The two huge figures attracted the attention of everyone around, even people in the city below the mountain could see the two huge figures, and everyone stopped unconsciously and looked up at the two wooden giants who were about to strike.

While evacuating into the distance, Steve pressed the headset and said, "Tianya, there is a city not far below the mountain. I hope you can control the battle area. Once you exceed the safety limit, countless civilians will be injured!"

"I know!" Tian Ya simply replied, controlling the wooden figure to shake his fist at No. 43 wooden figure.

Seeing Tianya's wooden man swinging his fist, No. 43 also urgently controlled his own wooden man to raise his arms to resist.

boom!A dull loud noise spread into everyone's ears.

The wooden figurines in Tianya were powerful in their punches, and the wooden figurines of No. 43 were directly sent flying hundreds of meters away, and dust was flying everywhere they passed.

"That's it?" Tian Ya was extremely disappointed, he thought highly of this clone!

boom!Tian Ya controlled the wooden dummy to kick off the ground and jumped up high, and stomped hard on the cloned wooden dummy.

boom!The huge weight brought huge potential energy, and the whole earth began to tremble. You could feel the strong vibration in the cities below the mountain, and you could also hear the thunderous noise.

Suffering this kind of attack, the wooden figure of No. 43 has not yet fallen apart, and No. 43, who is staying next to the wooden figure, stretches out his hand to the wooden figure of Tianya.

Following the movement of No. 43, he started to unravel the woven wooden man, and then formed four ropes and began to revolve around the Tianya wooden man.

"It's interesting!" Tian Ya was really amazed by the idea of ​​this clone, and actually planned to play like this!

"But it's a pity, the gap between us is too big!" Tian Ya changed the subject after sighing, and controlled the wooden man to grab a rope first and tear the rope directly.

Just like what Tianya said, the difference in strength is too great. In terms of energy alone, Tianya's chakra is dozens of times, even hundreds of times higher than the energy in No. 43's body!


Controlling the wooden man, he easily tore off a few ropes, Tian Ya reached out and grabbed at the void, and No. 43 was grabbed by the neck by Tian Ya's hand that suddenly broke through the space.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Tian Ya faintly uttered two words, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and No. 43 was immediately grabbed by the neck by Tian Ya across the space and brought to him.

"The gap between us is too great! Oh, Cytorak, if you hide behind and watch, then, what I want to tell you is that I am very satisfied with the surprise you brought me!"

Tian Ya began to absorb the energy of No. 43 as he spoke, and then pressed the top of No. 43's head with his other hand and pulled upwards, pulling No. 43's soul out of his body.

The soul of No. 43 is much stronger than the soul of No. 28. It has begun to take human form, but it is only the size of a baby. It has no face, and no hands and feet on its limbs.

Tianya directly read the memory of No. 43's soul, and pictures appeared in Tianya's mind one after another. It was also when the soul saw Cytorak when he was strengthened by the spiritual scepter, Saitorak gave 43 his magical energy. No, the purpose is to create trouble for Tianya!

Saitorak did not seal the soul memory of No. 43. Saitorak told No. 43 that someone had failed his kindness, but did not tell No. 43 that this person was Tianya.

Cytorak didn't ask No. 43 to trouble Tian Ya, because he knew that both No. 28 and No. 43 were clones of Tian Ya, and Tian Ya would find trouble with both clones sooner or later!Given the strength of the two clones, even if they don't explain anything, they can still cause trouble for Tianya!

Tian Ya firmly shook the soul in his hand, and the soul of No. 43 turned into light spots and dissipated in the sky and the earth.

In fact, the ability of the human way is not just to extract other people's souls and read the soul memory, the ability of the human way can also devour other people's souls.

However, devouring other people's souls is not a good thing, it may mess up Tian Ya's memory, and it will also reduce his resistance to illusions, so Tian Ya will definitely not devour other people's souls, doing things that harm others and benefit himself.

"Annihilation!" The reincarnation eye on the forehead released the unique pupil technique, and the corpse of No. 43 turned into particles and dissipated.

After eliminating the soul of No. 43, Tian Ya will not keep the body of No. 43. This kind of clone is of no use to Tian Ya, and Tian Ya does not want anyone to continue this kind of research.

Just as Tianya wiped out No. 43, Batman walked into Hydra's base alone.

In the command room of the Hydra base, a group of people were scrambling to destroy various materials, when a shock grenade was thrown in.

"Grenade!" A sharp-eyed man immediately yelled and fell to the ground.


After a loud noise, the heads of the people in the command room were buzzing. Before they had time to draw out their guns, a black figure rushed in. This black figure knocked down several people in the command room while tossing and turning.

The shock grenade's lethality is not great, but the sound is so loud that it can temporarily lose hearing and disorientation, so Batman can bring down several Hydra soldiers without any effort.

Batman took out a USB flash drive from his belt and inserted it into a computer, while operating the computer, he said: "I entered the command room."

"Did you see Loki's scepter?" Tony asked.

"No, I'm going to ask them."


Just then there was a gunshot, and a Hydra soldier lying on the ground pulled the trigger on Batman with a pistol.

"What's going on?" The bullet was bounced off by the bat suit, and the Hydra soldier froze for a moment before pulling the trigger again.

Batman shot a bat dart into his wrist with his backhand, and said, "Didn't anyone tell you that my armor is bulletproof?"

"Master Bruce, according to the information detected by the radar on your body, there is a huge space behind the wall in front of you." Alfred's voice sounded from Batman's headset.

"What did you find in the computer?" Batman asked.

"I'm searching for useful information on my computer..."

"Keep searching," Batman said, walking towards the wall Alfred had mentioned.

Batman pressed on his wrist, and the position of his eyes turned into a white lens. Through the lens, Batman saw the scan result. He pressed lightly on the wall, and the wall cracked, and a downward line appeared. aisle.

This is a secret room, and there are several computers in the secret room. Jose Lister is standing in front of the computer and deleting data. After hearing the sound, he immediately picked up his pistol and aimed it in the direction of the door.

Whoosh... Just as Liszt raised his pistol, a bat dart was inserted into the back of his hand.

"Ah!" The sharp pain caused Liszt to drop the pistol.

Seeing Batman walking towards him slowly, Liszt held his injured hand and said, "You are late, I have already deleted all the data..."

"You didn't completely delete it." Batman directly punched him to knock him out, and then continued: "You are the data."

After Liszt knocked Batman out, he began to look at the entire secret room. Apart from a few computers, this secret room is a row of bookshelves, and some messy electronic devices.

Turning on the scanning system again, Batman scanned the secret room and found another secret passage.

Opening the secret door of the stone wall, a gust of wind came out. Behind the secret door was a huge space. Batman saw a huge monster at a glance, and there was an object emitting blue light under the huge monster.

"Guys, I think I found Loki's scepter..." Batman said in the channel, and walked down the stairs.

After walking about two floors high, Batman came to the ground of this huge space along the spiral iron staircase.

Batman looks left and right, there are piles of mechanical parts here, and there are even assembled robots. The head of a chitauri beast is placed in the farthest distance, and Loki's scepter is inserted in the giant beast. On the workbench under the head.

"Guys, I found the scepter. The scepter is right in front of my eyes." Batman stopped under the giant beast's head, squinting at the blue gem on the scepter.

"Oh, uh... don't touch the gemstone above, Tianya, you know gemstones better, gemstones really shouldn't be touched, right?" Tony said after hearing Batman's words while flying with a woman in the air.

Tian Ya just finished dealing with No. 43. After hearing Tony's words, he said, "That gem is not that dangerous. Although it can control other people's minds, it shouldn't be a problem if it doesn't touch the tip of the spear."

"Are you sure?" Batman asked again.


At this moment, two figures appeared behind Batman in a flash of light. It was Wanda and Pietro. Pietro was about to step forward to push Batman away and take the scepter, but was stopped by Wanda. .

Wanda pinched an orchid finger at Batman's head, and a burst of red energy entered Batman's mind.

After Wanda finished all this, Batman turned his head to check, but he did not see Wanda and Pietro in hallucination, but saw something else.

He saw that the city he wanted to protect had turned into ruins, and those dilapidated buildings surrounded the edge of a deep pit with a radius of several kilometers, and a person was quietly suspended in the air directly above the big pit, that person It is the end of the world!

Batman took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Having been exposed to fear poison before, he knew very well that he might have been poisoned by that poison again, or something similar. He tried to calm down and opened his eyes again.

The illusion disappeared, and the huge secret room full of machines was still in front of him. Batman turned to look at the spiritual scepter, feeling ominous in his heart.

"The illusion just now was issued by the scepter? Why is there such an illusion?" After asking himself a few words in his heart, Batman pulled out the scepter.

Pietro led Wanda all the way to the city below the mountain, and stopped only after finding a place where there was no one there.

Pietro put Wanda down and said, "Why don't you let me take the scepter?"

"They have found the scepter, and we can no longer take the risk of snatching it."

"Okay, so what did you see from that big bat?" Pietro asked again.

"Fear, and mistrust!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Several important combat forces of the Hydra base were defeated, facing a group of 'inhuman creatures' Hydra soldiers retreating steadily, after learning that the outer perimeter of the base had fallen, the Hydra soldiers in the base began to flee in all directions. Only a few sporadic ones are still left to fight.

After entering the base, it didn't take long for the battle to end, and everyone gathered the Hydra captives together.

"So, what should we do with them?" Kara asked, looking at the group of captives in front of her.

The captives of Hydra consisted of three to 40 people, all of whom were gathered together except for a few leaders, squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands.

"Isn't it handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Diana asked.

Thor said: "Yes, we should give these guys to S.H.I.E.L.D., but isn't S.H.I.E.L.D. disbanded?"

"Guys, someone will take these captives." Tony shrugged, then pointed to a few captives standing alone, "What we need to do now is to interrogate these guys."

"Who will take the prisoners? Why don't I know?" Tian Ya asked.

"Ross, General Ross" Tony said: "He now has a new title, the warden, and the government has set up a new prison to detain super-capable criminals and people like these guys."

"Oh..." As a prisoner, Lex Luthor exclaimed, with an exaggerated expression: "A prison for super criminals? Why don't I know?"

"Lex... Luthor" Natasha smiled slightly and said, "I can guarantee that you will enjoy it a lot in that prison."

Lex returned a smiling face and said, "I will."

"Before you go to jail, I have something to ask you, Lex." Tian Ya stood in front of Lex.

Before Tian Ya started to ask, Lex answered, "Want to know why I became like this? You might as well guess."

"I don't care why you became like this..." Tian Ya just finished speaking and suddenly realized that Lex had something to say!

Lex Luthor is Superman's old enemy, but in this world, Superman has become the adopted son of Thanos, and Luthor has no chance to fall in love with Superman and kill him. Is it possible that Luthor will regard himself as his lifelong enemy?

After thinking for a few seconds, Tian Ya continued: "I want to know, how did you get the Kryptonian gene, Kara has never been injured..."

"You probably have forgotten that you once wounded a Kryptonian on the Helicarrier of SHIELD. SHIELD collected the blood of Kryptonians. The stuff of SHIELD is the stuff of Hydra..."

"SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra," Steve, who had experienced the "destruction" of S.H.I.E.L.D., sighed.

"Yes." Natasha took the words: "Fortunately, Sterak is the last snake head, and now Hydra is completely wiped out..."

When Natasha said this, she found that Strack was full of smiles, and immediately felt uncertain again. She pointed at Strack and said, "I saw you laughing just now, Hydra and other snake heads?"

"You probably forgot what you are facing, Agent Romanov." Strack puffed up his chest, and said, "We are hydras. Cut off one head and grow two!"

"Don't pull it, don't pull it," Tony taunted: "It's all up to now and you're still talking big, whether you admit it or not, Hydra has been completely wiped out."

"Hydra will never be destroyed! Cut off one head and grow two!" Strack immediately shouted excitedly.

Strack's performance successfully convinced everyone that Tony was right, and Hydra had indeed been completely wiped out.

Tian Ya picked up the box that Lex was carrying when he ran away, and opened the box in front of everyone. There were two stainless steel thermos pots and a thick notebook in the box.

Tian Ya took a notebook and flipped through it. The notebook contained Lex's experimental records. After reading a few pages, Tian Ya frowned. Lex is indeed a genius. He cloned it in just a few months There are clones that can be used in actual combat.

Compared with Lex, Swan, Ivan, and Maya's experiments are progressing very slowly. I have provided them with various materials and alien technology, but Tianya has not seen the desired results so far.

Although the research of Swan and others is different from that of Lex, they can see Lex's talent from the side.

After flipping through a few pages casually, Tian Ya directly threw the notebook into the Shenwei space, but this action aroused Banner's doubts.

"You put away your notes, don't you want to replicate his experiment?" Banner asked shivering while wearing a blanket.

"I'm majoring in biology, and his notes are very helpful to me." After Tian Ya finished closing the box, he threw it to Banner and said, "Find a way to destroy the contents inside, oh, there is another room The bombed laboratory, let me go and see..."

"Do you need my help?" Kara asked.

"No" Tian Ya turned and walked towards the bombed-out laboratory.

Although Tian Ya said no, Kara still followed Tian Ya.

Kara followed Tianya all the way to the buried laboratory before asking, "Where have you been these two days?"

"I'm going..." Tian Ya just wanted to answer, but he seemed to feel that Kara's question was not literal. It seemed that he hadn't slept in Kara's bed for several days!

"I saw you on TV with a woman I haven't seen before!" Sure enough, Cara's next sentence revealed her true intention.

"Uh... she... well, I admit that I did have a relationship with her..."

boom!As soon as Tian Ya finished speaking, Kara grabbed Tian Ya's clothes and threw Tian Ya violently against the wall.

"I told you a long time ago, if you dare to do these things behind my back, I will..."

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