter how you say it, you're planning and I'm planning to the end, Mu Zhiqing." I leaned down and kissed her.

She didn't react as violently as I imagined, instead she closed her eyes subconsciously.

"You said it was so fierce just now, why are you shy now?" When I really wanted to fight desperately and kill seven people in and out with real knives and guns, she grabbed my hand and stopped me from moving.

"Stop making trouble, no... I'm not ready yet! You're going to do this kind of bastard thing on the sofa, are you shameless? Do you really think of me as that kind of concubine?"

"So? You also need a sense of ritual, right? You also want to date me freely, and you want to relive that unreasonable, childish relationship, I understand.

No one is more suitable for such a candidate than me. "I saw that Mu Zhiqing certainly wouldn't ask for extra conditions, such as asking her to help.

Saying it would spoil the atmosphere.

It's impossible for Mu Zhiqing's heart to be so firm as a rock, let alone cut my hand like a knife.

Only at this time will there be a moment of panic in her eyes, and there will be some kind of small affection for me.

"Jiang Yue... You know how to do something like this..." She kissed me back, not to be outdone. "Am I really committing a crime... or a trap I dug for myself... I... I should go back."

Mu Zhiqing is so indecisive when it comes to feelings.

This is probably her only weakness, and also my only strength. She can calmly analyze other things, but for me, that kind of emotional hug is irresistible.

"Well... the time is almost up, if you want to go, you can go."

"Are you chasing me again?"

"Didn't you say that?"

"Okay, okay, you are really capable, I will try my best to destroy Su Wan, the bridgehead when I go back!" Mu Zhiqing said sternly.

"Okay, calm down, as I said, we will have various dates in the future, there is really no need to be so anxious ~ I will give you enough sense of ceremony, but you also have to be clear, the one who was suppressed and beaten by you , I have no rhythm, I have no time to build your dream city for you..." I remind you a little bit about the last sentence.

But not too much.

"Does everyone have the freedom she deserves~"

I'm going to be the best man again, please take a leave~

ps: There will be no update today.

I went as the best man and didn't bring my computer, so I should be able to go home tomorrow night.

But not many people pay attention to the landlord, haha.

But let's mix it up and stick to 100 million words.

take a leave~ take a leave~ take a leave~ take a leave~ take a leave~ take a leave~ take a leave~ take a leave~ take a leave~

Chapter 263 It's Excusable~(1/)

After seeing off Mu Zhiqing, I went back to the room, and Muhuang stood up with a little difficulty to look at me.

"Where did you go just now? Liar, what a bad thing, you locked the door and escaped~? You have to make me angry when I'm uncomfortable? What are you and Mu Zhiqing doing outside?" Mu Huang grabbed me, Naturally, there are doubts.

"No, I told her a few words...and let her go home."

"It's already three or four o'clock now, shouldn't she go back after eating? Was it on purpose? Waiting for you outside? She really has a crush on you, and she can wait outside for so long..." Of course Muhuang was a little bit Looking at me sourly, I hugged her and asked her to lie down.

"No, the relationship between us is not bad, not to mention Mu Zhiqing has always been on your side..."

"Nonsense! Standing here with me, she should avoid suspicion. How can she be like this? She did it on purpose to make me uncomfortable... secretly wanting to develop a bad relationship with you. If she doesn't restrain herself, I'm sure I'm going to inform you, hum!" Mu Huang snorted coldly.

My heart is naturally dark, no matter whether Muhuang's current attitude is showing his true feelings or not, the relationship between the two of them will really only get worse.

The better Mu Zhiqing treats Mu Huang, the slightest indifference afterwards becomes a crime.

People are always greedy, and some jokes will become serious when they are opened.

Of course, this is not something that happens overnight, if I show too much that I want to divide her and Mu Zhiqing, then Mu Huang will definitely understand...

It should be a subtle liking that is superficial but not so clear.

Mu Zhiqing couldn't even give a proper definition, she didn't even think about it herself.

Her narrow skirt is really seductive, but she also has countless instigations in her heart. Now, she can only congratulate her, Mu Zhiqing has a hard time no matter what.

Moreover, our current vague ambiguity will not completely tear our face apart, so that we can continue to have a sense of freshness for each other, and it will not suddenly cause Mu Zhiqing to go crazy and fall ill like Mu Huang, wanting to take it by force .

"Whistleblower... who in the hall is going to sue Mu Zhiqing?" I smiled. With Mu Zhiqing in an absolutely dominant position, whistleblowers and public opinion can't break her at all, let alone these are double-edged swords. Mu Huang doesn't care. To be so stupid as to spread the word about me and Mu Zhiqing all over the world... It's very speculative in the first place.

"You...Jiang Yue...I'm seriously asking you, do you like her or not?" Of course, Mu Huang's eyes were not too fierce at this time, she just looked at me flickeringly, and spoke very softly.

"I like it, but it's more about appreciation. After all, she is really different to me. Although she cheats on me time and time again, I really don't have a temper... She is different, but I just try it after all. If you don’t have the taste, you have a wife~”

"You are really perfunctory and lying..."

"You're on your period, I don't need to be mad at you, do I?"

"If you don't say it, aren't you even more angry with me?" Mu Huang was a little anxious, and I don't know what she was anxious about, just kidding, I know that once Mu Zhiqing joins, it means that she cannot be removed, and it is also a permanent version. the son of.

Even more powerful than Gu Ling, and more importantly, Mu Zhiqing and I fell in love. The most intuitive thing for Mu Huang is that Mu Zhiqing's care has been reduced by half, and my care has also been reduced by half, and they are all given to each other.

"I said it, I like it, the conclusion is that I like it, no matter how I explain it, I have tireless thoughts about Mu Zhiqing, so this is all I can say."

"Oh, then don't accompany me, go find her, work tirelessly, oh, just right, I can sleep in peace."

"Stop making trouble, can you sleep peacefully after I'm gone?"

"Of course? You're next to me, I'm not happy watching you, and I'm thinking of other women in my heart, I'm so sick! It's hard to breathe." Muhuang lay in my arms angrily, Of course she didn't want me to go.

"Silly wife..."

"Why would I find someone like you? Really, knowing that you are so passionate, even Mu Zhiqing won't let you go. How did I make the decision..." Mu Huang shook helplessly. Shake your head.

"Who knows, there are so many things that are predestined." I chuckled, knowing that Mu Huang couldn't lose her temper at this time.

"you really are…"

"What soup do you want to drink tonight? Shall I make it for you?"

"I don't want to drink anything~"

"Must, it's not a question of whether you want it or not..." Of course I spared no effort in taking care of Mu Huang.

However, she did recover quickly. At noon the next day, she sweated, and she went to take a bath, and her condition began to recover visibly. The sickness and lack of strength disappeared, and she began to take Flipping through my phone.

The condition is good, before going back to the company, she pretended to glance at Mu Zhiqing on my V letter, she looked careless, but quickly tapped the virtual keyboard twice.

"miss you."

I personally think that Mu Zhiqing should not be fooled by this woman's old-fashioned fishing methods. My communication with her is basically on the phone.

"? Is Mu Huang feeling better? Did you take good care of her last night?" She seemed...didn't notice?But it's normal, just a word, it's excusable~

I whispered, "What are you doing... Take your phone back~ stop making trouble."

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