In the end, a knight commander at the time answered his doubts.

Except for a few escort members who were rescued, they searched a radius of more than ten miles, but they couldn't find the boy that Sylvista described.

Instead, they found a place after a fierce battle, where blood was splattered all over the place.

"Even if that person exists, after leaving so much blood, he won't be able to survive."

In the end, the people around used this sentence to conclude the issue.

But Sylvista did not give up, because that young figure left an indelible impression in her heart, and it will be impossible to forget it in the next few decades, until she dies.

Growing up, she was surrounded by intriguing clansmen and flattering subordinates. This was the first time Sylvista had encountered such a opposite sex.

That figure lingered, as if it had become the white moonlight in her heart.

In the next few years, Sylvista never gave up her search, and she used her family's and her own strength to investigate this matter, but unfortunately, nothing came of it.

Until one day, after disguised as an adventurer as usual, Sylvista came to an adventurer's guild, wanting to inquire about the boy as usual.

Before she could speak, at this moment, she suddenly heard a somewhat familiar voice from the mission counter.

"Old rules, give me the task of hunting down wanted criminals, the more powerful the opponent, the better."

Sylvista raised her head in disbelief, and looked at the figure at the counter.

Over the past few years, he has grown a lot taller, transformed from a boy to a handsome young man, but the only thing that remains unchanged is his attitude of fearing nothing.

Although Sylvista was immersed in the joy of regaining what was lost, she still suppressed the joy in her heart and did not directly recognize the other party.

But after he left, he went to the guide very low-key to inquire about the boy's information.

"Oh, that kid who is not afraid of death? I don't know what his name is, but he calls himself 'Cain' and lives in Minden Street not far from here."


There was an unconcealable surprise in Sylvista's beautiful eyes, and her heart was beating violently.

Lord Cain, I finally found you!

Chapter 15 The Second Meeting


Angelica left the academy in a carriage and went to the Yole Bridge area in the north of the capital alone.

There stands a landmark building in the northern district that is not inferior to the Tower of Judgment—the Mage Tower, which is the place of faith for the God of Elements.

The overall shape of the tower is in a classical style, with countless symbols and patterns symbolizing various magical knowledge engraved on the relief. The height is astonishing, and you have to look up to barely see the divine mark exuding mysterious brilliance on the top of the tower.

It was a triangular symbol, even in the boundless plain far away from the royal capital, its traces could be vaguely seen.

Looking up at the cloudless night sky and the extremely clear moon in the sky, Angelica smiled slightly, and walked towards the towering ancient minaret in front of her.

She was wearing a rose-colored knee-length mage robe as usual, and she stepped on mid-calf boots, revealing two slender, white legs, walking briskly.

After passing the identity verification of the gatekeeper at the bottom of the tower, Angelica drew a triangle clockwise on her chest.

"May you be blessed with knowledge."

The gatekeeper in a thick robe had a solemn expression and made the same gesture as her.

The triangle symbolizes the God of Elements, also known as the God of the Trinity, who is the controller of wisdom, magic and elemental authority. Almost all magic scholars are his followers, and they firmly believe that all knowledge in the world comes from this god.

As one of the most outstanding magic geniuses in the capital, Angelica's belief is naturally also in this god.

Walking into the tower, the vast majority of the first floor are low-level magicians who come and go. For them, this place is more like a guild with a well-defined system.

After reporting at the front desk, Angelica came to the eighth floor of No.30 through the teleportation array. After being promoted to a magician, this is a place exclusively for her teacher's daily practice.

The space in front of me is more than a hundred times larger than it looks from the outside, like a pitch-black curtain, but there are countless dots of flare faintly shining, deep and mysterious, as vast and boundless as a starry sky.

Angelica took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Teacher, what you asked for has been communicated, but he doesn't seem willing to accept my conditions."

"I see."

No one was seen, but in the deepest part of the boundless starry sky, a peaceful and quiet female voice came faintly, as if the blessing of an angel enveloped Angelica's whole body.

She hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head and continued: "Do you need to use coercive means?"

"Don't worry about him, maybe tomorrow, I will disappear inexplicably."

The ethereal voice came again.

Hearing this, she was startled, and quickly lowered her head, her blond hair fell to her ears, covering the side of her face.

The coercive means she said were limited to violent coercion or going to the arena to sign a gambling agreement, but judging from the tone of the teacher, it seemed that other arrangements had been made.

Angelica didn't want to think about it.

"Do you need to inform Naia about this?"

After a moment of silence, Angelica asked again.

"No need, she is now in a critical stage of 'transformation', and it is not suitable for being too emotionally stimulated." The voice paused, "By the way, remember to bring back the award certificate."


Angelica nodded to show she knew.

The process of hereditary titles is very simple. After the court staff confirms that you are the current first-in-line heir, they will take back the certificate of grant from the previous successor and issue you a new certificate of grant.

In other words, without the previous generation of Viscount Adelaide's letter of conferment, even if Nia is eligible to inherit the title, she will not be recognized by the royal family.


After sending Sylvista away in the afternoon, Shaar did not delay, and purchased the much-needed Boundary Stone powder through his own secret channel.

Then, he left the capital without stopping, and took advantage of the night to rush to the stronghold in the lower city.

The security situation in the lower city is very poor. If you wander the streets at night, as a well-dressed upper-city resident, there is a high probability of being robbed and murdered.

Carrying more than 1 gold coins in the dimensional ring and ritual materials worth more than 8000 gold coins, Xia Ya knocked out no less than three groups of gangsters who plotted against him along the way, and threw them all into the stinky ditch on the side of the road.

Xia Ya didn't intend to use the remaining money, but just took out the minimum amount currently needed.

Back to the stronghold purchased in the lower city, locked the door, and Shaar walked into the basement.

Looking at the remaining ritual materials and funny patterns on the ground, he felt emotional. Although it was only a few days ago, he felt that many things had happened, so that he came back here again.

After some preparations, Xia started the ceremony with ease.

Soon, a silver flame channel rose from the narrow room, devouring Shaar.

After the world was spinning, there was a feeling of falling. This time, Shaar, who had been prepared for a long time, adjusted his center of gravity in advance and landed on the ground steadily. Except for the slight discomfort transmitted by the space, there was no serious problem.

Looking at the familiar hall and stone pillars in front of him, Xia breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't go in in a hurry, but turned on the system, trying to set this place as the resurrection point.

[Due to the influence of unknown forces, this location cannot be used as a resurrection point. 】

The system's prompt made him slightly taken aback, but he was soon relieved.

After all, it was a place jointly sealed by several gods, trapping a high-level existence like the Extreme Demon Woman, so how could it be easily caught by the loophole?

But why I was able to teleport here through the ceremony, I can't figure it out.

Could it be that only the access of the Witch herself is restricted?

Shaar shook his head, and walked quickly towards the main hall of the palace. It didn't take long for a familiar scene to appear in front of him.

Today's witch did not create any new scenes, she sat quietly on the seat at the top of the steps as before, wearing a somewhat worn black veil skirt, bare white slender feet and long legs, holding a thick book silently read.

Seeing this, he didn't speak, and stood quietly aside, waiting for the witch's reading time to end.

During the waiting time, he couldn't help but cast his gaze beyond the stone pillars of the main hall, observing the scene that he didn't pay attention to last time.

Outside the palace are mostly dark and deep stone walls and jagged stone pillars. There is no light at all, and there is a faint black mist. Everything is full of despair, and the overall tone is extremely depressing.

If a normal person lived here, he would probably go insane within a day.

It is unimaginable that for countless years in the past, Miss Witch has been sealed here.

Those black mist seem to have their own wisdom, like a long icy snake coiling around, a slight touch will completely deprive them of life.

After watching it for a long time, Xiaya actually felt a little dizzy, his body temperature rose, his mood was irritable, and strange ravings could be faintly heard in his ears.

He quickly looked away.

Suddenly, the black-dressed witch who had been sitting high up waved her hand.

The scene in front of Shaar was like ripples on the surface of the water, and the interior of the palace disappeared instantly, replaced by a huge room with a large number of books on the walls, a red carpet on the floor, and piles of books in exquisite packaging everywhere. .

Space transfer?Or create directly?

Sure enough, the means of the personality of the gods cannot be understood.

The witch tiptoed to put the book in her hand back into the empty space. The skin on the soles of her feet was soft and white, her ankles and calves were slender and straight, her long black hair was scattered behind her like a waterfall, and she was paired with a slightly worn black gauze skirt. There were only black and white on her whole body. solid color.

From a distance, it looks like the goddess of the night coming out of an oil painting, and it is breathtakingly beautiful.

A cold beauty of the ascetic style.

Xia Ya silently looked away, feeling that his behavior was a bit inappropriate.

It is said that you should not look directly at the gods, but after two visits, although the other party's attitude was indifferent and unpredictable, it seemed that the witch did not take the initiative to hurt him except for her own death.

On the contrary, the major churches, dominated by the Holy See, have mentioned in their respective classics that it is a sacrilege to look directly at the gods.

After doing all this, the witch's body was slightly suspended, and she took another book from a high place, and then slowly landed.

Turning around with the book in her arms, the witch turned her gaze to Shaar who had been standing still.

Feeling the cold gaze, Shaar leaned over and saluted: "Dear Your Excellency Agnes, good evening, we meet again."


The witch stared at him without saying a word, as if she had just recognized Shaar's identity.

After a while, she suddenly said, "Who are you?"

Xia Ya was taken aback for a moment, then quickly understood.

The other party was asking herself why she could appear in front of her again with this face, even though she had already died of a curse.

Because in the witch's view, the lethality of the curse is absolute, and it is impossible for anyone to survive.

Therefore, she subconsciously believed that the guy in front of her was not the same person as the boy who unsealed it.

It is reasonable to have such an idea.

So he slowly said the speech he had prepared, with a sincere expression: "Your Excellency, what I want to say next may sound incredible, but please believe me, I don't know the reason for it."

"At that time, I did lose my life, because death is your exclusive authority, there is no doubt about it."

"But after being killed by the curse, I...resurrected!"

Chapter No.16 I am here to save you

People cannot be resurrected after death, this is another eternal truth of Rand Continent.

Except that some evil sects and secret organizations with ulterior motives will use the power of evil gods to promote this method, even magicians and above realms, including any potions, blessings, gifts, and even legends that can use The fountain of elves, where all things are resurrected, cannot achieve a real resurrection.

Perhaps, only a very few orthodox gods can do this.

So when Xiaya came up with these remarks, he was still a little uneasy.

After all, the witch has lived for so many years and still has the personality of a god. She is well-informed and she may not be able to see through lies.

But thinking about it carefully, apart from concealing the system and its functions, he didn't seem to have any other reservations, because strictly speaking, he really didn't know anything about the origin of the system.

Seeing that Miss Witch was still staring at him coldly, Xiaya understood that the other party did not believe what he just said.

So he paused, his face turned pale, and he said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency Agnes, please don't doubt whether I am really cursed, because it was an unforgettable experience of despair."

"When I was about to be killed by a curse, I felt like the black mist was imprinted in my spirit, crazily eating away at my body and soul, and the pain was not enough to describe what happened. Roaring and wailing in the ear, it seems to drag the cursed into the endless abyss."

"Immediately afterwards, I completely lost consciousness."

"But not long after, I woke up again, and was shocked to find that all the damage caused by the black mist, including the curse itself, had disappeared!"

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