"Megumi's strength is too weak, and her intention to replace me is too obvious. As for Hirata being blocked by other girls, and..."

Saying that, Ayanokouji couldn't help but sighed.

"If Hirata is expelled for this, then I will not have a stable life."

Because of this, I really don't want to ask Hirata unless I have to.

Although the other party will most likely agree, but his recent state has not been good, and he will most likely lose if he goes to class A.

Ayanokōji doesn't want to spend her school life under the eyes of girls.

So I still have to find a way to untie Biqigu's knot.

"Hikigu, if you don't mind, you can tell me if you have any troubles."


Well, it looks like he minds.

Ling Xiaolu did not give up, and said in a calm tone: "I know you don't want to see me, but don't you think there are some things that you can't say to close people, and someone who has nothing to do with me is a better person to talk to?" ?”

"do not think so."

"……let it go."

Although I already knew that I was hated, it was still a bit sad to be so blatantly rejected in person.

Ayanokōji continued to probe: "By the way, I don't think anything special has happened to you recently, except for Nagumo... Could it be because of the incident of rejecting Ichinose's confession?"

"...What? If I reject Ichinose's confession, I will become a class enemy?"

Hikigu just showed a look of disdain for this.

It doesn't seem to be because of this.

"That's not true, but it's true that many boys are whispering bad things about you behind your back, and the girls are also complaining about Ichinose."

While talking, Ayanokouji secretly observed his reaction.

Still looks like he doesn't care.

In that case, it can basically be concluded that his changes have nothing to do with Ichinose.

This guy is really cruel to girls he doesn't like, he's the same as other men...huh?Wait a moment.

At this moment, Ayanokoji seemed to have caught something.

"Hi, Hikigu."

"what happened again?"

"Are you trapped by love?"

"Uh..." Hearing this straightforward question, Hikigu just looked over impatiently, and didn't even bother to answer.

But then Ayanokōji added: "I'm not talking about Ichinose, but... are you thinking about other girls?"

"……none of your business."

This time, Bi Qigu was stunned for dozens of seconds before he replied bluntly.

Then, as if fleeing, he quickened his pace without saying hello, and ran away in the blink of an eye.


It seems that I finally guessed right this time.

Looking at Hikigaya's back as if fleeing from the wilderness, Ayanokōji felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

It was like a guessing game, no one else could guess it, but he got it right.

Speaking of which, who would Hikigu care about...

Ayanokouji went through the girls in the whole school in his mind, and finally found that none of them met the standard.

Basically, this kind of thing is basically known by looking at the eyes.

Among the girls around him, Hikigu either regards them as children, as friends, or simply as troublemakers.

Only none of them are treated as love objects.

In other words, it is impossible to imagine what kind of girl can touch his heartstrings.

Anyway, Ayanokouji couldn't figure it out.

Moreover, emotional matters are not what he is good at.

If you want to really solve this problem, you still need the help of others.

Thinking of this, Ayanokōji took out his mobile phone from his pocket and contacted someone.

If it was that person, Hikigu should have been able to speak.


The day after the battle class was decided.

Today is also an after school discussion, so there are no special restrictions on lunch breaks.

Hikigaya, as usual, went to the welfare agency to buy bread and went to the best restaurant, planning to have lunch while the cold wind was blowing.

Although I don't have much appetite, I will still be hungry when I should be hungry.

... By the way, why do I have no appetite?

This question has always troubled Biqigu.

It's just that Yukinoshita sent a piece of chocolate, and it's very likely that it was just a random gift.

In that case, wouldn't it be enough to just accept it gratefully?

After all, the relationship between him and Yukinoshita ended long ago... No, it should be said that there was no special relationship at all.

We are only in a club, and not in the same class.

They even participated in club activities together for less than a year. If this were put in the society, it would be as if a colleague who had been with him for less than a year had left his job, and no one would care about it.

"So I'm just asking for trouble... haha, that's not like me!"

Hikigu talked to himself to cheer himself up, but it was still difficult to cheer up his mood.

"Besides, this is very likely to be a prank by Ms. Yang Nao. After all, how could that Yukinoshita give chocolates to others!"

The more he analyzed, the more he felt that he was right.

"Hmm, that must be the case! Hachiman will not be deceived so easily... Sigh."

However, it is okay to lie to others.

It's even harder to lie to yourself.

Whether it's Yang Nai's prank or not, as long as Bi Qigu still cares about this, it means he lost.

"Really...why did this happen?"

He couldn't help but start complaining, even if he didn't receive Komachi's chocolate this Valentine's Day, it didn't matter.

In that case, at least you don't have to worry as much as you do now.

"Students can't receive things from the outside world... really meddling."

"Indeed, even for online shopping, you can only choose the website designated by the school."

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared from the side.

Hikigu didn't look back because he recognized the voice.

The most important thing is that he is not in the mood to pay attention to these messy guys now.

"Hikigu-kun, you seem to have said something very interesting just now, can you explain it to me, the acting chairman?"

It was Yuecheng who came, still wearing a neat suit, with an uncomfortable smile on his face.

As for why he was able to find the hiding place... It is probably the same as last time, through the surveillance camera.

What an uncomfortable guy.

"...What interesting words?"

Although I don't want to pay attention to it, this matter involves Songrong who helped bring things.

In desperation, Bi Qigu could only deal with it a little bit.

"Why, you forgot what you said?"

"I really forgot, I hope you recorded it."

"Hehe, you're still so defiant."

Probably because he remembered what happened last time, although the smile on Yuecheng's face remained unchanged, his tone was not so friendly anymore.

However, he didn't continue to entangle, and turned to an unexpected topic.

"This time your first grade special exam, only your class is special."

"I didn't expect Tangtang's acting chairman to care about this."

"It is precisely because I am the chairman that I care about the students' exams." Yuecheng said in a relaxed tone as much as possible, "I noticed that other classes have sent students with protection points to serve as commanders, only you Ban sent Ayanokouji-kun, don't you have so much confidence in his strength?"


Hikigu didn't answer, just sneered.

But Yuecheng paid attention to his expression, and continued the topic: "Or, do you have no confidence in your own strength? I was expecting to be so arrogant in front of me, how powerful you can be compared to Mr. Qigu, Could it be just a straw bag?"

"Yuecheng Acting Chairman... You made a mistake."

This kind of low-level aggressive method is of course useless to Bi Qigu, after all, he sometimes feels that he is an idiot.

"I may be a little arrogant in front of you, but the premise is because what you did was so stupid, I would be sorry for myself if I didn't mock you."

"Is this what you mean?" Yuecheng didn't get angry, "But I advise you to keep it in your heart. Anyway, I have the position of being the chairman of the board. If students repeatedly contradict me, I will Will show the corresponding attitude."

"If you really have that much power, why don't you just let Ayanokouji drop out of school?"

"Hehe, I didn't say I would let you drop out of school, did I?"

"Then what are you talking nonsense about?"

Deliberately make the words vague and let the other party guess by themselves.

It can be said that this move to Yuecheng has been tried and tested time and again. It can make them feel unpredictable to their subordinates, and can make them feel unfathomable to their colleagues.

It can also be used to shirk responsibility if necessary.

It's a pity that this has no effect on Bi Qigu, he didn't want to stay in this crappy school in the first place.

If he didn't even care about dropping out of school, then the chairman's power would naturally not affect him, so there was no need to be polite.

"Okay, okay, it seems that I can't treat you the same way I treated Ayanokouji-kun."

After several futile attempts, Yuecheng finally realized the reality.

Unlike Ayanokōji, who always stays in school even if he is a beggar, Hikigaya didn't talk about it, he really didn't have too many souvenirs.

Therefore, the former should be cautious in the face of threats from the head teacher, while the latter does not have this concern.

"You purposely used the camera to find it, didn't you just want to say this?"

If possible, Bi Qigu hopes that Yuecheng will leave here as soon as possible, and if it doesn't work, it will end quickly.

He just wants to be alone for a while now.

However, Yue Cheng was not a happy person.

Like wearing a thick mask on his face, before revealing his true purpose, he will do everything possible to test it out.

"I don't want to take advantage of my position, but Mr. Biqigu suddenly changed his image, and there are more girls around him than before. Only at this time can I find a chance to talk to you alone."

"...I just wanted to cover my dark circles."

"Oh? Could it be that you are not used to living in this school?"

Yuecheng's words became more and more inexplicable.

If you want to get close, it can only be said that it is a waste of effort.

What's more, the other party didn't need to do this, did they?

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