

Ever since she confirmed she wanted to audition, Inuzuka Chika has always attached great importance to this matter.

There is no other reason, but she really wants this role, that's all.

She had 15 years of acting career before, but in these 15 years, she felt that she had never played any character with a real soul.

Whenever she sees a news report that a certain character is "played" by a certain person, she will feel very envious.

Because, she doesn't even have the qualifications to play a certain role.

The roles in the plays she can receive are so superficial and labeled, lacking connotation and layering.

All she needs to do is to show the label that the character is labeled.

She's actually pretty good at it.

But that's it.

However, this time the character feels different.

Judging from the information available now, if the script is good enough, this character will be a very deep and complex character.

And that's what she longed for before.

Although even if you can't get this role, it's not a bad thing to wait until next year to let the agency put yourself in a certain drama to experience it step by step, but...

"How can you not try your best?"

In this way, she took the character setting of "Eclipse Queen" to watch and ponder over and over again.

Try to put your own emotions into it, try to make yourself one with this character.....

Although she said "just try my best", in fact, at this moment, in her opinion, this role is inevitable for her.

PS: I'm finally getting into the point of this book.Although the rhythm is a bit slower, I feel that the impression is not bad, barely strong.

Today I actually updated 7000 words, let’s count the votes QAQ

15. Eclipse Queen?

After returning home, she was unwilling to rest, but planned to study this role all night...

But since she has not officially participated in this filming, there is not much information that can be obtained from the crew.

The news we know now is that the screenwriter of this drama is a well-known suspense novel writer in the Japanese industry. His name is Kazuo Ono, and he is a very old-fashioned writer with an excellent reputation.

Chika Inuzuka didn't want to study when she was in high school, so she read a lot of his novels in her free time.

In her opinion, what this person is best at is digging deep into the 'prisoner's motivation'.

In all his stories, the plot promotion is based on the "prisoner's motivation" as the core.

His suspense novels don't bury the story very deep. Often in the middle of the story, readers already know who the prisoner is from God's perspective, and he won't deliberately hide it.

Only the protagonists will remain in the dark.

But readers will still read it curiously, because everyone will be very puzzled "why did the prisoner do this".

This kind of creative logic has allowed him to successfully create many classic characters, and many of his novels have been adapted into movies, TV series, and cartoons.

And this time, the theme of "Masked Brave White Moon", also written by him, is the revenge of the villain who is the queen of the eclipse against all Japan and even all mankind.

As the protagonist, the masked brave Bai Yue, as the opposite of the Eclipse Queen, wants to protect human beings and destroy the Eclipse Queen's revenge plan.

Although it is the subject of masked warriors, judging from the small amount of news we have obtained so far, the script structure of this drama is likely to be very close to those suspenseful novels written by Kazuo Ono.

A big villain with bitter hatred and complex motives promotes the development of the whole story, and the protagonist group on the other side gradually understands the villain's motives in the process of stopping the villain... Then the story will be solved by puzzles. In the process of continuous revelation, the characters are sublimated and the image of the characters is greatly enriched.

As an old reader of Kazuo Ono, Chika Inuzuka saw at a glance that this is a very typical "Ono-style creation" script structure.

And this kind of script structure also made her more interested in this drama, and she also became more and more eager to play the role of Queen Eclipse.

But now comes the problem...

When Ono creates stories, he is used to using the motives of the villains as the suspense of the story and the means of promoting the plot.

This also means that before getting the actual script, Qianhua is completely unable to guess what kind of story it is.

Why did the Eclipse Queen want revenge, what did humans do to her, and what is the specific plot...

She doesn't know anything about this now.

After excluding these deeper motives, the superficial "revenge" appears very general.

It's still just a label.

In this case, she has no way of "understanding and acting in this role in advance".

After all, how can you possibly step into a role that you know nothing about?

"Ah... It seems that it is not good to prepare in advance, I can only wait until the scene..."

Thinking of this, Chika Inuzuka lay down on the desk in the apartment building a little discouraged, wanting to take a break.


dong dong.....

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the apartment.

She raised her head and looked at the alarm clock on the table.

"It's already 11:[-]... Who is it?"

Feeling a little puzzled, she got up tiredly and went to open the door.

"Yo ho! How do you feel today?"

As soon as the door opened, she saw Takahashi Yuko with the same brown curly hair as her.

"Yuko? Why are you here so late?" Qianhua was a little surprised by her appearance.

"I live next door to you. It's not a trouble to come here. Why, can't you come here?"

"Ah... also."

Indeed, the two lived very close to each other in a twin apartment building, she lived on the left and Yuko lived on the right.

It's just that there is a big difference between the two's schedules. Qianhua doesn't have much filming here, so she gets off work very early every day.

As for Yuko, the theatrical and TV versions of "Masked Brave Soul" are full recently. During the day, they shoot TV, and at night, they shoot the night scenes of the theatrical version.

This caused the two to live so close, but rarely talked.

Except for the night when Qianhua just moved here, the two of them had never visited once.

Facing this unexpected visitor, Qianhua politely invited her in and prepared a bottle of tea for her.

Yuko sat on the sofa, unobtrusively opened the drink that Qianhua gave her, and then asked, "I heard that you are going to film "The Masked Brave" too?"

Qianhua scratched her head in embarrassment: "Where did you hear that? It's not confirmed yet. Ms. Jiutiao said that the probability of me getting this role is not high."

Yuko snorted disdainfully: "She's bluffing you. I know there are a few other people besides you. They can't compete with you. Don't be nervous."

"It is true....."

"Really. The woman who is the biggest threat to you should be the woman named Wudai Zhen. She has good acting skills. But she is an old woman, and she has to rely on makeup to pretend to be tender in order to play this role."

"Yes...is it?"

"Well. And ah... that girl is 27 years old, and she still takes the role of a high school student every day. I don't know how many people are complaining about her. She was really stretched two years ago, and the maintenance is not bad. In the past two years, it is obvious that I can't hold back, and I look old."

Qianhua smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to respond.

The image of Yuko in the outside world seems to be a very gentle and cute character.

Qianhua also thought so at the beginning, but after getting acquainted with Yuko recently, she found that this person is really crazy.

The superficial modesty is really 100% a character design, and it really has little to do with her actual personality.

Or... In fact, she actually looks so gentle and cute in reality, but only for people she doesn't know well.

Once you get closer to her, you will find that this person may be so-called crazy if he is extremely depressed, and his real personality is completely different from what appears on the surface.

Although it is very common to know that the personality of an artist in reality is quite different from the image in the public eye, but it is still quite subtle that such a close friend of mine is such a guy.

ps: Today there is another chapter in the middle of the night, let’s count the votes QAQ

16. Am I special to you?

"Speaking of which, have you seen the masked hero I played? Masked hero Linghu, I played the heroine in it."

"I'm sorry... I don't take the initiative to find special dramas to watch."

"Forget it, it's normal if you haven't watched it. And this drama is so bad, it's a waste of your time to watch it."

Saying so, but Yuko is obviously still a little disappointed that Qianhua has never seen her acting, and her expression looks a little bit disappointed.

After all, no matter who it is, it is natural for one's good friends to pay attention to one's performance.

Wanting to be praised, wanting to be evaluated is an emotion any performer will have.

But Qianhua didn't take the initiative to pay attention to her friend's mood, so she felt a little guilty about it, and remembered it in her heart.

Then, he said to her Yuko: "I'll look at it later, I'm sorry, I didn't care about your feelings, it's my problem."

Qianhua's serious apology stunned Yuko for a while.

Yuko's expression became a little shy for a moment, but the range was very subtle, and she became calm before Qianhua noticed it.

She coughed twice and said, "Why are you so disgusting."

Qianhua shook her head: "It's not disgusting, I just feel that as a friend, I do ignore your feelings a little bit. We are all friends, but I haven't taken the initiative to pay attention to your performance, and I haven't thought about getting along with each other at all. It should be two-way, just immerse yourself in your own world."

Yuko sighed: "Qianhua...you are so serious...I pretended to be in front of others, but your rigidity is not fake at all. "

'However, I don't hate you like this either. '

Yuko didn't say the latter sentence.

"Yes...is that so?" Qianhua scratched the back of her head embarrassingly.

"Why are you giggling there? Do you think I'm praising you?"

"No, that.....just...."

"Forget it, it's really not scolding you, after all, Qianhua is just such a person."

The two chatted openly, and the distance between them seemed to get a little closer.

"Speaking of it, Qianhua."


"Do you know what is the characteristic of the masked brave?"

"I... I actually don't know much about it. I didn't watch special movies before."

"Idiot, even if you don't read it, you should understand it! The characteristic of the masked hero, of course, is...transformation! No matter how many generations of the masked hero, no matter how the design elements change with the aesthetic changes of the times, Shouting out the word transformation must be the prerequisite for transforming into a masked hero! Moreover, there are transformation movements, and different masked heroes have different transformation movements."

"What about you, Yuko-chan? Do you have your own transformation moves?"

"Of course! My transformation is still designed by myself!"

"Can you show me a show?"

Yuko, who was originally in high spirits, immediately became shy after being asked this question by Qianhua.

She said shyly: "No, that...that needs props, if you don't have props now, it's a bit embarrassing to transform with empty hands...."

Qianhua smiled lightly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just to see the action, it doesn't matter if there are props or not."


"It's okay to show me, right? I won't laugh at you."

Yuko was bored for a while with a shy face.

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