"Stop, stop, stop!"

Camilla covered her head: "Enough is enough, I have heard enough! You elves are really hopeless... No, although I do hope that you can open your heart to me, but you don't have to Open up the bra too...don't pull me!!"


Elf Town, Alabaster.

In the twilight, with a long howl, Peridon slowly landed in front of the statue of the intoxicating bee goddess Kalistria.Facing the majesty of the gods, even this presumptuous evil beast restrained its fierce power, lowered its head, and showed an expression of awe.

Sarai weakly slipped off Peridon's back, half kneeling on the ground, and couldn't even stand up for a while.Several priests hurried out from the temple, helped her up, and said, "Master Sarai, what's wrong with you?"

"Heal me..."

Sarai was extremely exhausted: "Restoration..."

Most of her vitality was taken away by the succubi, leaving only a very weak trace. The simple thing of riding Pelidon all the way back almost exhausted her strength, leaving her exhausted, her heart was pounding. His chest throbbed weakly, as if he might die suddenly at any moment.

The priests quickly helped her into the temple.After a few recovery spells, the severely depleted vitality was gradually replenished. Shalei took a few deep breaths, and gradually recovered her state.

She raised her head and looked at the tall statue standing in the temple. Ms. Intoxicating Bee lowered her head and looked at her with half gentle, half playful eyes.


Sarai closed her eyes and prayed devoutly.

There was silence in the air.The gods will not care about every little thing in the mortal world all the time, but people will find the answer for themselves from the heart.

Sarai's expression gradually became firm.

Yalanda is still in the hands of the succubus, and she must rescue Yalanda.

The succubus seemed to attach great importance to the demon next to her. According to her, as long as Yalanda treated the demon honestly, she would let Yalanda go.

It sounds good.However, demons are demons after all.Over tens of thousands of years, these creatures have proven themselves to be cunning, changeable, and shameless, disbelieving every word that comes out of their mouths.

The integrity of the succubus cannot be expected.She has to be prepared.

Do you go directly to your superiors for help?

No, no.The main members of the Demon Tribunal are Drunken Bee believers like her. Shalai knows best the virtues of her fellow believers.Drunken bee is passionate, so it is also the most ruthless. In order to achieve the goal, other believers absolutely don't mind sacrificing a few of their companions.

She can only figure it out on her own.

Sara's five fingers clenched slowly.


The face of the female elf flashed in her mind.Thinking of the priest who was still deeply trapped in the hands of the devil, Shalei felt like a bleeding wound had opened deep in her heart.

Chapter 70 Demon May Cry

"So tired."

It was night again, and in the refuge hut, Camilla put her hands on her head and said, "The followers of Drunk Bee are too scary, I can't bear it."

Claudia glanced at her coldly: "I think you are obviously enjoying it."

"Nonsense, how could..." Camilla pouted aggrievedly, and suddenly rolled her eyes: "Are you jealous?"

Claudia laughed disdainfully: "What weird things are you talking about?"

Camilla looked at her with interest: "Do you know what you look like now? It's like the eldest daughter who sees the second daughter competing for favor at home, so she has a petty temper with her mother."

Claudia's face flushed instantly, and she clenched her fist subconsciously: "You..."

Claudia took a deep breath, and her breathing calmed down again: "Huh..."

Camilla laughed loudly, flicked her tail dexterously behind her, and said, "Think about it. Tomorrow that priest will be able to heal you with the recovery technique, and your injuries will be healed. How about it?" , are you happy?"

Claudia fell silent and looked away.

After a while, she gave a soft "hmm".

shy.Camilla thought.

She asked again: "Did that druid tell you something when I went to the forest to fiddle with the scroll of the wishing spell?"

Claudia was silent for a while, and said: "He said...he will come here, and half of the reason is because of me."

Kalec said something to her: A lone star will not know where it hangs in the sky.

This is one of Desna's mottos.

When Desna's followers doubt their own ways, they are reminded that a lone star cannot understand their role in the wonderful harmony of heaven.Even if you are alone and your heart is toward the light, you will still be accompanied by stars when you walk.

The goddess never gave up on her.

Claudia lowered her eyelids, and couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart for a moment.Perhaps moved, or ashamed.

Camilla didn't speak, just reached out and patted her leg.Claudia looked up and saw Camilla showing a childish smile and winking at her mysteriously.

Claudia was taken aback.The girlish face of the succubus, with a bit of natural charm in its purity, made her stunned for a moment, as if she had been charmed.

It took Claudia a long time to come back to her senses. For some reason, she became a little shy, and moved her gaze away imperceptibly, and said, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay." Camilla said with a smile: "I just saw you in a daze, and I want you to talk to me."

Claudia curled her lips and said, "There is something I really have to report to you. It's about those goblins."

Camilla's body moved on the ground and moved a little closer: "Details."

Claudia said: "I counted the goblin tribe. Originally, the total number of goblins exceeded 100, but more than 320 died in the previous scuffle, and some of them went to unknown places. The total number of goblins left is There are 20 seven, in addition to twelve goblin snakes and more than [-] goblin dogs."

Camilla nodded and said, "The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong."

Claudia continued: "I don't know if it's because the goblin bear worships demons, but many goblins, especially newborns, show the characteristics of scorched skin."

"... Burnt skin?"


Claudia said: "Scorched skin is a common mutation among goblins. The hair of this kind of goblin is more flammable, but the skin is resistant to flames and is not easy to be burned by fire. I will go and listen to me. My mother said that some scorched goblins would set themselves on fire, and then use their burning bodies to grab others. When they burned, the blood and saliva they sprayed were as hot as hot oil."


Camilla's eyes lit up slightly: "It sounds really powerful."

"Yes." Claudia nodded and said, "If those scorched goblins can be trained, they will be a very good monster army, stronger than jackals and lizards."

"Hmm..." Camilla thought about it carefully, and said, "But I always feel that there is no use for it..."

She said: "Look, if we really want to fight now, didn't we also do it ourselves?"

Claudia froze for a moment, and asked cautiously, "Are you... plan to do it yourself every time in the future?"

Camilla originally wanted to talk nonsense, because she has experience points!

But after thinking about it, it was impossible for her to stay in the Twisted Thorn Forest for a long time.Lady Redemption, the former Succubus Queen Nocticus, gave her an oracle to "Go to Varisia", and she had to leave sooner or later.At that time, once she leaves, she really has to leave some reliable combat power for her subordinates.

Camilla then said: "Then who do you think will be responsible for training the goblins?"

Claudia said: "Those goblin snakes are smarter and familiar with goblin temperament. It would be better to entrust this task to them. But goblin snakes are treacherous and slippery by nature. Taking my orders too seriously. So..."

Camilla laughed: "I know, I still have to do it."


The night gradually darkened, but the Twisted Thorn Forest gradually became active, and there were countless monsters fighting in the darkness.

The vicinity of the small Gnoll camp was fairly quiet. As the sorceress entered into deep meditation, the refuge cabin was so quiet that only the slight sound of breathing could be heard for a while.

After another moment, thunder suddenly rumbled across the sky, and the heavy rain came suddenly, pouring the whole world into a drowned chicken.

Camilla slowly opened her eyes, the pupils were like a beam of flame that suddenly danced in the darkness.She turned her back to Claudia, pricked up her ears, and listened carefully to the thunder and rain outside, and couldn't fall asleep for a while.

It's not that I'm afraid of thunder.

The refuge hut is a realistic environment. The walls composed of magic force fields can resist the wind and rain outside, and can also absorb noise. No matter how scary the thunder is, after entering this small space, it will be as soft as a lullaby.Besides, she is a demon... Demons are immune to magical lightning damage, and they are also extremely resistant to naturally formed lightning.

Camilla was suddenly a little upset.

The "Divine Comedy" says that no matter how much Lucifer indulges in carnival during the day, he will still burst into tears at night, remembering that he was once God's favorite.

But is Lucifer crying because of remorse?

Maybe not, Camilla thought.

It's because of loneliness.

The feeling of loneliness is like a surging tide, suddenly chasing up from behind, like walking barefoot on the beach, suddenly feeling the waves enveloping from all directions, submerging the ankles.

Her body belongs to the devil, but her soul does not. Part of her soul does not even belong to this world, but a wanderer from outside the crystal wall system and unable to return home.

She laughs, dances, fights, and fills up her time with all kinds of messy fantasies during the day, but in the dead of night, the loneliness and loneliness that follow her everywhere quietly catch up.

Goddess Desna seems to be paying close attention to her. Priest Yalanda has an unexplainable enthusiasm for her because she is the reincarnation of the commander. Kalei sent a mythical wish specially made by a teammate in her previous life. ... There are many people around her, but she doesn't feel much joy. There is a thread that connects her with all these, and that thread is called "my previous life".

The thought made her more irritable.

A past life was a past life, and Camilla was Camilla.

She didn't want to always shrink under the sculpture of her glorious past life, she wanted to have something of her own.

But what exactly does she want?

do not know.

Ms. Succubus folded her wings and asked herself, but she could only feel an unfillable emptiness in her heart, as deep as the universe.She tossed and turned, and after a long time, she suddenly realized that she was crying silently.

Camilla thought to herself: So the devil also shed tears?

Chapter 71 Change me quickly!

In fact, the devil doesn't need to sleep very much. The reason why she maintains a good habit of sleeping every day is mainly to take care of the part of her instincts that come from mortals.

Camilla walked out of the refuge hut without a sound, and what greeted her was thunder rumbling through the sky.

It was raining heavily outside the hut.

The shabby huts of the wolf men could not stop the storm, and the entire camp was awakened. Titubas ran anxiously in the heavy rain, and directed the people to take shelter under the nearby trees. A group of wolf men were drenched Like drowned chickens, they hugged each other tremblingly, relying on each other's body temperature for warmth.

Titubas was drenched by the heavy rain and sneezed hard.

Camilla walked over, spread her wings, and covered her head like an awning.

"Aren't you going to hide from the rain?"

Camilla laughed: "I don't want the manager of our camp to fall ill for such a stupid reason."

"Mistress..." Titubas lowered his head.Camilla waved her hand and said, "It's alright, alright, my ears are getting calluses from shouting all day long."

She said seriously: "Call me the boss from now on!"

Titubas hesitated for a moment, and said the word that was unfamiliar to her: "Boss, boss?"

Camilla thought about it, and felt that shouting like this was both unpleasant and not domineering, and her tail drooped listlessly: "Forget it, let's call me master. No, call it whatever you like."

"Uh..." Titubas opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Camilla looked around, and from a distance, she saw the female priest Yalanda squatting on the ground, covering her head with an umbrella among the leaves, looking at her resentfully, with a smile on her face. Evil smile.

She and Titubas walked under a nearby tree, then looked up at the sky.

Due to the infestation of the magic power of the abyss, there is almost no gentle wind and light rain in the Twisted Thorn Forest. The sudden storm at night came suddenly and violently. The slanting raindrops fluttered in the wind and passed through the gaps in the leaves. Well, the cover above the head doesn't do much at all, because the raindrops are shot from almost all directions, so hiding from the rain is actually just a psychological comfort.

Titubas was shivering from the cold, and tremblingly said: "I, I will, I will ask the clansmen to make the house more carefully!"

As a demon, Camilla has cold resistance, so of course she is not afraid of the cold, but she is a little annoyed by the rain that continuously slaps her body.She flicked her tail and said, "Have you never encountered this kind of rain before?"

"Yes, there is..."

Titubas put his hands in front of his body timidly, looking like a guilty dog: "Our tribe used to only build nests outside the Twisted Thorn Forest, and didn't really I went deep into the jungle...outside the jungle, there are occasional heavy rains like this, but usually not so sudden, and the tribe has built huts to hide from the rain..."

She seemed to realize something, and shrank her neck: "Ah, master, I'm not talking about you..."

Camilla smiled helplessly: "It's really my fault. I made you move suddenly."

Titubas was a little afraid to speak, and looked at her timidly.

Camilla became increasingly bored.

Titubas did not appear on her leadership list for a long time, because Titubas actually feared her, not really convinced her.As for those jackals, lizards, etc., some are afraid of her, and some are convinced, but the main reason is that her intelligence is low and her mind is simple, so she has a tiger body... Bah, her delicate body shook, and she immediately subdued her .

Camilla thought to herself that the reason why she chose [Leadership] as her first specialty instead of anything else was because of the principle of three gangs for one hero.In the world of Golarion, legendary adventurers may also capsize in the gutter. No matter how perfect the character bulid is, fighting alone is definitely not as good as teamwork, so she wants to get a few teammates to help her.

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