Chapter 410 IX Feelings for Xiangling

The Sea Lantern Festival is a grand ceremony open to the outside world, attracting a large number of foreign tourists flocking here every year. They yearn for this oldest country established by the oldest gods.

The long history has created too many desirable cultures.

Among them, eating - is the most famous.

Just the papers on Liyue cuisine can fill an entire library.

When you travel across the ocean, come to the gourmet capital, and taste the fragrance of Xiaoshi, you will naturally not miss the delicacy of the streets and alleys.

It's not until noon.

As the signboard of eating Huyan, Manmin Hall is already overcrowded.

People in all kinds of clothes, regardless of their identities, nationalities, likes and dislikes, interspersed and joined the table, which is a rare sight.

When these first-time tourists put the food in their mouths and welcome the moment when their taste buds explode, they will be unconsciously curious.

"Boss, this, this, this dish—"

First pour two sips of white water to ease the irritation of the nasal cavity, and then continue to ask: "The taste of this dish is really amazing! It doesn't take long to be spicy, and it doesn't hide the taste, even Liuliting is nothing more than that! You have a legend exclusive secret recipe?"

I have read some books that record Liyue's delicacies, and they are always accompanied by the word "exclusive secret recipe".

At this time, Master Mao will hold a secret, pointing to the signboard beside him and saying: "Haha, the exclusive secret recipes of our store are all written on the special signboard every day, see for yourself!"

With that airy look, the phrase "Our store's exclusive secret recipe is my precious daughter" has already been written on his face.

Four years ago, Xiangling

As a little girl, she had to use a stool as a cushion to be able to go to the stove.

Many acquaintances came here to cheer, some encouraged, some joked... But when they tasted Xiangling's craftsmanship, they all opened their mouths wide.

She looked at Master Mao with all eyes, as if asking: Is your daughter cheating?How come it tastes better than what you made?

Master Mao raised his head proudly like today, and released a confident declaration: My daughter will definitely become the best chef in Tivat!

Xiangling remembered this sentence and worked hard on it.

Time is not forgiving, Master Mao is getting old, but he is worthwhile and happy in old age.

From that day on, Xiangling has become the "exclusive secret recipe" of Manmintang.

Gradually, it also led to bad phenomena.

Compared to the bad old man's cooking, of course everyone prefers young and beautiful girls to cook for themselves.

Therefore, many people sat down and asked before ordering: who is in charge of the kitchen today?

Being told that it's not Xiangling's sister will immediately attract a lot of complaints.

Therefore, Master Mao simply asked someone to order two signboards.

Usually, the ordinary pure black panel is used to write today's special dishes and discounted dishes.

When Xiangling was in charge of the chef, it was replaced with a special signboard with the image of Xiangling Q version.

Over time, many regular customers have developed the habit of looking at the signboard before entering the store.

Although they would come in regardless of whether Xiangling is the chef or not... After all, in Liyue, where is there a more affordable and delicious restaurant than Wanmintang?

Tourists from foreign countries look at the Q-version girl on the signboard.

Two thin braids are twisted into circles and pinned into the shape of red panda's ears, and the cute hair clips divide the bangs well.

Thick eyebrows, which are minus points for others, are perfect plus points for Xiang Ling's face.

Two red halos hang on the cheeks, and the amber eyes seem to say: Welcome.

Stick out your little tongue, be as playful as you want, as cute as you want.

On the side, there is also a plush red panda doll.

It's hard to imagine that the chef who cooks such delicious food is actually a young girl?

Looking into the kitchen again, I can find a youthful figure from the gap in the curtain.

Many young people can't help but feel admiration.

Just in the morning, many young masters from other countries tried to hook up in the kitchen, but were driven away by Master Mao with a displeased expression on his face.

He still wants his precious daughter to stay by his side for a few more years!


All eyes.

The "biggest enemy" who may make this expectation come true!

I saw a black-haired young man and a blond girl named Xia Tian, ​​plus a flying pet, walk into the shop.

Before Master Mao had time to react, his precious daughter had already discovered it even faster.

He even put down the work in his hands, and ran out of the kitchen to greet him regardless of his lack of makeup.

Master Mao looked at his daughter who was sweating profusely but smiling happily, and could only shake his head helplessly... It seemed that he really couldn't keep it.


Sweat turned into a trickle, falling down the girl's collarbone.

The clothes were soaked by the infiltration of the stream, making the outline clear.

Fortunately, there is also a red bow to cover up the possible leak of spring for her.

Xiang Ling wiped off the sweat from her forehead with her hands, accidentally leaving oil stains on her face.

The face that has been smoked and roasted by the oil, came under the sun, as if smeared with smoky makeup, just like a young lady.

But Xiao Taimei doesn't have Xiangling's pure eyes and lovely smile.

Xiangling's food can give the body the strength it needs, and her smile brings the nutrients the spirit needs.

Xia Tian blushed inexplicably, not because of shyness.

Xiangling didn't dress up too much, she just looked like a very ordinary girl.

She came out to greet her with a smile, and then asked, "What do you want to eat? I'll get it for you."

Xia Tian felt very happy and happy, this kind of happiness was naturally expressed on his face.

Wanmintang is so popular that there is no place to sit, not even a chance to share a table.

Of course, Xiangling couldn't let her friends go away, so she brought Xia Tian and Ying to the table next to the kitchen.

This is for employees to rest.

The tables and chairs are a bit old and not clean enough, and Xiangling feels sorry for this.

She tidied up the towels on the table, replaced them with new teacups, and said that she would make a recently developed special dessert for everyone.

Paimeng was full of anticipation, so he casually asked his doubts: "Xiangling, Xiangling, Xiangling, why don't you go to Xiaoshi? I think many shops set up stalls in Xiaoshi."

She said the name several times on purpose, and it sounded like some kind of bell.

"I want to go too, but Wanmintang is too busy..." Xiangling shook her head, but not only did she not have regrets on her face, but she was even more proud: "But Wanmintang has so many guests, if I go to Xiaoshi, Wouldn’t it be disappointing to these guests who came here because of the reputation? So, I decided to eat at Huyan, at Wanmin Hall, right here, and snatch the guests from Xiaoshi!”

Really bold statement.

If all of Xiaoshi's business is taken over by you, Wanmintang, Qingqing probably organized a lonely moment at that moment, so it's better to just open Xiaoshi in Chihuyan.

Xiangling herself was amused by such big words.

Apart from joking, she has enough confidence.

Even if they don't go to Xiaoshi, those guests will come here by themselves for the delicious food.

The table is very close to the kitchen, and Xiangling can even chat with them while making dishes.

Although upholding the principle of equal treatment, neither commoners nor nobles have any privileges.

But at this time, let Xiangling have a little thought of her own!

She gave priority to preparing special desserts for summer, and wanted to get the evaluation of the prince in her heart as soon as possible.

"Three Servings of Spicy Slimes with Frosted Sugar!"


Xiangling's energetic voice made the scene awkward for a moment.

As a dessert, the color is still good.

The water blue of the main body is added with a layer of dark blue ice chips.

Placed on a plate, swinging back and forth, it seems very Q-bomb.

But... is this pudding?Or slime?

Xia Tian was afraid that if he ate it in one bite, these puddings would turn into slimes and jump in his mouth.

Even Paimeng, a big foodie, didn't dare to say anything, his expression was ever-changing, indicating that he was fighting fiercely in his heart.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

Xiangling was worried that the previous special dishes scared them, so she hurriedly explained: "What's wrong? I promise this time it will be delicious, and it won't be so spicy!"

"Yeah." Xia Tian believed her words completely.

The unacceptability of slime is not worth Xiangling's sincerity.

Xia Tian scooped a spoonful into the mouth.

The ice crystals occupied the mouth in an instant, and the tip of the tongue felt a short-lived spicy taste.

If it is said that hot pot is spicy, then this is the so-called frozen spicy?

The spiciness is strong, but because the ice reduces the sensitivity of the tongue, it is further neutralized by the full sweetness, presenting a spicy but not spicy icy taste.

How to describe this taste, how to describe this stunning!

Xia Tian was short of words for a while, and could only express the best praise with actions.

The unstoppable arms and mouth, spoon after spoon, wiped out his own bowl in an instant.

With his example, Ying also plucked up the courage to try it.

I scooped too much in one bite, and my mouth froze. After a few seconds, I couldn't help but praise: "It's delicious, this is definitely the best dessert I've ever eaten!"

Now, only Paimeng remained motionless.

She has a historical shadow of slimes, and was once entangled by water slimes and almost melted into one.

Xia Tian stretched out the spoon on purpose: "If you don't eat it, give it to me!"

How about that?The Paimon hen hugged the plate like protecting her cubs, retorting fiercely, "Don't touch me!"

Then, I barely took a sip...

Then, needless to say.

Go up as many as you have!

To be praised by three friends is more gratifying than the affirmation of many guests.

Xiangling laughed, like a sunflower facing the sun, her face was red.

The eyes of summer are frozen in the sun, and stay in the core of the sunflower.

Seeing Xiangling's heart beating faster, as if there were many little ants crawling around, she whispered, "The rice crust is still watching the fire! I'm eat first."

"Why is Xiangling so shy all of a sudden?" In Paimon's impression, Xiangling was not a shy child.

She first suspected Xia Tian: "Did you do something bad again?"

What is another ah!

Xia Tian really didn't make an excuse, and replied with mixed truths: "It's considered stealing from her!"

Paimon frowned, persuading cautiously and worriedly: "Then hurry up and return it! Otherwise, be careful that she puts Jueyun pepper into the clear soup!"

Some things are neither easy to take nor return.

Xia Tian is not the dull man in the manga, of course he can feel Xiang Ling's feelings for him.

Maybe it's just the beginning of love or a vague longing...

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