
Ordinary students have a lot of fun during the holidays, but Horikita Gaku has to use this time to deal with various affairs, on the contrary, it is busier than usual.

In addition, considering the combination of work and rest, Biqigu was simply given a two-week vacation.

Unfortunately, this good time is coming to an end.

"Go to exercise in the past few days and warm up your body well. Then I will not show mercy."


Leaving the conference room, Hikigu felt that all the strength in his body had been sucked away.

Why are you so unlucky today?

The bad news is one after another...can't there be something good?

As if responding to his expectation, the phone rang suddenly.

When I opened it, it turned out that it was Shiina calling.

This is a bit rare, the two of them are not very good at using mobile phones, that is, they chatted on the software during the preferential test.

We usually meet in the library, and we don't make an appointment with each other in advance, and we will come whenever we are free.

However, I haven't seen each other for a while, it's summer vacation after all.

Even Shiina must want to spend the day lazily reading a book in his room, instead of braving the sun like someone who had to change into a school uniform and come to school.

...Where did this social animal come from?

While lamenting his tragic fate, Hikigaya answered the phone.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Biqigu, I'm sorry to disturb you suddenly."

"It's okay, just talk about it if you have anything to say."

"Huh? If it's okay...can I call you?"

Shiina's voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became a little quieter, and Hikigu couldn't understand what she said.

It's true that the law doesn't stipulate that you can't call if you have nothing to do... It's just that he can't think of a reason to do so on purpose.

"No, it's not impossible."

"Hmm... It's actually a trivial thing to say." Shiina seemed to be a little hesitant, "Well, Mr. Hikigu, are you busy these days?"

"It's fine if you're busy."

"Then why... haven't you shown up lately?"

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly added: "Of course, I'm just asking casually, and I don't want to restrain you."

"No, I haven't thought about it that way."

What do you mean by not showing up?

Bi Qigu didn't know where he was going to show up, and he was not a big star.

"Shiina, where are you referring?"

"Huh? Of course it's the library."

"...But it's summer vacation now?" Hikigu was a little surprised, "Don't you still go to the library every day like you were in school?"

"No, not every day! I will visit the Tea Ceremony Department once in a while!" Shiina's voice sounded a little flustered.

But the classroom of the Tea Ceremony Club is still in the school... In addition to the members of the student council, there are actually people who change into school uniforms during the summer vacation and come to the campus to report every day.

Hikigu has nothing to say about this.

Really, how much this kid likes books.

"So are you in the library now?"

"No, I'm not in there."

"That's it, then..."

"I'm outside the corridor of the library." Shiina interrupted him abruptly.

"...Ah, okay."

That's right, after all, you can't make phone calls in the library.

Shiina is really a good boy who obeys the rules... No, I always feel that she did it on purpose.

Are you angry?

Although it can't be heard on the surface, Komachi said that a girl's heart is very complicated.

Perhaps Shiina sensed the teasing in Hikigaya's words, so she counterattacked a little.

Oops, reflect and reflect.

Anyway, it happened that he was also in school, so I just turned a corner and went to the library.

"Then wait for me for a while, I'll be right there."

"Huh? Now?"

Hikiya ignored Shiina's surprise and hung up the phone directly.

Anyway, it's only a few minutes in the past, so let's explain when we get there.

When I came to the library, except for the administrator who was dozing off, there was no one there at first glance.

Where did that guy go?

After searching for a while, Hikigaya finally found Shiina who was reading in the corner, but this guy's posture was a bit strange, his face was completely blocked by the book, and he was still motionless.

Aren't you tired?

"That, Miss Shiina?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Biqigu."

"Uh..." No, now is not the time to say good afternoon, is it?

At least put the book down first.

...Oh, forget it.

Hikigu was a little helpless, not knowing what Shiina was doing.

However, he was too lazy to ask more questions, so he simply picked a book and sat down beside him.

Now that you have come to the library, you can read with peace of mind, there is no need to think about other things.

But after a while, Shiina made another move. She moved the book down, revealing half of her face, and then carefully looked at Hikigaya.

"Mr. Biqigu, I was sorry just now."

"Huh? Why apologize?"

"I reflect on what I said on the phone... Do you think I'm a heavy woman?"


"Why is there an enigmatic pause before answering?"

Facing Shiina's question, Hikiya really had a hard time answering it.

How should I put it, I didn't feel anything if I didn't ask, but once I asked, it really made people feel a little heavy.

Of course, it's just a little bit cute... Well, this is a secret!

"I'm sorry, Hikigu-kun." Shiina lowered her head a little disappointed, "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I asked you to come here... Did it cause you a burden?"

Hikigu shook his head quickly: "No, no, I just dropped by after finishing work in the student union, so I don't have any burden at all."

"Ah, is the work of the student union very busy? Do you have to come to school every day?"

"Not every day, but almost."

"Hey——" Shiina's tone suddenly changed, "Hikigu-kun comes to school every day, but he didn't even know to come to the library."


I don't know if it's an illusion, but Hikigu always feels that the atmosphere exuding from Shiina seems to be different.

The loss before is like a fake...

Anyway, we need to change the subject.

"No, did I say it on the phone just now? It's summer vacation now."

Even the librarians come for the salary!

"You don't spend all day in the library, do you? There will always be time to ask friends out to play."

Originally, Hikigu wanted to change the topic, but he didn't expect to be asked back by Shiina.

"Did Mr. Biqigu ask anyone out to play during the summer vacation?"


At least he really didn't ask others out, and he still couldn't do such a difficult act of cash charging.

"Then let me change the question."

Unknowingly, Shiina began to dominate the topic.

"Did anyone ask Mr. Bi Qigu to go out to play during the summer vacation?"


"Silence means yes, right?" Shiina said with a smile, "It's really great. Unlike me who is not good at making friends, Hikigu-kun has many good friends no matter where he goes. No wonder he doesn't want to come to the library anymore."

"No, it's not because of this..."

The strange pressure from Shiina made Hikigu unable to move... This child is really scary!

This kind of skill that is clearly angry but completely invisible is too strong!

When will he learn it too?

Are you willing to pass on the words of apprenticeship?

"Hikigu-kun, please concentrate and listen to me now, and don't think about messy things?"


It seems that even the ability to read minds has grown.

In desperation, Hikigu had no choice but to try to speak: "I said Shiina, there are only a few days left in the summer vacation, is there any place you want to go?"

"Huh? Is this inviting me to hang out?" Shiina pretended to be surprised.

"...if you don't dislike it."

"Hehe, how is that possible? After all, I am the first female friend Hikigu-san invited during the summer vacation."

While it's a good thing Shiina seems to be in a good mood, why would she use such a mouthful?

And for some reason, Hikigu always felt as if he had stepped into a trap step by step... Obviously he came to the library just to read, but somehow he developed to this point.

Why do you have to go out? Isn't it more comfortable to lie down in the dormitory?

"That being said, I do have a place of great interest."

Shiina clapped her hands happily.

"Hikigaya-kun, do you know? A very effective fortune teller came to our school during the summer vacation. This topic is very popular among seniors. I often hear seniors discussing it in the tea ceremony club, so I'm curious."


In Hikigu's impression, the so-called divination is to use skills such as speaking skills and cold reading to say some pretentious and general words.

Since people who come to divination are usually on their minds, as long as they grasp this point, it is not difficult to fool people.

It is closer to psychology than occultism.

To be honest, he has no interest in this at all, and feels that he is here to scam money.

But it's not that I can't understand Shiina's desire to go and see, after all, many girls seem to like this.

...Oh, let's go.

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