There is a scientific basis for indecisive sleep when things happen. Human beings cannot make correct judgments when their brains are tired.

So, it's not that he wants to avoid trouble.


Soon, the elevator came to the ground floor.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected person standing inside, and the other person seemed surprised.

"Hi, Kamuro."

"Uh..." Hikigu greeted him as usual, and then wanted to get into the elevator, but unexpectedly, he was dragged out by Kamuro.

"Hey, why do you guys leave without saying a word?"

"No, did I say hello to you?" Bi Qigu said a little aggrieved.

Speaking of which, Kamuro was the one who really kept silent, girls are really unreasonable.

"Stop rambling." Kamuro changed the topic impatiently, "Anyway, you are free now, right, go with me to a place."

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"Anyway, it's dinner anyway, don't ask so many questions."

For some reason, Kamuro looked a little embarrassed.

Speaking of which, it's not the first time for the two of them to eat together. Is there still a need to be shy?

After all, even the more shameful... Forget it, let's go.

"By the way, why are you wearing a school uniform?"

At this time, Kamuro suddenly looked at Hikigaya with a strange expression.

"Isn't it uncomfortable to wear on such a hot day? Could it be illness?"

"I don't wear it just because I want to." Hikigu sighed, "If you don't wear this, you won't be able to enter the campus... There are so many broken rules in our broken school."

"Oh, the student council."

Kamuro showed a suddenly realized expression, and then patted Hikigaya on the shoulder with sympathy.

"Although you asked for it yourself, it's still hard work for you."

"...What do you mean I asked for it? I was obviously forced!" Hikigu couldn't help protesting.

"Yes yes yes." Kamuro said nonchalantly, "Anyway, you just say you don't want to work, but you are more active than anyone else if you really want to do something. You are a fool."

"Uh..." Although it was a bit difficult to refute, why was he scolded in the end?

Hikigu's head was full of black lines: "Forget it, let's not mention this. Speaking of which store do you want to go to? Have you decided yet?"

If you haven't decided yet, you'll be in trouble.

After all, 'what to eat tonight' can be selected as one of the three major problems of human beings.

"A-Actually... I'm going to... try some ramen... After all, it's a rare opportunity..."

Kamuro hesitated for a long time before saying it, this unhappy attitude is really not like her usual.

By the way, it turned out to be ramen...Huh?

It's ramen? !

For lonely male high school students, it was an all-too-familiar smell.

Whenever you don't know what to have for dinner, ramen is often the first thing that pops into your mind.

However, that's only for boys, girls usually don't eat this kind of food.

In particular, young women hardly go to ramen restaurants or other fast food restaurants alone. This is also a social prejudice.

In that case, could it be that Kamuro is actually a man—

"Ah? Be careful, I'll kill you!"


Hikigu didn't quite understand, it was obviously Kamuro who suddenly uttered bad words, but why did he apologize in the end?

This phenomenon is really incredible.

But forget about that for now.

As a loyal ramen shop customer, I really rarely have the opportunity to give Amway to others!

"Okay, since it's about ramen, leave it to me." Hikigu patted his chest, "It's no exaggeration to say that I've tried almost every restaurant in this school, no matter which one I can eat. Pick the best of them."


Kamuro seemed taken aback by his enthusiasm, but recovered quickly.

"I saw on the Internet that there is a restaurant called Tianxia Yipin, which seems to taste good, so I'll go there."


Bi Qigu was stunned.

Is it that family?

Chapter 202 Expulsion

"I'll just agree to this matter." Horikita said in a deep voice, "But Hikigaya, I don't think it will have much effect. It is true that Nagumo shows no mercy to the rebels and acts like a dragon. It’s not once or twice that Yuanyuan’s illegal actions, but at best, it’s just a side ball, and it’s impossible to use this to get him to step down, after all, almost all the senior students have experienced his methods.”

"No, I never thought of such a thing."

Hikigu shook his head, no matter what, he would not be so naive.

He just wanted an extra insurance.

Sometimes, some seemingly inconspicuous little black materials can often become the last straw that overwhelms the camel.

Anyway, from the purchase of the bug to the installation, everything is handed over to Horikita Gaku.

Even if they are discovered at that time, all the risks will be borne by the former student council president, and Horikita may even have graduated by then.

"Also, although Nagumo and I have different policies, he is a man who keeps his word. That guy has never violated what he said or agreed to. You can rest assured about this."

"……I see."

Facing Horikita Gaku's words, Hikiya was noncommittal.

Alas, the president is really naive.

From these words, it can be seen how kind and soft-hearted Horikita Gaku is.

On a larger scale, this is a line dispute, and there is no room for compromise.

Knowing that Nanyun was eliminating dissidents, and also knowing that the two of them disagreed, but they still couldn't bear to strike hard.

Fortunately, this is a school, otherwise Horikita School would have been wiped out long ago.

Even if he is hailed as the strongest student council president ever, he is only a top student after all.

It's as if Katsuragi didn't expect that Sakayanagi would resort to backstabbing. It's not because of their lack of ability, but because this kind of people who grew up surrounded by goodwill can't imagine what real malice is like.

Horikita Gaku and Nagumo have worked together in the student union for nearly two years, and his evaluation of Nagumo is based on his observations during this period.

However, Hikigu had only seen Nagumo a few times, so he almost judged it instinctively.

That guy is actually the same type as Sakayanagi, and he doesn't stick to superficial things, that is, he can do whatever it takes to win.

The reason why I haven't broken my promise until now is just that there is no need for it yet.

But if necessary, Nagumo would never hesitate.

"Speaking of which, you actually took the initiative to take action this time." Horikita Xue suddenly pointed out this point, "Maybe I think that something happened that changed your mind... related to this trip ?"

Hikigaya just applied for free activities, but didn't say the real reason.

However, his behavior was indeed very abnormal, and it was expected that Horikita would see it.

After all, he had always adopted a negative attitude towards Nan Yun's reform before.

To be honest, if Hikigu was the only one, then he wouldn't bother to take care of Nayun.

It doesn't matter how that guy messes around, the most is to look at the president's face, do some work behind the scenes, and pull Ayanokoji to the table by the way, let them bite the dog.

But now that the situation has changed, it is naturally impossible to be casual.

Even if Komachi was accepted, Nagumo would have graduated by then, but that didn't mean everything would be fine.

Nagumo's reform will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the school, and this impact cannot be eliminated after he leaves, and may even be passed down depending on the situation.

At that time, the competition among students will be more intense. In order to compete for the opportunity to enter Class A, even classmates will be regarded as opponents.

The school was already bad, and Hikigu didn't want Komachi to stay in a worse environment.

Of course, there is currently no way to stop it.

Nagumo has already controlled the entire second grade, and the reform plan proposed has attracted a large number of fans. It can be said that it is at the height of the sun.

Therefore, Hikigu will not oppose Nagumo for the time being, and even help that guy implement reforms smoothly.

Waiting until then is the best time to start.

"Actually, it's nothing. If you have to say it, the reason is the same as you, the president." Bi Qigu said flatly.

"same as me?"

Horikita frowned, he didn't know that he had been labeled as a 'dead tsundere girl controlling ghost and animal glasses' in private.

"Anyway, please let me know when the matter is over." Hikigu changed the topic, "Also please remember, if you just want to defeat Senior Nagumo, that might be easier, but if you want to defeat his thoughts, It’s impossible with conventional means alone.”

"...I will keep it in my heart."

It seems that Horikita also understands the difference and difficulty between the two.

If it was before, Bi Qigu definitely wouldn't say so much, let alone meddle in other people's business.

But things are different now.

Once the time is right, he will definitely and thoroughly defeat Nagumo's reform achievements.


After leaving the student union office, Hikigu immediately wanted to go back to the dormitory and get a good sleep first.

After all, these past few days have given him too much mental shock, especially when Komachi is going to apply for higher education...

Please, lose the election!

It's a pity that Hikigu never pinned his hopes on others.

Instead of holding a half-hearted fluke mentality and regretting it later, it is better to try our best from the beginning.

In addition, not only Nagumo, there are other guys in this school who refuse to stop.

Especially the first grade is the hardest hit area.

Depending on the situation, they might have to be eliminated.

Hmm... I always feel like my thoughts are getting more and more dangerous.

Bi Qigu is still a little conscious about this, but he doesn't intend to correct it.

Although this may affect the tasks assigned by Ms. Yono, compared to Komachi's future campus life, the tasks should be a little later.

In terms of priorities, Bi Qigu has always been very clear.

If one day in the future he got a girlfriend and was asked which one he would save first if his girlfriend and his sister fell into the water at the same time...the answer is without a doubt.

There's no way, Chiba's brothers and sisters are all like this!

Just when Hikigu came to the dormitory hall and was about to take the elevator upstairs, he suddenly remembered something.

That means Katsuragi and Ichinose's gifts haven't been given to them yet.

It's okay for Ichinose, Bikigu has her contact information, just ask her to come and get it at a convenient time.

But Katsuragi's don't necessarily have to ask Sakayanagi, do you?

"Ah, so annoying."

It is naturally impossible for Hikigu to ask Sakayanagi, it should be said that he wants to avoid this matter from letting more people know.

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