Although Mond is a plain, there are also hopeful mountains.

Therefore, Qin, who is the acting head of the West Wind Troupe, knows some simple geography knowledge.

Although Qingyunding is said to be quite high compared to the surrounding mountains, and there are not many people living nearby, there is a cloudless space nearby.

It stands to reason that there is that huge water source, it cannot be a barren mountain, not to mention it is not far from Huaguang Forest, how could it be a barren mountain?

Seeing that Qin didn't believe it, Su Ze continued to explain to her.

When the immortals had not reached an agreement with the Rock God, Liyue was actually under a very chaotic rule, and several villages near Qingyunding were ruled by a brutal leader.

At that time, the people in Liyue didn't know how to mine minerals at all. They only knew that these stones were used to build houses, and some of them were more beautiful.

That brutal leader discovered Yeboshi by chance.

Shocked by the beauty of the Yebo Stone, he asked the people under his rule to make offerings to the Yebo Stone according to their own regulations.

But he didn't consider that the night mooring stone is a kind of stone that is not particularly common, and it is located in a remote place, so finding it may take a life-and-death effort.

Although the people at that time were ruled by him, they all wanted to live a better life, so some of them planned to leave their hometowns and did not hand in the Yebo stone within the stipulated time, but they did not expect this to be discovered by the brutal leader.

In order to establish his own prestige, he ordered to execute several villagers who did not obey the rules.

They also randomly discarded their bodies in the wilderness.


Qin covered her mouth, never thought that there would be such a cruel and vicious person in the world. .

Chapter 381

Qin knows that in the land of Liyue, what people pay attention to is to be safe in the soil.

Leaving aside some folk customs, even in Mond, it is disrespectful to the dead to throw the corpses of other people in the wilderness at will!

Qin thought in her heart, if someone really dared to act wildly in the territory of Mengde and treat the people of Mengde like this, she would be the first to rush forward and teach that arrogant ruler a lesson!

Su Ze became very angry when he saw the piano, and he knew that it might be because he spoke too vividly, which made his wife's sense of substitution too strong.

With a shrug of his shoulders, he continued the story with admiration for his gift of language.

"It's okay if it's just like this. The relatives and family members of those people are all from the same village. Many people secretly go to bury their bodies in some unnoticed places, but the bad will come later..."

Then Su Ze found a stone from somewhere and placed it in front of Qin.

The stone is colorful and beautiful. Its texture is transparent, like a piece of ice. Holding it in your hand is like catching a rainbow.

Su Ze swayed around for a while, and then Qin realized that there was a little flowing liquid wrapped in this stone, which made this dreamy and beautiful stone even more dazzling.

"What is this thing? It's really beautiful, I really like it-it!"

Although Qin expressed his love for the stone, Su Ze didn't give it to her. Instead, he took the stone in front of him again and observed it in the moonlight.

"Yeah, I also think it is beautiful, but this beauty has swallowed up the lives of many people."

Su Ze put the stone in Qin's hand very casually.

Qin seemed to have a baby, watching the moon while listening to Su Ze's story about the past.

"If it's just the Yebo stone, those villagers can still find a few pieces through their own hard work, and as time goes by, the ruler has lost interest in the Yebo stone, but it's so sad .”

"On a whim that day, the ruler decided to apologize to the villagers who were innocently executed by him, and when he wanted to rebuild their tombs, he accidentally found this kind of stone next to the body of a deceased person."

0 ······Ask for flowers·········

Then Qin knew from Su Ze's narration that this beautiful stone was called Laoshi.

It is formed because of some special changes in the terrain environment, which is very rare.

There is even such a saying in the collection circle, if one day the real existence of the old stone is announced publicly, then I am afraid that one old stone will cost half a house of gold to exchange for!

........ 0

Although these words are exaggerated, it also shows that old stones are very rare in themselves, and finding one is considered a blessing from God.

But the ruler at that time didn't know how rare this thing was. After careful inquiry, he learned that the old stone was discovered by the grandson of a deceased person inadvertently, in order to make his relatives not so lonely in the soil. , so he carried his parents behind his back and buried Lao Shi beside his family.

Unexpectedly, his unintentional childlike behavior brought catastrophe to the people in several villages!

In order to satisfy his own selfish desires, the leader asked these villagers to find the old stone for him, but ah, how can such a rare treasure be found by them casually!wide.

Chapter 382

Countless villagers were forced to go out to look for Laoshi, but among those who went out in groups, only one or two survivors came back, and some even directly dozens of strong men disappeared on the way to look for Laoshi.

The people who came out of the village later were no longer looking for Lao Shi, but to find the corpses of their blood relatives.

They are honest people, and they never thought of overthrowing the ruler's rule. They only wanted to let their children and relatives return to their roots and bury them in their ancestral graves.

But unexpectedly, when they went through untold hardships to transport the bodies of their relatives back to the village, they encountered strong opposition from the leader.

He forcibly demolished the ancestral graves of hundreds of villagers on the grounds that he wanted to repair the huge garden house!

For the relatives who have been lost and the ancestors who have been insulted, regarding these unfair treatment, these villagers should have risen up and rebelled against the ruler.

But few of the villagers who survived to the end are young and strong. Most of them are old and weak women and children, and it is very difficult to take care of themselves. What about the struggle?

So, with blood and tears in their hearts, they carried the dead bodies of their relatives and brought the bones of those people to Qingyunding.

The origin of Qingyunding's name is because a long time ago, there was a very just ruler.

No matter what decision he makes, he will consider everything, and the bowl of water will be level, and no one will feel unfair.

After a long time, these villagers all praised him for his clean heart, which is as transparent and clear as the blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

So after his death, the villagers buried him on the top of this mountain, which is the highest mountain in the vicinity. If you stand here, you will be closer to the sky.

It also fits the image of the ruler in their hearts.

The more desperate people are, the more they believe in some legends.

After being oppressed by the leader for many years, these villagers regarded the legendary old ruler who was like a blue sky and white clouds as a god-like existence.

They started a useless obsession, that is to bury their deceased relatives in Qingyunding one after another.

I hope that one day I can meet a fair and honest person who can give them justice.

But this kind of resistance is the most useless. What they waited for was not fairness and justice, but more and more corpses were sent to Qingyunding, and finally Qingyunding became a ghost mountain full of graves!

At the end of Su Ze's speech, he emphasized the word "ghost mountain". Qin, who was listening carefully, trembled in fright, and hugged his waist tightly.  …

Aware of Qin's movements, Su Ze showed a calm complacency on his face. The goal was achieved, so the story was not made up in vain.

In fact, he just wanted to scare Qin, so that she would not pay attention sometimes, why did she get so close.

"woo woo woo woo……"

It's just that when Su Ze was enjoying the fruits of his labor, he heard a burst of subdued crying. He lowered his head and saw that it was his wife who had started to sob silently.

"Qin, what's the matter with you?"

Su Ze's thinking is very simple, probably Qin thinks that there are ghosts around the mountain, so he only needs to fly forward for a while, and fly out of the range of Qingyunding.

But I didn't expect Qin to explain in tears:

"I just think those people at that time were so heartbreaking, I can't imagine what kind of dire misery they were living in!".

Chapter 383

Seeing Qin's continuous tears, Su Ze suddenly wanted to believe that there really are female Bodhisattvas in this world.

Look at her holding the old stone and crying.Su Ze felt helpless.

Alas, I found a small gadget by accident and planned to give it to my wife for fun, but I didn't expect that I made up a story and made my wife cry!

What if Qin wants to cry when she sees this stone in the future, what should she do?

In order to make his wife happier, he hastily started remedial 06 rescue.

The remedy, it’s quite simple, is to tell Qin that one day a god-like man finally came, who solved the brutal ruler and brought happiness to the people who suffered so much. life.

He thought that as long as he arranged a good ending for the people in the story, then everything in the past could be written off.

Unexpectedly, Qin asked seriously: "Who is that person who came? Is there any record in history? Are there any ruins about him? I want to pay a visit!"

Su Ze couldn't help but rubbing his forehead. This really means that the speaker has no intention and the listener has the heart. It seems that his wife was really fooled into it by him, so he said without distraction:

"That man's name is Morakes. I heard that he has some great supernatural powers. Anyway, he is not dead yet, but he doesn't know where he exists in the world. Maybe we can see him when we go shopping in Liyue tomorrow. .”

After hearing this, Qin repeated the name "Morax" several times, and finally nodded firmly.

"Let's stay in Liyue for a day or two longer, I want to meet this Mr. Morax!"

Seeing his wife stop crying, Su Ze was very happy to regain his spirit just now, but suddenly he got a headache when he caught sight of his wife's movements from the corner of his eyes, and his wife actually planned to throw that old stone into the air!

"My wife, what are you doing? You have to know that this thing is priceless!"

In fact, when Su Ze found this old stone at first, he was very excited. Throw it out!

If this old stone is thrown out, counting the money owed to him by his wife before, Qin will be his wife for several lifetimes and will not be able to pay off the debt.

"It is the blood and tears of the villagers near Qingyunding, and it is the funeral object of that villager itself. I want to return it to Qingyunding!"

As Qin spoke, she made another gesture of throwing a stone.

Su Ze was so frightened that he quickly grabbed her hand.

"Wife, don't worry about it. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since that incident, and everything has returned to ashes, and the old stone is not the same piece as it was back then. Why are you taking your anger out on it? And I want to tell you one more important thing!"

When Qin was holding his hand, she felt warm in her palm. At the beginning, she really liked this old stone very much, but after hearing the tragic story behind the old stone, she felt that this thing was really hot, and she didn't want to Let this evil exist in the world!

"Whether it's that piece or not, it can't eliminate the pain caused by it at the beginning, so I have to throw it away!"

Su Ze was a little nervous. He didn't expect to dig himself into it by telling a random story. He casually glanced at the surrounding scenery, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he came up with a reason. .

Chapter 384

"Qin, this is why you don't understand. In fact, this thing is not a symbol of disaster, but a harbinger of justice and fairness! At the beginning, Morax used the old stone to warn the ruler, but because the thing was too dazzling It's beautiful, so they don't realize the crisis!"

Su Ze's explanation reached Qin's ears, and she was skeptical.

Qin couldn't figure it out, if she really couldn't stand the ruler's brutal rule, why didn't she just rescue the people directly, instead she warned with some uncertain omens, isn't this a waste of time?

If Morax was really the god who saved the world, he would never do such a stupid thing!

Seeing that his wife didn't believe it, Su Ze had no choice but to use his trump card.

"Actually, this is Morax's token! When he disappeared hundreds of years ago, he said that when Old Stone reappeared in the world, that would be the time for him to return to the mortal world!"

As soon as this reason was said, Qin believed it on the spot.

Because through the story just now, Qin already felt that Morax was a real hero, a god who guarded them like Lord Baratos!

"Is that so? That was my mistake. I should keep this old stone well and try to meet Lord Moraxel when the time comes〃~!"

Seeing Qin's devout expression, Su Ze felt another headache.

why?Why did he feel as if he had suddenly made an idol for his wife? Although he couldn't remember who the familiar name "Morax" was for a while, he still felt that it was really weird for his wife to worship others!

If you really meet Morax, you have to find Mr. Zhongli and the others to beat him up first!

"Aze, can we go back to the inn at this time? The inn is already closed."

Although she had a lot of ambition when she threw the old stone just now, when she thought of the countless corpses of wronged souls buried in this mountain forest, Qin herself was quite scared, and she didn't want to spend the night here.

Su Ze rubbed Qin's soft hair.

"It's not easy. The people in the inn are asleep, so let's find some people who don't need to sleep!"

Qin didn't understand what Su Ze meant at first, but when they came to the top of Aozang Mountain again, Qin suddenly understood who the person who didn't need to sleep was.

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