Xia Tian stepped on the boarding deck, and flew up in two or three steps.

The operator on the side wanted to stop it: "Hey, stop for me——uh!"

Unable to make a sound, the facial features on his face were twisted into a ball by Xia Tian's big hand: "Wuuuu slag, it's so noisy, let's go to the water to be quiet!"

Taking advantage of the situation, he was ready to throw the fools into the sea.

Suddenly, a gust of cold rushed into the back, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply.

The person you want to see is here.

A haughty and enchanting voice came from the ship's side: "Beating a dog depends on the owner. You are a little too arrogant."

Looking up, there is a condescending woman like a queen.

The long blonde hair was combed to one side, the black gauze eye mask could not cover the coldness coming from the pupils, and the luxurious fluffy shawl covered the fair shoulders.

Because it is an upward perspective, the proud bust is even more spectacular.

But the current summer is no longer the innocent little virgin that Mond would have been. He has already bid farewell to the time when seeing such a figure would cause the cavernous body to swell and the brain to short-circuit.

He replied modestly: "Where is the arrogance, it is far from your meeting in Mond."

You are the one who dares to break the heart of Fengshen in the territory of the West Wind Knights!

"Heh." A sneer, followed by several ice picks piercing the frost, whistling beside Xia Tian's ears.

"Hey, hey, I came here with the spirit of friendly negotiation... I didn't want to fight." Xia Tian let go of the fools who were holding him, and jumped onto the deck in two steps.

"I never said that I agreed to negotiate with you in a friendly manner." Every time "Ma'am" said a word, an ice pick flew out.

Xia Tian remained motionless, and the ice hammer flew past his cheek.

If it is done just right, as long as it is a little closer, a blood streak can be drawn on that handsome face.

The last ice cone struck, Xia Tian raised his right hand and grabbed it directly: "Is there no way to have a good chat? I still like the flowers you sent, they are much prettier than these ice cones."

The ice pick was melted by the flame in his hand.

If the flame is a little hotter, I don't know if it can melt her heart.

Her eyes are very strange, they are as cold as cold jade, but also as enchanting as fire, every time they look at each other, it makes my heart tremble.

The "lady" picked up the solid ice and formed a sharp blade in her palm. The sharp edge faced Xia Tian, ​​shining dazzling luster in the sun: "This time there is no West Wind Knights, and there is no Qianyan Army... You don't really think that I Don't dare to kill you?"

The killing word has a strong bite, exuding the most poisonous taste of women's hearts.

"Of course—ho!"

Count the Frost Blades to kill, this time it's for real!

Xia Tian felt the killing intent of that cold man, and hurriedly dodged sideways, the clothes on his chest were scratched a hole, if he took a step slower, this hole would surely plunge into his heart.

I have imagined several situations of the meeting, and I have also imagined the way that the "lady" will not agree, but I really didn't expect that there would be a fight, it would be so sudden and merciless.

This is Liyue!This is at the pier!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, dare to be so arrogant, do you really think that the Qianyan army is a vegetarian?Or do you think the fools don't have enough handles in diplomacy?

But look.

The turmoil on the ship caused chaos in the port, and the Qianyan army was naturally alarmed.

They immediately blocked a small area, but did not step forward to ask to stop it.

Is it fear of fools?of course not……

The laws of the sea of ​​the seven countries that Xia Tian didn't understand, the main means of transportation of Tivat like ships, were equivalent to moving territories and enjoyed the sovereignty of the country.

That is to say, Li Yue has no right to intervene in what happened on this ship, that's why she is so unscrupulous.

Ice elements are playing in the hands of women, ice blades, ice guns, ice picks, ice arrows, ice thorns, all kinds and varieties.

The only thing they have in common is that every time there is a deadly murderous intent.

The momentum is like this, but the actual strength is not like this.

Except for the first few times, the subsequent attacks were somewhat restrained in strength.

Most of them are the ones that won't die if you hit them, but it's okay to be injured and unable to get out of bed for half a month.

Xia Tian came here with a request, but he can't expand the conflict, and mainly avoid it first.

Seeing that the battle situation became anxious, several fools in the advance team took out their firearms and prepared to shoot, but they couldn't press the fire button no matter what.

...Looking at it, the trigger was actually frozen.

The "lady" looked like she was about to kill someone, she looked at those self-assertive subordinates, and snapped, "Did I allow you to do anything to him?"

The advance team swallowed nervously, and retreated quietly.

A flamboyant chase slapstick with frost marks all over the ship.

Although the power was well controlled and the mast was not damaged, the extremely low temperature made the sailors miserable.

"Hey! I can stand it, but they can't stand it..." Xia Tian also knows that most of the fools are ordinary businessmen, there is no need to be implicated.

But "Madam" obviously has no scruples in this regard: "Fools don't raise waste."

Xia Tian understands that it is really impossible to reason with fools.

He came to the largest main mast in an instant, and supported the mast with one hand, like a hijacked island: "If you don't stop, I will destroy this thing... In the worst case, I will swim back to Liyue, and you will swim back to Liyue." Winter!"

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the actions of righteous people.

"Hmph!" The "Ma'am" disdainful, but still chose to compromise, taking back the chill that emanated.

Maybe she just needs a step down.

As for the threat of summer...if the mast breaks, just cover it with frost.

If there is a problem with the ship and it ends up falling into the water, the "lady" who controls the ice element will have an advantage, even if she wants to wipe out the summer.

Of course, the most important thing is that she is very interested in Xia Tian's coming.

Chapter 330 Three Things Forty Rock God Eyes in Exchange for You

The sky is vast, the sea is blue, and the warm wind is blowing. It is an excellent day for sailing.

The ship has just left the port, and the speed is still very slow.

Standing at the bow of the boat were two tall men and women, who looked a bit like a man and a woman.

It's just that the girl was too serious, if she could smile a little, it would definitely be a rare romantic scene.

"Look, can't we also have a good chat." Xia Tian followed the "lady" to the bow.

There is an area that is obviously different here, with a small round table and a small square stool, and several best-selling books in the Winter Kingdom.

It seems to be her "private area", and all the fool's subordinates are far away.

"Is reading this kind of book your usual pastime?" Xia Tian flipped through it curiously.

The general story is about disasters coming, different choices of different people...

"Madam" pressed down the opened book: "Stop talking, what's the matter, hurry up and talk about it."

She doesn't remember any agreement with Xia Tian.

"Ah, I'm thinking that you're going back to Solstice Winter, and I don't know how long it will take to see you again, so I came here to say goodbye..." Xia Tian suddenly thought of a good reason, which can be used as a polite opening remark.

"Ma'am" mercilessly exposed: "I hate men who lie."

With an overly serious face, Xia Tian smiled: "Hehe..."

"What are you laughing at?" "Ma'am" frowned.

Xia Tian joked: "There are so many types of men you hate. Is there a type that you don't hate? I'll work hard, maybe I can develop in that direction..."

"No, as long as it's a man, I hate it..." "Madam" rarely showed a smile: "Instead of thinking about changing, it's better to change sex faster... Maybe we can become good sisters."

Saying that, he looked at Xia Tian's lower body: "Or, I can help you..."

A chill, and inexplicable weakness in the lower body.

Xia Tian didn't know how true or false her words were, so she resolutely refused: "No need...forget about being sisters."

And he choked back with some reluctance to admit defeat: "Although this thing is sometimes troublesome and even completely uncontrollable, I like it quite a bit... Maybe you can use it in the future?"

Anyway, it was so blatant to say it, so I couldn't help but speak yellow accents and start flirting.

Unexpectedly, the attitude of the "Madam" was completely irregular, and her expression changed: "Stop being glib, what is the matter, if you don't say anything, this ship will really sail until the solstice of winter."

The speed of the ship is increasing, but it has not left the range of Liyue Port.

But time is really running out, and if you go a little further, when you cross the sea through ice, the energy you need will double.

He briefly explained his purpose: "I want to know the whereabouts of Yanshen Tong."

"Roar? Yanshen Tong?" There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the "Madam".

She didn't know where Xia Tian's power came from, and she didn't know what the use of Xia Tian's Yanshen pupil was. Naturally, she was curious, but she didn't want to get to the bottom of it.

Xia Xia explained: "Young Master said, now Liyue is under your control, you should know the whereabouts of Yanshen Tong. "

The "lady" sat down, leaned on the round table with her elbows, dragged her chin with her palm, took a sip of juice, and shook her head regretfully: "A few minutes ago, Liyue was indeed in my charge, but I have left now, so I will naturally take care of her." Xia Liyue is in charge, you can go back and find... I don't remember what that guy added...hehe."

I can't even remember the name, it seems that I'm just a kid.

Even if they are both in charge, executive officers are different from ordinary fools.

Fools who only operate formal businesses, no matter how high their positions are, they will not know Her Lady Queen's plan, let alone the existence of Yanshentong.

Xia Tian couldn't think of a way to pry the "lady"'s mouth open, and knew that there was no free lunch in the world.

He is ready to bear the price of the exchange: "Now we are not out of Liyue's range, let's talk in Liyue's way and make a deal!"

"Ma'am" isn't very interested: "Deal? What can you offer?"

Xia Tian gave the greatest sincerity: "I can do anything except Barbatos' God Heart..."

"Ma'am" shook her head: "I don't need anything except Barbatos's God's Heart."

In Mond, failing to complete the tasks entrusted by the Queen is the shame of her becoming an executive officer.

This shame, I must get it back.

Cyan luster shines on Xia Tian's chest, and an exquisite chess piece is placed on the round table.

Barbatos's "God's Heart" just appeared without any concealment.

He said sincerely: "I don't want to have this God's Heart out of selfishness, but because he is my friend and put it here in the name of a friend... I can't break my promise, I can't let him down. "

"Madam" couldn't hide her surprise in her eyes, she never thought that Xia Tian would take out the heart of God so easily.

Do you think I won't take it?Or do you think I can't take it away at all?

These two different possibilities will produce two completely different moods.

"How about this." Xia Tian thought of a good deal: "Your empress should want all the hearts of gods... As a deal, although I can't give you Barbatos's hearts, I can use rice wife exchange the Heart of God."

"Hehe." The "Madam" dismissed: "A verbal check? Do you think I'm a fool? Besides, Dao Wife is not in charge of me, I'm not enthusiastic enough to claim credit..."

Speaking of which, the empress already knew that "Young Master" was unreliable, so she sent her to help Liyue.

Xia Tian worriedly scratched his hair.

This kind of person really eats soft but not hard!Do you really want me, the overlord, to force her bow and give her some flair?

Just in Xia Tian pondering whether to use force to persecute, "Madam" suddenly let go: "A deal...it's not impossible."

"Really?" Xia Tian was happy, but also faintly worried: "What do you want?"

This transaction is probably not easy.

"Madam" looked soft, no longer as cold as before: "You don't have what I want for now, so I want to exchange for "you do three things for me." "

The plot is somewhat familiar, is it a useful routine in many novels?

Is there a clause in it not to allow me to marry Mona?

Xia Tian is not that stupid: "It's just the whereabouts of Yanshen Tong, and it's too much to want to change three unclear things?"

"It's just news, it's been a while." The "Madam" asked playfully, "Do you want the whereabouts of Yanshentong, or Yanshentong?"

Xia Tian didn't think about it: "Of course it's Yanshen Tong..."

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