"Of course not, this is your specialty, even if you can't do it, how can I do it."

"Okay, I promised Kara to go to the opera, but I missed it last time..." The space vortex appeared, and Tian Ya directly used Shenwei to leave.

"Can't you go through the door?"

Tony complained. After Tianya left, Tony operated the computer a few times and said, "Jarvis, let's see if we can simulate this kind of energy."

Chapter 250 Six I Want to Learn Magic

It was finally the university vacation, and Tianya decided to use this vacation to go to Karma Taj to learn magic. Learning magic was already in the plan, but it never happened.

Without prior contact, Tian Ya directly opened a space door and came to Karma Taj.

"End of the World? Stark?"

The practice field of Kama Taj, Tianya met Modu here, and Modu was practicing here.

"Master Modu" Tian Ya nodded and said, "I'm here today to stay and plan to learn magic."

"Welcome" Modu opened his hands to give Tianya a hug.

"You're covered in sweat, buddy, I'm in new clothes." Tian Ya hurriedly pushed Mo Du away.

"New clothes? Why didn't I see it?"

"Well, buddy, you're not a woman, I don't like hugging men." Whether it's new clothes or not, Tian Ya doesn't intend to cuddle with this guy.

"You're sexist, man!"

"No, I'm not gay..."

"Gay guy? Well, come with me, the Supreme will definitely welcome you, and you will be able to learn magic soon with your talent." Modu turned around, picked up a robe from the shelf, put it on, and continued. : "We invited you to stay and study magic a few years ago."

"You know, I have also learned other strength systems, and I can't eat more. I have to practice what I have learned first, and then learn other things."

"you are right."

Modu walked in front and led Tianya through the courtyard to an ancient Chinese-style building. Karma Taj is deeply influenced by Chinese culture, and the ancient architectural style here is very similar to China.

"How is Victor's magic?"

"He is very talented, the most gifted person I have ever met, he learned most of the magic in only one week, I have been here for a long time, he is the first person I have met who has such a talent people."

"Where is he now?"

"He has left Karma Taj, don't you know?" Modu turned his head and looked at Tianya.

"Victor left Karma Taj? When did it happen?" Tian Ya really didn't know that Victor left Karma Taj.

"A month ago, he said that he would go back to his hometown to help the people there, but the Supreme One did not stop him."

Victor back in Latvinia?And it has been a month. It seems that he should have controlled Latvinia. In the comics, Victor controlled his own country, but he also made the originally poor and backward country rich and powerful.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Tian Ya's thoughtful expression, Modu blindly guessed that Victor would do something bad: "Didn't Victor go back to help the people of his own country?"

"Nothing, it has nothing to do with us..."

While talking, the two came to the place where Gu Yi received guests, and Gu Yi was sitting on a chair drinking tea.

"You just happened to be Master Modu." Gu Yi put down the cup and said, "There is someone looking for Kama Taj, you can go and receive him."

Gu Yi waved his hand and a man appeared in the air. This man was unshaven and looked very embarrassed.

"Okay." Mordo put on his hood and went out.

After Modu left, Gu Yi looked at Tianya: "You came here this time to..."

"I plan to stay and study magic."

"Of course." Gu Yi invited Tian Ya to sit down, and personally poured Tian Ya a cup of tea.

"Your strength is also obtained through learning and training. You already have a very high foundation. It is not difficult for you to learn magic. Maybe we can discuss it."

"Discussion? You mean to say learn from each other."

Tian Ya took a sip of the tea, this tea was really good, although Tian Ya couldn't taste what kind of tea it was, this tea was definitely not ordinary tea.There is no sugar in Gu Yi's tea, unlike those Europeans and Americans who drink tea just for forks, this is an old guy who really knows how to drink tea.

"Learn from each other, yes." Gu nodded a little: "Magic is also a kind of knowledge, and only by learning from each other can we improve ourselves."

Tian Ya gathered the chakra into the palm of his hand, and the spiral pill appeared in his hand: "My power is formed by the fusion of mental energy and physical energy. It is not easy to master this kind of power."

Taking back the chakra of the spiral pill, Tianya grabbed Gu Yi's hand and channeled the chakra into Gu Yi's body.

"The learning threshold for this kind of power is very high. Not only do you need to understand the meridians of the human body, but you also need to master complicated gestures to release the attack. The most important thing is..."

"The most important thing is that it is difficult for ordinary people's bodies to produce this kind of energy." Before Tian Ya finished speaking, Gu Yi took over: "Ordinary people need to practice for decades before they can release the energy smoothly."

Gu Yi's words made Tian Ya look sideways, he had just passed Chakra into Jin Gu Yi's body, Gu Yi knew about Chakra.

Gu Yi continued: "Although mages can use energy proficiently, it is not easy to generate energy for themselves. Although there are no people with this ability in this world, there is a practice system similar to yours. It takes long hours of practice to achieve anything, and it is powerful."

"Huh?" Tian Ya's eyes were fixed, this was the first time he had heard of it in such a long time since he came to this world.

"Where can I find this person?" With a practice system similar to his own, Tian Ya must go and meet him.

"You don't have to be too anxious, you can learn magic here first and then go to him, that person opened a practice place in Shanghai, China." Gu Yi stood up and said: "The guest I'm waiting for will arrive soon, here I took you to the library to say hello to the administrator before."

Tian Ya followed Gu Yi and said, "I know where the library is, I can go there by myself."

"But you used to not be able to borrow any books yourself."

Tian Ya followed Gu Yi to the library, Gu Yi nodded to the administrator of the library, and said to Tian Ya: "This is Master Jackson, the administrator of the library, this is..."

"I know him." This Master Jackson is a thin middle-aged man, about the same height as Tianya. He took the words of the ancient one: "Everyone in the world knows him, Tianya? Stark, the most powerful avenger , magic swordsman or magic knight."

"Oh, he will learn magic here for a while." Gu Yi put his hands behind his back and turned around to walk back: "I have other things, you can talk about them."

"Just call me a magic swordsman. I don't have a mount, oh, although I have ridden quite a few ladies." Tian Ya stretched out his hand to the administrator, and shook hands with him while saying, "Really, it's called Jackson." There are quite a few people with the same name, and my former driver was also named Jackson."

"I'd rather be a magician than a driver."

Shaking hands with Tian Ya, Jackson led Tian Ya to a bookshelf, took two books from it and handed them to Tian Ya.

""General Introduction" and "Lemon Gayton", these are some basic books, suitable for beginners."

Tian Ya received two ancient bound magic books from Jackson. After opening them, he was immediately dumbfounded. The words were all incomprehensible!

"What kind of words are these in?"


"Sanskrit? I'm here to learn magic, not linguistics." The thick book was full of unintelligible characters, and Tianya felt dizzy just looking at it.

"To learn magic, you need to master a little bit of other languages, and some magic requires the use of spells."

"The magic in these books requires the use of spells?" Tian Ya raised the two books in his hands.

"The two books in your hand are just basic magic books, and there is no practical magic on them." Jackson handed two more books to Tian Ya: "The Book of the Dead and the Key of Solomon are Some magic to seal demons, some need spells, and some need to draw magic circles."

"Sealing demons? I don't want to be an exorcist! Are there any other books?" Tian Ya stuffed "Basic Introduction" and "Lemon Gayton" back into Jackson's hands: "The basic courses can be skipped, we Come directly to something advanced."

Tian Ya was picking books in the library, and Gu Yi also waited for her guest.

A man reeking of alcohol followed Modu to the hall where Gu Yi received guests. The man stared at Gu Yi with drunken eyes for a long time before speaking.

"Can you help me? Can you relieve my pain and allow me to see my wife and son again?"

Gu Yi smiled, handed a cup of tea to the man in front of him, and said: "The only one who can help you is yourself, first drink a cup of tea to soothe the hangover."

"They say you are a magician, can you help me?"

The man held the cup with no intention of drinking, but Gu Yi looked at him with a smile, and did not speak again until the man took a sip of tea.

"I am Ancient One. I am indeed a magician. Although I am a magician, it does not mean that I can help you. I can only teach you to restrain your pain, Mr. Casillas."

Chapter 250 Seven Skye Infected by an Unknown Virus?

Three days to get started, five days to learn?Karma Taj's magic books are like a mountain, no matter how talented he is, it's impossible!Not only are there many books, but they are also written in different languages!If you want to understand, you have to translate it yourself!

At the moment, there are more than a dozen books piled up in Tianya's room, and Tianya is scanning them into his mobile phone one by one. Let Jarvis translate them first, and then read them slowly.

"Sir, I have your call. It's Agent Coulson," Jarvis reminded.

"He's not an agent any more."

Tian Ya clicked on the phone and connected to Coulson's call.

"The government is looking for you, how dare you call me?" Tian Ya looked at Coulson on the phone and teased.

Coulson's expression was serious, and he didn't intend to joke with Tian Ya, so he went straight to the point: "Something happened to your girlfriend."

"What happened to my girlfriend?" Tian Ya was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized who Coulson was talking about, and it was his team member Skye.

"What's wrong with her?" Tian Ya immediately asked after realizing it: "Is Skye injured? Or..."

"She was infected by an unknown virus," Coulson said, "I think we need to inform you."

"Infected by an unknown virus? Is the thing I gave you on your body?" Tian Ya planned to go and see for himself.

"Yes." Coulson took out the kunai that Tian Ya gave him once from his pocket.

Tianya did not set too many Flying Thunder coordinates in this world, and this world does not have much energy similar to Chakra, so it is difficult to interfere with Tianya's perception, so Tianya can perceive his own Flying Thunder coordinates very well, even if it is It can also be felt on the other side of the world.

He closed his eyes and felt the position of the kunai in Coulson's hand, and Tian Ya directly teleported himself there.

"What's going on?" Teleported to Coulson, Tian Ya asked him.

"You need to ask the relevant personnel about Skye's specific situation. Hydra kidnapped Skye a few days ago and took her to an ancient dungeon, where Hydra planned to release a weapon. Skye stopped them there ..."

Tian Ya followed Coulson to the medical room, and Skye was now isolated to prevent infection.

"You don't look sick now..."

As soon as Tianya came to the isolation ward, he saw Skye sitting on the bed and playing with the computer, and he was alive and well, not at all like Coulson said, Tianya looked at Coulson full of doubts.

"Although she seems to be fine, she was really infected by some kind of virus. My people turned into stone because of that virus. She... um..." Coulson didn't know how to explain it.

"Skye was indeed infected by an unknown virus." Gemma and Fitz walked to Tianya.

Tian Ya looked at the expressions of the three of them and it really didn't seem like a fake, but the group of people in front of him were all secret agents, and their acting skills would definitely not be too bad, so Tian Ya decided to verify it again.

"Aren't you really making fun of me? Skye is obviously very energetic now."

"Maybe it's a flashback," Fitz said casually.

"Fitz! I feel good now!" Fitz's words really angered Skye.

Gemma took a tablet and tapped it in front of Tianya a few times, saying, "Although Skye's looks healthy, some of her physical signs are much different from normal people."

"Heartbeat over 100?" Just glanced at Tian Ya and saw this value, Tian Ya continued to look down.

Not only the heartbeat, but even Skye's body temperature has deviated.

"You said Skye was infected, did you have a blood test?"

"We are testing." Gemma put away the tablet and said, "We will give you some space."

"Hey guys, I'm not dying..." Skye protested.

Seeing that the three of Coulson were about to turn around and leave, Skye continued, "I'm going to die?"

"With me here, how could you die?" Tian Ya said, "Also, even if you really die, I can resurrect you."

"Resurrect me?" Skye said with disbelief on his face, "How to do it? It is impossible to resurrect a dead person. You only have one life. Although I don't want to admit it, but..."

"You are wrong, your cognition is not correct, people have souls." Tian Ya interrupted Skye's words: "I have been to heaven, and I am still learning about the magic of souls, and I have resurrected So Er's mother, you probably haven't heard of this."

"Have you resurrected Sol's mother?" Skye immediately became interested: "Sol's mother is the fairy queen Frigg, how could she die?"

"Killed by the dark elves. The dark elves planned to turn the Nine Worlds into darkness. They attacked Asgard. Sol's mother Frigg died protecting Jane Foster."

"Jane Foster? Is she..."

"Sol's girlfriend on Earth."

"Yes, I've heard of it." Skye nodded and said, "How did you resurrect Frigg?"

"I used a forbidden technique..."

After chatting with Skye for a while, Tianya came to the laboratory and found Gemma and Fitz who were busy.

"How's Skye doing? How's the blood sample testing going?"

"Maybe it will take a while." Fitz on the side glanced at Tianya.

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