Fanna and Knight Earnshaw, the two bloodlines of the Marshall family, looked at each other silently. Compared with Earnshaw's usual disheartened expression, Fanna was obviously more confused.

Elsa was the first to jump down from the deep burrow, and then opened her arms to catch Anjaye who jumped down with the levitation technique.

The girls raised their staffs and circled in mid-air, the mottled and brilliant light and shadow of the starlight technique illuminated the gloomy and dark crypt.

Anjaye looked up at the "Knight of the Lake". The originally majestic and majestic outline of the bronze statue, eroded by the gloomy light and shadow underground, also shrouded in a dark and solemn vicissitudes of atmosphere. Dispel the ominous murderous aura condensed between the knight's facial features.

In the narrow space of the crypt, a secret door ladder leading to a deeper place was dug out, and on the steps leading to the deep and dark under the island, the swaying and falling magic starlight illuminated a beautiful notch composed of Fana language.

"Those who step into this secret cave will know the truth about Lenghu's past."

"It's also the message written by Elo." Following Bode's instructor who jumped down, he took the first step down the steps leading to the darkness.

Fan Na also put her hands together and prayed: "Mother Elo, I hope your guidance can help us find the key clues."

Chapter 120: The Sealed Wizard's Remains, and the Secret of the Legend of Cold Lake

If it is said that all things can transform in the abyss of human nature, I am curious about what research the sages of the "Spiritual Meeting" have done on mushrooms. ——"Ankaye's Chat Notes"

The staff of heart buds, which are clustered with colorful mushrooms, tapped on the slippery steps covered with moss, sharing the weak strength of the girl's footsteps.

Anjaye caressed the wall on the right side of the passage, and carefully descended the steep spiral staircase. The wet, cold and rough texture of bricks and stones touched by her fingertips, accompanied by iteratively accumulated moss and sticky clods—made her feel This hidden tunnel seems to lead to a puzzle that has been hidden for hundreds of years.

The light footsteps of the witches turned into a series of low and soothing notes, blending into the continuous sound of dripping water in the crypt.

Only the Headless Horseman at the back of the hall, wearing badly damaged cold-forged armor, spread the noise of repeated collisions and frictions in the passage, disturbing the rats and lizards lurking in the cracks between the bricks and stones from a distance.

Several of Elsa's differentiated shadow servants twisted and passed under the girls' feet strangely, like flat reptiles swimming at high speed, blending into the darkness to efficiently explore the tunnel ahead, whether there is a trigger trap hidden.

The magic star light falling in front of Anjaye's eyes not only illuminated her elegant and thin face, but also made the mushroom spore smoke sprinkled on the staff linger with a dreamlike beauty.

Instructor Bode, who opened the way ahead, outlined a graceful and charming figure in the starlight—the pistil-shaped slender demon wings twisted and wrapped around her body, and the beautiful fluorescent lights flowing in the lace shone regularly, Let the witch's back look more gorgeous and mysterious.

Having such an eclipse-level witch leader undoubtedly reassured Anjaye.

Compared with the solemnity and gentleness in the classroom of Devil University of Science and Technology—the Bode instructor who has returned to the state of an adventurer, there is a calm and reliable temperament in every move.

It was as powerful as no matter what kind of traps lay in ambush ahead, they could be easily dispelled.

Along with the depth leading to the ground, the cold moisture also irritated Anjaye's skin.

"The moisture below is very heavy, and the power of the water spirit is also very abundant." Fan Na watched a growing and rotating water bubble on the bird's staff, and made a judgment, "The water source of this secret cave is probably connected to the cold lake. "

The walk in the tunnel finally came to an end, and the girls passed through the neatly built stone gate of rectangular stones, and arrived at a wide cave with twilight and floating lights.

Anjaye observed the structure of the cave—the Heartbud Rod could sense the strong and rising power of the earth veins here, the clusters of starstone crystals spreading in the cave had traces of artificial cultivation, and the cave walls were covered with exquisite The rune circle, obviously the master of the mage tower had painstakingly managed it here.

"It was built on the basis of natural karst grottoes. Like the 'Elf Enclave', it is a 'meditation pool' that can easily connect to the 'Ghost World'."

"Humans' habit of digging holes has been passed down from ancient times to the present."

Elsa followed behind Anjaye with her hands behind her back, looking up at the shiny and colorful stalagmites on the top of the cave. Astrological symbols floated and flickered near her snow-white hair, making the kitten's smile even more mysterious and charming.

"The Tide Lighthouse used to belong to the 'Lingjianhui'. The casters of this line believed that in the dark depths of the earth, there was a shortcut to connect to the great source—that is, all spirits can be seen in the abyss of human nature, and the abyss of human nature is a metaphor for being connected to the earth. It’s no wonder that they like to dig holes—after the fall of the old dynasty of ‘Gallantia’, the scattered ‘Spiritual Meeting’ mages have brought this tradition to the entire peninsula.”

Instructor Bode carried forward his professional habits and explained it in detail. Following the light guided by the star stone, he looked at the shadow of the towering structure at the end of the cave, and gracefully tapped the staff of civilization and walked away.

"It seems that we have found the whereabouts of the other 'sacrifices'."

Under the guard of Elsa, Anjaye also staggered to follow. The girl could see clearly on the cave wall in front of her that a tower-shaped conical altar was entwined by a rough snake demon statue with its tail coiled around it.

"It's similar to Kardashian's altar of 'snake reincarnation'." Anjaye guessed based on this, "Is the 'Lord of Soul' in their mouths a demon related to snakes in hell? Want to find relevant records, You have to rely on Bode mentor."

"The fate of these sacrifices is terrible." Elsa drove the shadow servant, reached out and touched a corpse with hardened and cracked skin under the altar. "The body is almost as dry as a stone statue."

The witches raised their vigilance and scattered around the altar to check the many corpses lying on the ground around the Ouroboros statue.

"There are no survivors." Anjaye looked at these poor people who still had the look of despair in life, and the girl felt lucky from the bottom of her heart that neither she nor Krapusey became one of them.

"Except for the statue of ouroboros, there are no clues such as the 'mark of the devil'." Instructor Bode looked around the altar, as if he was knocking on the blackboard to teach the students, and beat the stone snake with the staff of civilization, "this The altar is an empty shell, even if any clues are found, it is very dangerous to trace back the existence of high-level demons."

Anjaye bent over and squatted down in front of a strange corpse curled up in agony, "The maggot man? Did Ouroboros sacrifice the demon man?"

Under the hem of the corpse's torn robe, the deformed and fat lower body of the maggot was exposed. The mouthparts of the maggot's jagged fangs were wide open, as if they were venting their fear and unwillingness.

"I recognize him." Knight Earnshaw raised his foot armor and turned the maggot man's face. "It's Eric Fernando."

He squeezed out a stiff sneer.

"Fernando, even his own son was sacrificed by Ouroboros."

Instructor Bode indifferently announced the evidence of the big devil in "Apocalypse".

"The cause of death was the separation of the soul from the flesh and blood, and the essence of life was absorbed by some kind of black magic, resulting in the petrification of the body—not a demon sacrifice, but a soul-absorbing curse."

Anjaye sighed softly: "It seems that the sacrifices collected by Ouroboros, apart from being used for the sublimation experiment of the 'Apocalypse' potion, the rest is to hold the fusion ceremony of demon souls and feed them to the revived soul-sucking banshee."

"Xiao An, my shadow found an entrance." Elsa gently pulled An Jiaye up and walked to the back of the altar.

On the back stone wall covered by the altar, there is actually a winding and narrow natural gap.

Elsa's shadow has crawled through the gap, and the black and white Rubik's cube shaking in the kitten's right eye seems to be sharing the vision with the shadow familiar.

"Xiao An's deduction is correct, there is a natural cave on the opposite side of the wall."

"This width, we can drill through." An Jiaye stretched out his hand to judge the width of the stone crevice - except for a certain headless horseman dressed in an iron can.

"Ernshaw, please guard the rear." Fanna begged her brother.

Under the illumination of the starlight technique, the witches seemed to pass through a ray of sky, slowly rubbing their sides across the gaps in the cave.

"Elsa, don't squeeze me." Anjaye blushed and warned the kitten not to take the opportunity to get sick.

Compared with the slender Anjaye and the fluid Elsa, Bode and Fanna's overly plump figures can be said to have had a very difficult time.

In the karst cave behind the stone wall, starstone crystal clusters grow more and more luxuriantly, but the faint blue crystal color is also mixed with palpitating dark turbidity, as if the seal has absorbed some ancient human resentment.

At the end of the cave is a deep and quiet water pool. In front of the water pool stands a black stone tablet engraved with witchcraft runes, and under the stone tablet, there is a skeleton covered in a torn black robe, its hands and feet turned into dry bones. After death, he was still bound by the strong chains connected to the stone tablet—even at the jawbone, there remained a metal mask engraved with mysterious runes, and his mouth was obviously blocked during his lifetime.

"Spiritual Stele?" An Jiaye came to the skeleton, showing a sympathetic look, "The very ancient sealing spell has stopped working, and its history may exceed hundreds of years."

"It's a dead wizard." Instructor Bode also made a judgment. "Even if he died as a prisoner, I can still feel the immortal magic field left in his bones."

Fan Na stared at a nearly rotten dark green turtle shell in the arms of the wizard, with indistinct and fine traces engraved on it. The blond girl squatted down in front of the skeleton, leaning on the flying bird staff, and carefully took the turtle shell.

"If I'm not mistaken, he is the dark wizard of the Spiritual Wisdom who once imprisoned the 'Lake Fairy' in the legend of 'The Song of Tristy'——'Fidel the Man with the Lamp in the Dark'."

"Was this wizard also killed by your ancestors, Fanna?" Elsa also approached the skeleton with great interest, and looked at the pair of black eye sockets, "It seems that it is sealed alive until death, okay?" Miserable."

Anjaye also summoned several fungal appendages, and cautiously explored around the skeleton.

"The body suffered a penetrating injury from the back, but it still couldn't kill him. He was indeed sealed until he died. It's hard to imagine what kind of despair this great wizard has experienced. It is reasonable to have a grievance."

The pistil-shaped demon wings behind Teacher Bode squirmed to absorb the traces of magic essence left in the air, she closed her eyes and sensed.

"I didn't find the power of resentment and curse entrenched. The wizard's spirit body has been pulled into the Styx, which should be purified by Elo. She also has a lot of research on psychic witchcraft. With sympathy, she let a wizard The resentment faded away, like what that guy would do."

At this time, Fan Na was also using the water calling spell and the purification spell to carefully clean the dark green tortoise shell.

In the fine cuts all over the carapace, the accumulated blood and dirt have long been mixed with dust. After repeated cleaning by the girl, the hidden secret is revealed.

"It's the ancient Edwin script in the peninsula. It looks like it was carved with fingernails." Anjaye also came over to inspect it. Just looking at these rough and messy inscriptions, she could already imagine the severe pain from the abrasion of her fingers.

"It seems that this obsession is very scary."

"Senior An, take a look." Fan Na handed the tortoise shell to the interested senior.

With the help of the glowing mushroom growing on the staff, the girl translated the last words engraved on the tortoise shell, and after she felt that the word order and meaning were correct, she read it to her companions word by word.

"Tristy will regret it. She betrayed me, and she will eventually be betrayed."

"Just let me wait for her in the abyss, and let all hatred melt into the tide of humanity."

"The sea god heir will return to his hometown, and use everyone's souls as food to usher in sublimation."

The last words did not have the deep hatred as imagined, but they also contained resentment deeper and more ominous than the water of the cold lake.

Anjaye raised his head and stared at the dead black wizard again. The black hole in the eyes of the skull face made Anjaye shudder physically and mentally.

"The abyss suddenly burst from underfoot."

"O seeker who walks the lonely dark road."

"Low your head and witness the light of revelation."

"It must be known that the truth not only walks in the sky, but also in the gap of soul transformation."

Anjaye suddenly remembered the short poem recited by the past "Uroboros" in the reverberation of Kenny's memory.

Ouroboros must have also witnessed this remains, and as a wizard of the Spiritual Meeting, he must have obtained important revelations from it.

"Elsa, put it away." Anjaye gave the tortoise shell to the shadow under the kitten's feet. The tortoise shell was hugged by the slender shadow's arms and sank into the shadow space like a bottomless swamp.

"Did Tristy betray him?" Fan Na covered her face in disbelief, as if some established cognition had been subverted, and her expression collapsed.

"The princess of the swan and the fish - the 'Fairy of the Lake' with the surname of 'Shining Lake', Tristy Paoliel, behind her and my ancestors' quelling of the curse of the Cold Lake, is there hidden A secret known to the world?"

"According to legends and folk songs, Tristy is estimated to be a fairy witch who is protected by the source and the earth."

Anjaye remained calm and analyzed.

"Mr. Rudir told me that the greatest origin witches in ancient times were almost all born from fairy witches, but after the Mist Age, this kind of witches have almost disappeared. Tristy is probably the last fairy witch on the peninsula." Spirit witch."

"No matter how poignant and noble the stories in Cold Lake are—" Anjaye recalled the scene of Fanna singing piously on the boat, and cruelly burst a colorful bubble, "Fidel's last words reveal the , to eradicate the inside story of the Lenghu Evil God, there is another truth."

"Come and take a look." Mentor Bode walked around behind the Zhenling Stele and motioned for the apprentices to follow.

"Is this left by Elo's mother?" Fan Na looked even more puzzled.

The symbols engraved on the back of the Zhenling stone tablet are much newer than the sealed witch spell on the front of the stone tablet.

"That's right, it's the mark of the bird."

Instructor Bode stared at the huge abstract runes fluttering on the surface of the tablet, and asked calmly.

"Fanna, did Ello teach you how to unlock the mark?"

"I have taught you." Fan Na hesitated and raised the bird staff, and began to cast a spell on the rune left by her stepmother.

"When we were playing hide-and-seek or treasure hunting when we were young, she always liked to use sealing spells to play decryption games." Instructor Bode suddenly showed a nostalgic smile, and complained slightly, "I'm so grown up, but I still have this hobby."

Along with the huge imprint of flying birds flickering and fading in the halo of magic power passed by Fan Na, rows of beautiful words composed of fluorescent lights also appeared on the stone tablet.

"Whether it's Fanna or sister, please know."

"I'm running out of time, and I can't continue to explore the truth buried at the bottom of the lake—I hope you will help me fulfill my last wish, to find the real song of Tristy."

"I leave all the treasures unearthed from the cold lake in the garden where the birds sing. When the truth of the legend matches the melody of betrayal, only the wings of the swan can lead the lonely soul who fell into the water to the other side of redemption."

"Silly sister." Instructor Bode dejectedly stroked the last words written by the light of magic element, and saw them turn into light flying bird runes, detach from the stone tablet, pass between his fingers, and scatter into hazy spots of light disappear.

And Fan Na knelt down weakly holding the bird staff.

Witnessing this sad scene, Anjaye couldn't bear to turn his head to the pool.

Elsa's shadow servant also finished exploring the cave at this time and continued to crawl under the pool.

"There is indeed a cave connected to the cold lake in this water pool." The kitten told his friend the information he had explored. "The cave is very wide, and it seems to accommodate some kind of large-scale creature, which can enter and exit from here."

Fan Na raised her head in horror: "Is it the 'Heir of the Sea' that Fidel mentioned?"

"It's likely to be the lake god that your ancestors retreated from." An Jiaye looked down at the flat water like a mirror, and his thoughts seemed to melt into the ancient legends that made the mist of the cold lake even more confusing.

"According to the current clues, the biggest possibility is that Fidel has studied the power of 'Apocalypse' here in the past, which eventually led to the Lake God becoming an evil god. And the research on Apocalypse was also inherited by Ouroboros."

"Ouroboros didn't destroy the secret cave, he allowed us to understand this clue, maybe this is what he said, the reason for declaring revenge."

"As for Tristi, who turned into a soul-absorbing banshee, she would be willing to fuse with him, and there must be a reason for this."

"The legend of Cold Lake more than 200 years ago, the truth of Tristy's song, is the source of this series of events today."

"The key is the ancestor of the Marshall family, what role does it play?"

Anjaye turned around and walked to Fanna who was kneeling beside the stone tablet.

"Fanna, the curse of your family for the past 100 years must be closely related to this, and Mrs. Elo Kereno lived with you for many years. She left a 'soul-binding lock' in your body before she was alive. It is probably also a worry. Some kind of existence hidden within the Marshall family, hurting you."

"Remember carefully, whether there are any clues of omissions around you."

"Mother Elo—" Fan Na's eyes seemed to be trapped in the thick mud deposited by the years, suffocating for the memories that came to her heart bit by bit, "The things she left me are all kept in the home we lived together. "

The blond girl supported the flying bird staff vigorously, and stood up from the painful quagmire.

Those green eyes that were as emerald as the surface of an emerald lake reflected Anjaye's face—like wings that were radiant, breaking through the turbulent waves, showing the determination to get rid of the sinking.

"Senior An, I would like to trouble you to go to the 'City of White Sails' with me—"

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