When face to face with Horikita Gaku, he always gives him a sense of oppression not inferior to Yango.

As expected of a person appointed by the Demon King himself, Hikigu would like to call him the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Ahem, then I won't be polite."

Hikiya cleared his throat, cleared his mind, and said, "Chairman Horikita, you mentioned in your speech that 'the student union is expected to be entrusted with the right and mission to change the rules', but this right It's not given directly, but through the S system?"

According to the free style of this school, it is unlikely that the school will directly hand over power to a certain student. On the surface, the S system is a payment system, which can be judged by combining other information. In fact, it is a tool used to make students fight.

That way, the conclusion is obvious.

"The members of the student union, especially the president, must control a large number of points. The number is so large that you can even change the school rules. This is the source of power of the student union."

It's not that the student council has power, which makes Horikita look powerful, but that the power of the student council depends on the ability of the person who is the president.

By the way, Hikigu really wants to ask how many points are needed to let the school introduce the right to sell MAX coffee, but the timing seems not right now, so let's ask later.

"In addition, this is just my intuition. President, you also specially emphasized the words 'naive idea' and 'mission'... Is this a simple warning, or is there some trouble within the student union?"

As soon as the last sentence was finished, Horikita Gaku's eyes widened for a moment.

Although it quickly returned to its original state, it was correct depending on the situation, and it should be the latter.

Hikigu sighed slightly, feeling intuitively that he was involved in another troublesome matter.

"It's amazing, not only the insight and reasoning ability, but even the intuition is so sharp."

Horikita Gaku gave him a meaningful look, then turned to Akane Tachibana who hadn't figured out the situation yet.

"Tachibana, for the subsequent interview, the position of the secretary will be vacated."

"Yes, President... are you serious?"

"Any comments?"

"No, no, since you said so, President, I have no objection..."

Ju Qian couldn't hide her confusion, it wasn't that she doubted Bi Qigu's ability, after all, even her most trusted president recognized it.

But it is precisely because they are often together that they know that the talents the president wants are not just those with strong abilities.

"Don't worry, Tachibana."

Horikita not only saw through Akane Tachibana's thoughts, but also explained it in a rare way.

"I have read the materials of all the freshmen. Even if Yukinoshita-sensei didn't bring Hikigaya here today, I plan to find an opportunity to meet him personally."

"So it's like this... Eh? Teacher Yukinoshita?!" Ju Qian exclaimed belatedly.

Yono laughed out loud at her reaction, and then looked at Horikita Gaku with deep eyes.

"Horikita-kun, it seems that I am troubled this time. I didn't expect you to have troubles." With a bright smile on his face, Yang Nai said, "But because it is you, it must be very boring troubles. Bar?"

"Ah, for you, it is indeed a very boring trouble...for you."

Horikita emphasized it on purpose, and I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hikiya always felt that this sentence was meant for him.

By the way, can these two people stop playing charades?

In addition, he doesn't think he is special enough to attract others' attention, and he hopes that Horikita is just talking casually.

Regardless of these for the time being, there is only one thing that must be brought up now.

"President Horikita, before joining the student council, I have a request."


"I don't want to be the secretary, just let me do general affairs."


Horikita gaku didn't ask why, and agreed without hesitation.

Although Hikigu didn't officially join the student union when he was in Sobu, he was almost equivalent to a member of the student union, and he knew the situation inside.

In all fairness, the current information is not sufficient, and it is not a good thing to rashly join the student union.

Especially this is not an ordinary school, at least when the competition between classes is made public, as a member of the student council, he will definitely be targeted, and it will definitely be very troublesome.

However, the temptation of being able to go out is too great compared to Qigu, no less than Di Ai's one-day going out coupon.

He couldn't bear not seeing his favorite sister for three years.

There's no way, Chiba's brothers and sisters are all like this!

Therefore, Bi Qigu made the second best choice. Considering that it was too conspicuous for a first-year student to serve as the secretary when he first entered the student union, he chose to do general affairs.

It's definitely not that he wants to be lazy.


In this way, Hikigu sold his soul to the Demon King and formally joined the student union.

Although he didn't guess Yang Nao's intention until the end, but if he thought about it casually, he knew that the things inside were very troublesome, and most of them were related to that mysterious student.

Anyway, let's talk about it later.

By the way, Chairman Horikita learned from someone in the aspect of employing people, and he doesn't treat people as a person.

Actually use it as two people!

Obviously Senior Ju said that the interview will last for one month, and the results will be announced on May [-]st.

Hikigu originally wanted to take this opportunity to enjoy the last vacation, but there will be new members joining in May, so he will not be so tired.

But since it was the beginning of the school year, there was a lot of work backlogged in the student union, President Horikita used the name of familiarizing himself with the student union in advance to order him around.

During this week, Hikigaya seemed to have returned to Sobu.

Not only do you have to write a summary of the meeting, but you also have to record the funds of each club, and even if you see conflicts between students, you have to step forward to stop them.

The last one is really too difficult, right?

Thinking of this Biqigu, they are speechless, they fight if they want to fight, anyway, points will be deducted, and it can save money for the school, this is obviously the end of WINWIN, why bother meddling.

It's a pity that President Horikita said: "Deducting points is a matter of the school, and our student union will never allow any behavior that violates morals."

If this sentence was said by a beautiful girl, it would be a little less resentful than Qi Gu, but if it was said by a cold and handsome guy wearing glasses, it would only aggravate the dissatisfaction of some male members.

Not only are the students giving Bi Qigu a stomachache, but the situation in the class is even worse.

Although Sobu has some idiots who don't like to study, at least he knows what to do and what not to do.

But in this class D, Hikigu finally saw what a real poor student is.

It was barely passable at first, but because the teachers didn't care about it, the behavior of these guys soon became more and more excessive.

Arriving late, leaving early, making noise during class can only be described as doing what you want.

I really want to ask if they didn't learn basic common sense in elementary school and junior high school?

Especially Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou, who knew their names from Matsushita, are monkeys who haven't evolved yet.

These three idiots were the noisiest in the class.

If it's purely poor grades, it's fine, but at least don't affect other people?

You don't want to learn, others still want to learn!

But including Hikigu, no one from Class D stood up to persuade them, it really is a veritable class for problem children.

Chapter 013 The Exploration in the Library

Although Bi Qigu was not optimistic about the class on the first day of school, but after getting along for a week, he found that he seemed to have underestimated the level of class D.

At present, it is known that each class has 100 points, assuming that 100 points will be deducted for every violation of discipline... No, nowadays [-] yen can’t even buy a can of MAX coffee, the punishment is too light, there is really not much deterrence.

Thinking about it this way, 1000 should be a more appropriate value, that is to say, as long as there are [-] violations, [-] points will be deducted.

a hundred times...

There are a total of 40 people in the class, and less than ten of them are seriously attending the class. Hikigu feels that just this week, the points may be gone.

"Sure enough... I hate groups the most." Hikigu couldn't help sighing.

To be honest, it doesn't matter what happens to those guys in the class, they are doing it for themselves anyway.

But he is completely innocent, he spent this week very seriously, even the most uninteresting math class, he suppressed sleepiness, and listened carefully to the end.

Of course, it is by no means afraid of Miss Yang Nai!

By the way, Yang Nai quickly became enthusiastically sought after by the entire grade due to her outstanding appearance and communication skills, as well as her subtle status as an 'intern female college student'.

Class D is even more so. Not only are most of the boys falling in love with her, but even many girls worship her as an older sister.

It's a pity that only Hikigu knows her true nature. Behind the mask of that smiling face, there is actually the hopeless expression of everyone in Class D when the true face of the S system is announced next month.

Oh, what a wretched woman.

Although Bi Qigu himself has a little expectation...

"No way, let's go to the library to pass the time today."

For the sake of the future, Bi Qigu intends to save money as much as possible, and will pay for the purchase of this book.

Fortunately, the library here has a very rich collection of books. Although there are not many comics and light novels, literature books are also his favorite. In addition, the environment is very quiet, which is much better than noisy classes. It is very suitable for killing time.

Therefore, during lunch break and after school every day, Hikigu would come to the library for self-study for a while, and read a book when he was tired.

The most important thing is that there are not many students here usually, so you don't need to care about other people's eyes.

It's a sanctuary for the lonely!

However, it is not an option to keep saving all the time, and sooner or later there will be a day when it will be used up.

Although the cafeteria provides free wild vegetable sets, and the convenience store also provides free ingredients, Hikigu is not going to live like an ascetic monk for three years, so he still has to find a way to open source, that is, earn points.

As for the solution, it is not impossible, he has already thought of one or two.

It's just that I have just entered school now, so the implementation is likely to attract attention, so let's wait until next month.

While thinking, he walked into the library, Hikigu found a remote corner and sat down, opened the math textbook and started self-study.

Originally, he planned to give up mathematics completely after entering high school. Anyway, he chose liberal arts when he was divided into classes, and then he could apply for an excellent private university. Unfortunately, this school does not distinguish between liberal arts and science.

There is no way, even if you are not interested in mathematics, you can only study hard.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

Suddenly, an elegant voice came from the opposite side.

Hikigu looked up and saw a petite silver-haired girl with a beret on her head. Judging from the crutches she held in her hand, she should be weak or weak in legs and feet.

The library is a public place, there is no reason to refuse, but...

He scanned the surroundings from the corner of his eye, there were empty seats everywhere, and he didn't understand the reason why the other party deliberately wanted to sit opposite him.

It may not always be the legendary special seats.

Moreover, the girl in front of him always gave him a bad feeling, how should I put it...smart?beauty?No, it's hard to describe it in one word.

If I had to say it, it was bottomless, and it reminded Hikiguya of the first time he met Yang Nao.

...Damn it!Miss Yang Nai? !

Hikigu shuddered suddenly, an alarm sounded in his mind, and he made a decision immediately.

"Please, I just finished here, so I will take my leave first."

Just as she was about to pack her things, the girl was probably touched by his reaction, she smiled and pressed his wrist.

"Hehe...please don't be so anxious, since we finally met here by chance, let's get to know each other first, shall we?"

No, no, no, it's definitely not a chance encounter!

Bi Qigu complained crazily, the girl in front of him was obviously much smaller than him, but she gave the impression that she was unusually tall.

This temperament is definitely not ordinary people.

"Then, I'm sorry."

She stood up slightly and saluted with the cane in her hand.

"I'm Arisu Sakayanagi from Class 1A. As you can see, the reason I'm holding a cane like this is because I have a congenital disease. However, classes other than physical education are fine, so don't worry about it. Please teach me a lot."

This is a very common self-introduction, and since the other party has reported their name, they must return the gift.

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