"Compared with other things, you want to go back to the dormitory to unwrap presents now?"

"Woo... this is..."

"There is nothing to deny." Bi Qigu slowly shook his head, "Remember, you are not someone's parent, and you don't need to consider other people's feelings in everything, not to mention that you are a female high school student in the Mood for Love, a little willful A moment is necessary."

A child who is too good will not be pampered, and the whole world is the same.

"... Mr. Biqigu."

Ichinose was silent for a moment, with a resigned smile on her face.

It seems that she is aware that she is somewhat reluctant in her heart, and the admonition is correct.

"You are too cunning..."

"Wait, what is cunning." Hikigu said helplessly, "In short, let's go back today, anyway, there will be many opportunities in the future."

"Well...but I want to open the present first, is that okay?"

"Huh? Here?"

Seeing Ichinose nodding, Hikiya was speechless again.

"No, it's better to stay in your own room for this kind of thing, and slowly experience the emotion at that moment? Or...you don't want to show off to me, do you?"

"Well, that's right!" Ichinose said with a smile, "I really want to show off to Hikiya-kun the birthday present my cute sister gave me, can't I?"


"Hey, then I'm being rude."

Ichinose started unpacking with a happy face, as if she could see a tail wagging behind her ass.

Sigh... Is this called lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot?

Bi Qigu felt helpless, but he also felt that it was not bad once in a while... But next time it will never be allowed!

Especially since Komachi didn't even give him a birthday present!

Although I called him to congratulate him on his birthday, I was still a little dissatisfied. Sure enough, human beings are greedy creatures.

Just when Hikiya was feeling overwhelmed, Ichinose had already opened the small box, and took out a delicate silver-white hairpin from inside.

Huh?Why does it look familiar... wait a minute!

Isn't this the card he bought for Komachi? !

Bi Qigu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to crash a car even buying a gift, which is more embarrassing than bumping into a shirt.

No wonder Ichinose's younger sister looked at him a little strangely that day, thinking that she was just wondering if he and Komachi were siblings, and it was because of this that they messed around for a long time!

Damn, why did I choose... No, that guy Kushida chose!

Speaking of which, this style of hairpin seems to be very popular. If it is endorsed by a celebrity, it is not surprising that it will crash.

Fortunately, Ichinose didn't know about this, so it's unfortunate luck.

Hikigaya is determined never to speak out, at least not until graduation.

However, Ichinose didn't show joy or any other emotions after seeing the card, but just stood there motionless as if possessed by a demon.

Could it be...too much surprise?

"Uh..." But after waiting for a while, Ichinose just stood there speechless.

Immediately afterwards, a line of tears slid down his cheeks.


This kind of development was completely unexpected by Hikiya, he didn't understand why Ichinose suddenly cried, and he wouldn't cry with joy when he received a gift.

"Well, Ichinose-san? Are you alright?"

Hikigu tried to call her, but the words seemed to turn on a switch.

Originally, Ichinose was crying silently, but now she began to sob softly.

Hey hey hey... this is not so good.

From the past, Hikigu has nothing to do with women's tears. It's not that he feels distressed, but the eyes around him are very dazzling!

Especially now that it's still in a shopping mall, almost everyone passing by is staring at it.

Oops Oops Oops!

Hikigaya, who always thought he was calm, couldn't help but panic at this moment. If it was Komachi who was crying, he would hug him and pat his head without hesitation.

But if he dares to do that to Ichinose... he can only see the future of being accused...

No wonder others say that girls' tears are very lethal. It is really scary to look at it this way.

...Forget it, let's not escape from reality.

The pressure of sight around him almost crushed Hikigu, but he still pulled himself together.

Because the few men who had been staring at this side and wanted to strike up a conversation started walking this way.

Hmm... Maybe they want to stage a drama about heroes saving the beauty?

Although I want to praise these guys for their wit, can you stop making trouble at this time!

"Hey, this lovely lady, is this guy bullying..."

"Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Biqigu, lend me a little bit!"

One of them seemed to want to show off his masculinity, but before he finished speaking, Ichinose seemed not to notice at all, and hugged Hikigaya with a sob.

The scene fell silent in an instant... No, it should be said that it was completely silent.

"That... I'm sorry."

"No, no."

Hikigu felt that he had done nothing wrong, but he still decided to apologize.

For the first time in his life, he felt a little sorry for these frivolous men who approached him...Anyway, if this happened to him, he would definitely stay at home and never go out for the rest of his life!

By the way... what should I do now?

Feeling the trembling of Ichinose in his arms, it was impossible for Hikigaya to push away, so he could only silently let her hug her.

As for the gazes around... Forget it, just look at it if you want!

After Ichinose calmed down a bit, Hikiya said in a timely manner: "Shall I take you back?"


There is no need to ask why, this is not a field to be stepped into casually.

Hikigu kept warning himself like this in his heart.

The two returned to the dormitory area with heavy steps. There were almost no other students in the hall during this time period, which finally made people feel relieved.

In this way, he took the elevator to the sixth floor and sent Ichinose to the door of her room.

"Then, you should pay attention to rest." Hikigaya raised his hand towards her, "I'll take my leave first... Ichinose?"

His hand was suddenly held by Ichinose.

Hikiya flinched subconsciously, if it was the usual Ichinose, he would definitely let go happily.

But this time she just raised her head slightly, with a sad expression on her face.

"Please, Mr. Hikigu... I have something to tell you... Can I hear it?"


Ichinose clasped it tightly with both hands, and Hikigu could feel her trembling was stronger than before, and her voice was also very disturbed, making one even think that the girl in front of her would be crushed just like that.

But even so... She still desperately exposed her vulnerable side to her face.


For this strength, Bi Qigu couldn't bear not to respond.

If she really wanted to—

"I'll listen carefully."


Ichinose seemed to be afraid of Hikigaya, or just didn't want to let go, and pulled him into the room.

If others saw this tough attitude, they would probably be surprised and confused.

But Hikigu knew that there might be part of his reasons for this.

However, he doesn't think this is a bad thing.

"Excuse me...can I just sit on the bed?"

Ichinose asked in a low voice, but never let go of her hand.


Obviously it was the first time to come to a girl's room alone, but Bi Qigu's mood was calmer than expected.

It should be said that he can't tolerate other thoughts at all, and he can't even do his best observation.

If I leave now, I'm afraid I won't even be able to tell what this room is like.

"Hikigu-kun... please, please listen to me."

"Well, here I am."

Hikigaya had never been to a church, but he also knew that there was something called a confessional there.

Ichinose in front of him seemed to be confessing like a sinner.

...No, it doesn't look like it's just an appearance.

"...I...I am...I'm guilty...I..."

Ichinose was talking intermittently.

Although it was very slow, but still extremely firm, he spoke word by word.

"...I am... a man who has committed a crime."

Chapter 206 Things You Shouldn't Do As Seniors


I didn't expect it to be a heavier topic than expected, or it has surpassed imagination.

"I... guilty, I... the crime I committed... the crime is..."


Ichinose's family is a single-parent family with only a mother and a younger sister. Although life is not rich, it is by no means unfortunate.

Because they have a strong mother, they have to raise two children while working, and they hope that both daughters can live a happy life.

For this reason, Ichinose studied hard and wanted to use the scholarship to reduce the burden on her mother, and her younger sister was also very well-behaved and sensible, never asking for anything, not going out to play with friends, and she endured it all the time.

However, no amount of patience has a limit.

At that time, my sister’s birthday was approaching, and it was the first time she had something she wanted in the first grade of junior high school. It was a hairpin used by her favorite star.

That strong and gentle mother, in order to satisfy her daughter's little waywardness, forced herself to work a lot of overtime.

But the end result was that he was exhausted and was admitted to the hospital.

"Until now... until now I still remember, like it happened yesterday, in the hospital bed..."

Ichinose's voice gradually took on a tearful tone.

"My mother apologized to my sister while weeping, and then...for such a mother, my sister vented all her abuse and emotions...she cried and shouted for the long-awaited card issuance...the expression of my sister at that time , I’m afraid I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life.”

"Uh..." Based on the impression from the conversation the day before yesterday, Hikiya would never have imagined that Ichinose's younger sister would do such a thing.

But it's not hard to believe.

After all, it is just a child in the first grade of junior high school, even if it is an adult, the collapse is often in an instant.

"I couldn't blame my sister like that...that was the only gift she ever wanted." Ichinose continued, "I...as a big sister...I want to get my sister's smile back, I have to get it back...I That's what I was thinking, so after school on my sister's birthday, I went to the department store."

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