She can't control this.

At this moment, a short-haired woman in a lady's suit walked straight towards Ya'an Yuki.

This short-haired woman is very similar to Mitsui Zeka, and feels like a younger version of her.

"President Yuki, here are the materials you want from the marketing department." The short-haired woman handed a stack of materials to Yucheng Ya'an.

While giving the information, I looked at Mitsui Zeka after Masa Yuki settled down//.

After noticing the gaze of the short-haired woman, Mitsui Zeka was not angry, but showed her a loving expression.

"Oh, I see." Yuki Ya'an took the information.

"Huh!? Sister Mamiko?" After looking at the short-haired woman, Yubihama Asuna said this. Yubihama Asuna seemed to know the short-haired woman in front of her.

"Huh!? Are you?" Yubihama Asuna called out, and the short-haired woman looked puzzled.

"I, Asuna." Yubihama Asuna pointed to herself, and then said.

"Huh?! Miss Asuna?" After hearing Yubihama Asuna's words, the short-haired woman was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Yubihama Asuna.

"It's really Miss Asuna, long time no see." While looking at her, the short-haired woman said hello to Yuigahama Asuna.

"Yeah, long time no see." Yubihama Asuna nodded in response.

She knew the short-haired woman in front of her. Her name was Mamiko Mitsui, and she was the daughter of Mitsui Zeka.

Mitsui Mamiko is a few months older than Yuigahama Asuna, so Yuigahama Asuna calls her "sister".

Mamiko Mitsui is also the private secretary chosen by Yaan Yuuki and Mitsui Zeka for Yubihama Asuna.

Her words are very familiar with the Yuki Group, and she has also worked as a supervisor in various departments. If she assists Yubihama Asuna, Yuki Ya'an and Mitsui Zeka are also very relieved.

"Miss Asuna, have you come to the Yuki Group and decided to take over the Yuki Group?" At this moment, Mamiko Mitsui said to Yubihama Asuna.

Mamiko Mitsui is not stupid, Yubihama has not been to the Yuki Group for more than ten years, and she must be familiar with the situation this time. She guessed that the day when Yubihama Asuna took over the Yuki Group is coming soon.

"Ah, this..." After hearing Mamiko Mitsui's words, Asuna Yuigahama was at a loss for words, not knowing how to answer.

"That's right, Mamiko, you are as smart as ever, and you can see why Asuna came to the Yuki Group at once." At this time, Yuki Ya'an said.

"Oh, that's it, then the day when I become President Yuki's secretary is not far away!" After hearing Yuki Ya'an's words, Mitsui Mamiko exclaimed excitedly.

The secretary of the president of the Yucheng Group has a lot of power in the Yucheng Group. Except for the president of the Yucheng Group, everyone else must listen to her.

Mamiko Mitsui has been waiting for this day for a long time.

In order to become the secretary to the president of the Yuki Group, she took her work very seriously.

"Mamiko, what's the point?!" Mitsui Zeka immediately reminded her when she saw her daughter losing her composure.

"Sorry, sorry, I lost my composure for a while." After noticing her inappropriate behavior, Mitsui Zeka bowed slightly.

"It's okay, it's okay, besides, I really want you to assist Asuna." Ya'an Yuki said.


After hearing Yuki Yaan's words, Yubihama Asuna's expression became a little subtler.

Judging from Yuki Ya'an's words, after Yubihama Asuna took over the Yuki Group, Yuki Ya'an was planning to let Mitsui Asamiko be her secretary.

For Mamiko Mitsui, Yubihama Asuna does not reject it, because she is of the same age.

If Yuki Ya'an gave her a person with a big age difference to be her secretary, then Yubihama Asuna might not accept it.


"Thrilling~" A black limousine stopped in front of the Wangyou coffee shop, Shen Gongyu got out of the car, and before Shen Gongyu waved goodbye to the driver, the car started quickly and left.

The person in the driver's seat probably didn't want to see Shen Gongyu for a second.

Seeing this, Shen Gongyu also showed a helpless expression.


"It seems that you are very concerned about that person named Shen Gongyu!" In the passenger seat, Ya'an Yuki said to Yubihama Asuna in the back seat.

At this moment, only Yubihama Asuna, Mitsui Zeka and her were left in the car.

Sayuri Sawamura was no longer in the car.

If it weren't for this, Yuki Ya'an wouldn't dare to deal with Shen Gongyu.

"What!? Have you started thinking about attacking Jingu Yu?" After hearing Yuki Ya'an's words, Yubihama Asuna answered.

"How could it be?! If you want to do something to him, you'd have to wait until now?!" Yuki Ya'an immediately denied.

In fact, she had thought about dealing with Shen Gongyu, but Jing Gongyu cheated her of 500 million directly on the grounds of helping her repair Yubihama Asuna's relationship.

Of course, it can't be said to be a scam, after all, Jing Gongyu has indeed repaired the relationship between Yuki Ya'an and Yubihama Asuna, and the two can sit in the car and chat.

Ya'an Yuki didn't even dare to think about such a situation.

"I hope." Yubihama Asuna said after hearing Yuki Masan's words.

It seems that he still maintains his doubts about Yuki Ya'an.

"By the way, that man named Shen Gongyu has a lot of women around him, including well-known lawyers, chaebols, restaurant owners, and company executives." Ya'an Yuki said to Yubihama Asuna road.

"What are you trying to express by telling me this!?" Yubihama Asuna frowned slightly after hearing Yuuki Masan's words.

"If you choose to be the president of the Yuki Group, do you think Shen Gongyu will look at you more?!" Yuki Ya'an said to Yubihama Asuna.

After hearing Yuki Masan's words, Yubihama Asuna's expression became a lot more dignified.

564 In fact, you have already made a choice.


In the living room of a certain apartment, Yubihama Asuna was lying on the sofa.

She stared at the ceiling, as if thinking of something.

At this moment, a voice emerged in Yubihama Asuna's mind, which was Ya'an Yuki's sentence "If you choose to be the president of Yuki Group, do you think Jing Gongyu will look at you more?"

The answer is yes, if Yucheng Ya'an really becomes the president of Yucheng Group, with Shen Gongyu's character, he will definitely come to curry favor with her and curry favor with her.

Not to mention Jinguyu, men who may be better than Jinguyu will notice Yubihama Asuna.

But so far, Yubihama Asuna has not met a man who is better than Jing Gongyu.

Want to go back and inherit the family property? !Yubihama Asuna had tangled emotions in her heart.

"I'm back." Just as Yubihama Asuna was thinking wildly, a voice came from the door.

It was her daughter Yuigahama Yui who came back.

Or, ask her opinion?!

"Mom, what are you doing sitting on the sofa?! Are you in a daze? The TV is not on." Yuihama Yui asked Yubihama Asuna as soon as she entered the room.

"Well, Yui, I have a question to ask you." Yubihama Asuna said with a serious expression and then said to Yubihama Yui.

"Ask." Yuigahama Yui responded.

"Well, what would you think if your mother and I became the president of a large group overnight?!" Yubihama Asuna said to Yubihama Yui.

"Ah!?" After hearing Yubihama Asuna's question, Yubihama Yui was stunned.

Maybe Yubihama Asuna would not have expected to ask such a question.

"Mom, have you watched too many dog// blood dramas?! So you started to fantasize about being the president of a big company?!" Yuihama Yui said to Yubihama Asuna.

"No, this is not the plot in the dog//blood drama, it's just a hypothesis, a hypothesis." Yubihama Asuna quickly explained.

Yubihama Asuna did not tell Yubihama Yui about her own life//life, so her attitude is not surprising.

"Assumption!? If it is a hypothesis, I will be very happy! Because then, I will not be short of pocket money!" Yuigahama Yui responded.

"No, that's it?!" After hearing Yuihama Yui's words, Yuigahama Asuna frowned slightly.

"Otherwise!? What else? You became the president of the company. For me, the role is to increase pocket money." Yubihama Asuka Yui responded.

"Your pursuit is too low!? You don't want to inherit the position of president!?" Yubihama Asuna said to Yubihama Yui.

"No! The position of president is very tiring!" Yuigahama Yui responded.


As expected of my daughter, she thinks the same as mine!

Hearing Yuihama Yui's words, Yuigahama Asuna covered her face.

It seems that there is no need to ask her this question, ask someone else.


"Mr. Jingu, tell me, should I inherit the Yuki Group!?" In front of the counter of Wangyou Coffee Shop, Yubihama Asuna was asking Jingu Yu.

Jing Gongyu did not answer, but stretched out his hand to Yubihama Asuna, as if to "give money".

Yubihama Asuna was also very savvy, so she took out a [-]-yuan neon coin and handed it to Shen Gongyu.

"Actually, this answer was already decided when you decided to come to me." After receiving the money, Jing Gongyu said to Yubihama Asuna.

"Huh?! No, you still act as a riddle after receiving money, right?" After hearing Jing Gongyu's words, Yuigahama Asuna said dissatisfiedly.

"It's not that I want to be a riddle, but that you actually have an answer in your heart, don't you?" Shen Gongyu said to Yubihama Asuna.

"Hehe, I don't listen to riddles, I want to listen to the answer you gave me." Yubihama Asuna said to Shen Gongyu.

"My answer?! Of course my answer is to inherit the Yuki Group!" Shen Gongyu responded.

"As expected." Yubihama Asuna responded after hearing Shen Gongyu's words.

Her expression was very indifferent, as if she was not surprised by this result.

"You know that I will probably choose this, right?" After seeing Yubihama Asuna's indifferent expression, Shen Gongyu said.

"But you still come to me for the answer, and explain that my answer is what you think in your heart." Shen Gongyu continued.

"Hehe." After hearing what Jing Gongyu said, Yubihama Asuna showed a noncommittal smile.

Yesterday, she thought for a long time while she was sleeping.

In the end, she decided to come to Shen Gongyu and ask him to help her choose.

In fact, when she asked Shen Gongyu to help her choose, she had already made her own choice.

In her heart, she wanted to take over the Yuki Group.

Because now her best friend Sayuri Sawamura is down and needs her help, and the Yuki Group is still going to be in her hands after all, she can't avoid it.

What's more, after she became the president of Yuki Group, she wanted to do one thing, and that was to pursue Shen Gongyu.

She has been interested in Shen Gongyu for a long time, but because of her status as a housewife, she dare not, only dare to flirt with Shen Gongyu.

After she wants to become the president of Yuki Group, she will actively pursue Shen Gongyu, and it is best to marry him.

Even if you can't get married, have a relationship with him.

Over the years, because she has to take care of Yuigahama Yui, she has been going to various lottery draws, and she has no life of her own.

I like to watch dogs//blood dramas, that's because there are too few entertainment items to play.

She doesn't want to have a relationship with a handsome young guy all the time.

But because of Asuna Hihama, this idea was consciously delayed.

But now, Yubihama Asuna is a high school student, so she doesn't need to take care of her.

She can do what she wants too.

"It seems that Mrs. Yubihama is ready to take over the Yuki Group." This is, Jing Gongyu said to Yubihama Asuna.

"Hehe, you forced it!" After hearing Jing Gongyu's words, Yubihama Asuna said angrily.

If Jing Gongyu hadn't arranged for Yucheng Ya'an to ambush her in the back kitchen of Wangyou Coffee Shop yesterday, she wouldn't have been dragged down by Yucheng Group yesterday, and she wouldn't have struggled all day last night.

"I really doubt, Mr. Jingu, did you take advantage of my mother!?" Yubihama Asuna looked at Shen Gongyu with questioning eyes.

"Hey, I really took advantage of President Yuki, she gave me 1000 million." Shen Gongyu responded.

The smile is very sincere.

"Hehe, 1000 million, it's a lie!" After hearing what Shen Gongyu said, Yuigahama Asuna rolled his eyes at him.

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