"All listen to orders! Switch output weapons!"

"Activate the plasma energy amplification array and prepare for the purgatory ray! Win this first victory! SiegHeil!!"

"SiegHeil!!! (Long live Victory!!!)"

A group of iron-blooded ship girls were extremely excited, grinning grinningly and manipulating the plasma weapon bay of their battleship, and more than a dozen large plasma generators and energy auxiliary arrays began to function.

This is an upgraded plasma weapon on a plasma fusion ray.

Like other weapons developed in the port area, some space weapons with limited output can be upgraded upwards.

Plasma weapons, too.

For example, the iron-blooded battleships that already have the Star Destroyer all have upgraded versions of their weapons.

The top weapons on the parent battleship are high-efficiency output weapons like plasma cannons.

They are iron-blooded in the commander's transformation concept, which requires extremely efficient and fierce firepower output.

Big is better, more is beautiful, caliber is justice!

And their efficient output of iron and blood is the truth on the battlefield! !

This purgatory ray is a weapon second only to the plasma cannon. Even if it is installed on their main battleship fortress, it is a terrifying weapon that can be used as the main gun!

Its fiery high temperature and energy can completely reach the terrifying high temperature of the sun's core!

The energy intensity, strike range and attack distance are all much stronger than the previous neutron rays and matrix heavy particle rays.

Because of the terrifying high temperature characteristics, this ray weapon is called the purgatory ray in their Iron Blood.

On the battleship headed by Bismarck and Prince Eugen, the kilometer-long main gun adjusted its direction and aimed at the Otsutsuki battle group.

Seeing the terrifying length of the main cannon, all the members of the Datongmu clan were rushed from the sky to the soles of their feet by a gust of cold air.

Nima, the opponent has even more terrifying firepower output weapons! ?

What level of destructiveness would such a thick, big, black and long cannon cause?

"Gudong! Now, what should we do now?"

Some Datongmu clansmen who were facing the destroyer and the energy matrix glanced at the huge muzzle with fear, and now they have retreated a little.

Using the star drop strategic weapon failed to destroy the other party. They seem to be exhausted now, and they will definitely die!

But they want to open a different space like Huangquan Biliangzaka, or the transmission channel can't do it at all.

Other battleships will directly throw out the dimensional anchors to lock their space coordinates, and then they will be greeted with one shot, which is enough to vaporize an entire continental plate of atomic bombs.

Either they were blown up to the point where there were no atoms left, or they were strangled to death by the turbulent space turbulence!

So they have no escape now, so they can only bite the bullet and go!

"Launch hydrogen bombs in space to surround them," Bismarck directed with a sneer, "The main gun is fully charged, and the purgatory ray is launched!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the long-stored plasma inside the battleship amplified the effect of the array through the plasma energy, outputting it from the muzzle of the main gun!

A plasma ray like the flames of hell illuminates the space battlefield!

The light emitted by these rays is too dazzling, and it is even higher than the dazzling rays emitted by the energy matrix.

The white eyes of Datongmu were blinded and melted because of this extremely strong light.

In the face of this terrifying high temperature, all the big tubes in front of him were evaporated, and then disappeared in an instant!

When the purgatory ray fell on the planets brought by the Otsuki, the logistics Otsuki who supported the defensive barrier on the surface felt at that final moment, as if they were in a terrifying star. Feel!

In fact, when the purgatory ray bombarded the planet at that moment, the temperature that erupted in an instant was indeed the temperature of a star.

The terrifying high temperature completely evaporated those tentacles with the Sharingan of Reincarnation, and even the surface of its entire planet was pierced with a big hole!

These few strategic planets were also shot through the earth's core the next moment, turning into huge pieces of interstellar dust in space.

"Clean up the entire battlefield, and clean up all the remaining logs!"

"Analyze the space traces left when Otsutsuki came, and deduce the interstellar coordinates in reverse!"

Bismarck issued a sweeping order on the psychic network, and then transmitted the relevant data to the headquarters through the psychic network to transmit the space traces of Otsutsuki's arrival.

At that time, these traces will use a star computer and a large number of quantum computers to reversely deduce the coordinates of the star field.

At that time, their fleet attack will take the initiative!

ps: Ask for tickets, please recommend, now that you have bought into the universe stage, it is time for the magic mantra, Kamura Kagura, and you have to arm yourself with the gods...

Chapter 15 Ship Girl: We Have a Flexible Moral Bottom Line

The war has completely started, and the people of Otsutsuki civilization swaggered and drove a large number of sacred tree spaceships and strategic planets, crossing the galaxy and fighting to the death with Lei Zhe's ship girls.

The originally arrogant Datongmu tribe thought that these enemies were nothing more than that. After all, their whole tribe would come out in full force, and it would be no problem to destroy an entire star field.

But when you really meet the ship girls, the Otsutsuki who have bloody cheats, and the enemies who use technology to hang, you don't know how difficult the opponent is.

Their Datongmu bloodline is special, and each clansman's reincarnation eye has very tricky abilities. When these tricky abilities are gathered together, it will become even trickier.

For example, the power displayed by some people on the battlefield at the beginning is enough to affect the direction of the battlefield.

But in the eyes of the ship girls, their Otsuki's ability is the strongest only when used for the first time.

Once they record the other party's intelligence, they will hand it over to the logistics team on the spiritual network for analysis and cracking in the blink of an eye.

Otsutsuki's reincarnation eye has many perverted abilities, but the girls of the ship don't love each other at all.

They upgraded to interstellar battleships, and so far have not sunk any of their partners in the battle with Otsutsuki.

The other party attacked with strange abilities, and they would fight back with an eye for an eye!

And in the vast sea of ​​stars, Lei Zhe's fleet, the royal family, had already fought against the Otsuki who came after them.

The various factions in the port area have a clear division of labor. After continuously obtaining information about Otsuki, they are becoming more and more familiar with each other's characteristics.

According to the opponent's strengths and weaknesses, they will also send out suitable troops to fight with Otsuki.

The Otsutsukis are completely anxious now. Compared with the two sides, their side has suffered heavy losses.

With their overall arrogance, there is no possibility of any conversation.

Countless Datongmu were like locusts in space, rushing towards the enemy fiercely.

Facing them head-on from a super long distance, there are countless shining energy beams of the royal warships, like spears formed by the focus of a large number of lights.

This is the energy fort belonging to the Royal Fleet, Tachyon Lance.

It is characterized by ultra-long-range strikes, and its attack power and attack speed are also very good.

The royal fleet in space is almost all beams of energy that hit millions of kilometers away. Every time the spear of light flickers away, countless large tubes of wood are turned into cosmic dust.

The tachyon light spear will increase the attack power and attack speed through the focus array and fast coolant, making it extremely terrifying!

These light spears are responsible for gathering Otsutsugi at ultra-long distances, and the destroyers in the center of the battlefield are all equipped with space torpedoes and plasma cannons to fight against Otsutsugi at medium and long distances!

Countless plasma plasma balls are like raindrops in space, flying around in space densely.

Datongmu just scratched a little, and they will be severely disabled if they don't die.

The speed of the destroyer girls cannot be captured in space at all, and the plasma plasma cannon Otsutsuki fired cannot be absorbed through the eyes of reincarnation.

They are completely suppressed and beaten in space, and the rear is led by war exhaustion and the monarch.

Leading battleships such as Prestige, Hood, Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and Rodney are sniping frantically.

What?Why didn't Otsutsuki destroy these battleships in charge of sniping by crossing space?

The space technology in the port area has long marked the starry sky with a radius of tens of millions. Li, using dimensional space technology.

The stability of this space has been disrupted, and it has become very laborious to open a different space or use space teleportation in this warring star field.

If there is that short-sighted Datongmu who dares to open a different space, he will encounter a cross-space strategic attack in the next second.

As for the star pendants of Otsutsuki, it is impossible to use them on the battlefield after having information.

Heh, taking a target as big as a whole planet into the battlefield, these guys are blind as ship girls?

To deal with this kind of huge target, they will not hesitate to use the doomsday weapon to blow up Otsutsuki's strategic planet without hesitation.

Warspite, the sharpshooter, is equipped with a mega-class cannon, one of the crystallizations of engineering science and technology in the port area.

The mega-level cannon is an incomparably huge mass accelerator created by Ming Miao and Lei Zhe in the world of pitch-black bullets, inspired by the ladder technology.

The special shells used have an extremely high density, and the mass explosion points are stored inside the sealed core, and the shells will fly to the target at sub-light speed.

The huge kinetic energy generated by the huge mass destroys the structure of the celestial body, and after the final material is converted into energy and explodes, it will completely destroy the target hit by the opponent.

The star drop weapon that Otsutsuki was proud of was completely abolished, and their entire battlefield situation was rapidly deteriorating like a flood.

Now it is not Otsutsuki civilization who is actively attacking the ship girls, but after the ship girls got their exact coordinates, they took the initiative to find trouble with them, showing a look of immortality.

When encountering a planet inhabited by Otsuki, directly use the focusing matrix to expand the energy, and then use a shot of neutrons to kill all the organisms on it without destroying the planet.

Or use the extinct virus developed by Minato City, which is also a virus that is harmful to organisms. It can decompose all organisms and can also achieve the high-efficiency effect of neutron killing.

It's just that this kind of virus is a little more ruthless than neutron killing, because even the gas life with a loose structure in the planet will be extinct.

The virus will pollute the air, destroy the entire surface structure, and turn the entire world into a place of complete extinction, the Death Star.

This inhumane virus was not developed by shipwrecks like Ming Miao in the port area, but by Lei Zhe. After all, after he encountered family misfortune from the very beginning, the killing and destruction in his genes were stimulated.

Humane, what is that?Is Otsuki a human being?

Lei Zhe's flexible moral bottom line asked so delicately.

Human morality should not be in control of Otsuki, right?That's still a fart, the other party is not human, so what's the point?

On the Otsutsuki colonial planet, countless Otsutsugi dressed in white are responsible for the logistics of the entire planet, where they prepare a large amount of Chakradan for combat supplies.

But in the atmosphere of their planet, thousands of bombs exploded directly in the clouds of the sky.

A large number of crimson weapons painted the entire sky, and then were blown and spread by the air current.

This virus bomb is for destruction. Even if the planet's ecology is completely destroyed, the ship girls can still build their own territory on the ruins.

The missiles are intelligent, and they fly to different latitudes and altitudes of the planet until they completely cover the surface of the entire planet.

The spread virus fell on the land and sea on the planet Otsutsumu, sweeping every corner.

As long as there are living creatures in the corner, there will definitely be viruses visiting. The first to be devastated are the microorganisms, and then the physical animals.

Then they can see these strong viruses with white eyes, and can only protect themselves with chakra, so that they have no intention of doing war work.

The virus penetrated into their skin and even deep into their flesh and blood, and then directly corroded and destroyed their genetic chains.

What you can see with the naked eye is that the blood vessels and flesh of the otsutsugi are dissolved, and the high-density bones begin to collapse.


Some big tubers let out extremely shrill screams, their whole bodies were collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the cells were rapidly dissolving at the molecular level.

Then in less than a minute, it turned into a pool of rancid minced meat, leaving only some bone residues falling in the rancid minced meat.

These viruses are pervasive, and Otsuki who are engaged in war work cannot always prevent these microscopic viruses.

Some Datongmu entered their own different space to hide in horror, but this is equivalent to the behavior of deserters, and it is meaningless whether to stop or not to stop.

The entire planet has entered the stage of death, every creature on the planet's ecology died on the spot, and flesh and blood flowed out of the skeleton.

The nervous system disintegrated, and finally even the bones became as soft as jelly, and they collapsed on the ground.

The royal flagship Elizabeth stared at the surface of the planet displayed on the screen, like polluted paint, blooming on the planet like a devil's flower.

The flower of malice devoured everything on the surface at an alarming speed, leaving only the wasteland that was more seriously polluted by nuclear radiation.

Countless lives died like grass, and only the remaining Otsuki were struggling. Those who wanted to leave the planet would only be hit by the battleship mercilessly.

Death enveloped the entire Otsutsumu colonial planet, and the virus mist was like a boiling black sky, covering and devouring everything.

In the plains, mountains, plateaus, rivers, and oceans, countless lives turned into flesh and blood and died.

"Planting trees all day long will harm civilizations weaker than yours, and let you taste the feeling of waiting to die on the Death Star."

Elizabeth looked at this scene, she looked like a little girl, humming softly without any mercy.

She knows exactly what Datongmu is. One or two arrogant ones are going to die, isn't it just a higher level of life?

Does this call itself a god?Her commander's life level is high, but he has not seen him claiming to be a god.


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