Serena showed a dangerous smile, and then answered Dana.

"You are still in a dream... Besides, you will never wake up from this nightmare."

Chapter 11 The Nightmare Manor

"Get out of the way, Knight Atwood."

Dinah rode on the horseback and looked impatiently at the knight standing in front of her.

"Miss, my duty is to guard this place, please don't make things difficult for me."

Even so, Knight Atwood's face was full of embarrassment.

He knew what his duty was, and he also knew how much the Earl loved his little daughter, and this was the most difficult part for him.

"So, are you saying that I can't enter my family's manor?"

Dinah looked more and more impatient.She subconsciously fumbled for her whip.

Atwood's face turned black, he knew that this savage young lady might really hit him with a whip.

But out of duty, he reminded again:

"No, you can, but the carriage behind you really can't."

Dinah pursed her lips unhappily, and her eyeballs rolled several times in their sockets.

After that, she approached Knight Atwood and whispered:

"The lady in the car is my prey, she won't leave again."

Atwood looked surprised.

Even for the countess, killing a foreign noblewoman in the manor would be a big trouble!

"Nobody knew she was here, I made an appointment with her, it was a sweet night no one knew about."

Dinah went on.

Atwood looked better.

That’s right, as long as you don’t get caught and corroborated, everyone can act as if nothing happened.

After all, it was just a noble from a foreign country. Even if she disappeared inexplicably from the journey, it would take a long time for the news to reach her hometown.

When the people over there come to investigate, there may not even be ashes left of this young lady.

Seeing Atwood's expression loosen, Dinah whispered again with a deep smile:

"You see, my target is only the lady herself. Her housekeeper and maid are actually good prey. And those understand, Knight Atwood."

He did get it.

As long as my lady brings the foreign noble lady into the last room, everything else can be regarded as ownerless.

And there are three knights and more than a dozen attendants here, so it's not easy to kill the mere six attendants over there.【>$

Then, all the belongings, the beauties, one big and one small, are their trophies.

After Miss Dinah has had enough fun, let the master and servant reunite underground.

After figuring this out, Knight Atwood also showed a knowing smile.

He rode his horse out of the passage, and humbly gave a knight salute to his lady and the carriage.

"Have fun!"

Inside the carriage, Serena responded in a low voice with a ferocious smile.

"Well, today, we will definitely have a good time..."

It didn't take long for them to enter the wooden villa in the center of the manor and find the Earl's study here.

"If my father is hiding something here, this is the most likely place."

At this time, Serena had already removed her disguise, her eyes were straightened, and she introduced the situation dully like a robot.

"Okay, Meredith, Moira, let's get to work! Our time is limited, and when it's completely dark, the knights outside will probably come in to receive your two trophies!"

For Serena's bad taste, Meredith just rolled her eyes.

Then, she quickly searched here.

Relying on her innate ability, Meredith completed the search of most of the study at an astonishingly fast speed.

Moreover, when Serena and Moira found nothing, she had already identified several suspicious places.

"There is a hidden compartment here. There is a sandwich wall here... and this floor, there must be a basement underneath."

Serena nodded, and checked with the other two one by one.

The secret compartment was not big, and here, they only found a sharp dagger and a bottle of poison - they didn't know whether it was prepared by the earl for themselves, or for some unfortunate guest who came here.

On the inside of the sandwich wall, there are some coins mixed with gold marks and silver coins and copper coins, as well as several beautiful pipes.

"Well, it seems that our Earl Sidney suffers from the pains of married men..."

Serena shook her head amusedly, and led the people to the next location.

After the floor was lifted, there was a dark staircase.

After walking down the creaking wooden stairs, there is a dark room.

Although she has night vision ability, in order to take care of Moira, an ordinary human, Serena still lit the torch on the wall.

And when the scene here was finally revealed in front of Moira, Moira suddenly showed a frightened expression, knelt on the ground and retched.

"Oh, my lord earl's private hobbies really make people feel emotional, like a father, like a daughter..."

Of course Serena knew what was around her.

That pretty fire-red fur on the wall probably came from a hapless orc—probably a fox girl;

The iron shackles hanging from the ceiling must have tortured the poor victim more than once to the point where he could not survive;

And the classic iron container in the corner must be the famous "Iron Maiden".

As for the other spaces in the room, they were also occupied by various other gadgets, making it difficult to turn around.

Serena didn't want to make too many comments on these things, even if it was the devil's dungeon back then, that's the feeling—and Serena herself rarely went in.

Considering that this room has obviously been untouched for a while, and it must have been cleaned, the dim red traces deeply imprinted on the wall are even more likely to make people have terrible associations.

"Let's go. The count will certainly not store any important documents here."

Hearing Serena's words, Moira rushed up the stairs as if she had been pardoned.

Serena and Meredith glanced at each other, then both left and closed the trapdoor.

"Okay, here comes the question, where will our Earl Sidney store his things?"

When returning to Dinah again, Serena raised such a question in an impatient tone.

"If it's not here, I don't know where it is..."

Dinah's tone was still stiff and dull, but Serena simply controlled her soul and started searching by herself.

A few minutes later, Serena showed a relieved smile.

"Okay, it should be the hunter's lodge over there. Really, this eldest lady doesn't think about it carefully, why does her father go there when she doesn't plan to hunt?"

This time, things went much smoother.

Half an hour later, Serena was finally pleasantly surprised to find a box of old letters.

"Hehe, this is enough for the earl to walk away!"

No. 12【#

"It's done! Judge Goss himself told me that those materials are enough to discredit the Earl of Sidney and hang several others on the list."

Seeing Serena's joyful appearance after finally returning, Meredith finally breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she felt that Serena's previous behavior was too exaggerated.

After finding the key evidence, the complacent Serena decided to take these things and leave Earl Sidney's secret estate immediately to find Judge Gauss.

According to the original plan, they were supposed to lure the guards into the villa after sunset, attack them separately, and then destroy the corpses.

But Serena changed the plan temporarily, activated her ability to charm those guards, and asked these charmed guards to help them load everything into the car, and then swaggered away.

"Ha, the matter is coming to an end soon, let's waste some time. Besides, I can't go to see Judge Gauss with this appearance, can I?"

This explanation is indeed quite convincing, but for some reason, Meredith always feels a little uneasy.

Fortunately, the next thing went smoothly.

Serena, who had regained her human form, transferred to the pre-arranged carriage and came to the monastery where the judge was in a low-key way, and brought in a load of evidence without disturbing anyone.

After several hours of counting and confirming, Judge Goss finally said that this was enough to achieve the kind of revenge that His Majesty the King would like to see.

Serena had known for a long time that although Tempus was happy to see her revenge, he didn't want to make a fuss at all, and this was in line with her thinking.

This kind of old grievances has meaning.

She is a time traveler, she can be regarded as being kind to this biological father even if she cares about this.

If a guy like Earl Sidney was really tried by a judge, it would be enough of a stain on him that he would not be able to see anyone for the rest of his life.

In theory, he should have killed himself in protest.

There was a count-level person as a sacrifice, and Serena felt that the spirit of Baron Willard should be able to rest in peace.

As for the truth of the matter...

She really wasn't in the mood to investigate.

If you think about it casually, you will know how many people's lungs have been poked by Baron Willard, who advocates reform and limits the power of the nobility.

If all the relevant personnel were really killed, Marconia would be devastated, not to mention devastated.

If it was like that, why would she lie flat, maybe she would have to be buried with these nobles.

In the final analysis, the death of Baron Willard was not a personal grievance, but a sacrifice of the times.

At every turning point in history, there will be such people as the firewood.

As a name firmly tied to the New Deal, Willard is worth it.

"Then let's wait for Phyllis and the others to come here, and then organize relevant personnel to arrest them?"

In response to Meredith's question, Serena nodded casually.

Afterwards, she sat next to Moira and asked her little assistant to do her hair.

"It's so troublesome. For those hairstyles, the hair is a little too long. It seems that I have to find a time to cut it shorter."

For Serena's complaint, Moira could not agree.

"No, Sister Serena, it's hard for you to keep your hair so long, so don't cut it. I promise, I will take care of you beautifully every day!"

These are the true words of Moira.

Serena's hair is really silky and smooth, and it also reflects a warm luster under the light.

When doing hairstyles for her these days, Moira likes to hold Serena's long hair in her hands and gently rub it against her cheeks.

Even sometimes, she would bury her nose in it to sniff the faint orchid fragrance on it.

Moira's own hair is not very good, so she has long been envious of girls with beautiful long hair.

And during this time, Serena's endless hair designs opened a new door for Moira.

After repeated training during this period of time, Moira just felt that she had gained some experience in hair styling, and she just wanted to put it to good use on Serena, so she didn't want the beautiful long hair in front of her to become a trash in the trash can. Scum!

"But this thing is very inconvenient."

Serena pouted slightly coquettishly.

She knew very well that Moira was a very persistent child and would not change her mind easily.

If it was forced, Moira would certainly obey the order, but the price was that the child would cry for a long time, so she had to try to be soft.

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