And now the most likely channel to obtain detailed information is close at hand.

Anjaye turned his attention to a certain senior witch who had been following them from the "Fly's Nest" but was fishing in the dark—this itinerant witch wearing a blue "robin" mask always made her There is a familiar feeling - there must be a clever cognitive interference on the body.

There are quite a few people in the academy who are capable of doing this, but no matter which high-ranking witch she is—now is not the time to stand by and do nothing.

"Ms. Mockingbird." Anjaye returned to the beach and caught the itinerant witch who was fishing.She was grabbing a strong living corpse of a warrior, just like treating an assembled skeleton specimen, using magic power to dismantle the limbs of the living corpse into parts of different sizes.

"You are an itinerant witch sent by the teaching room. Since you are here to investigate the 'Apocalypse' incident, you must know the inside story of Black Swan Island."

The girl's solemn question attracted Ms. Robin's attention from the fun of destroying living corpses like building blocks.

"As far as I know, this island was temporarily under the management of the Academy before it was closed."

"Miss An." The robin put the tip of his index finger in front of his lips, and made a "keep quiet" gesture, "You really grasped the key to the matter."

"I just want to know about the relationship between the mage's tower and the witches stationed in the previous school." An Jiaye ignored her teasing expression.

"Oh, I just happened to know about that witch, the Asuka Witch "Elo Kereno". Her existence is also an unpleasant topic in the academy."

"Elo Kereno." Anjaye added, "Miss Vanna Marshall's stepmother, the 'eclipse'-level witch who led her on the path of spellcasting, such an extraordinary and powerful lady, would Did Xuegong not pay any attention to his accidental death on the island?"

"You don't know." Ms. Robin's expression, which was always easy to handle, finally turned into an expressive oppressive force, "She is a fool who insists on her own way and pursues taboo ideas-she should have been removed from the teaching room arrangement, but in the end she just End up in exile."

"I'm telling you the truth." Realizing that "Asuka Witch" might be involved in the struggle within the academy, Anjaye immediately gave an explanation to avoid trouble and misunderstanding.

"When we were fighting against the minions of 'Apocalypse', we encountered the projection of the soul-sucking banshee summoned by it. Assuming that a 'solar eclipse' witch is involved, you know the seriousness of it."

Ms. Mockingbird suddenly fell silent. She took off the bird mask on her face, and she still had the strange face of a young girl—beautiful and dangerous, just like the portraits of witches of all ages placed on the corridor of the school palace, with paranoia in her eyes And confident color, typical Stella witch.

No, be careful, this one-sided temperament and impression—may also be the result of cognitive interference, Anjaye reminded himself to be vigilant in front of his predecessors.

Under Ms. Robin's gaze, the girl feels uncomfortable, as if she is being peeped into her inner secrets by the ubiquitous eyes.

"Have you heard the song of Tristy?" Ms. Robin finally spoke.

"I heard Miss Marshall sing it." Anjaye affirmed.

"This mage tower is the source of the legend of 'Song of Tristy'. It is called 'Tide Lighthouse', and it was left by an ancient wizard in the 'Spiritual Meeting'. It has been owned by the Marshall family of the lord of Cold Lake for more than 200 years. .”

"What I'm going to say below is the result of the investigation into the death of the 'Asuka Witch' by the Academy, for which a 'star-ring-level' itinerant witch was sacrificed. During the past many years of exile, in order to continue her According to the research, the Bird Witch chose to form an alliance with the Marshall family and marry the current frontier Earl of the Cold Lake Territory. As one of the conditions, Earl Marshall opened the 'tide lighthouse' for the Bird Witch to use."

"It's a matter of course for Witch Stella to die for the path she believed in. No one in the Academy is willing to pursue the troubles caused by this deviant. It's just that the secret of her research also died with her, and her whereabouts are unknown. .”

"And now, we know that this secret is likely to fall into the hands of 'Apocalypse', what are you going to do?" Ms. Robin's cold and serious face seemed to be torturing Anjaye's will, "Like Like in the treasure room, knowing that there are traps ahead, but also challenging the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"We have no way out." Anjaye felt the beating heart - the determination to wake up when defeating Kardashian, together with Krapusi's shining smile, turned into strength and overflowed from his heart.

"No matter who the enemy is, the ceremony of the 'Apocalypse' will most likely be held tonight. Even facing a trap is a trial that the pilgrims should overcome."

"Just implement the decision you have made." Ms. Robin regained her calm tone.

Just when they established a consensus.

A tragic scream that shook the island came from the swaying forest on the other side of the island—this pierced into the brain, like a scream that knocked and peeled off the spiritual body piece by piece, it was different from any mortal biological instinct The screams, but the demons that only appear in nightmares-the wild words of confusion and excitement.

"Oh? It looks like a dangerous big guy." Gloria's hand, which had not yet receded from the dragon scale, unconsciously fell on the handle of the hunting dragon axe.

"Kenny has also arrived on this island." Anjaye thought of the big hole dug out in the secret passage, and boldly made a guess.

Now that Ms. Robin is done, there's one more person to fix.

The girl turned and faced the distance——the pale boy who was stepping on the tidal flat and looking at the opposite bank with his back turned to them, decided to be honest.

"Mr. Ryan, I'm sorry, I concealed something earlier." An Jiaye stroked his chest and bowed slightly, "I'm a witch in the academy, and I was involved in this turmoil in Lenghu in order to complete the truth-seeking tour."

"You should be aware of the danger of this incident."

"As an outsider, you have no obligation to accompany us on the adventure. Tonight's battle is beyond our control. You can take the spoils you deserve and leave now."

The boy didn't look back, and rushed to the shore. Shallow waves whimpering and breaking, with foam that disappeared at any time, covered his feet.

The cold wind that sings of night blows through curls of pale sparks.Like a lonely beast, after restraining its fangs and claws, it calmly watches the world it lives on.

"I have two questions."

The young man's white, burning eyes contained the lights of thousands of families on the other side.

"Tonight's battle, although it was triggered by your school, it ignited on the basis of many people's pain."

"Miss Poisonous Capsicum, can you feel their pain?" Ryan's calm tone was better than a drum-beating question, "As a strong man with strength in his hand and a pretentious researcher of truth, the Stella School Can a witch feel the pain of a mortal?"

Facing this round of questioning, Anjaye only truthfully stated his inner thoughts.

"I am also just a member of mortals. I am just lucky enough to hold the key to the pursuit of truth. I will never claim to be more than mortals. Their pain is also the pain I will face."

Ryan continued to question.

"I don't need spoils of war. You said before that you want to share the treasures of the army with the people of the peninsula. What are you going to do?"

Anjaye said without hesitation.

"If tonight's battle is won, I will meet with the Earl of Cold Lake and force him to make concessions in the name of implementing the 'Ten Covenants'."

"Start with Shuangcheng Port, and use the captured legion treasures as capital to promote the establishment of a 'people's chamber of commerce'—from the city of light to the city of darkness, select outstanding representatives from nobles, citizens and peasants. Formulate Plan, manage wealth, let money be invested in various industries to transfer profits, and the income obtained will be allocated a corresponding amount every year, dedicated to the development of public undertakings, eradicating famine, implementing charity, and stabilizing prices—and the academy will also send The supervisor will ensure the fair use and profit of the Chamber of Commerce's wealth, and will continue to adjust the strategy according to the operation situation until this model can be extended to the entire peninsula."

"I see." Ryan pulled out the unpretentious sword from its sheath.

"Miss An, I appreciate your will. Even if many things cannot be realized, it is still a will worth cherishing."

"This sword has been handed down in the hands of heroes and kings throughout the ages, and it has been covered with many auras and names, but it is just a sword after all. It must fall into the hands of people who understand why they are fighting to exert its power."

"I'm not fighting for a lofty idea like the 'Ten Covenants', but for the will to understand pain and desire to eliminate pain."

"It's just a selfish thought on my part."

"As a warrior, the sword in your hand should follow your heart. So you don't have to worry, I will participate in this battle to the end."

"Thank you for your trust." An Jiaye showed a bright smile, "Since you don't want gold coins, I'll treat you to mushroom soup another day."

Gloria picked her ears impatiently.

"Okay, I've been rambling for a long time, why don't I go directly to that 'Uroboros' and cut him to pieces."

The female soldier squeezed her fist the size of a sandbag, and let out a light thunder.

"I only know that anyone in this world who wants to play tricks on people's hearts will not end well, just like Caesar, the 'thunderer' back then."

"Do you want to find Fanna first?" Elsa looked at the communication between her friend and the two strong men, with a happy expression on her face, as if enjoying a wonderful rivalry, "Her secret is also very curious. "

Anjaye shook his head.

"If I'm not mistaken, the knight accompanying Vanna is probably old Marchius—the traces of the wheels dragging on the ground are the coffin of his grandson, Knight Earnshaw, and he and Vanna will carry the coffin in the middle of the night It’s not as simple as coming to the island to bury your loved ones.”

"Be vigilant. Let's go straight to the devil's lair." An Jiaye raised the staff of Heart Bud and pointed to the mage's tower above the forest.

The long ponytail tied with the headband given by Krapussy fluttered endlessly in the turbulent night wind.

Above the Mage Tower, the faint blue light that originally diffused like fireflies suddenly emitted a halo covering the tower, and then the surging gray-blue mist, like a cocoon of entangled tentacles, tightly wrapped the Mage Tower. Bursting suddenly like a heartbeat, a shock wave of dark blue mist erupted, rolling over the trembling woods and foothills, and covering the entire island!

"It's a critical reaction of the magic element, and the sea of ​​fog is warning!" Arvil looked at the color of the spell shells floating around, which suddenly changed from yellow to bright red and dazzling red, and she was so frightened that she let out a piercing scream that was not inferior to the previous monster.

An Jiaye didn't expect the change to happen so suddenly - the first time in her life that the fog wave came, it was on this small island!

"It's going to be transformed into a different dimension!" Ms. Robin warned loudly, "Everyone protect yourselves!"

However, the people scattered all over the river beach froze their actions in the sea of ​​fog that engulfed the island.

Only Elsa, who was close to Anjaye, threw her friend down in an instant, and the black and white Rubik's cube pupils spun wildly in an instant, creating a cube barrier to isolate the impact of the fog tide.

The next moment, the island was plunged into a grotesque strange light, which erupted from the depths of the nightmarish and ever-changing sea of ​​fog, distorting time and space—even changing the shape of the entire Black Swan Island, as if turning this twin-city harbor The taboo land that the people watched day and night has been erased from the territory of Lenghu.

PS: In order to thank Mr. Rentai No Usami for his golden treasure chest and tons of blades, we are ready to challenge Riman!

Chapter 110: The Wizard of the Sea of ​​Mist, The Witch of Birds and the Witch of Ten Thousand Wings

Elsa, it turned out that unconsciously, she became used to your company like carrying a mushroom with her. ——"Ankaye's Chat Notes"

The field of vision is a vast, cold mist that envelops the world.

Large flakes of snowflakes condensed with an extremely cold and icy atmosphere floated from the gray-blue mist, but when the girl looked up, they were blocked by the transparent barrier arranged by black and white Rubik's cube grids.

Anjaye, who struggled to get up, looked down at Elsa who was lying beside her. The girl flicked her long, pure white hair like a snow rose, and showed her a bright and charming smile.

"Great, I'm not separated from Xiao An."

"Is everyone lost?" An Jiaye touched the bare ground with the stick of heart bud. It is the soil texture of Black Swan Island. It's just that there is no mycelium net. Vitality is wiped out in this blue frost disaster.

Elsa got up and patted the dust off her clothes.The black and white Rubik's Cube dismantled strangely in their eyes stopped rotating at high speed, and shimmered with the enchantment, as if it was constantly enveloping the cube enchantment around them.

"Xiao An, don't leave my side the whole time." Elsa warned her friend, while reaching out to her, "According to the erosive nature of the fog tide, don't risk your life."

Anjaye nodded with a heavy heart—she knew that she was too naive, but she was completely at a disadvantage when she first arrived on the island. If it wasn't for Elsa's timely rescue, her chances of surviving alone in the sea of ​​fog would be greatly reduced .

The lame girl leaned on her staff, held Elsa's hand and stood up vigorously.

She looked around at the ever-changing thick fog, the ghostly shadows in the world mixed with smog dust and gray snow, it seemed that it was not surprising that terrifying evil spirits and monsters would come out at any time.

"We have been swallowed by the alien space."

"That's right." Elsa's usual frivolous tone was replaced by a serious sense of seriousness.

"Xiao An, you haven't experienced the fog tide, have you?"

"No." An Jiaye remembered the time when she was closest to the fog tide in her childhood, and the old wolf also sent her to the school safely.Under the protection of Galantia's high wall and great enchantment, the fog tide could not even cross the edge of the sunken tree sea for more than a century, providing apprentices with a peaceful growth environment like a greenhouse.

"This is the narrow space of the Vinland worlds. The space on the island was dragged into it, distorted and reset--the twisted branches and leaves of the dream of the world, the fragments of the real space, and the broken enchantment secrets--all of which can be found in the world. The mist tide is brought to the narrow space, spliced ​​and mixed like a mudslide after deposition, which is also called the phenomenon of "fog sea". Because the fog can reflect the inner human nature, even emotional disturbance will affect here .”

"There must be a source on that island that can trigger the 'Sea of ​​Fog', that is, monsters of the 'Fog Calamity' level.

The girl raised the staff of the heart bud, trying to make the mushroom grow outside the barrier, but the spores just germinated, and then withered in the cold frost mist.

"I'm sorry, my mushroom spell is very difficult to use." An Jiaye said with a wry smile, "If you encounter a battle, I will really trouble you."

"In such a chaotic and dense environment of magic elements, only spells such as 'Origin Spell' or Rune Spells can effectively resist the erosion of chaotic energy." Elsa reminded, "In the fog tide, if There is a battle, Xiao An, maybe you can try to connect directly to the source with the staff of the heart bud."

Anjaye sighed and shook the staff of Heart Bud. The many spore marks she treasured were temporarily sealed, "I hope my basic spell slots are still enough."

"What about the barbarians?" Elsa then mentioned another urgent task, "Is there a way for Xiao An to meet?"

"Let me think about it. The enemy pulled us into this space. I'm afraid they really have to join up quickly with the idea of ​​destroying each other."

An Jiaye restrained his uneasy emotions to prevent being affected by the negative energy floating in the sea of ​​fog, "I hope everyone can protect themselves as 'Mockingbird' said."

"That's right." Elsa smiled mysteriously, "The only ones to be careful of are the barbarian and the mermaid. As for the other two, I bet they will be fine."

Anjaye frowned and said in thought: "Elsa, I've always wanted to ask, although Ms. Mockingbird is hiding well, but you can see her identity, right?"

"So you haven't seen who she is yet?" Elsa asked in surprise.

"It's vaguely familiar." An Jiaye rubbed his chin and tried his best to recall, "But there seems to be a cognitive interference spell on her body. If I want to see through it, my magic eye level is not enough."

"It's boring to reveal the answer early." Elsa took the iron staff from the shadow servant, spun it several times in her hand, and outlined a circular rune formation, as if familiar with the combat feel in the current environment. "Don't worry, she is an expert in dealing with demon affairs, as long as we meet first, we can hold our ground."

An Jiaye took out a magic tool pointer from his pocket: "She left me a magic tool, I hope it will work."

The girl opened the lid of the box with her finger, and the blind little demon sealed on the pointer was wriggling its deformed and thin body, turning the ringing pointer to a certain direction in the mist.

"Very well, let's go."

Under the advancement of Elsa's Rubik's Cube enchantment, Anjaye carefully observed the direction change of the pointer in the mist.The contact information of Ms. "Mockingbird" left by Ronan is really helpful.It can only be said that the strong induction between the two dwarves and little demons is like a bridge connecting each other, which really makes people wonder what the reason is.

"I'm most worried about Krapussy." Stumbling through the mist for an unknown amount of time, they crossed the hills scattered with dead bones and came to the dense forest with twisted and intertwined dead trees.

Anjaye looked at the rotting corpses hanging on the tree trunk and the bloody human faces on the bark, and couldn't help but feel even more horrified.

"If she is involved in this dense fog, she must first find a way to solve the source of the 'fog disaster'. I don't know how long she can last."

Elsa, who was leading the way with Anjaye's left hand, didn't turn her head.

"Even if we meet up with everyone, do you know how to find the 'source' in this thick fog?"

Clinging to the surface of the Rubik's Cube enchantment, the spreading and ignited shadow flames advanced with the girl's non-stop pace—all the human-faced branches that stretched out to block their way were stained with inextinguishable grievances amidst miserable wailing. The black flames added gorgeous embers like black rose petals to the gray snow mist falling all over the sky.

"Instructor Lin Glenn of the Starstone Department said that the way to deal with the fog tide is to use the natural shelter formed by the Starstone leylines, or the Starstone enchantment, and the second is to find out the guiding method to eliminate the source."

"This sea of ​​fog should come from the ritual of the 'Apocalypse'. We have to find guidance that resonates with the corresponding power of the ritual."

"Wait." The crippled girl who had been thinking hard all the way after handing over the task of leading the way to Elsa suddenly had a flash of inspiration in her mind, "I may know the way to guide."

"Elsa, take out the blue cores of Flute of Dreams and Rotten Water Butcher."

"These two are derivatives of the power of 'Apocalypse'." An Jiaye carefully observed the two key clues held in the hands of the shadow servant, "I can only try to see if there will be a response."

Elsa's black and white Rubik's Cube pupils aimed at the two props one after another, zooming in like an extended astronomical telescope. "Indeed, I can see the flowing energy flow above, which seems to coincide with the direction we are heading in."

"Does that mean that Ms. Robin has also found the path? Let's hurry over there."

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