He grew up watching Princess Lala, and he was very loyal and loving to her. He knew that she was a little overwhelmed because of her status as the heir to the royal family.

But even so, Sustin dared not and would not disobey the will of his own king.

Today, as usual, continue blind date.

If Lala doesn't come, Kido will definitely get angry.

"Yeah! (Don't!), I will never go on a blind date!!!"

There was also a nice girl's voice coming from the room, but the voice was full of resentment and grievance.

She doesn't want to go on a blind date, and she doesn't want to go on a blind date. She likes to be free and doesn't want to be restrained.

"Princess Lala, I understand how you feel, but if you don't come, the king will get angry. Although he won't be angry with Princess Lala, other people..."

Sighing helplessly, Sustin understood the reason and explained to Lala in a tactful tone with emotion.

He also didn't want to force himself to look at the grown-up princess, but if Lala didn't come, his king couldn't explain it, and if he got angry, other people would suffer.

Sustin was caught between the father and daughter, and he was not a human being inside or outside.


Hearing Sustin's euphemistic words, the girl in the room fell silent, and then, as if suppressing her anger and grievance, she couldn't speak, only a whimper of grievance could be heard.

As a princess, Lala has the self-willedness that a princess should have, but Lala has no princess airs.

With an innocent, cute and lively personality, Lala is also very kind.

She knew that she resisted the blind date, and her father would not beat and scold her, but if the other party had nowhere to vent his anger, others would be in trouble.

Lala didn't want to see that kind of situation, but she also didn't want to go on a blind date. The so-called voice contained very suppressed anger and grievance.

So she walked out of the room with an aggrieved and disappointed face. The resentment and grievance on that face made Sustin feel distressed when he saw it, but there was nothing he could do about it.

As a princess, Lala is also a very charming and curvaceous girl in appearance and image.

Long bubblegum pink hair, emerald green eyes, and a distinctive feature of the Deberuk royal family is her tail.

Extend down from the bottom of the back.Her tail is long and thin, ending in a heart shape.

Now Lala is wearing a dress for guests, her pink, white and rosy skin has the youthful vigor that a girl should have.

"...Let's go, Princess Lala, just find a reason to reject those guys as usual."

With helplessness on his face, Sustin whispered to his princess in a very low voice at the end.

He is loyal to Qiduo and Lala, but loves Lala very much, and is naturally extremely picky and dissatisfied with Lala's fiancé.

He thinks that the guys in the VIP room before and now are not good enough for Lala.

Not only his face, but even his strength is not as strong as Princess Lala, what qualifications does he have to be the heir of King Deberuk?A guy who can't even protect his other half is qualified to be Lala's husband?

"Master Lala, let's go through a process, it will be very fast."

The accessory on Lala's head is Peikai, a universal dress-up robot she created, which has a very powerful artificial intelligence.

Lala didn't treat it as a tool, but as a friend.

Now Pei Kai comforted Lala in a helpless tone.

"Hmph, Dad hates it!"

She said that she hated her father, but Lala walked towards the palace of Debiluk with a disappointed face.

Qiduo, who was still waiting impatiently with his eyes closed, saw his daughter Lala walking in with an angry face, and the irritability in his heart was instantly swept away.


Seeing his daughter's angry face, as well as the wronged and angry eyes, Qiduo also sighed slightly inwardly.

He thought to himself that it would be great if he had a son, so that the relationship with his daughter wouldn't get worse and worse. He also wanted to retire and have fun.

Thinking this way, just when Qido wanted to show his father's majesty and ordered his daughter to start a blind date, a sudden change occurred in Deb Luke's magnificent palace that made Qido's eyes stern.


Beside Lala 20 meters away, the space distorted as if turning into an abstract painting, and then a golden pure color began to infect the distortion caused by the turbulence of other dimensions.


This distorted singularity suddenly appeared in Deberuk's palace, directly causing the alarm in the entire palace to explode.

As an interstellar civilization, Deberuk naturally also has a deep research on space. In order to prevent certain assassins with special abilities, space sirens are naturally available.

"Hey! The alarm is sounding, what happened, Mengmeng!?"

"How do I know, it seems to be the father and sister's side, there is someone who broke into the father's side without his life?"

"Do you think it's my sister's escape from the blind date that caused the ghost?"

"I don't know, but with my sister's temperament, it's possible~"

At the moment when the siren sounded, there was the exclusive teaching office on the other side of the palace.

The two pink-haired girls had similar faces to Lala's, and their faces were almost the same, but there were some differences and differences in figure and hairstyle. When they heard the siren, they looked towards the palace in surprise.

Neither of them was nervous, after all, there was the strongest father in their own universe, so there was no need to panic.

And in the palace, Qiduo's interest and sight were also attracted by this distorted singularity that suddenly appeared.

"Protect the king, protect Princess Lala!!"

Sustin, who heard the siren, rushed in with a large group of subordinates with a fierce face.

Seeing the singularity not far from Lala, he set up his weapon and led the team to surround it.

"Hehehe, what kind of guy dares to open the passage to the Palace of Debiluk? Lala, get out!"

Looking at this distorted singularity with great interest, Chedo ignored the alarm, seeing this special singularity, a cold smile appeared in his eyes.

As the overlord of the universe, he has the self-confidence of a strong man, dares to open the passage to the palace, and no matter who the opponent is, he has the confidence to kill him.

Qiduo, who hadn't moved his body for a long time, looked at his eldest daughter and asked her to step back.

As for Lala, who was full of anger, when she saw this distorted point suddenly appearing in Deberuk's palace, the anger on her face disappeared immediately. As a genius inventor, she immediately looked at this passage with curious and bright eyes.

"Huh? Space... no... a dimensional channel? Not right, it seems to be a channel that crosses dimensions!"

By linking the hair accessory Peikai host on the head, Lala's retina has the analysis data of this distortion point.

Then he glanced at the father who stood up with a childish smile on his face, and looked at this cross-dimensional passage with a little eagerness.

Qiduo naturally saw his daughter's look eager to try, and his face darkened, naturally thinking that his rebellious eldest daughter might have the idea of ​​running away from home.


The displeased Qiduo directly dodged in front of Lala, blocked her with his arms folded, and looked impatiently and coldly at the life-or-death guy who was about to come out of the tunnel of singularity.

"Mom! How can someone teleport people into the turbulent flow of another dimension? Is it just me who is the most unlucky individual? It would be too useless if I just die and go back!"

The sacred and gorgeous gold completely infects the distorted graffiti on the singularity, and in the space vortex presenting a golden vortex, a male voice full of resentment and helplessness comes out, followed by a blurred silhouette projection.

When Lala and Qido heard the male voice's language, they immediately thought of the earth, the resort of the universe.

Qido wants to go somewhere to play after retirement, but due to various reasons, he has never been there so far, and Lala has only heard about it but has not been there yet.

From what the male voice meant, Lala seemed to be an assassin or something, but was teleported here by accident.

But Qido didn't think so, the coldness on his face gradually faded, replaced by a solemn and vigilant one, from which he felt the long-lost pressure.

That golden power is full of aggression and destructiveness, and it looks very difficult to mess with.

The man who came out of nowhere really impresses Qido and Lala. He has a well-proportioned human body with a golden ratio, blond hair that dances in the turbulent flow of the dimension and is like a lion's mane, and a delicate and tired face. handsome appearance.


Lei Zhe, the incarnation who had just come out of the channel of turbulent flow in another dimension, was a little dumbfounded. Looking at the child standing in front of the pink-haired girl exuding a powerful aura, he knew that his landing position might be a bit wrong.

Surrounded by armed men with hostile faces, everyone pointed their strangely shaped firearms at themselves. The energy had been fully charged and could be fired at any time.

Just by looking at the technological level of the opponent's weapons, Lei Zhe knew that the opponent's technology must be extremely advanced, and everyone's physical fitness was dozens of times higher than that of human beings.

He first descended into this turbulent flow of different dimensions in the universe, and then got out of it on his own, and now he came here, which is the territory of other people's homes.

Lei Zhe looked at the boy in front of him who looked like a child who had taken hormones. His body and strength had rapidly grown and transformed into a young man who could ravage the mighty power of the stars.

Looking at the gorgeous palaces around him, thinking of his sudden arrival, it would be strange for people not to be vigilant.

"who are you?"

The cosmic overlord who forcibly returned to the peak regardless of his own injuries, Qiduo looked at Lei Zhe with a cold and solemn face and said.

As he spoke, he aimed his trident-like tail at Lei Zhe in front of him.

It seemed that if Lei Zhe dared to make any changes in the next second, he would directly burst out with the power to penetrate the stars.

Lei Zhe heard the evil voice of this powerful guy in front of him, and he sounded like a devil. He greeted him politely and elegantly:

"I'm really sorry that I broke into this place without being invited. I was lost in the turbulent flow of the dimension for a while, and I don't know the exit of the tunnel that was dug to lead here."

The voice is very magnetic, and the words are full of magical elegance, which makes people unconsciously addicted to it.

What Lei Zhe said was very frank, and he expressed the etiquette and sorry greetings to the point, and explained why he came back here in a few words.

As for whether the other party believes it or not, it depends on what the other party thinks.

Sustin and the others didn't change their faces when they heard Lei Zhe's explanation. They all looked cold and heartless. They didn't care if Lei Zhe broke in here on purpose or not, just breaking into the Debeluk Palace privately was enough to make them kill upset.

Now they all have to look at the meaning of their own King Deberuk. Sustin saw that Qiduo suddenly changed back to his familiar appearance, and then saw the dignified and vigilant expression on his face.

He knew that this blond man had the qualifications to make them dignified in terms of strength!

They didn't dare to act rashly, Princess Lala was still here, before Qiduo didn't speak, they could only maintain the action one second before the attack.

"Oh, a passage was dug out in the turbulent flow of another dimension. It looks like you are very powerful. What kind of civilization are you?"

Qiduo narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the words, looking at Lei Zhe who was surrounded and still not panicked, and his tone was a bit inexplicable.

He sincerely apologized to Lei Zhe for his fault, and his vigilance and hostility in his heart dropped a little, but he still had to settle for trespassing on Deb Luke's palace.

But the other party can survive in the turbulent flow of another dimension, his strength will not be weak, and he is not even a little timid when facing him. Qiduo is curious that this kind of character should not be unknown.

Looking at the blond-haired young man in front of him, once Qiduo met him, he would never forget him. The other party's sense of existence is so strong.

Lala was also standing in front of her father, looking at Lei Zhe with curiosity on her lively expression.

But Lei Zhe understood the situation around him and ran to Debbie Luke. He wanted to come to this world to shop for treasures, but he didn't expect to land directly in a different dimension and encountered turbulent currents.

Although he didn't encounter any danger, it also caused Lei Zhe to be unable to locate the place where he descended for the time being, so he had to find a random direction and violently dig it out.

"...the human beings of the earth civilization, but not the earth humans of this universe."

As he said that, Lei Zhe suddenly opened his primordial eye that penetrates all phenomena on his forehead, turned his head and looked in one direction, and the scenery of all phenomena in the universe came into his sight, then nodded thoughtfully.

If you say that you are a human being, the other party will definitely not believe it. After all, human civilization in this world is very weak, and can only be regarded as a holy place for vacation by other civilizations in the universe.

He directly told the other party that he was not a human being in this universe. Anyway, the other party was powerful, and he would be found out directly by the other party if he lied or concealed it.

Lei Zhe still wants to have a good time in this world, but he doesn't want to be wanted by the whole universe.

When they heard that Lei Zhe was a human being, the others didn't believe it, but they were slightly startled when they heard the latter sentence that it wasn't this universe.

Lala's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and with a lively and curious smile on her face, she asked Lei Zhe without fear of life:

"Hey, are you from a parallel world or from a different universe?"

The princess was curious about Lei Zhe and what the universe looked like on Lei Zhe's side. Seeing this blond young man full of secrets, Lala felt that today's boredom due to the blind date was swept away.

"...It can be regarded as a different universe, but I have seen the earth in this world."

Regarding this lively and lovely princess, Lei Zhe responded lightly.

Qiduo looked at Lei Zhe's bluish pupils on his forehead with great interest. The other party said that he saw the earth in this world, which meant that the other party observed the earth in this world tens of thousands of light-years away.

Just this single-body observation method made Qido very interested.

The cosmic overlord stretched out his hand to signal Sustin and the others to put down their weapons, and the other party did so meticulously. Qiduo's eyes were eager to try, and a smile appeared on his face and said:

"Boy, I believe you don't have any malicious intentions anymore, but you still have to settle for breaking into the Debeluk Palace. I don't care about your fault if you don't die in a fight with me. Let me see what happened in the other universe. What's the point of existence."

When Sustin and his subordinates heard this, their faces did not change, but they looked at Lei Zhe with pity, thinking that this man was going to die.

King Deberuk is the strongest in the universe, and he goes deep into the hearts of every one of them.

The expression on Lala's face changed slightly when she heard this. Although she was lively and pure, she was not a fool.

Purely, she could see that Lei Zhe was not the kind of person who had any malice towards Debeeruk, and the apology just now was very frank and sincere.

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