Destroy the power of the curse, destroying this prop...

Camilla's eyelids twitched twice, and she put away the golden buds with some distress - when Opal recovered later, she could perform a repair technique to repair the damage on it.But then she didn't dare to continue using it.

She stroked her tail again.The tail thorn was only partly polished, most of the place was still sharp, and it cut her finger a little carelessly.

What are you going to do next, take a nap and wait for your spell slot to recover tomorrow?

Today's battle density is indeed a bit exaggerated, it is even more outrageous than that of Trija Altman who played three games a day, she is indeed a little tired.Camilla then stretched herself and lay down on the ground. Just as she closed her eyes, she suddenly heard a huge dragon roar.

The roaring sound shook the sky.

Camilla jumped up in shock, and walked out of the cave where she was hiding, and saw the figure of a giant dragon floating up into the sky, with its wings spread, casting a mountain-like shadow.

It's Fargus!

Every time the fungal dragon flaps its wings, it will set off a shock wave like air waves, causing the trees on the ground to fall and shake, undulating like ocean waves.In just a few seconds, the "wave line" of the plant moved forward, and the shadow shrouded it. When Camilla looked up, she saw Fargus' scarlet eyes.

"It is you."

Fargus sneered, squeezed a pair of dragon claws, and made a crunching sound: "Master wants me to catch you back..."

Camilla said nervously: "Master? What's wrong with you! Be sober!"

It flew down from the sky, bringing with it a strong wind of Shenxiong!

Camilla's heart skipped a beat, she immediately spread her wings and flew out close to the ground!

The dragon groaned leisurely, like a cat playing with its prey.It flapped its wings, hovered in the air, watched Camilla's escape without slowing down, estimated her landing point slightly, and then flew straight down.


Like a penetrating bomb.Under the dive of the giant dragon, the supposedly hard ground turned out to be as fragile as a block of tofu. Circle after circle of ripples spread from the ground, and the earth and rocks were shaken to become crisp and shattered. Afterwards, Dust clouds like hills soared into the sky!

Tens of meters around, the entire piece of land was almost turned upside down, and the trees fell on the ground in all directions, as if a hurricane passed by, uprooted the entire forest, and then threw it on the ground indiscriminately.At the center of the shock wave, an astonishing crater exploded on the ground, and the fungus dragon erected its long snake-like neck, showing a slightly confused look.


Its pounce speed is as fast as thunder, the whole process is completed instantly in less than a second, and the killing range is extremely large. Normally speaking, it is absolutely impossible for the succubus to escape this catastrophe, but for some reason, in the When it was about to fall to the ground, the succubus suddenly disappeared...Fargus narrowed his dragon-like vertical eyes, and there was a sense of horror in the back of his head.

It turned its head quickly, and saw Camilla's wings spread, hovering in mid-air, holding a small Starlight Arrow in her hand.

At that moment just now, she first instantly cast her advanced teleportation technique, flashed directly behind Fargus, and then pulled out the midnight arrow.


Camilla threw the arrow out.

She didn't have a bow in her hand, so she could only use the small arrow as a simple throwing weapon.But the second-class artifact is worthy of the name of "artifact". The moment it was thrown, it sensed the extremely strong evil aura from Fargus, and it actually aroused by itself, and a ray of starlight traversed the sky!

The dragon scales on Fargus' body stood up, and he leaned back, trying to dodge.

But the midnight arrow is sure to hit.

There was no suspense at all, the arrow was nailed into the top of its head, and the impact made Faggus subconsciously lean back, and his huge head swung backward like a pendulum.

Camilla was terrified, quickly distanced herself, and stared at the dragon cautiously.

Although Midnight Arrow is a surefire arrow, but after all, she doesn't have the relevant bow and arrow expertise to support her. She just throws the arrow out, and the damage must be very scraping... and the arrow inserted on the Fungus Queen is relatively small, You can tell at a glance that it is not the same model as the giant arrow on Fargus' head, and I don't know if it will work...

If it doesn't work, she'll have to slip away.She is determined not to be able to handle a furious legendary monster.

The red light in the fungal dragon's eye slowly dissipated.

It slowly straightened its head, looking a little confused, with a fierce expression for a while, and a calm expression for a while.

Frightened, Camilla took out the [Strong Binding Necklace] and transformed it into a giant tree vine more than four meters long.She hugged the giant tree vine in her arms, approached the fungus dragon as if she was holding a giant stick, then aimed at the dragon's head, and slowly raised the stick...

Master, if you are obsessed with ghosts, let me wake you up!

This trick is called to lightly wake up the sleeping soul!

Camilla gathered all her strength, raised her arms up, and knocked down with a stick!

"Don't, don't!"

The fungus dragon exclaimed, and quickly twisted its neck to avoid her knock: "It's me! It's me!"

"Master?!" Camilla said in surprise, "Master, are you back?"


Fargus hesitated to speak, with a look of shame on his face, and sighed.

Camilla turned the tree vine back into a necklace and put it away, asking, "What's the matter?"

Fargus lay on the ground, and said sullenly: "I thought I would be able to defeat the demon, but unexpectedly, I am the demon..."

It covered its eyes with its hands, and said painfully: "I am fake... Even my existence depends on the divine power on this arrow."

Camilla smiled and said, "Master, why bother about what is true or not."

"How can you not care!"

Fargus was a little angry, but that anger lasted less than a moment, and soon turned into melancholy.Heartbroken, it raked a small hole on the ground with its dragon claws, buried its head in it, and said sullenly, "You don't understand..."

"No, I understand very well."

Camilla flew over and said with a smile: "Master, have you ever heard the philosophical speculation on the Ship of Theseus?"

"..." Fargus didn't speak, but his tail stood up, bent into the shape of a question mark.

Camilla told the story of the ship of Theseus, which was constantly changing materials, and said: "Then is the last ship still the original ship? In fact, I think the key is whether it is or not. It’s how people perceive it.”

"I have heard such a philosophical point of view, what is a person? A person is the sum of all social relations. Who are you? This question is not only answered by you, but more importantly, how others treat you. "

She said earnestly: "Master, think about it. In the past, you were trapped in the cage of desire and could not escape. Your master oppressed you, and other weak people feared you and feared you. Did you ever have a friend? But Now you have it, that’s me! In the future, you will leave the abyss, search all the way, do good deeds, and you will know more people, see more things, and make more friends. What we know and recognize is Which you? Of course it's the current you!"

When Camilla said this, she couldn't help but raised her head and sighed slightly.

Why am I not like this.....

Whether it's a god or a comrade in arms in the previous life, people only see her as the reincarnation of the commander.He was once the supreme leader of the crusaders, under the gods, almost the most powerful demigod, and the savior of Golarion.

But under that boundless brilliance, there is still a part that belongs to Camilla.A fragile, small, but stubborn self.

Chapter 170 Four Another Thief

Fargus froze for a moment, then slowly raised his head: "It seems to make sense."

It hesitated again: "But.....I can only rely on divine power to survive. If one day, this arrow is pulled out again..."

Camilla laughed and said, "This arrow came from Eluzalei. Elozalei used to be an outright evil succubus, but one day, under the divine power of Goddess Desna, she found herself again. The goodwill in the soul, so she embarked on the road of redemption, and now she should have overcome her evil nature and completed the sublimation."

She patted Fagus's scales: "Goddess Desna represents freedom, dreams, redemption and liberation. The soul of Erzalei found her own redemption, and because of her arrow, you also awakened yourself, which Maybe it can be regarded as a kind of passing on the torch? In short, master, I believe that as long as you strengthen your beliefs, one day you will be able to turn the fake into the real, and turn this part of you into a completely real self."

Fargus was a little dazed: "Really, really?"

Camilla took the opportunity to whisper: "Come and believe in Desna!"

Goddess Goddess!Look, I've recruited another believer for you!Hurry up and reward me!

I don't want much else, just an artifact that I can use!

Camilla wagged her tail happily, and suddenly had a second thought: Wait a minute, could it be that the arrow was an artifact given to me by the goddess?

Isn't this already used up!

Damn it, you stingy old woman of the stars!

Suddenly there was thunder rolling in the sky, and Camilla was startled, and quickly retracted her preface, patting the goddess' rainbow fart in her heart.After a while, the rumbling thundercloud dissipated, and Camilla exhaled, and asked again: "Master, speaking of it, what happened after you pulled out the arrow? At that time, I seemed to see that you and Your master is fighting?"

Fagus looked ashamed: "After I pulled out the arrow... I instantly returned to my original state without even a trace of resistance. Then... that me, I planned to eat the master directly while he was asleep. "


Camilla was taken aback: "Aren't you an animal companion created by Dai Lin? Can you kill the master?"

"It was originally impossible. There is a strong life connection between the animal companion and the owner. If the owner dies, I will die too. But... it must be because of that arrow." Fargus sighed: " After I drew the arrow, I realized that the connection between myself and my master had been seriously weakened, so I came up with this idea."

It paused for a moment, and said: "Then, the master cleaned me up and asked me to come and catch you all."

Camilla was taken aback: "She knows I stole her treasure?"


Fargus nodded heavily: "The master will take revenge, you have to be careful."

He said again: "Since I came out this time, I won't go back." I flew all the way from the lair, probably only took less than 5 minutes, and at most 10 minutes later, the master will definitely come when he sees that I haven't gone back. Realize it's wrong. "

Camilla turned pale: "Then what should I do?"

"Run! Run farther away!" Fargus said: "The master is a fungus queen transformed from a dead succubus. Although powerful, she is different from a real succubus. She cannot cast high-level teleportation at will, and she is Drew. Hey, the druid's magic table doesn't include advanced teleportation, so it's definitely inferior to you in terms of mobility."

Camilla was slightly relieved, and asked again: "Then master, what do you do? Is your master so fierce?"

There are many druids, but they can't beat their animal companions...

"It's fierce!" Fargus said heartbrokenly: "It's not ordinary! I was not clear-headed at that time, so I thought about fighting my master! You, a young man, have never heard of the fungus back then. The reputation of the queen!"

Camilla hesitated to speak, thinking to herself, this is still not enough to beat Elusale... As expected of my wife in the previous life, she is so fierce!

Fargus said again: "I will run together too! First of all, we must leave this dense forest!"

Druids cannot teleport directly, but instead they can perform [Tree Leap] and [Wood Escape], and can teleport and jump with the help of plants.So if you want to avoid druids, the best way is to find a desert where no birds shit, otherwise druids may run out of nearby trees at any time, just like ghosts.

Camilla nodded: "Then let's go!"

She dragged the opal out of the cave: "Master, would you mind sitting on two people on your back?"

"I don't mind!" Faggus flapped his wings twice: "Let's go!"

Camilla soared into the sky on the dragon, and the whole world shrank under her eyes.She looked around, and there were clusters of poisonous clouds in the sky of the abyss, but demons are generally immune to toxins. After inhaling a mouthful of highly poisonous old haze, Camilla only felt comfortable, clear-headed, and full of strength in her limbs.

Fargus shuttled among the clouds, and suddenly said: "That's right."


Fargus said: "Before my master asked me to catch you, I found it by following the smell. But when I was in the treasure house, I sniffed it carefully. In fact, besides you, there is another smell."

Camilla was startled: "Anyone else?!"

"Yes..." Fargus said deeply, "It is estimated that another thief slipped in before my master woke up."


The succubus Daniela turned into a large Alona flower and swayed up the mountain.

Elona's appearance is similar to the flower fairy in the call, they look like a beautiful woman with light green skin, sitting in a big blooming flower.But the big flower at the bottom is actually Alona's body. As for the beauty at the top, it is actually similar to the monkfish's lantern, which is a means to lure victims into being fooled.The large flower can uproot itself from the ground and move with thick thorny cane whips, resembling a crawling spider.

The soul demon was in the cave on the top of the mountain, and two chaos demons stood at the door like door gods.

Daniela wanted to go in, but was immediately stopped by the two delusional demons.

Daniela said angrily: "I'm going to see the master!"

"Hee hee hee....I'm afraid this won't work." Luanluanmo smiled wickedly and flew around her: "Master is getting angry!"

Another chimed in: "You made it very angry!"

Daniela flinched: "I...I'm here to admit my mistake..."

A delusional demon landed on the petals, came to Daniela, and said with a smile: "That's not okay. The master will not forgive you easily. It just doesn't want to see you. If you want to see it, then unless you …”

With a lustful face, it stretched out its hand to touch Daniela's silky smooth bare back.


Elona's petals closed suddenly, and sharp teeth grew from the petals!The delusion demon screamed, but the petals wriggled and wrapped it in, and after a while, a large amount of blood oozed out from under the petals.The other delusional demon was so frightened that its souls froze, and it fled into the cave: "Kill the demon—"

boom--! ! !

Shen Xiong's strong wind howled out, and the slap of the Luanmo was directly sent flying, and all the bones in his body were broken.With a gloomy pig face, Judgment Soul Demon strode out and stared at her.

The petals burst open.Daniela shrunk her head and sat in the center of the petals, lowered her head, and said cautiously: "Master...I...I found a lot of treasures before..."

The clumps of vines she collected at the root spread out, and each vine held a weapon like an arm, or hung necklaces, talismans, headdresses and other things, and the rays of light from clusters of magical and strange objects complemented each other, It's almost blinding.

Chapter 170 Sustainability

Camilla and the fungus dragon flew for a long time, leaving the dense forest far away. Halfway through, Camilla suddenly felt a slight throbbing.

There is no alternation of the sun and the moon in the abyss, but the tides of the chaotic ocean will ebb and flow. Each ebb and flow has a cycle of about one day, but it is not necessarily completely accurate. Deviations of several hours are common.When the tide of chaos surges, all the demons in the abyss will have a feeling of new life and power recovery, and many demons will even start to evolve uncontrollably at this moment.

Camilla closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and felt a surge of vitality in her body.

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