However, mentioning the concept of biological armor really reminded Wuma Youxiang of Ying Shanren.

Reddish black?It seems to match Ying Shanren, but Ying Shanren does not have a golden horn-like structure on his head.

So, most likely the new Kamen Rider!

Wuma Youxiang told Long Maiden about this, and then asked her to ask Ying Shanren.

"And, by the way, say hello to Evolto for me."

After leaving such a sentence that made the dragon girl puzzled, Wuma Youxiang hung up the communication.

The current situation in Lujiang City is extremely bad, causing her to be in a state of mental tension every day, but this situation will soon be alleviated.

Reinforcements from other city countermeasures branches will arrive here soon, and she should be able to relax a lot by then.

Wuma Youxiang thought so, and then returned to the temporary station of the branch of the Lujiang City Countermeasure Team.

Then she keenly noticed that the atmosphere here seemed to be a bit out of place.

After finding a person to inquire, Wuma Youxiang learned the reason for this situation.

Some combatants began to doubt the meaning of their fighting.

Chapter 381 Watch Out!

Compared with people in other cities who just had doubts about the countermeasure team, Lujiang City is the hardest hit area.

As a city that was truly affected by a dragon-level disaster, the current atmosphere in Lujiang City is somewhat heavy.

The fact that the disaster happened because of the Paradise Project cannot be concealed. If the news is forcibly blocked, it will probably lead to even worse results. After all, other people are not stupid, and they can find the problem with a little reasoning.

But what explanation can the branch of the Lujiang City countermeasures team give? Is it possible to directly admit that the countermeasures team has been incompetent enough to allow monsters to infiltrate the top management of the headquarters?

Once this news is released, it is estimated that everyone will explode!

To be honest, this kind of thing has nothing to do with the fighters of the countermeasure team. The advancement and deployment of the paradise system has nothing to do with these fighters who are fighting on the front line, but they are the most affected by this incident. It was them who were hit.

Today, when several of the teams went on missions, they received abusive accusations from a victim who lost his family because of the park system.

The accusation was precisely because of the countermeasure team that such misfortune would befall him and Lu Jiang City.

For this point, the combatants could not refute at all, and could only bear it silently.

But after returning to the station, they, who were depressed because of the recent situation, finally couldn't stand it anymore and said such things.

In their eyes, although they are just ordinary people, they joined such an organization to protect ordinary talents, not to wipe some people's ass!

After understanding this matter clearly, Wuma Youxiang also fell into silence.

These fighters still don't know the news that the top management of the countermeasure team has been infiltrated by monsters, otherwise they will definitely become more collapsed.

What should she say?

Wuma Youxiang hesitated for a moment, but found that she couldn't say anything.

This time is definitely the most painful lesson the countermeasure team has ever encountered, the most terrifying of which is the crisis of trust.

Once all of them are not trusted, what reason do they have to fight?

Wuma Youxiang couldn't find a reason for these fighters.

Because compared to her, these people are obviously more dangerous in the face of disasters.


She saw a figure in a wheelchair being pushed out by medical staff.

It was Ji Ming, who was also the student who used the paradise system before.

Although he was rescued, it was already very difficult to keep his mind clear every day, let alone fighting in this state.

And after Ji Ming was pushed out, the fighters who were still complaining softly fell into a strange silence.

It wasn't because they wanted to vent their anger on Ji Ming in a silent way, but because they felt that such an issue should not be discussed in front of Ji Ming.

Undoubtedly, this big boy who had been with them before was also deceived, and he was reduced to the point where he couldn't even stand up with his own strength.

The silent atmosphere made Wuma Youxiang feel a little uncomfortable, then turned and left.

She sympathizes with this former classmate very much, but she can't change all this with her power, maybe she will become like him in the near future.

At the same time, the alarm sounded again.

A tiger-level disaster occurred in an area more than ten kilometers away from the station.

These fighters stood up and prepared to dispatch again, but Wuma Youxiang took over this task.

"Leave it to me this time."

Wuma Youxiang felt that with the state of these fighters, if they continued to go on missions, there was a high possibility of casualties, so they accepted this mission.


"Alert! Alert! Disasters in this area are about to come. Citizens are requested to leave this moment quickly. The level of disaster—tiger level! Alert! Alert! This..."

Patrol robots are tirelessly broadcasting the news that the disaster is about to come to this place, and at the same time, people in this area are also evacuating here quickly.

It seems that because of Pedron who came here before, people's fear of these monsters has become deeper.

It was clearly detected to be a tiger-level disaster, but the people here were still in a panic.

There seems to be a wave of anger mixed with people's fearful faces.

A little girl seemed to be lost with her parents. Faced with such a chaotic scene, she became overwhelmed and could only stand there and cry, but under the fear, no one seemed to pay attention to the crying girl curled up in a corner. little girl.

She was crying loudly, but her crying was drowned out by the surrounding noises, until finally everyone around here ran away, only this little girl with braids and a balloon in her hand was left in place .

No other voice would drown out her cries now, but no one seemed to be able to hear her cries anymore.

There was a bang, as if something heavy had fallen to the ground, making the little girl even more frightened.

Then the next second, a shadow appeared in front of her, causing her body to tremble continuously.

She heard from her mother and teacher that these monsters are all monsters that eat people. If she hears the robot calling the police, she must leave the place as soon as possible, but...

She is so scared!

She and her mother got lost, and they were too scared to walk!

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