Thinking of Moira's worried eyes and crying face, Phyllis couldn't help feeling guilty.

That child was so kind to her, even though she was so mean, Moira forgave her, accepted her, and became her only friend;

And what would Serena, her master, think?

If it was before arriving at Raven Harbor, Phyllis would probably feel that Serena might just curl her lips and say something casually:

"Ah, what a useless piece of trash, such a guy, he should die if he dies..."

But after she was saved once by Serena, she didn't think so.

Serena may not treat Felice as an equal person, but this demon disguised as a saint is not as inhuman as Felice originally thought.

Even if Phyllis is regarded as a useless useless subordinate, Serena will not be reconciled, right?

Not reconciled to her subordinates, they were killed wantonly by robber nobles who she didn't even look up to.

'Probably, it's like you don't want someone to steal your pet? '

Phyllis thought to herself not without laughing.

'Also, father. '

Viscount Lemes has bet his future on Phyllis. If he dies, his father will be very sad, right?

When he died, his father became completely alone.

Viscount Lemes has just entered middle age, and he should have a lot of time in the future.

Will there be other people with my father?If not, he must be very lonely...

With such thoughts in mind, Phyllis' tears flowed quietly down the corners of her eyes.

The besiegers outside are constantly hitting the gate of the monastery with rams.

It was probably a matter of time before the gate was broken.

It would not be long before the terrified priests tried to barricade the gate with everything they could find, but it would not be long before they learned that it was futile.

At this moment, the slate in Phyllis' arms emitted a scorching temperature.

Instead of being surprised, she was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out the slate from her robe—this was her magic tool for receiving information.

Burnt black marks appeared on it.

The handwriting was very frantic, which represented how broken the mood of the person opposite was at the moment.

"You idiot, you screwed up everything! Go to hell! I don't have a daughter like you!"


The slate slipped from Phyllis' hands, fell to the ground, and broke.

But Phyllis didn't realize it.

It's not that she doesn't understand that she did accidentally touch something she shouldn't see this time.

With the current fate, it can be regarded as self-inflicted.

But at least a few seconds ago, she still hoped that her father could comfort her.

After all, she's going to die, isn't she?

She never expected that what she got was such a dying farewell.

Phyllis wanted to tell herself that this was just her father's instinctive reaction when he suddenly heard the bad news.

But she finally couldn't control her emotions, she took two weak steps back, leaning her body against the cold wall, and slowly slid down to the ground.


After all, she was still a girl, and she couldn't bear this feeling of being abandoned.



Another loud bang came.

This time, Phyllis heard an obvious crack.

There is no doubt that the wooden door of the monastery has been cracked, and the enemies from outside are about to rush in.

"Who's coming, who's coming to save me..."

It wasn't until this moment that Phyllis realized that she was not ready to die.

Even though there is nowhere to go, even if there is no support, even if she is ready to die, she still does not want to die.

For the first time in her life, Phyllis knelt down on the ground with incomparable piety, and prayed to the waning moon outside the window.

Praying for my own salvation.



There was another loud bang, this time, the thick wooden door finally shattered and could no longer stop the intruders.

Sporadic screams sounded outside the window. They were the screams of priests who had no time to escape and were hacked to death by bandits.

Phyllis looked out the window blankly.

Just over there on the horizon, a gleam of light begins to appear, one of the symbols of Saint Gillian, the exhilarating dawn is about to appear.

But Phyllis' life is like a candle in the wind.

The frantic shouts became more and more louder, while the mournful cries of dying gradually became rarer.

Phyllis' face was pale, and she huddled under the window, looking in horror at the thin wooden door not far away.

That was her last barrier, and when this wooden door was also broken, it would be the time of her death.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door.

At this time, a ray of dawn came in from the window.

"Saint Gillian, take me away..."

Phyllis murmured.Perhaps, this is the goddess' last consolation to her.

But this ray of light suddenly disappeared again.

"Ha, I am indeed an irredeemable sinner..."

Phyllis suddenly lost all her strength and collapsed to the ground.

'Forget it, this is also the ending that suits me, a waste. '

She thought obsessively, not intending to move another finger.

However, an angry voice came from above.

"Hey, hold my hand, we have to get out of this tower before Meredith runs out of strength."


The power returned to Phyllis, causing her to jump up from the ground.

That's right, it was Serena who stood on the window sill, blocking the dawn.

"What are you thinking, hurry up!"

Serena's smile flashed in front of Phyllis.

"I, I didn't allow you to die."

Chapter 15 God's Judgment and Knight's Code

"From now on, you can only rely on yourself."

After putting Serena and Phyllis from the tower outside the monastery, Meredith changed from the bat form back to the human form, and said these words with a lot of exhaustion.

"Don't worry! I will never fall down here."

Serena gave her a big hug, and then signaled for Meredith to leave here by herself and find a place to rest.

There is no way, after flying with Serena for several hours, the vampire girl who has not been in a full state has indeed been unable to exist as a combat power.

"Then we..."

Phyllis hesitated.

She thought just now that she and Serena could just fly away like this.

As a result, you have to continue hiking in this dangerous place?

"Let's find two horses first, so that we can quickly get rid of these red-eyed lunatics."

After Serena replied, she focused and searched for a suitable target.

Soon, she locked on this prey.

On the hillside not far away, a few guys dressed as knights were pointing at the burning monastery.

There is no doubt that these guys must also be the nobles who came here to silence them.

Serena concluded that as long as she could kill these guys, the thugs in this area would naturally be defeated.

As for the two of them, they would naturally be able to leave in a leisurely manner.

"Come on, Phyllis, let's go there and get our horses."

"But we have no weapons."

Phyllis looked at her master uneasily.

She was not afraid of fighting, but she was rescued with difficulty. It would be ridiculous if she died in battle here in a daze.

Even she knows the presence or absence of weapons, which makes a huge difference at this time.

Not to mention that there are two heavily armored knights in plate armor on the opposite side.

Even if Serena is brave and good at fighting, she can't tear the plate armor with her hands, can she?

"Ah, yes, you can charm them."

Before Serena could answer, Phyllis found the answer for herself.

That's right, there are succubi here, there is no need to fight against a few stinky men.

As long as Serena uses her ability and hooks her fingers at these rude guys, these guys will naturally fall to their knees and lick their toes...

"Ah, I'm sorry, I used my ability too much before, so I can't use that move now."

Serena told the truth in a relaxed tone that almost made Phyllis's heart stop.

"Huh? Then shall we put the head on the plate armor?"

Phyllis was getting a little out of sorts.

Even for the master who controls his own soul, this kind of joke is too bad!

"No, no, don't forget, I'm really a saint."

"Next, you can see how the saint can fight."

After saying this, Phyllis put on a posture of closing her eyes and praying.

A few seconds later, she suddenly opened her eyes, raised her arms and pointed forward.

"Saint Gillian, please give that sinner the verdict he deserves!"

Invisible power was aroused, falling from the sky together with the morning light.

In the blink of an eye, the guys over there were hit invisible and powerfully.

The worst one was a heavily armored knight. His body was directly crushed into the plate armor by this invisible force. Red mixed with brown and other colors of liquid flowed out from the seams of the armor.

The two light-clothed nobles beside them also groaned, bleeding from their orifices, and fell off their horses.

Although the other two hunter knights fell from their horses, they were still conscious. It was just that the sudden blow made them confused, and they couldn't get up after several attempts.

Only the heavy armored knight at the end stabilized his body by shaking his horse slightly.

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