Camilla smiled and said: "You said, since the Necromancer is gone, how about we go to occupy the magpie's nest and rob its territory, how about being the king of the mountain?"

Opal's eyes lit up immediately: "This is good!"

"Go!" Camilla waved excitedly: "Let's open a branch of a yoga club!"

Chapter 180 Six Bestowed

Camilla was very excited and felt that she had found a way to get rich.In the future, if she has tens of thousands of employees, wouldn't she be able to gain experience points every minute while lying on the bed?

But before Camilla had time to put it into practice, she suddenly thought of a problem.

With her strength, it is true that other low-level demons can be terrified, but... after all, demons are not demons.It is easy to make demons fearful, but it is as difficult as heaven to make demons obedient. After all, the nature of demons is chaotic and violent. Camilla herself sometimes has difficulty resisting that chaotic tendency, so how can she ask others to obey her? demon?

If those demons can't carry out her orders, then how does her great career of lying down and eating experience start?

Relying solely on the deterrence of force will only make the demons flee.

The soul demon can become the lord because this kind of demon is not only powerful, but also has a deep understanding of the nature of the bottomless abyss, and can even help other demons complete their evolution.Coercion and lure were used together, and the demons were barely united, but what about her?What is she going to do again?

Camilla rubbed her chin, meditating silently, when a system prompt popped up in front of her eyes:

【Your subordinates are offering sacrifices to you! 】

[You have gained 600 experience points! 】


With a thought in her heart, Camilla hurried to the side, found a location with a beautiful view, and raised her hand to smooth her hair.The next moment, a vortex of green flames formed, and on the opposite side of the vortex, the images of Titubas and others could be vaguely seen—a group of wolves were far away, looking wary.

Camilla laughed and said, "It seems that you didn't mispronounce your real names this time."

"Master, master..." Titubas stepped forward with some embarrassment.

Camilla nodded slightly and looked at her: "Just you? Where's Claudia?"

"Earlier today, she left with her mother. This time, I presided over the sacrifice." Titubas said nervously: "Compared to last time, the sacrifice is a bit worse... ..”

"It's okay, it's not a big problem." Camilla raised her eyebrows and said, "Claudia walked so fast and didn't say hello to me..."

Titubas opened his mouth, wanting to say, "Claudia seems to be angry with you", but when he got to the point of his mouth, he felt like he was talking behind his back, so he held back.She hesitated for a moment, and said with some embarrassment: "Master, Ms. Claudia reminded us that the one wandering in the nearby valley might be a Shadow Demon... We can't deal with a Shadow Demon... ..”

Camilla raised her eyebrows, and said in a subtle tone: "Shadow Demon..."

She really wanted to get a shadow demon to be her follower, but now she doesn't care at all.At the beginning, I wanted to find a Shadow Demon just to deal with the Berserk Demon, but her strength grew too fast, and before I knew it, the Berserk Demon had become a small character that could be easily killed, and those previous thoughts naturally disappeared. .

Camilla smiled and said, "Don't worry about the safety of the camp, I just wanted to introduce a new friend to you."

She walked quickly towards Fargus: "Master!"

"I'm coming!"

Fargus's head jumped up on the ground with some excitement, and leaned in front of the green flame vortex: "Yo? Is this the world of Golarion?"

It was full of interest, lying on the green flame vortex, peeking out its eyes vigorously.The jackals couldn't tell the difference between Faggus and the previous Vegamo, they only knew that they both looked terrifying and had a dragon head, so when they saw it, the camp immediately cried for their father and mother, and many The jackal twitched in fright, and fell back straight.

Titubas' calves were also trembling, and he almost failed to stand still.The hair on her body exploded, but she still managed not to run away, and said nervously: "Master, this?"

"A fungal abyss dragon." Camilla laughed and said, "Will you arrange a summoning ceremony? Later, you can hold a summoning ceremony to summon Master Faggus."

Titubas' knowledge level is limited, and he doesn't really know what a fungal abyss dragon is.But since the name contains the word "dragon", it is obviously not a mortal thing.She was a little scared in her heart, shrank her neck, and said cautiously: "When Ms. Claudia was summoning, I was there to help...but compared to Ms. Claudia, I.....not very good at..."

"I can teach you, it's not difficult." Fargus suddenly interjected: "I'll tell you the part of my real name that is used for summoning, and then you do as I say..."

It succinctly describes the ritual of calling otherworldly creatures, and then mentions in passing how to restrain, bind and expel them.Camilla was stunned listening to it, and after it finished speaking, she said in amazement: "Master, do you still understand this?"


Fargus said modestly: "Master is a Druid after all. Apart from transforming, he is better at summoning, so I learned a little bit by the way."

Opal hesitated to speak, and pursed his mouth unhappily.

She is the master of summoning... In this regard, she obviously has the most say.

Titubas half understood: "I... I'll take a pen and write it down!"

"Don't remember!"

Fargus said solemnly: "It is impossible for a human to learn such a complicated thing! I have been studying with the master for three years and I can't remember it clearly! Three years, three full years! So I discovered later that the key is not memory , but instead...."

Fargus looked deeply, and said in a magnetic broadcasting voice with correct words: "Use your heart, feel it!"

Titubas showed shock: "Is this so?"

"That's how it is!" said Fargus, whose intelligence was only 7 points.

Camilla smiled and said, "Titubas, how long will it take for your side to prepare for the summoning ceremony?"

Titubas thought for a while and gritted his teeth: "The earliest...tonight!"

"Okay." Camilla said: "You don't have to worry too much. After you start the ceremony at your side, I will also help you here, and I can relieve you a little burden."

Titubas nodded repeatedly, and opened his mouth again, looking hesitant to speak.

Camilla smiled and said, "What's the matter? What else is there?"

Titubas gritted his teeth, as if it was difficult to speak, and after a while, he finally said: "Master, I heard that some powerful demons can use rituals to give believers strength...I, I I also want to ask the master to grant me strength!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her ears trembled uneasily, her shoulders shrank slightly, and she said cautiously: "Please forgive my offense... just a little bit..."

Camilla couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Titubas really posed a problem for her... She actually didn't know anything about these things, but Titubas said, "A powerful demon can do it", so if she said she couldn't, wouldn't she be Slap yourself in the face?

Camilla hated secretly. Although Titubas was diligent, she was really not very good at talking sometimes, which made her feel a little bit embarrassed all of a sudden.Camilla rolled her eyes, thinking about how to deal with this matter, when a prompt popped up on her retina:

【Your subordinate is asking for a gift. 】

[You can transfer part of the experience points gained from this sacrifice to your subordinates through the ceremony. 】

Camilla was taken aback for a moment: "...Huh?"

With a thought, she simply allocated all the [-] experience points gained from this sacrifice to Titubas, and then wanted to continue to distribute her own experience points to Titubas, but found that it was not possible, Titubas did not It is not the [subordinates] she subdued with her leadership, she cannot directly give Titubas the empowerment, and what she can bestow seems to be only the experience points obtained from the [-] sacrifice points.

In this case.....

Camilla felt ecstasy in her heart, wishing she could hug Titubas and kiss her hard.Really sleepy sent up the pillow!

In the field of vision of the jackals, the offerings on the altar suddenly exploded, and a deep abyss of fire suddenly rose up, and then slammed towards Titubas!The jackals yelled in horror, and rushed to the side. Titubas was also startled, but before she had time to leave, the abyss of fire sank into her body.

An indescribable feeling surged through her body.Titubas's heart shook, and he looked at himself in disbelief, vaguely feeling that a vigorous force in his body was growing, as if it had reached a certain critical point.

Titubas was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses, and said sincerely: "Thank you, master!"

[Titubas requests to be your follower! 】

A system prompt popped up in front of her eyes, and Camilla was relieved.After such a long time, I finally let you return to my heart, right...

She smiled and clicked the OK button with her thoughts, registered Titubas in her leadership list, and said, "You're welcome."

She knew how to win over those demons.

Chapter 180 VII Mage Sanctuary

After the communication was over, Camilla looked at Fargus, a little bit troubled.

Fargus currently has only one head left, has limited mobility, and is... too big.

This head is bigger than her whole body, and it might not be easy to take Fargus with her.

Camilla thought for a while: "Opal, prepare for the flying technique of the third ring."

"Ah?" Opal was stunned for a moment: "Then give me some time to adjust the spell!"

She knows the flying technique of the third ring, but she has never used it.

Camilla suddenly thought that she just had to upgrade Opal, so she asked, "Opal, do you have spells with four rings in your spell book?"

Mage and Warlock are different.Warlocks can automatically obtain new spells from their blood when they level up, but mages cannot. If they want to learn new spells, they have to buy scrolls or albums and copy the spells into their own spell books. copy papers".In the abyss, there is obviously no place to buy scrolls, so if there is no four-ring spell on Opal's tree, then Camilla will not upgrade her for the time being.

"Yes!" Opal held up his two little poached eggs proudly: "The highest level of magic is five!"

"Okay." Camilla raised her hand and touched Opal's forehead, and began to impart the power empowerment. More than 30 experience points were poured in, and Opal's enchantment level was raised to level 7 in one breath, unlocking the ability to cast spells with four rings.

Opal was ignorant, and felt a vague understanding in his mind. Many spell structures that were too complicated to understand in the past were solved at this moment.Opal glanced at his master in bewilderment, thinking, I'll be enlightened just by touching my head like this?

"Anyway, you have to meditate, so let's prepare the spells of the four rings by the way." Camilla laughed and said, "Will there be a sanctuary for the four rings?"

Opal spread out the spell book and looked for it carefully: "Yes!"

"Okay." Camilla nodded and said, "Shelter and Level [-] Monster Summoning, you should prepare these two spells."

"Okay." Opal nodded yes, and began to sit down and meditate.Camilla has nothing to do, and because her wings are gone, she can't fly, and her mobility is greatly reduced, so she can only draw circles on the ground boringly.

After about an hour, Opal finally finished his meditation.She stretched out her hand, touched Fagus's head, and cast the flying spell. Fagus suddenly floated up, and said in surprise, "I can fly again?"

Camilla smiled and said, "Opal, give me a flying spell, and then push Master, let's go."

The two succubi flew for a while with Faggus's head in their hands, and finally arrived at the site of the soul demon.

The cave where the soul demon originally lived was half destroyed by Camilla's sound wave dragon breath, and several delusional demons were fighting for magic equipment in the ruins.Camilla flew over angrily, aroused the power of blood rage, and knocked those delusional demons to the ground with one punch: "Don't grab it! It's all mine!"

One of the delusional demons seemed to be a little stronger than the rest of the same race. After being knocked down, it immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards Camilla with a howl.

Instead of being annoyed, Camilla was pleasantly surprised: "I'm just worried that I can't find someone to make a move!"

She slammed and knocked out the demon, then looked at the other demons, and said: "I will judge that the soul demon is gone, and I will be the boss here, do you understand?"

The delusional demons opened their eyes wide, looked at her in horror, and nodded repeatedly.

Although demons always give people the impression that they are simple-minded and willing to do anything, they are actually crazy but not stupid. They cherish their own lives very much, and they are very good at bullying the weak and fearing the hard.In the face of a demon stronger than oneself, surrender is as natural as breathing.

Camilla threatened first, and then hypnotized with suggestion, and took down a few delusional demons without much effort.When she asked, she found out that when the spirit demon came out to hunt her down, he basically brought out all the more reliable small hilltop demons under him, and then... met the fungus queen, the group wiped out.

Right now, this unnamed mountain range can be said to have no master.Knowing that their strength is not enough to become a lord who dominates one side, these few delusional demons have no interest in ruling. Mira caught it straight.

Camilla nodded and said, "You guys, go and bring over other demons, the more the better, come here to see me later."

Under the effect of the hint technique, several delusional demons were loyal and left in a hurry.

Opal stared at those delusional demons, as if feeling inexplicably in danger, and before Camilla could urge him, he worked hard to cast Mage Sanctuary.The rocks on the ground flew up one by one, deformed and combined under the power of magic, and after a while, a hut made of rocks appeared on the spot.

The hut is about forty to fifty square meters. There is a door and windows on three sides. The doors and windows are firmly closed by [secret locks] and can only be opened through a password. There is also a chimney on the roof. The fence and the outside of the hut are surrounded by a circle of [magic alarm], which will make a sound if it is accidentally touched by an outsider.

Camilla walked into the house, the ground was clean and tidy, and there was an [Invisible Servant] wandering in the house, waiting for orders like a loyal butler.

There is a living room and two bedrooms in the house. There is a small fireplace in the living room, which is connected to the chimney and can be used to light a fire for warmth.There are also some simple furniture in the house - a long square table, six chairs and two soft big beds.

The power of magic is magic...

Satisfied, Camilla threw herself on the bed and rolled vigorously, feeling lazy all over.

All her life, since she was born, she has always slept on the floor, and now she threw herself on the bed, almost unable to walk.

Opal flew in through the window cautiously: "Master, is it alright?"

"Very good." Camilla embraced the cloud-like soft quilt in her arms, rolled, and flicked her tail lazily: "It's good to have a mage by my side..."

The third ring of the mage can cast the refuge hut, which is a translucent circular force field. The fourth ring can create a shelter that is no different from an ordinary house, and the duration is extremely long. Almost a spell can last for a day, and it is cast in one day Once, at the seventh ring, he could create a mage's mansion in a different dimension, and at the eighth ring, he could create a piece of demiplane, and set the environment of the demiplane according to his own wishes.

Just like the Creator.

"That's good..." Opal seemed to relax a little bit, but he didn't know what to say, so he flew out of the window, and then squatted on a rock with some sadness.


Fargus' voice suddenly sounded softly.Opal followed the prestige vigilantly, and saw Fargus's big head bouncing on the ground twice, looking at her, his eyes revealed a sense of wisdom that sees through the world.

It said: "You seem very disturbed. If you have anything to say, you might as well talk to me."


Opal was very vigilant, his shoulders shrank, and his first reaction was to run away.But for some reason, Fargus' eyes seemed to carry a convincing power. Opal hesitated for a while, then slowly let go of his guard, and said, "I don't understand..."

With her head down, she briefly recounted what happened in the Fungus Queen's Cave, and said, "I pulled out that arrow..."

"I see." Fargus said with a smile: "You feel that these crises are all because of you, right?"

"Hmm..." Opal was dejected, and pursed his lips: "Is that so."

Fargus said again: "You are afraid."

Opal's tail flicked a little uneasily.She pursed her lips, twitched for a while, and said, "I'm really scared...I think I'm getting more scared. If there was no master, I would have died. But...but... I don't understand, I don't understand...Master, why did you save me?"

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