"Yes, I... I have been playing in the universe for the past few days, and I have heard about him..."

"You have been by my side for the past few days..." Cara was a little puzzled at first, but after thinking about Tian Ya's ability, she became angry instantly: "The one who has been with me for the past few days has been your clone?!"


"Then what have you been doing these days!"

"I first went to help Asgard kill the dark elves, and then used the battleship of the Red Lantern Corps to wander around the universe, met a few friends, killed a space warlord, and snatched an infinite gem... "

"You went to rob again?" Kara looked at Tianya in disbelief.

"That's the Infinity Gem, a god on the same level as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. There was a guy who wanted to destroy a planet with it, so I killed him..."

"Okay, where is Carl?"

"Karl is with Thanos, another cosmic warlord, probably adopted by him."

"Can you find it there?"

"I can't, but my friends can. One of them was taken away by Zod."

"Zod? Zod also received Cal's message? Oh, No, we have to rush to help Cal."

"Maybe it's not Karl we want to help!"

"what do you mean!"

Chapter 220 Reaching the Dark Quadrant

The blue sparks lit up, and a space door appeared in the command room of the red light battleship, Tian Ya and Kara walked out through the space door together.

"Zokes and Scarlo." Tian Ya pointed to them respectively, "They are both members of the Red Lantern Corps."

Tianya said to Zokes and Scarro again: "This is my girlfriend Kara Zoel."

"Nice to meet you." Kara showed a signature smile.

"My lord, why are we going to that planet Morazambi?" Zox asked.

"Quell sent me a message for help. Gamora was taken away by someone who took her away from the same group that attacked Earth last time."

After several space jumps, the battleship came to the outer space of the star Morazambi.

"It's really a planet with distinct colors," sighed Tianya looking at the half-yellow and half-green planet.

"My lord, we have already located their positions" Scaro reminded Tian Ya.

"En." Tian Ya took out the communicator and sent Quill a message.

Not long after, Quill's spaceship flew to Tianya's battleship and entered the interior of the battleship.

Quill and others followed the guide inside the battleship all the way to the command room of the battleship.

"Yondu didn't come? Isn't he with you?"

"That guy doesn't want to die with us," Rocket said with his arms folded on his chest.

"Oh, this is..." Quill immediately perked up after seeing Kara.

"This is my girlfriend, Kara, she is that Karl's cousin," Tian Ya bit my words hard, reminding Quill.

"Isn't your girlfriend golden-skinned?" asked the thoughtless Drax.

Drax's words instantly made Tianya feel uneasy. After taking a sneak peek at Kara, Tianya explained: "It's blond hair, not some kind of blond skin."

"I clearly saw golden skin..." Drax tried to explain that he was right.

"You're wrong buddy!" Quill hurriedly turned around and winked at him to stop him from continuing.

"Quiel, what are you blinking for?"

"You don't have to pay attention to him, this guy is colorblind," Rocket said, looking at Kara.

Tian Ya also immediately changed the subject and introduced Kara to the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"This is Rocket, this is Peter Quill, and that... colorblind is Drax..."

"I'm Groot!"

"Oh, it also said just now, its name is Groot..." Tian Ya looked at Kara with a guilty conscience.

"I'm colorblind?" Drax pointed at Quill and asked, "What color is this dress?"

Hearing Drax's words, Tian Ya's heart suddenly rose.

"Uh...it's reddish brown..." Quill replied.

"I always thought it was red, oh my god, I'm really colorblind..."

"Huh..." Tian Ya finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard a different answer.

"Cough!" Tian Ya coughed and said, "Quiel, can you locate Gamora? We should set off."

"Yes." Quill took out something like a walkie-talkie and said, "Of course I can locate Gamora."

Quill took something like a walkie-talkie to Skaro, connected the instrument to the computer of the battleship, set the course, and Skaro started the spaceship to jump.

"Can we talk alone?" Kara hugged Tian Ya's arm, smiled at the others, and pulled Tian Ya away from the command room.

When they came to a separate room, Kara pushed Tianya and said, "You were nervous just now, what are you hiding from me?"

"Did I be nervous just now?" Tian Ya quibbled.

"Don't you forget that my ears can hear your heartbeat!"

"Well, I... had a time with Bethany..."

"I know this, everyone knows that Bethany has... What I want to ask is now, are you still looking for another woman behind my back, I can see that Quill and that raccoon are doing it for you Take cover!"

"Of course not!" Tian Ya immediately denied it.

"The heartbeat didn't speed up..." Kara listened to Tianya's heartbeat, and then looked at Tianya: "But I still can't believe you! My skin color is far from golden, and that guy named Drax just recognizes reddish brown as red , There is a huge gap between gold and white! Who is she!"

"No one, Kara..."

"I've never seen that guy, how could he say my skin is golden, who is that woman!"

What!Cursing inwardly, Tian Ya bit the bullet and said, "I went to a planet a few days ago, and we had some conflicts with that planet..."

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with this matter!"

"In fact, it is related," Tian Ya said: "We defeated the armed forces of that planet, and that golden woman is their high priest, and she is my trophy..."

"What!" Carla stared angrily, "Not only did you find another woman, but you snatched it by force! You've disappointed me so much!"

Cara grabbed Tianya's clothes and threw Tianya hard against the wall.

when!A loud noise spread into the ears of everyone in the command room.

"Your battleship has a problem, we were hit by a meteorite..." Rocket looked around and said.

"No, the battleship didn't detect any meteorites..." Skaro clicked on the controller, and the 3D projection immediately showed the "attacked" place, and the picture was exactly the room where Tianya and Kara were.

"Oh...it's so violent..." Seeing Tianya being thrown back and forth repeatedly by Kara, Quill felt pain all over his body.

"Ah..." Tianya let out a scream.

Fortunately, Tianya was protected from the Lantern Ring so that he would not be smashed into meat paste by Kara. With the body of a fairy, even if the bones were broken, he could recover quickly, but the pain was real.

"Who else is there!" Kara pulled Tian Ya in front of her and shouted, "Who else are you on earth!"

"There are so many, take it easy... I have broken several bones..."

"Anyway, you can recover quickly, I should really let you break a few more ribs!" Cara threw Tian Ya onto the bed next to her, and said, "If you dare to mess with other women behind my back, I will kill you!" you!"

Carla slammed the door angrily and left, Tianya showed a meaningful smile, it's great to have illusions!The continuous use of illusions on Kara has already affected her, otherwise she would never have given Tianya a lesson by force and it would be over!

After several jumps, the warship finally caught up with Zod's spaceship. Here is a strange star field. Next to a gray planet, a piece of meteorites are arranged very regularly, forming an Asgard-like spaceship. Starry Sky Continent, but the area is very small.

This is Thanos' territory, the Dark Quadrant!

There is also a huge battleship moored next to this continent made of meteorites. Its style does not look like a Kryptonian battleship, and Zod's spaceship is parked next to that spaceship.

"My lord, there are people on that meteorite, and there are people on this planet," Scarlo said to Tianya after simply scanning.

"Gamora is in that three-legged spaceship." Quill clicked on the 3D projection, and found that the red light on Zod's spaceship was flashing, showing Gamora's location.

"You go to the spaceship to save people, and we will meet Thanos!" Tian Ya said to Quill and the others.

Chapter 220 Do You Know Me?

"You must be Thanos!"

Zod led 4 men down to the meteorite in the Dark Quadrant. The 5 Zods looked at the purple figure in golden armor sitting on the floating king chair, and there was an ugly alien and Their target Kal? El.

"I'm General Zod, from Krypton, I believe you adopted and sheltered one of our people, Karl El."

Thanos glanced at Superman Karl, and said: "20 years ago, my fleet captured a small spaceship in space, a spaceship from your world. At that time, Karl was just a baby. I led the fleet to find your home. It's an empty wreck, your planet has been completely destroyed."

Thanos sat upright and continued: "Your planet was destroyed by unlimited resource mining. I learned from Carl's father's artificial intelligence that you once wanted to save Krypton by launching a coup, but it failed in the end. You and Those of your men were also imprisoned, you are very similar to me back then, but I escaped from Titan, let me tell you why you are here, Kryptonians."

"Krypton has been destroyed. My duty is to rebuild Krypton so that our race can continue. The key to the continuation of our race is the code of life."

Zod looked at Superman Carl and said, "Karl Al, before the destruction of Krypton, your father stole the Code of Life, where is it!"

"I've never heard of a code of life."

Carl, who was wearing a black tights and a silver-gray cloak with a dark red S embroidered on his chest, took a step forward.

"Krypton has been destroyed. This is its doomed fate. When you exploit the planet's resources without limit, it is already doomed to destruction! What's the point of rebuilding Krypton now? Stop it, then the entire universe will face the same situation!"

"I don't have time to worry about whether the universe will perish! I want to ensure the continuation of our race! Hand over your spaceship and the items that were sent to Krypton with you, you may not know the code of life."

Karl looked back at Thanos, and found that Thanos didn't have any expression, and flew up directly, flying towards the huge flat spaceship.

After Carl left, Thanos said: "The resources of the universe are limited, and every race consumes resources excessively. My world used to be like this. I put forward an idea to reduce the consumption of resources and bring more to the continuation of the entire race." time……"

"Let me guess, you invade every planet in the universe, kill half of the population and leave half of the population, this should be your way."

Before Thanos finished talking about Zod, he had already guessed his thoughts, and Zod did not agree with Thanos' approach.

"I will lead my people to find a new place to live, even if the natives of that planet are wiped out! Your actions are disgusting! How many of your people agree with your idea?"

"None." Thanos said blankly, "They perished because of this!"

"The universe is limited, and resources are limited. If life is not controlled, it will die sooner or later. Someone must correct this. Kryptonians, your power will play a very important role in this cause. Join us , I promise to help you find a suitable planet for you to live in."

"We have the ability to find the planet we want, what we want now is the code of life to continue our race!"

Not long after, Karl flew out of the huge battleship with his small spaceship, put it in front of Zod, and then took a pendant from his neck and handed it to Zod.

"Everything is here, I think you should join us..."

Zod took the pendant suspiciously. This pendant is both a key and a memory. Almost everyone on Krypton has this kind of thing. Carl’s key should store part of Joel’s consciousness. Give this thing to yourself.

Zod opened Karl's spaceship full of doubts and looked through it, but as Karl said, the code of life was not inside.

"Computer!" Zod stretched out his hand to the men behind him, and one of the men handed over a cylindrical object to his hand.

Inserting the black key into the keyhole, Zod touched the cross section of the cylindrical object, and a 3D projection of a person appeared in front of everyone.

"Joel!" Zod recognized this old friend at a glance.

"Zod?" The 3D projection was Superman's father, Joe Al, who also recognized Zod.

"Zod, you need to get out of here quickly, that Thanos is not a good person..."

Zod is really a good guy compared to Thanos!Although Zod had launched a coup, Zod did not carry out massacres like Thanos. As the few remaining survivors of Krypton, Joel felt the need to remind Zod.

"I know what kind of guy I'm facing, what I want to know now is, where do you hide the code of life!"

Joel turned around and pointed at Superman Carl, saying, "I hid the code of life in my son..."

Zod followed Joel's hand to look at Superman Karl, and said, "How do I take it out?"

After a pause of a second or two, Jo-El replied, "Kill him..."

Zod was taken aback: "This is not like what you can say!"

"If you don't kill him, the entire universe will usher in catastrophe!"

"I don't have time to care about whether there will be any catastrophe in the universe. I only care about the future of Krypton!" Zod looked at Superman Carl and said, "Your father asked me to kill you. I don’t want to destroy the Code of Life because of this!”

"Since you're not going to help us redo the universe, and I'm happy to be the last Kryptonian!"

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