"Hikigu, since you already know the name of the person who gave you the preferential treatment, why bother?" Katsuragi asked with a puzzled face, "If you want personal points, why don't you simply ask the people in your class to send you betrayal text messages? Do you have to pursue result one in your own group?"

From Katsuragi's point of view, if someone in his class discovered the pattern but asked for personal points as a reward, then he would definitely agree.

"The reason is very simple. I don't think those guys in class D deserve to win, that's all." Bi Qigu said plainly.


This answer was completely beyond Katsuragi's expectations, but Hashimoto immediately believed it.

He looked at Katsuragi and said: "This is probably true. Hikigu has a very awkward personality. He doesn't care about being in the same class, and his relationship with the class is really not very good. I often hear The girls in his class are talking bad about him."


The last sentence is redundant!

Katsuragi was silent for a while, and then said: "Hikigaya, can I understand that as long as you agree to your request, you will not tell anyone the names of the three preferential treatment in our class?"


"Then how can we trust your promise?"

"Besides trusting me, you have no other choice." Bi Qigu said blankly, "Don't forget, I have the most chips in my hand now... So, although your little trick is not bad, it is still a little tender .”

With that said, he held up his phone.

"The SIM card and the device are locked. Whether you take it out or exchange it, it will make the phone unusable. In other words, as long as you can make a call, you can confirm whether the phone has been swapped. So far, you have considered it well. "

Long Yuan also thought of this before, but it was a pity that he was beaten by Bi Qigu.

However, this time it was different.

"It's a pity that you still missed one point, that is, the SIM card of the mobile phone can be unlocked."


Katsuragi and Hashimoto looked at each other first, and then let out a small exclamation.

"It seems that you have also thought of it." Hikigu smiled, "Although we are on the boat now, since we need to use the mobile phone during the exam, if it is broken, we will not be able to take the exam, so the school has prepared a corresponding mobile phone. Measures, as long as you apply to the head teacher and pay some points, you can immediately unlock the SIM card."

"Have you even thought of this level..." Ge Cheng's voice was a little dry.

"It's nothing, it's just a very simple tactic."

Hikigaya drank the rest of the coffee in one gulp, then stood up.

"Now I understand, you still can't confirm that I am the preferential treatment in the end, all you can do is to cooperate with me to achieve the first result."

According to Katsuragi's character and his performance on the uninhabited island, unless he confirmed it with his own eyes, he would not make a risky move.

So there is no need to worry about him betraying.

"That's it, I'll go first, the two of you can play here slowly."

After speaking, Hikigaya left the cafe.

The two people who were left behind sat quietly for a while, as if they were still digesting the words just now.

"Hey, Katsuragi..."

It was Hashimoto who spoke first, but before he finished speaking, Katsuragi raised a finger to ask him to be quiet.

Immediately afterwards, Katsuragi lowered his head silently, peeping under the table.

Soon he raised his head again, and said in a calm tone: "Forget it, Hashimoto, although he is very unwilling, but now we can only do according to Hikigu's request, there is no need to make extra troubles."

"...That's right." Hashimoto immediately understood what he meant, "Then let's go back, it's meaningless to stay here any longer."

"Ah, let's go."

The two quickly left the coffee shop and came to a corner.

After confirming that there was no one else around, Gecheng immediately said: "I just found a mobile phone under the table with the call turned on. I'm afraid all of our conversations were overheard."

"Really..." Hashimoto's expression changed slightly, "Who do you think did it? Hikigu? But why did he do this?"

Katsuragi shook his head: "No, it should be Kushida from before, and her actions didn't feel natural back then."

As he spoke, he sighed deeply.

"At that time, I thought she was colluding with Bi Qigu and wanted to set a trap to catch us, so I ignored it... Well, in the end, I actually dug my own grave."

Although Katsuragi was confident that he could speak impeccably, and thought of finding an opportunity to mislead them, he didn't expect that Hikigaya had no such intention at all, and even he himself seemed to be kept in the dark by Kushida.

"Hey, Katsuragi, what should we do now!" Hashimoto was a little anxious, "If this continues, our class will lose 150 points!"

"Uh..." Ge Cheng couldn't think of this, but he really couldn't find a way to crack it.

"At this point, I can only find a way to keep an eye on... Wait, someone is here."

As soon as the words were finished, Kushida, who had left long ago, suddenly turned back, ran into the coffee shop and took the phone back from under the table, and then disappeared quickly.

"Damn it, it really is her."

Hashimoto sighed in disappointment.

"Although I already know that she is not as innocent as she pretends...don't break my fantasy! Give me back my angel Kushida!"

"Okay, let's stop joking." Katsuragi said helplessly, "The next development is related to the fate of the class. I hope you can help us to think of countermeasures."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

Even so, Hashimoto couldn't think of a good solution.

"By the way, do you want to tell Hikigu?"

The only thing he could think of was this.

Ge Cheng asked back: "Even if I tell him, how can I make him believe it?"

This is the biggest problem at present. According to the rules of the exam, if Kushida's cell phone is taken away rashly, there is a high risk of being expelled from school.

Every mobile phone has a positioning system, and there are many surveillance cameras on board. If it is photographed, it will be over.

"Take a step back, even if he really believed it, would he tell us about the privileged person in Class D?" Katsuragi continued to ask.

"That's right... that guy is very weak to girls, and he seems to have a good relationship with Kushida, so I probably won't believe it."

Just when the two were feeling down, Ge Cheng's cell phone suddenly received a text message.

He opened it for a look, and then took the initiative to show it to Hashimoto.

"It was sent by Ryuuen. He invited me to discuss important matters at the coffee shop on the deck at six o'clock tomorrow morning, and Kanzaki and Kushida will also be present at that time."

"So early?"

Hashimoto frowned, feeling the unusualness of the matter as well.

Especially since Kushida is also present, could it be...

Katsuragi took a deep breath and quickly regained his usual calm.

No matter how flustered it is right now, it's useless, we can only try our best to solve this crisis.

"Anyway, if you don't go, you won't know what's going on." Katsuragi glanced at Hashimoto, "I hope you can come with me when the time comes, but don't show up. It's best to observe their movements in secret."

"Hey, you're embarrassing me a bit... But whatever, it's just for the sake of the class."

In this way, the leader of the original Katsuragi faction and the second in command of the Sakayanagi faction reached a consensus on cooperation for the first time when the class was facing a crisis.

Chapter 185 The hidden secret

While Katsuragi and Hashimoto were discussing how to get through this crisis, at the same time, Hikigaya left the coffee shop, planning to find a place to solve the dinner problem.

Although it's still early, it's only past 04:30, but I only ate a sandwich for lunch, and I'm already a little hungry.

Moreover, Hikigu also wanted to stagger the evening rush hour, he didn't like being crowded with so many people.

It's just that there is nothing delicious on this floor, and there are more delicacies on the first basement floor and the second floor.

"Well, why isn't the elevator coming down?"

Bi Qigu waited for a while, but I don't know what happened. The two elevators all stopped on the top floor. Could it be because there are too many people stuck?

...Forget it, let's take the stairs.

Anyway, he didn't have a few steps to go, he didn't want to wait any longer, so he simply turned a corner and walked to the next stairwell.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I opened the door, I heard a girl's laughter coming from inside.

"Hahaha, you saw it! That guy looks super interesting!"

"Hey - Shiho said too much."

"What, didn't you have a good time yourself, and who called... ah."

Those girls should be from Class C, and one of them is better than Kigu, and that is Manabe Shiho in the last fight.

They were chatting and laughing loudly while climbing the stairs, but after discovering Hikigaya's existence, they immediately shut up.

The two sides just looked at each other, and then continued to go their separate ways in silence.

However, Hikigu's mood is not as calm as it appears on the surface.

Oops... this is too embarrassing!

This kind of situation reminded Hikiguya that when the otaku classmates in the class were exchanging animations, he also wanted to join in, but who knew that as soon as he opened his mouth, the others were blatantly silent.

...Forget it, don't even think about it.

The most important thing is that the current situation is different from that time!

After all, he is not familiar with people like Manabe... No, that's not the problem.

Just when Hikigu fell into melancholy, the steps under his feet suddenly stopped.

Speaking of which, those guys just now came from below...huh?

How is this going?

Biqigu is located on the third floor underground, and below that is the lowest floor of the cabin.

If I remember correctly, there is an area such as the power distribution room. Usually, almost no one goes there, and students should be prohibited from entering.

The elevator can only reach the third basement floor at most, and if you want to go down, you can only take the stairs.

In other words, Manabe and the others appeared where they shouldn't have appeared...

However, although it doesn't feel right, it doesn't have much to do with Hiki Valley.

What's more, maybe they are just exploring?

Just when Hikigu was going to move on, something unexpected happened.

"Well, why did you stop?"


The girl named Manabe suddenly spoke up, which made Hikiya feel baffled.

He turned his head subconsciously and carefully observed the expressions of several people.

Even though they were all trying their best to conceal it, they could still see a trace of tension and anxiety on their faces.

But...is it necessary?

Even if someone finds out that he has gone to a place he shouldn't, in the end it's just a trivial matter of being read a few words by the teacher, and he may not even be scolded.

Hikigu didn't know these girls, nor did he know their personalities.

However, judging from the fashionable dress and atmosphere, they should belong to the active group in the class, at least not the kind of obedient and honest children.

Simply put, these people's reactions are so abnormal.

"No, I'm just asking casually." Manabe waved his hand, "By the way, are you Hikigani-kun? I'm Manabe Shiho from Class C, and these are friends from the same class as me. Please give me your advice. "

"... Please give me more advice."

The other party also took the initiative to say hello... Was it to distract him?

It really makes people feel more and more wrong.

"Hey, Mr. Hikigu, where are you going next?"

At this time, another girl also spoke.

Immediately afterwards, as if they had made an agreement, they started chatting one after another.

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