Dressed like an exorcist and samurai from Japan in ancient times, Mibu Soujiro, who had a face more beautiful than a woman's, slowly put the sword back into the scabbard.

Glancing at a certain lady witch, and finally facing the complaints from his "wife" around him, Soujiro also said angrily:

"If you want to complain about this, go talk to Yexing, and let us two guys who should fight the enemy head-on to do the secret observation."

Hearing this, Jiu Dian Zizhi shrugged his shoulders speechlessly and helplessly, and then looked at the extremely irritable Wilhelm, with a hint of fun and nostalgia in his eyes, and sighed with a smirk: "Brother really You and that sister-in-law both have a violent personality, but Rhine said that you were defeated by NTR, and he is a winner in life."

"Huh? What are you talking nonsense about, the scumbag Dongyang pig!?"

As if being ignited with anger and killing intent, a scarlet flash that reached the speed of light attacked Kujo Shiori's face.

The light-speed attack that ordinary people cannot dodge, its body is the blood-red sharp stake that burst out from the palm of Wilhelm.

Piercing celestial bodies is a child's science, and it is an absolute killer move to attack people.

But it is a pity that there are no real ordinary people on this battlefield.


Jiu Ding Zizhi patted casually, and the scarlet light immediately refracted to the sky in front of her, piercing through the atmosphere and flying into the depths of the universe.

The angle of view was randomly stretched, and in the numb and dull eyes of the audience, the scarlet light was a bloody pile that reached the speed of light.

Fortunately, the attack of power was restrained, and the excess power did not overflow, but disappeared outside the solar system after piercing through Mars.

"It's scary~~, it really looks like a grumpy ghost like Xing Shilang."

With a naive smile on his face, Jiu Ding Zizhi waved his hands casually, saying something terrible in his mouth, but his tone was full of sarcasm.

Hearing the name Xing Shirou, Wilhelm's face suddenly became gloomy and dark, the whites of his eyes slowly turned black and red, and the pupils burst into an ominous red light.

Seeing that a certain Vampire Grand Duke was about to go crazy, Father Valyria had no choice but to interrupt the ensuing chaotic situation, saying:

"Well, I think everyone is not ready to start today. The polite hello has already been greeted. Please end this 'welcome party' tonight. Bey, Malleus, let's go."

The slightly squinted golden eyes opened, and he glanced at the witch and the vampire with unquestionable eyes, and called the black round table's demon name in a serious and earnest voice.

After finishing speaking, without giving them a chance to refute, they turned their heads and walked away.

The witch thought nothing of it, she didn't like to fight and kill, she shrugged her shoulders, and Jibril and Soujiro, who looked at the sky cheerfully, also left with the Holy Grail.

"Tsk, what kind of leader is a guy who does all kinds of sinister things?"

Complaining angrily, Wilhelm cast a final glance at Sojiro and Kujo Shiori, and Jibril, who was smiling in the sky, and then left.

Mibu Soujiro and Kujo Shiori watched the other's leaving back without stopping, until the other party disappeared, then turned to look at Jibril who slowly landed in front of them from the sky.

There was no atmosphere of tension or conflict, Jibril said to Kujo Shiori without looking at it:

"Trouble, please inform my idiot senior, don't think about always trying to catch me if you have a different position, that kind of behavior is very disturbing."

"Hey~, wouldn't it be good to come to our eldest sister's head with your senior Azrael?" Kujo Shiori responded to Jibril with a smiley attitude, looking at the helpless face of the other party, and said : "The other Flügel have obeyed Artosh's will and followed the new [God of War]."

She and Jibril knew each other in a world that was in the midst of a certain war.

Knowing that the opponent is the last Flügel produced at the end of the war, it has the titles of Close Number and Irregular Number.

The power it possesses is incomparable to any other Flügel, and its existence itself is incomprehensible even to the God of War who created the Flügel.

The other party is the strongest individual among the Flügel species. Except for the other party, all the Flügel species followed the new God of War after Artosh, the god of war, died in the battle with great satisfaction.

"It's a pity." Jibril's eyes were calm, and she said polite words on her mouth, saying that she was sorry but without any regrets at all, and said: "I have sworn allegiance to another person and become her wing."

Jibril, who pays attention to promises and oaths, will not rebel unless she dies in battle or is voluntarily discarded.

Besides, when getting along with Skadi, the other party has never regarded her as a servant or subordinate, but more like a friend who can make friends.

Besides, in this world or the multiverse, who else owns this world or the multiverse, except where Master Skadi holds the infinite treasure trove of knowledge that can be bestowed on him?

Jibril doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with staying in Scarti. Azrael has no shortage of battles with the new God of War, and she doesn't lack knowledge to relieve boredom.

"See you after tonight, both of you."

After leaving this sentence, Jibril disappeared in front of the two of them in an instant.

Kujo Shiori and Mibu Soujiro looked at each other, and the boy holding the knife slowly put the knife back into the scabbard, and said calmly:

"The loyalty of the Flügel doesn't need to be said much, knowing that it is impossible to persuade you to surrender, you still do such unnecessary things."

"How should I put it, I personally don't want to see Azrael fight with her sister, and when Jibril is mentioned, she meows with a sad face in front of me."

Nine Ding Zizhi gently chatted about the hair beside her ear, she naturally knew his loyalty to the Flügel.

She said that before because she just didn't want to conflict with Azrael's sister in the subsequent battle, and she didn't want to see Azrael, who was her friend, be difficult to do.

Presumably the other Flügel don't want to kill each other, let alone the youngest sister.

"That one will probably not be difficult for Jibril, let's leave this [Aspect] first."

Mibu Soujiro knew what Kujo Shiori wanted to do, but if he could think of it, the one Jibril was loyal to could naturally think of it too.

Glancing at the messed up surroundings, Mibu Soujiro and Kujo Shiori also left here.

The people on their side, just like the people at the black round table, some people have not returned yet.

It can't be fought at the beginning, and the problems to be solved here need to be considered in the long run.


On the other hand, Ren Fujii, who has watched the entire battlefield from the beginning to the present, the city of Suwahara, which was shattered in front of his sight, turned into an unreal realm that is divorced from reality.

After being broken, it was like a dream, and she returned to the original high-rise Daxia. Looking at the intact Suwahara City, she couldn't help being a little surprised and dazed.

Turning his head to look nervously at Skadi beside him, and the angel Jibril who flew over and landed next to Skadi showed doubts and nervousness.

"Before, it was the reality of parallel phases on one of the battlefields where the eight spirit veins were formed. You can think of it as a place for those of us who can destroy human civilization at will, where we can mess around recklessly. A parallel and no one exists. world."

Skadi explained to Fujii Ren the earth-shattering scene changes before, and there is a parallel phase reality at the eight spiritual veins of the refined formation.

It was a battlefield for demons to mess around with. She didn't know how big it was, but it could become a parallel reality phase, and the scale was definitely not just the size of the earth.

After hearing this, Fujii Ren breathed a sigh of relief but also felt bitter in her heart. With dry lips, she said with a wry smile: "Eight battlefields, that means there are still many troublesome guys who haven't appeared yet?"

She is not a stupid guy, since there are eight formations in Suwahara City that need to be activated.

Then there may be more than two scary guys like before.

Jibril raised her eyebrows a little, and looked at the human named Fujii Ren in front of her. His powerless appearance was no different from the bald monkey in his impression.

However, with her extraordinary vision, she would not regard Ren Fujii as an ordinary person. In the end, she seemed to see part of the truth about Ren Fujii. It's not as good as a young beast, it can only be regarded as a half-baked embryo."

Secretary ceremony?Half-baked embryos?Are you talking about me?

Ren Fujii looked puzzled, looking at Jibril, a revealingly dressed, beautiful angel, looking at her strangely.

In the end, she looked at Skadi for proof, and Skadi gave her an explanation, saying:

"The same secret art ritual in your body as in the previous group of guys, it is the ritual of becoming a devil."

"Devil Ritual!?"

Fujii Ren turned pale with fright, she didn't expect to have that terrible and sinister ritual on her body.

Doesn't that mean that if you want to drive yourself, you have to kill people and hunt souls?

To resist, the first reaction is to resist and refuse. Ren Fujii is not the kind of guy who wantonly kills innocent people, nor will he do this kind of killing for the purpose of becoming stronger.

Both Skadi and Jibril could see what Ren Fujii was thinking, Skadi looked flat and indifferent, and said softly:

"Don't worry, soul volume is only secondary. What really depends on your soul qualifications and desires. I will give you some soul volume as fuel for you to become stronger."


"Don't think about hesitating anymore. If that kind of guy walks into or affects your daily life, and you don't have the strength to resist, you will be crushed to death at will like an ant in an ant nest poured by a child with boiling water."

To run over an ant without trampling it to death, it is difficult to control the strength, not to mention that the guy at the black round table is a group of madmen who can't restrain their strength.

Without any explanation, Skadi didn't give Aunt Fujii Ren a chance, and grabbed her back collar to open a space door.

After telling Jibril not to go home tonight, she walked in with Ren Fujii.

Tonight, she needs to have a good talk with Fujii Ren all night, so as to sort out her psychology.


On the deserted streets under the dark night in Suwahara City, Wilhelm and Witch Anna followed the Holy Grail and walked out of the parallel phase reality.

Looking at the night with no one around, Lieutenant Wilhelm with a vampire physique was not in the mood to enjoy the night. Looking at the back of the priest in front of him, he smacked his lips and asked:

"Christof (Holy Grail), I haven't seen you for so long, but you haven't changed at all. Couldn't you fight just now? Also, has anyone on our side entered Shangri-La?"

"Lionheart Sword, Son of the Sun, Babylon, Tubacain... plus you, there are six people in total." The blond priest Valyria replied calmly and indifferently: "If you want to ask why you can't fight?" , the leader of the Flügel is moving freely in this city, the rest of us and the leader of the other party were not present, bey, do you want to play Wushuang?"


This answer is really impeccable. Wilhelm is very clear about the level of his leader, and the existence that can rival him is not something he can solve.

If the fight had continued before, the final result would definitely end on their side.

"The Holy Grail, did you just mention the Lionheart Sword? Is that the guy who fills the position of the Valkyrie Walkure?"

At this time, the witch asked interestingly.

She is now interested in the arrangement of the situation on her side.

The priest smiled when he heard the words, pushed his glasses and replied: "Well, you should know her, that lady has grown into a very remarkable person, and she is a [Creation] level existence just like you. "



Hearing this, cracked interested smiles appeared on the corners of the girl's and the man's mouths.

Interesting, interesting, becoming great?Moreover, it has entered the level of creation in the past few years, so I really want to see it no matter what——


As if he sensed the sinister aura from the witch and the vampire, the priest stopped and turned his head to look at the two of them, continuing to exhort them:

"I think you should be very clear. Now is not the time to 'love each other'. You can't create a vacancy for the black round table at this time. Even if she is a newcomer and immature, her existence is necessary for this moment. I understand. ?"

"Well, of course." The witch Anna responded with a smile, but she didn't answer whether she agreed to the other party's instructions, and said: "How could you not understand, you still love to worry about it as always, you are all girls, that child How about leaving it to me?"

"..." The priest was speechless and frowned slightly, as if thinking about it.

"Isn't that great? You seem to have something to do."

Without waiting for Father Valyria to agree, Lieutenant Wilhelm replied with a low smile and said, "In this way, only Spinne Starscream is left. When will that guy come over?"

The guy mentioned is the existence responsible for the intelligence work of the Black Round Table, and is also one of the thirteen members of the Black Round Table.

"He's going to wait a while longer, I'm asking him to look into something."

"Huh, what is it? It's so interesting." Hearing that she was sent by the priest to do something, Anna seemed to smell something unusual, and asked interestingly.

"Hello, Malleus."

Wilhelm impatiently stopped the witch who was about to chatter, and said coldly:

"Like I said, there's nothing wrong with it. His Royal Highness has done all the sinister things, but it can save us a lot of effort. We just need to clean it up."

He didn't like to be involved in some insidious things about the chalice, and he was happy to be free from the messy things the guy had done.

"Hmm, compared to cleaning, I remember that bastard Melclius sent an agent?"

"...Warrant Officer, the disrespectful words to the deputy leader are not flattering."

Although Father Valyria seemed to be accusing the girl of being rude, the accusation was only formal.

After all, even the priest himself doesn't like a certain deputy leader very much.

The character at the center of the topic is very disgusting, but there is no contempt for this person in the words.

Quite the contrary, he is so shunned, feared and hated that even his companions wish to deny his existence...

"Tch, what about the other Gray? That guy doesn't look like a sinister guy like Melkelius."

When mentioning Melclius, the three of them all looked disgusted and impatient, but when they mentioned another person who was of the same level as the leader and deputy leader, the eyes of the three all shone with different radiance.

"Your Highness Gray? He opened a restaurant here in Suwahara City, but whether he opens the door or not depends on his mood at random. You can't usually see him, but if you're lucky, you can run into him on the side of the road." .”

Mentioning a certain Gray, Father Valyria showed a hint of helplessness on his face, and he also thought of a girl with a white hair wandering around in his mind.

There was no taboo or dislike in the tone, and the other party was at least much better in terms of interpersonal relationship than a certain insidious guy.

It can be determined that the other party is not an enemy and will not get involved in their affairs, but the other party's agent is really troublesome and terrifying.

The two vacancies in the black round table were filled by the opponent's fist.

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