
Lei Zhe is going to visit Aru's side, and now in Acacia's life menu, only GOD is left.

The honeymoon period between him and Xiaosheng will not be too long, and he will have to go around the universe to collect ingredients later.

There is really no time for him to wait for GOD, but he can ask Alu to help him, after all, Lei Zhe is very optimistic about the potential and character of the other party.

Lei Zhe would also prepare a reward that Aru could not refuse as a thank you.

Following his spiritual perception, Lei Zhe came to the food town. There are countless restaurants here, so it should be called the food town.

And what Lei Zhe was looking for was one of the gourmet national treasure chefs, Grandma Jie Nai.

Because Setono decides the cooking time according to the mood of the ingredients, he only opens the store about once a month, but the income is no less than that of a food tower with a ten-star restaurant.

Now Aru has just completed an adventure with Komatsu on the Ice Continent, and has also experienced the battle between the food club and others.

Originally, during this trip to the Ice Continent, Aru would lose an arm because of Domilot, the deputy chef of the gourmet club, who is good at attacking with insects.

But because after eating Lei Zhe's special food last time, Alu has been able to hit a hundred consecutive nail punches, and his strength is not known to be much stronger than the original book.

This time when he met the gourmet meeting, it was Aru who beat him to the point of crippling his limbs. Domilot was almost torn apart by Aru.

Fortunately, under the cover of his companions, he retreated on the verge of death.

Now that Xiaosong has tasted the only remaining century soup, he has devoted himself to the process of restoring the century soup.

Now, I have run into a wall in this reduction process, and the taste is still a little bit worse, so I came to the restaurant of Grandma Jie Nai with Alu to ask about the experience of making century thick soup.

The gourmet town is now at night, but Jie Nai's restaurant is also open with lights on. Lei Zhe walked in after sensing Alu's breath.

Mother-in-law Jie Nai is explaining to Aru and Komatsu that they need to listen to the voice of the ingredients, and guide Komatsu to successfully make the world's thick soup.

He also stopped when he heard the doorbell of the restaurant, with a kind and kind smile on his face, looked at the extraordinary temperament Lei Zhe walked in and said:

"Ah~ guest, I'm sorry, the old lady is closed tonight."

"It's okay old lady, I'm here to find Mr. Aru, not for dinner."

Lei Zhe nodded politely to Grandma Jie Nai, and then looked at A Lu and Xiao Song who were attracted by him after hearing the sound.

"This voice is..."

Alu and Xiaosong had excited expressions on their faces, and when they turned their heads, they saw Lei Zhe who had impressed them deeply in the Balon Islands.

Last time, after Alu brought back the Kaila giant crocodile dish prepared by Lei Zhe to share, he heard from IGO professionals and his father that Lei Zhe's cuisine can make the ingredients extremely sublimated, ranking among the top five in the world. The first is not too much.

"Lei Zhe!"

"Mr. Lei Zhe!"

Alu and Xiaosong looked at Lei Zhe's arrival with surprise on their faces. They really did not expect to meet each other here.

When Grandma Jie Nai heard the tone of A Lu and Xiao Song's acquaintance, as well as the name of the address, her eyes that had been smiling all the time raised slightly, and she looked at the young man in front of her.

Such a sizing really made Grandma Jie Nai uncertain about the other party. With her vision and strength, she couldn't see through the other party's strength at all. She couldn't feel the other party even though she was right in front of her eyes.

Just relying on this breath control, it was enough for Grandma Jie Nai to look Lei Zhe squarely.

"Hey, Alu Komatsu, it seems that you have had a good time this time, and Alu's strength has grown a little bit."

Lei Zhe was also very familiar and greeted Alu and Xiaosong with a smile.

"Haha, I have indeed eaten a lot of good things thanks to Xiaosong recently."

Alu laughed heartily, and patted his partner Xiaosong's shoulder with the other hand. The big hand and strength of the other party almost made Xiaosong breathless.

"By the way, Lei Zhe, you said that you came to see me, so just say what you want!"

Hearing that Lei Zhe came to look for him, Alu also said that even if the other party said, he would definitely do it if he could do it. Last time he was in the sea in front of Lei Zhe, so naturally he would not fail to count.

Being able to build a good relationship with a chef with outstanding cooking skills like Lei Zhe, Alu himself will also receive a lot of attention in his future cooking.

The outrageous taste and aroma of Kaila giant crocodile meat cooked by Lei Zhe last time made Alu's tongue itch just thinking about it.

Xiaosong saved some of Lei Zhe's cooking last time, and he also wanted to imitate and learn from it, so as to improve his cooking skills.

However, Komatsu's cooking lacks a very important core compared to Lei Zhe's cooking, so it is difficult to catch up with the other party in terms of taste and aroma.

"I want to send you, a gourmet hunter, an ingredient commission, the kind that you can't refuse~" Lei Zhe also said his intention of coming with a smile on his face.

"Oh, is there a commission?" Curiosity ignited in Alu's eyes. He was curious about what kind of commission Lei Zhe would give him, so he asked directly, "What kind of ingredients do I need to collect for you? To repay Lei Zhe for your kindness in cooking last time, I can help you for free without any reward."

Lei Zhe heard this with an interesting smile on his face, looked at the top foodie in front of him, and said in a mysterious tone:

"Oh? The ingredient request I want to send is very difficult. Are you sure you don't want my reward?"

"Ahem... May I ask if your reward is food?"

Seeing the mysterious smile on Lei Zhe's face, Alu's expression changed suddenly, and he also remembered what Lei Zhe said before that there was a reward that he could not refuse.

Thinking of the other party's technique that can sublimate the otherworldly ingredients, Aru put a foodie smile on his face and said: "If it's your food, I can't refuse it, and I can't refuse it."

The last time I ate Lei Zhe's food, it made Alu's strength soar, how could he refuse.

And after eating Lei Zhe's dishes, except for Xiaosong's precious meat dish last time, he seems to have become a bit picky eater, and his mouth can't eat other meat dishes.

Jie Nai's mother-in-law and Xiao Song were also curious about what kind of reward Lei Zhe had prepared for A Lu that they could not refuse.

And Lei Zhe looked at Alu and didn't give a shit anymore. He raised his hand and a space spirit ball with imaginary ingredients appeared in the palm of his hand. He said directly to the other party:

"In exchange for the End Elephant-END Mammoth, I want to give you, Aru, the ingredients to capture some GOD."

"Nani!? Wanxiang!?"

"Catch GOD!?"

A Lu and Xiao Song were shocked when they heard the words, and Jie Nai's mother-in-law also opened her eyes suddenly, staring blankly at the existence of the spirit ball in Lei Zhe's palm.

Whether it was Lei Zhe's reward or the entrusted target, both Xiaosong and Alu were shocked.

What is GOD? It is the main dish in Acacia's full menu, the king of ingredients, and creatures all over the world want to taste it.

It is precisely by sharing GOD that Acacia has stagnated the continuous war for nearly a hundred years and opened a peaceful era in the era of great food.

When one thinks of Acacia, one will mention GOD, and when one mentions GOD, one must mention Acacia. It is precisely because of Acacia that GOD's reputation is widely recognized.

Lei Zhe would give this commission to Alu, which really surprised the other party. After all, the other party and even most of the powerful food hunters in the world would give the main course of life to GOD.

What surprised Alu and Xiaosong even more was that Lei Zhe offered a reward that Alu could not refuse.

What is Wanxiang?That is a legendary extinct gourmet species, although its deliciousness is just hearsay, it is enough to attract Alu.

Legend has it that the ancient gourmet hunters who ate this elephant meat decided to give up their careers as gourmet hunters because it was too delicious.

How delicious is that?

Alu, Xiaosong, and even Setsuna stared straight at the Wanxiang in Lei Zhe's palm.

Alu wants to taste the legendary extinct delicacy, and Komatsu, as a chef, also wants to cook the legendary ingredients.

Relieved, Alu looked at Lei Zhe in front of him with an inexplicable expression on his face and asked:

"Lei Zhe, you really think highly of me when you say you want me to capture GOD. With your salary, it's enough to hire a food hunter stronger than me, right?"

If Lei Zhe entrusted this legendary extinct elephant to IGO as a reward, there must be many gourmet hunters who are more powerful than Alu will take action.

Maybe, as the president of IGO, Yilong will also accept Lei Zhe's commission in order to protect this extinct food.

But Lei Zhe has precious elephants, and GOD is also hard to get. After all, it is the main course of the gourmet god Acacia, and there are many people who are staring at this ingredient.

Although Alu is confident to fight for it, he is not [-]% confident. If he can't complete Lei Zhe's reward, wouldn't he be breaking his promise?

Ah Lu was not that kind of person, he was in a dilemma and didn't know whether he should accept Lei Zhe's extremely difficult but hard to refuse commission.

"I don't believe in other people at all. Whether it's IGO or other gourmet hunters, I find that your sharing spirit is the most reliable. Even though your strength is not as good as those of the older generation of gourmet hunters, I believe in you potential."

Lei Zhe looked at the hesitant expression on Alu's face, and nodded with satisfaction in his heart. In terms of strength, Alu is really not good now, but you can completely trust Alu's character and character.

Aru was a little embarrassed when he said this, but his face still showed his usual hearty smile. Setsuna and Komatsu also believed in Aru's character very much after hearing the words.

"Little guest, I think your strength can't even be seen through by old women, so you must be not weak. Why don't you go after the legendary GOD yourself?"

Jie Nai's mother-in-law also looked at Lei Zhe and asked a question. She couldn't understand Lei Zhe, a young man even at her age, but her intuition told her that he was very strong.

It is impossible for such a powerful person to not have the confidence to pursue the legendary GOD by himself.

In addition, Lei Zhe, a young man, holds in his hands a supreme delicacy that has disappeared, which is equally precious to the thick soup of the century.

Century Thick Soup is now on the verge of extinction, but Vientiane has already been determined to be extinct, and now Lei Zhe still has one in his hand.

She could tell that Lei Zhe's palm was a domain similar to an enchantment, and the authenticity of the image inside could be seen based on her food and national treasure background.

After all, Lei Zhe deliberately let go of the barrier that imprisoned Vientiane, so that Grandma Jie Nai could feel the vitality of Wanxiang.

"Because I don't have time, I'm going to search for ingredients in the universe soon, and I don't have much time to stay on the earth."

Facing Grandma Jie Nai's question, Lei Zhe didn't hide or conceal anything, and told the other party the reason calmly and indifferently.

Go to the universe to search for ingredients! ?

Alu and Komatsu's eyes widened, and Setono's eyes twitched when he heard the words. Although the technology is extremely advanced now, space travel is still not possible.

Because there are many terrible dangers in the universe, which are more terrifying than the food world on earth.

Even if this young man didn't want to tell them, he didn't have to say such outrageous things, right?

"I'm not telling lies, I've already collected a lot of cosmic ingredients..."

Seeing the disbelief of the three people in front of him, Lei Zhe's face was still calm and indifferent, and he said in a quiet tone, then snapped his fingers in front of them, and a golden space vortex door opened beside them.

The King's Treasure has been opened up by Lei Zhe to a larger space, and it is connected to a corner of the magic city of the golden sky as a treasure house.

Many of the ingredients that had been obtained from NEO before were put into the treasure house as Lei Zhe's reserve ingredients.

The three people in front of Lei Zhe saw the open space door beside him, and immediately widened their eyes, because the space door seemed to be connected to another world.

It is neatly filled with a lot of high-end ingredients that Lianjie is a national treasure of gourmet food that has never been seen before.

Moreover, the huge meat that had been dead and insured, Aru and Setsuna could still feel its tyrannical and terrifying aura from it.

"Okay, a lot of ingredients that I haven't seen before!"

Xiaosong's eyes widened, and his mouth widened in disbelief. He didn't even know any of the ingredients in the door, but as a chef, he could feel that they were extremely high-end ingredients.

Lei Zhe also closed the door of the golden space beside him casually. Looking at Alu who was still drooling in front of him, a meat skewer made by Wanxiang suddenly appeared in his hand, and asked to the other side while eating:

"Believe it now? Then, Aru, do you accept my commission?"

The shock on Alu's face slowly receded, drooling and sniffing the top-quality fragrance from the meat skewers in Lei Zhe's hands, and finally nodded heavily, saying:

"Leave it to me, I will definitely capture GOD and share it with Lei Zhe."

Now that Lei Zhe believed in him so much, Alu, who is confident and motivated, also took it. Besides, he really wanted to taste the legendary delicacy in Lei Zhe's palm that intoxicated countless gourmet hunters.

Lei Zhe said that he wanted a part of GOD, but he didn't say that he wanted to monopolize all of them, but hoped that Alu could help him collect some of them.

But if he wanted to repay Lei Zhe's kindness to cook, let's say Lei Zhe's reward, Alu really couldn't refuse.

"The deal is done, let's go!"

Hearing that Alu agreed, Lei Zhe also showed a satisfied smile, and directly threw the Wanxiang spirit ball in his hand to the other party.

"Hey! Don't litter!"

Seeing these precious ingredients being thrown over at random, Alu hurriedly and carefully caught the spirit ball firmly, and then carefully looked at the small object in the space spirit ball.

Alu looked at the living Wanxiang in the spirit ball, and murmured in his heart that such a small cub seemed not enough for him to eat.

Lei Zhe also saw Alu's doubts, and kindly threw another talisman to him, and reminded him:

"That's not a cub, but a real adult elephant. The capture level is 1200. Now it's just imprisoned in the different space of the spirit ball. Pasting this magic talisman will release the prison of the different space."

"1200 capture level!?"

After receiving the magic talisman that unsealed the spirit ball, Alu and Xiaosong looked at the Wanxiang in the spirit ball in their hands with violent twitching corners of their eyes.

Looking at the magic talisman in his hand, Alu's face trembled with excitement, and he immediately took it away from the spirit ball in his hand, if he accidentally stuck it on it, he would get angry.

Although he was confident, if the 1200-level fantasy ingredients were released, he would really be courting death, and it might bring a devastating blow to the human world.

"Little Alu, it's better not to release Wanxiang until you have no strength."

Jie Nai's mother-in-law also urged Alu in a low tone, hoping that the other party would not release Wanxiang at will.

1200 capture level, easily captured by this young man, and there are a lot of ingredients in the other party's different space that she has never seen before. Setsuna can now be sure that the other party's strength is definitely far beyond her existence.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law Jie Nai, I won't do that."

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