The task rewards are indeed very exciting, but the task difficulty is also three S+ levels.

In the history of the reincarnators in the reincarnation space, every time an enemy with a level of [-]S or above appears, no matter how strong the reincarnators are or how many people there are, they will suffer heavy casualties!

It is not surprising that some powerful top reincarnators are wiped out by the group, as no one has ever been able to complete the task without casualties.

But as long as one or two can survive the task, they are now the top bosses in the reincarnation space.

It can be said that both chance and danger are more than half, and the reincarnators must not carefully consider whether they should participate in this mission.

And Olaga is not in a hurry about everyone's hesitation and consideration. Anyway, so many people will always be tempted by one or two, right?His budget only needs three or more promises.

And just as Olaga expected, someone has already agreed, and the killer in martial arts uniform responded:

"I promise you, you should have information about the mission target, right? Start the contract and let me join the team."

"it is good......"

Olaga saw that there was already a beginning, and was about to conclude a task team contract with the other party, but at the next moment, the entire reincarnation space suddenly changed.

【stare! ! !External attack detected, please be a reincarnation @&¥*&[email protected]&*$^*&..........]

All the reincarnators in Pure White Square and other areas were stunned for a moment, and immediately turned pale after seeing this reminder.

Damn it!Still riding a horse! ? ! ? ! ?

Just when all the reincarnators were acting desperately, a frightening nightmare also came. The pure white of the normally functioning reincarnation space was shattered by the golden tsunami streamer, breaking the entire barrier that was far stronger than the crystal wall of the world.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The unimaginable big bang directly distorted the space-time and material foundation, just like the collapse of the big universe, the terrifying and incomparably supreme power directly collapsed the barrier of the reincarnation space, allowing its vicious things to pour in.

Sacred, gorgeous, shining, the supreme golden light of destruction is raging, directly killing countless reincarnated people.

Chaotic and disorderly energy poured into the space of reincarnation from the sea of ​​void, making the whole space start to shake and become unstable.

The top-level reincarnator with transcendent strength also rushed over immediately.

They immediately began to block it with all their strength, and the tumbling chaotic energy and golden shattering light overflowed from the big crack in the reincarnation space.

But in the great rift in the space of reincarnation, the golden shattering light began to infect all the power of chaos and disorder like high-dimensional fuel, leaving only its own golden monochrome.

And in that huge and trembling golden vortex, the majestic mass that is still soaring has approached, and the tall and straight figure is gradually taking shape in the vortex.

Moreover, accompanied by an excited and fanatical whisper of orders, it reached the ears of the terrified reincarnators.

“[Gladsheimr (Supreme Heaven)———]”

Above the universe, the supreme brilliance that dominates and ravages everything is rolling, and there are countless undead who are ready to go, casting their deep and crazy eyes on the living.

Endless figures, exuding the aura of evaporating billions of stars, lined up neatly from the bright golden light.

That is... endless enemies!

All the souls and powerful people in the multiple worlds that Lei Zhe swallowed are included in it, and all people and power emerge here under the will of the domineering god.

Whether it is the creatures of thousands of races in the universe, or the reincarnated people who were killed before, they all gather in the array of the Lord of Destruction.

The domineering, twisted and destructive love made the souls of all reincarnation tremble and repel in their hearts.

Their horrified eyes saw that the golden beast emperor standing at the top issued an order to charge the whole army and roared!

“[Longinus DreizehnOrden (Holy Gun Knights)!!!!]”

Accompanied by the roar of the golden beast emperor's announcement, the fiery destructive brilliance bloomed in this void space!

The stirring of the soul sounded at this moment, and with the roar of thousands of ferocious battle souls of Nayuta's level, it suddenly broke out at this moment!

The golden shattered light turned into a terrifying Nayuta wave impacting and rubbing against each other, bursting out waves of terrifying chaos that made everything repeat itself and then quickly shattered.

Terrifying enough to drown the undead war souls that filled the entire universe, they rushed over with unspeakable enthusiasm.


In the depths of this golden radiance, Lei Zena laughed happily with the golden lion behind him.

Like roaring and roaring, it turned into waves of multiple cosmic scales, causing the charge firepower of the Golden Supreme Sky to inflate outrageously again.

"I searched for this place with hunger, and wanted to find something that would not be destroyed by me and love (fight) with it. Friends who met here, I want to embrace your souls, I love you so much that I want to destroy them!!! "

The first intruder in the history of the reincarnation space, with the attitude of the overlord of Vientiane, directly entered this omnipotent space for the reincarnation.

With a pleasant and refreshing smile, the man shows his stalwart in an exaggerated but unobtrusive way, giving people a well-known attraction.

And the reincarnation space is naturally not vegetarian. He who has linked multiple worlds manifests a pure white jade appearance, and then changes shape into a pure white human form without any appearance.

Commanding the topmost reincarnators who could destroy the universe, they rushed towards Lei Zhe's golden army.

The saint who has awakened Ω (scale) leads a large group of eighth-sense gold saints, super saiyan god blue, and super saiyan four, four-handed Hulk, peak destruction day, silver superman, fake Face Knight...

Under the chaotic dance of demons, a single cosmic-level reincarnation of not low level directly went up in order to survive.

However, the low- and middle-level reincarnated people immediately turned into a mess...

"Fuck, fuck! Beast of gold!? This is a nima!? Zhinima's reincarnation space, if you want us to die, just say it, you dare to stretch out your hand in any world? Fuck—————!!!! !"

Transformed into a super Saiyan blue, a powerful reincarnation who practiced human immortal martial arts to the realm of eight thunder catastrophes, stared dumbfounded at the man exuding a heaven-swallowing aura in the golden shattered brilliance.

As a game fan, he had also played Day of Wrath before he entered the reincarnation space. How could he not know the opponent's strength?

His strength also has the peak strength of a single body, but compared with the hanging wall on the opposite side who stepped on his left foot and stepped on his right foot to ascend to the sky, there is really no comparison.

Many knowledgeable reincarnators in the reincarnation space looked desperately at the option of not being able to return to their respective independent worlds and leaving the space, and then cursed the reincarnation space for death in their hearts, and immediately turned it into a mess.

His eyes were calm and pitiful, looking at the same kind who did not know the identity of the enemy and were ready to fight to the end.

Knowing the consequences of being killed by the other party, the reincarnated person directly gritted his teeth and rushed towards the chaotic and disordered sea of ​​void, his tiny figure was directly submerged and disappeared.

Since they couldn't get away from this outrageous battle, they could only gamble on the slightest chance of survival.

For those who are deserters, those who are now engaged in invasion and defense wars have no intention to take care of them. The mighty power leaked from their mutual fighting has killed many reincarnated people who are like grass.

"The intruder...die!"

The owner of this reincarnation space exudes an aura far surpassing that of Lei Zhe, like a judge in a court who pronounces a verdict, and also like a supreme god issuing a verdict.

Zheng———! ! !

The unparalleled mighty power erupted and swept across, and the roaring sound spread through countless time and space, crushing the enemy with the supreme mighty power that collapsed the universe.

While Lei Zhe faced the attack of an enemy far stronger than himself, the twisted and ferocious animal smile on his face remained unchanged, and a trace of sarcasm and a frenzy of data flashed in his eyes.

He held up the golden holy gun formed by endless killing and death, and solemnly roared:!

"Let's sing together in my world, sing this great blessing! I love everything! Burn, be angry! Destroy! Put on the scene of the collapse of everything, the curtain of the supreme fall!!"

In an instant, the incomparably tyrannical divine power completely spread out from Lei Zhe's body, and broke out under the guidance of the golden light of destruction.

The huge and magnificent golden singularity was completely formed, and the principles of the godhead instantly covered and invaded the entire samsara space, and launched a plundering tug-of-war with the entire samsara space.

At this moment, Lei Zhe, with his own legal principles overflowing, used the entire samsara space as a [seat] to invade and cover the huge world controlled by the samsara space, and then endlessly violently devoured it!

The universe under the banner of Samsara Space and the banner of Samsara One has been infected by the golden supreme law, and the whole world has started endless killing and evolution!

Let all beings in the universe remember the profound death!The powerful and vivid golden scenery covers everything in the plural universes.

My Dao overwhelms all Taos, and all dharmas and phenomena are omnipresent, all of which are brought under the dominion of the supreme heaven by the golden tyrannical power!

bow down!The fluctuation of the Overlord speaks of majesty!

As the owner of the samsara space, or the core pure white figure, the pure white body is also dyed with traces of rich gold, and it is no longer the original pure and pure.

The world dominated under the space was suddenly plundered away, and the vast aura that originally crushed the multiverse began to wilt and fall in the next moment.

The strength and momentum began to slide rapidly like a deflated balloon, falling from that supreme mighty force.

There is no emotion or soul, only the cold, ruthless and rational reincarnation space core, and now I know how troublesome the enemy is.

But Lei Zhe is not interested in caring about the opponent, he just wants to fight to the top at this moment, until he is satisfied!

"Love is galloping, the soul is screaming, dance at this moment, gentlemen! Stage the supreme battle! The supreme heaven is here!"

Lei Zhe, whose domains of domination spread to multiple and diverse, and whose aura soared to an incomparably high level, laughed happily and turned the quantity and quality of his golden army into an infinite wave.

The powerful samsara who was killed also joined the army array, making the opposite samsara look horrified and horrified.

It has never been imagined that an immeasurable number of undead war spirits, as well as warriors and strong men gathered here, turning into an array and roaring forward, what a terrifying and grand scene it is when they charge.

Like a frenzy of terror, trillions of supernovae are surging down, turning into rays of light, and everything has nowhere to escape.

When this scene appears, everything is destined to be crushed to pieces in this incomparable situation!

【Der Rosenkavalier Schwarzwald】

[Scorching World·Sword of Pain (MuspellzheimrLaevateinn)]

【Dead World·NiflheimrFenriswolf】

【Thunder Speed ​​Sword Dance·War Ji Transformation (Donner Totentanz——Walküre)】

【Human World·Final Transformation (MiegarerV?lsungaSaga)】


[The order of the gods is ordered by the etheric divination (MansolltenachdenGesetzenderG?tterleben.)】

[God World·Xiangyi, the white bird knight who transformed into gold (Vanaheimr, GoldenSchwanLohengrin)]

The mighty power of these stars in the field of creation, under the blessing of the power of military transformation, has been elevated to the field of Tai Chi, and integrated into the holy spear shining with golden destructive light.

The countless star-like star cells in the body quickly rubbed out a perverted magnetic field rotation, using astrology to gather the stars of the multiverse, and gathered the karmic fire of the God of Destruction!

The golden destructive light that crushed everything and disintegrated the samsara space shone on the tip of Lei Zhe's spear. When Lei Zhe showed the skills from Scathach to sharp spear, he hit the strongest blow that he has gone all out for now !

pole!Big!yellow!gold!Light! ! !

After Lei Zhe performed the stabbing action that made all the existences in the reincarnation space tremble and frightened, the dazzling light shining in the three thousand great worlds completely overwhelmed everything.

Wherever it passes, the ray of light bestows equal and selfless destruction and termination on all phenomena, and sprinkles the destruction like a strong love equally into the space of reincarnation, overflowing and falling into the multiple worlds under its umbrella!


The unrivaled explosion of vast divine power swept everything, and the roaring sound pierced through infinite time and space, bringing the glory that belongs to [God]!

But the light that shines like gold brings overflowing love, making people attracted unconsciously.

But this glory is too powerful, the power is unimaginable, and the destruction comes to the world with the glory!

After the golden light that exploded the entire samsara space broke out, a large number of worlds in this space were like billions of stars being ignited, erupting a terrifying energy that could not be accommodated by a single universe or world so far away.

After the almighty Light of Great Power overflowed and exploded the reincarnation space, it also followed the initial passage and rushed into the world bubble under the reincarnation space.

The great golden light will completely destroy all known and unknown myriad phenomena, and illuminate and fill up the dark universe that has been hundreds of millions of light years old!

Completely tear, burst and destroy the entire universe in the most violent and tyrannical way!

The destructive frenzy that swept over everything swept everything, crushed it, flattened it, and then ravaged it. These universes were completely turned into nothingness and became part of the golden brilliance.

Everything returned to silence, the reincarnation space and even the world controlled by the other party, all returned to the ruins and disappeared into the vast ocean of void.

The evil force of reincarnation space was completely destroyed.

After Lei Zhe stabbed himself with the most sublimated violent shot, his legs immediately seemed to be greased and ran away at high speed. Under the blessing and blessing of Niepo's power, he covered up any traces after leaving.

In the sea of ​​nothingness, world bubbles floated out one after another, but within a few seconds, they turned into nothingness and ceased to exist.

In each of these world bubbles, the flow rate of time inside and outside is not the same, and the less advanced worlds are born and extinguished in the sea of ​​​​empty realms.

After the reincarnation space and its worlds collapsed and dissipated, the new world of Void Realm Sea also began to be born.

But in this boundary sea without the concept of time, a figure descended on the location where the reincarnation space was destroyed before.


His whole body exuded a jet-black, strange aura like a stream of computer data. As soon as the figure landed on the boundary sea, the aura was turbulent, stirring up waves of waves.

It seemed to be a figure with a black cloak and hood, and there were two pure white dots in the hood that seemed to be eyes. His eyes were looking back and forth at the ruins of the destroyed reincarnation space.

"...It's strange. In my setting, the space will not extend its hand to the top multi-dimensional world. Relying on the strength of the core is enough to guard it. How can the space and the world be completely destroyed without any trace?"

Doubtful and incomprehensible voice, but also with a hint of anger that the toy was destroyed, this dark figure is the true master and creator of the reincarnation space.

For him, the reincarnation space is like a fishing net that he put in the boundary sea, and it is responsible for harvesting what he needs.

The last time the reincarnation space was invaded and damaged by an unknown existence, he was able to come to the reincarnation space to strengthen it.

The core of his transformation and the banner of the reincarnation space will be blessed with more and more controlled worlds over time, and it cannot be destroyed without top-notch power.

Even if the reincarnation space provoked the enemy, how could it be impossible to even send him a message for help?

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