Chapter 190 Five Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Skye didn't leave Stark Tower until the next morning, and as soon as she left Stark Tower, she couldn't wait to return to her home, a van.

Once in the van, Skye turned on her laptop and started connecting the electronics she had left behind in Stark Tower.

"Haha, I'm in!" After only a few seconds, Skye successfully connected to the signal, and she immediately beamed with joy as she watched the video from the miniature camera.

"Jarvis, did Skye leave me any surprises?" In Stark Tower, Skye asked Jarvis to check his behavior as soon as he left Tianya.

Ever since being tricked by Anna?m once, Tian Ya became wary of these women.And that Anna is still living in Tianya's mansion.

"Sir, I detected a few abnormal places." On Tianya's phone, several screens were displayed.

They are the studio, the armor storage room, the simulation training room, and Tianya's bedroom!The locations of other places are clearly marked, but Tianya's bedroom is not monitored, and Tianya needs to find out where the monitoring equipment is placed.

In order to prevent monitoring, Tian Ya walked out of the room, took out his phone again, and said, "Jarvis, send a message to Coulson and ask Coulson to deal with her."

"Sir, according to your style, shouldn't you handle it yourself?" Jarvis is quite intelligent now.

"This time is an exception!"

Before the end of the world, I watched a few episodes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., this Skye is a key character!So Tianya intends to push her back to the origin of history.

Coulson in this world is not dead, but he was still ordered to form a team, the main reason is that Fury noticed that there was a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D.

After Tianya told Fury about Hydra, Fury asked several senior agents to form their own teams.As Fury's veteran subordinate, Coulson won Fury's trust, so he was given the biggest and best plane as Coulson's mobile base.

On a large plane, Coulson received a message from Tianya. After reading the content of the message, Coulson frowned. This made him feel like he was Tianya's cleaner!

Although I don't like Tian Ya's behavior of treating himself as a 'cleaner', but since this matter involves espionage against supernatural characters, SHIELD must take care of it, and the other party is still attacking a powerful avenger like Tian Ya, he It is necessary to check.

A few years have passed since the last incident against Tianya, and the mastermind has not been found yet. Maybe this woman is related to the mastermind last time.

Thinking of this, Coulson put the phone back into his pocket and pressed the radio button in the plane.

"Guys, we have a mission, gather in the lobby."

After a while, all members of Coulson's team arrived at the rest area of ​​the plane.Coulson's team now has a total of 5 people, two scientific researchers, one field agent, one pilot, and Coulson.

In front of a large screen, Coulson put his mobile phone on the table in front of the screen, projected the information on the mobile phone to the large screen, and found a picture from it.

"I just received news that this woman secretly placed spy equipment in Stark Tower. Find this woman and ask her who is behind the scenes."

"Is our plane ready to take off?" a male agent asked.

This male agent was named Grant Ward, and he was a field agent specially selected by Coulson. He was chosen by Coulson mainly because Agent Ward had a perfect field record.

"Yes, it's ready to take off." The pilot of the plane was Melinda May, an agent who had once monitored Tianya.

May asked, "Where are we going?"

Coulson said, "New York, she's still near Stark Tower."

"Stark Tower has a very intelligent artificial intelligence protection, how did she break into it?" A young beauty asked.

She is the team's scientist, Gemma Simmons, who is mainly responsible for medical and biochemical matters.

"In fact, it was Tianya Stark who led her in." Coulson said, "The two of them had sex last night, and today Tianya Stark discovered that Stark Tower was installed with spy equipment."

"Oh, he still has such a short memory!" Mei remembered Skye's appearance, turned around and left: "I'm going to start the plane."

"What does she mean? Has this happened before?" asked another man, another scientist on the team, Leo Fitz, a scientist in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Physics.

"Yeah, that happened a few years ago," Coulson replied later, but he didn't want to say too much.

"What happened a few years ago? He had sex with women a few years ago? How old is he?" Fitz asked curiously.

"He's 19 years old and just started college."

Fitz said: "I already had a PhD when I was 19..."

"That's why I recruited you into the team" Coulson was sure of his intelligence.

"So, we can see Tianya? Stark?" Gemma opened her eyes wide, looking very excited.

"Oh,'s possible, just a possibility, maybe we won't see..."


After checking the surveillance equipment left behind, Skye immediately drove the car and drove into an alley without surveillance cameras.

Turning on the computer and checking the information sent back by the monitoring equipment again, Skye took out a recording pen, thought for a while and pressed the recording button.

"On the second day of the Kryptonian invasion, I, I successfully entered the Stark Tower. Tianya? Stark personally led me into the tower. He has an ability that he has not shown to the public. He can change into the appearance of other people. , I didn't recognize him at the time, and it wasn't until he led me into the mansion that the transformation ability was released..."

"The interior of Stark Tower is very beautiful. I saw Dr. Bruce Banner who can transform into Hulk, a middle-aged sloppy uncle..."

"I visited most of the floors inside the Stark Tower, and I saw dozens of sets of different models of steel suits, all of which Iron Man has never shown to the public..."

"I have sex with Tianya? Stark, oh, what a fuck, he's several years younger than me... Oh no, this can't be recorded..."

After thinking for a while, Skye pressed the recorder again: "The secret has been leaked. For decades, your organization has been hiding in the shadows, hiding the truth. Now we know that they are with us. Heroes... and monsters , the world is full of wonders."

"We can't explain what we've seen, but our eyes are wide open. What now? There are no more shadows to hide from. The impossible has happened. What are you going to do?"

"How are you going to catch us? Airborne attack? Land raid? How are you going to keep us silent this time? The truth is known to everyone, and you can't stop the Rising Tide Organization!"

"You can't find us, never try to know our identities, but believe me, we will rise up against those who hide the truth from us, anything, anything, don't try to organize me..."

Crash!At this moment, the door of the van was opened, and two men in black were standing outside wearing sunglasses. It was Coulson and Ward.

"Oh, hey..." Skye greeted the two with a dazed expression, and then a black hood was put on her head.

Chapter 190 Six New Employees of S.H.I.E.L.D.

When Skye saw the light again, she found herself in an all-metal room.There are only two chairs and a table in the entire room. She is sitting on a chair right now. A middle-aged man is sitting opposite her, and a handsome young man is standing next to her.

Coulson took out a photo and put it on the table, pushed it in front of Skye, and said, "Do you know this person?"

Skye leaned back to the table, glanced at the woman in the photo, and shook his head: "She's beautiful, a model? Oh, uh... no, I've never seen her."

The woman in this photo is Anna. Anna is a Russian agent. She used to act as a model and took many fashion photos. Coulson found her photo easily.

Putting away Anna's photos, Coulson took out four more photos and put them on the table. These four photos were the internal environment photos of an abandoned factory.

"Have you been here before?" Coulson spread out the four photos on the table.

Just looking at the photo, Skye is sure that he has never been there.

"No, I've never worked in a factory in my life..."

"I understand that you are an agent who was trained from a young age..."

"What? I'm not an agent! You are agents! Which department are you from? cIA?" Skye glanced at Ward and smiled: "You are SHIELD, right?"

"Why are you not an agent so close to Tianya? Stark?" Ward asked on the side.

"He approached me on his own initiative! Wait, you have been monitoring him? Otherwise, why did you know that I approached him?"

"You installed surveillance equipment in Stark Tower, and your behavior is a spy." Coulson took out Skye's recording pen, put it on the table, and said, "Tell me about your Rising Tide organization, this What is the purpose of the organization, where is your headquarters? Who are your contacts?"

"Oh..." Skye leaned back on the chair and said, "We are everywhere, and everyone will be my contact person. We will not stop until we fully reveal the truth you are hiding. You can't stop it." us……"

"Reveal the truth we have concealed? Is this related to your installation of monitoring equipment in Stark Tower? Is the installation of monitoring equipment to expose Tianya? Stark's life privacy?"

"I didn't intend to reveal the privacy of anyone's life..."

"Then what are you doing in Tianya? Stark's bedroom installed surveillance equipment?" Coulson interrupted Skye: "Not all the truth is suitable for the public to know. S.H.I.E.L.D. has always been protecting the public from some They cannot accept the influence of the truth. Only in this way can they go to work, study, shop, entertain and enjoy a good life with peace of mind. This is the work of our S.H.I.E.L.D. What's next?"

"Unrest?" Skye asked tentatively.

"Yes, the order of the whole world will be destroyed, and various problems will arise, robbery, murder, people will use any means to survive, the end of the world has not yet come, people have artificially caused the end of the world, and It’s also possible that this end of the world is avoidable, we’re here to do that.”

"Oh, oh, what were you doing when the Chitauri invaded? What were you doing when the Kryptonians invaded? How do I get the feeling you're cleaning? Well, I'm not really a spy, I just want to know more Looking at the information of the Avengers, I never thought about using it to do anything against or endanger the Avengers."

"Just because you haven't thought about it, doesn't mean the organization behind you hasn't thought about it," Ward said.

"Uh...Actually...The Rising just a hacker organization. We just want to hack into the servers of S.H.I.E.L.D. and release some information to the public. We didn't think about doing evil things..."

"Hacking the server itself is a wrong thing! Oh, wait, wait..." Ward suddenly realized that Skye might have successfully hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. server, and said, "Have you successfully hacked? What information have you stolen?" ?”

"The New Mexico incident, the Pegasus project? Sol is no secret now. The Pegasus project is just a secret aircraft project from the last century, and you should be hiding the Centipede project recently..."

Ward touched his head and spoke to Coulson, asking if he had heard of the centipede project, anyway, he didn't know what the centipede project was.

"No, you don't know what Project Centipede is? You have billions of dollars in equipment, and I beat you with just a laptop."

Coulson really didn't know about the centipede plan, so he said, "Okay, what do you know?"

"There is not much information available on the Internet, I only know that this is a government department's super soldier plan..."

"The Super Soldier Project stopped many years ago." Coulson has relatively high authority, so he naturally knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. was imitating Captain America's enhancer until a few years ago. Of course, it is doing similar research now, but The name is definitely not a centipede project!

"Let's take a break." Coulson stood up and led Ward out of the room where Skye was held.

"We really didn't carry out this centipede plan?" Ward asked Coulson as soon as he came out.

"No. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing some similar research, the name is definitely not Project Centipede, and the results of this research have been proven to be harmless to a certain extent, but it cannot be replicated on a large scale at present."

"Copy?" Ward caught the hole in Coulson's words.

"Yes, this achievement comes from the end of the world? Stark carried items from another world" Coulson didn't deliberately conceal it, because some of this kind of things have been distributed to some senior agents, and he also has some, this thing The name follows the name of the hero's water.

"Now, what should we do with her? Send her directly to Tianya? Stark or go to prison?" Coulson didn't intend to hide the matter of Hero's Water too much, but Ward didn't intend to ask further.

"Tianya? Stark entrusted her to my care. I don't plan to send her back, and she is also a valuable resource. I don't plan to send him to prison. We recruit her..."

"What? Sir, what do you mean? How did she become a valuable resource?" Ward was stunned. How could a person who invaded the S.H.I.E.L.D. server and monitored the Avengers become a valuable resource?

"Yes, she is quite good at computers. We haven't cracked the data in her computer yet. She is exactly what our team needs..."


"Rebecca?" Almost a month later in the morning, Tianya received a call from Rebecca Maddow.

Rebecca Meadow was Killian's subordinate, and after Killian's death, he surrendered to Tianya, and Tianya arranged for her to protect Sol's girlfriend, Jane Foster.

"Boss, something happened..."

"What's the matter? Did someone kidnap Jane?" Hearing Rebecca's tone, Tian Ya became serious.

"If someone kidnaps her, I'll take care of it myself, all I'm saying is she's dating a guy and they're having lunch together."

"Oh, I thought it was a big deal, just dating a man... Hey, wait, dating a man? Sol got cheated?" It's hard to deal with being kidnapped...

"I'll just go over and mess things up..." Hanging up the phone, Tian Ya put on his clothes and launched Thunder God.

Rebecca has Tianya's Flying Thunder God mark on her body, so she can use the Flying Thunder God to teleport there.

"Oh!" Tian Ya suddenly appeared beside Rebecca's car, startling Darcy and a man inside.

"Oh Maigade, you surprised me by your sudden appearance!" Darcy patted his chest.

"Who is this guy?" Tian Ya pointed to the man in the car and asked.

"He is the intern." Darcy immediately introduced Tianya to the man: "Ian, this is my boss, and this is Ian, my intern."

"Your intern? Shouldn't it be my intern? You all work for me..."

Tian Ya is a famous person now, Ian recognized Tian Ya immediately, he hurriedly got out of the car, stammering: "Oh, Maiga, I, I, I want to see you every you fans and staff... oh, uh..."

"I know, I know, don't get excited buddy." Tian Ya grabbed Ian's hand and shook his hand, then looked at Rebecca who was sitting in the driver's seat, and said, "Where is Jane?"

"She's in that restaurant." Darcy pointed to a nearby restaurant.

"Beep..." At this moment, an electronic instrument in the car made a sound.

"What's ringing?" Tianya asked.

Darcy took out a brick-like instrument and said, "It's an instrument invented by Jane to detect space...uh...."

"So, what's the discovery?"

"I don't know, maybe it's never been easy to use..."

Chapter 190 Seven Unfinished Factory with Abnormal Space

"Spatial abnormality?" Tian Ya took the instrument in Darcy's hand, looked at the readings displayed on it, patted his hand lightly, and said, "This thing is not broken..."

After shooting, he found that the value on the instrument was still the same, and the alarm still sounded, so Tian Ya threw the instrument to Darcy again.

"I don't know..." Darcy caught the instrument.

Throwing back the instrument, Tianya activated the transformation technique and turned into Ian's appearance, saying: "I just haven't had breakfast yet..."

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