Reminds me of the "[-] million Mora" joke...

If someone in this world can afford it, if this [-] million Mora can marry Ningguang... the young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce will do his part.

Xia Tian was flustered, but the debate between Ke Qing and Ning Guang was intensifying.

As Keqing said, Ningguang invited Xia Tian as a companion, considering the interests, it has no meaning other than being angry to Keqing...

Ning Guang didn't refute the statement of "there are better choices", so she raised her winking eyes with red makeup, her expression full of teasing: "Are you very angry? You don't want to let Xia Tian follow me?"

"Yes." Keqing admitted.

Her decisiveness surprised Ningguang a little.

Glancing at Xia Tian who didn't know what he was thinking, he continued to sneer: "Sure enough, there is Yu Hengxing's style, never paying attention to other people's moods and thoughts...Does Xia Tian agree? Does he agree to follow you?"

"You..." Keqing felt guilty, it was indeed her unilateral decision.

The narcissistic thinks that Xia Tian will stand on his side, if it is denied... the banquet tonight will be ashamed.

Looking back, Tao Zi's eyes reflected Xia Tian's appearance.

She was completely unaware of how lovable and lethal her eyes were.

I don't know when it started, but her strong appearance has never been shown to Xia Tian again, it seems that every time it is a pitiful plea for help...

Not only is he not ashamed, but after Xia Tian's soft-hearted help, he feels very proud...

How could such a dignified Yuheng star degenerate to such an extent.

Thinking of this, Keqing frowned, bit her lower lip lightly, and looked away again.

Her thoughts are too easy to guess, and because of this, Ning Guang can't control her to death.

But Ningguang's mind can't figure it out, is it to provoke conflicts again?

But at this juncture, if you want to entertain various forces in a foreign country, there is no need to provoke infighting, right?

"I..." Xia Tian couldn't express himself.

Ning Guang spoke first: "I never said that I want Xia Tian to go to the banquet with me."

The upward arc of the corner of the mouth is so confident, with the posture of a winner, he despises the purple-haired little girl in front of him.

!! ?

"Then, what do you mean?" Keqing felt as if she was about to be teased again.

"The message I asked Gan Yu to convey was very clear. It was to invite Xia Tian to the banquet, but he didn't say that he was going with me as a companion..."

Ning Guang originally wanted to downplay it, but couldn't hide the pride in her heart, and said more and more arrogantly: "Of course Xia Tian has his own thoughts, and I won't make decisions for him, unlike some people... hey."

This sigh made Ke Qing blush instantly.



It was placed again.

what's wrong with me.

How can always become so irrational on the issue of Xia Tian.

That's right, Xia Tian is not an item, he has his own right to decide... Whether he chooses Ningguang or me, he should make his own decision.

A huge sense of frustration filled his chest, his lower lip was trembling as he bit it lightly, and his body couldn't help but take two steps back.

Originally protecting in front of Xia Tian, ​​it became hiding behind Xia Tian.

Chapter 420 VII Flower Guardian Messenger

Excessive aggression tends to make people develop in the direction of shaking S.

Staring at Ke Qing whose momentum was getting weaker and weaker, a wonderful pleasure arose in his heart.

His face seemed to be flushed, he was in a happy mood, and he became more and more proud. He couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling: "Did Xia Tian say to follow you? Or did you think it unilaterally? Or was it a tough persecution?"

She shook her head sadly: "I heard that you often ask your workers to work long hours, which makes them complain... I'm afraid there will be a lot of complaints if you live in your house for a few days in summer, right?"

"It's a pity that Qunyu Pavilion suffered a catastrophe and has not yet been fully rebuilt. We can only let him be wronged in your house for a few days..."

Collecting the shimmering gold mud earlier, naturally knew about the Dongtian Immortal Mansion.

He also thought about using his own rock element as a guarantee to set up the entrance of Xia Tian's cave in Qunyu Pavilion.

That's why I hesitated whether to use the buoyant stone for the Sea Lantern Festival or to restore the Qunyu Pavilion.

In the end, leaving the decision to Xia Tian, ​​he chose Keqing.

Qunyu Pavilion could not be completed for the time being, so they had to give up the opportunity to "close relationship with Dongtian Xianfu".

He did things generously, but he muttered unforgivingly: "Xiamen, if you are annoyed by her, don't be embarrassed... After all, you are Liyue's guest, so you don't have to endure like those workers."

What a mean villain, even Xia Tian felt that it was too much.

Gingguang paused for a while, thinking it was the end of the point.

Unexpectedly, a few seconds later, in a more contemptuous tone, she turned to Keqing and said, "'s not someone of yours either."

Someone who isn't you... Every word is critical, but there is no way to refute it.

Keqing raised her head, trying to face the teasing ridicule with her last stubbornness.

There was anger, firmness, and grievances in his eyes that he didn't understand.

It was as if the sentence "It's not someone from you" disrupted all thoughts, causing the defense set up in the heart to collapse instantly, and the army was defeated.

That's right, it's not someone who belongs to me, how can I be demanding?

Ke Qing was chased by Ning Guang and had no power to refute.

Xia Tian only felt distressed, but did not help to speak.

One is that Ningguang has a sense of proportion and will not engage in meaningless provocative behavior.

The second is that he thinks that Ningguang will definitely let himself go to Keqing in the end, but it's just a quick talk.

However, he guessed wrong on this point.

Ning Guang did let Gan Yu pass on vague words to intentionally provoke Ke Qing.

She really didn't intend to have Summer as her companion.

But——he didn't think about letting Xia Tian stand beside Keqing.

Ning Guang said: "I do have other arrangements, and I have someone who is suitable to accompany me into the arena... However, if possible, I would like to request—"

Deliberately elongated the voice, as if announcing a surprise prize: "Xia, why not go with Gan Yu at night!"

"!? Ah?" Three different voices intertwined.

It was an accident in the summer, why did the topic come to Gan Yu's head, it is obvious that you two are fighting with each other, why do you want to implicate Gan Yu from the Buddhist family.

Gan Yu unexpectedly encountered such a good thing, Mr. Xia accompanied me to the banquet, this is a picture I never thought of.

Ke Qing didn't expect Ning Guang to have such a trick.

On the face of it, Gan Yuming is Qixing's secretary, a neutral existence, but she has managed Yuehai Pavilion for many years. She is capable and experienced, and has won the respect of everyone, including Qixing.

This respect made it rare for previous Seven Stars to order her to do things.

After all, Gan Yu's job is already very busy.

After Ningguang took office, she was often asked to do small things like passing on messages along the way.

It's not much, and it's not important.

But over time, in the eyes of most people, Gan Yu seems to have become Ningguang's personal secretary, tied together by default.

Being with Gan Yu in the summer is not the same as going to Ning Guang's side?

Keqing was unwilling in her heart, but what could she say?

Xia Tian accompanied Senior Gan Yu, who would object?Who can object?

On the bright side, Liyue Qixing and Yuehaiting's secretary must maintain the differences in etiquette and positions, and Keqing calls Gan Yu's name directly.

But I still add the word senior in my heart... not only the senior who has guarded Liyue for thousands of years, but also the senior who works overtime.

The corners of Gan Yu's eyes couldn't hide the joy, and she was flattered: "I... I'm just in charge of entertaining the scene, isn't it counted as a guest?"

She is in charge of organizing the banquet, and of course knows the staffing and entry and exit procedures.

She never had the chance to bring her partner, and spent most of her time backstage.

"Indeed." Ning Guang had already found a reason: "In the past few banquets, there were always people who had something wrong with you, so I can arrange a flower protector for you, is that okay?"

Gan Yu's personality is so good, everyone wants to talk to her, either because of admiration, or because of testing information.

In order to protect Liyue's image, no matter how much Gan Yu doesn't like her, she can only be kind.

Condensation will appear in due course to drive away the "flies" for her.

But tonight, she will be very busy.

Therefore, a flower protector was arranged.

Such a beautiful job, is there anything more suitable than Xia Tian?

"You should have no objection, right? Unless you want to see Gan Yu being accosted, surrounded by many people, trembling pitifully..."

It seems that there is a vivid picture that rushed into Xia Tian's mind through the condensed tone and words.

Want to hook up with my wife?There are no doors.

Xia Tian replied immediately: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

Among the two Seven Stars, choosing Gan Yu is a better way to resolve conflicts.

Can't help admiring Ning Guang, really thought of everything.

At this point, Ke Qing has no reason to object: "Then please take care of Gan Yu!"

She also met Gan Yu's distressed appearance surrounded by a group of foreigners.

Those foreigners didn't know Gan Yu's status as a half-celestial being, and they only regarded Gan Yu as a beautiful, gentle, and good-looking beauty, so they naturally became lustful.

In their eyes, Gan Yu is Ning Guang's secretary.

And the profession of secretary is often a kind of asset that can be traded.

Gan Yu made a little girl gesture, crossed her fingers back and forth on her abdomen, and said shyly: "Then, when Mr. Xia is done with work, you can come to the venue to find me, I have been at the venue today."

She giggled gratefully at Ningguang, and Ningguang even showed her aunt's concern... Is this girl three thousand years old, or 13 years old!

Keqing felt uncomfortable.

He came aggressively, and finally found that it was all self-inflicted.

Seven Star's restraint collapsed, and Xia Tian didn't keep it... When will he be able to win Ning Guang?

Ke Qing left angrily, Gan Yu left with a smile.

Only Xia Tian and Condensed Light remained in the hall.

There were only two people, Xia Tian became casual, drank the herbal tea on the table, and said with some complaints: "Why are you so angry? Is it fun?"

Ningguang really didn't deny it: "Yeah, being mad at her is one of the few pleasures I have."

While talking, he changed to a cup of hot tea for summer.

Use the best tea, the best spring water, and her most beautiful hands.

I haven't left yet, so of course I have something to ask.

I haven't asked yet, so it's hard to tell.

Looking at the sinking tea stalk, Xia Tian still couldn't hold back the muttering in his heart, and asked in a low voice: "Then who will accompany you? The young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce?"

The voice was too low, and Ning Guang seemed not to hear clearly: "What did you say? I didn't hear clearly, speak louder?"

The corners of the mouth and eyebrows are happy like that, haven't you heard it clearly?

Is this the arrogant celestial light?Why is it similar to girls who see their boyfriends jealous.


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