As he flew back, he let the dense seeds grow rapidly. When Xiu also flew to his original position, the sky had become a sea of ​​plants.

The power of mind that Yujia's soul-controlling god can use is almost infinite!

This is his greatest confidence as the deity of Inari Shrine!

I can't beat you, I'll kill you!

Yujia's Soul God said viciously.

His eyes flickered, and plants continued to grow out of the void.

In front of his eyes, there were red gold flames and black flames burning faintly in the center of the entangled plants, and he could feel the plants being crazily destroyed.

That's exactly the fact, Xiu Ye's pair of red gold fire wings fired a flame beam with all his strength, and the black flame wings swept around, and it seemed that he couldn't break out for a while.

Xiu also never did his best.

He is waiting.

Waiting for Yujia's Yuhunshen to lose his composure, attack him with all his strength.

Only then would he launch his real plan.

Chapter 279 263 The real calculation

The God of Soul Yujia finally couldn't help watching the monsters on the ground ravaging his domain.

He shouted towards the shrine: "Help me!"

Hearing her message, the Four Pillar Gods gave up their recovery one after another, and through mysterious connections, they drew the power of faith and lost it to Yujia's Soul God.

His aura kept rising, and the plants surrounding Xiu Ye grew rapidly, covering the sky.

At this moment, Yujia's soul-controlling god and the other four-pillar gods focused all their attention on Xiu Ye.

Xiu also decisively activated the real trump card.

As soon as he had a thought, a thought spread out from the Fushimi Inari God Realm, and instantly aroused countless resonances.

At this time, there are monsters waiting everywhere in the spiritual world of Japan.

They are the army of monsters who set off in advance under the pretext of rebellion and peace.

Xiu also handed over the full command to Yu Zaolian and Gui Yitianyu.

Yaqi Qingshan wanted to watch Yamata no Orochi not to let him really cause trouble, so he didn't take charge of the command.

These days, Xiu Ye and his subordinates are doing scenes to buy them time.

What Yuzaolian and Gui Yitianyu have to do is to select a suitable Inari God Realm as a target, deploy troops in the spirit world in advance, and kill them when the time comes, and leave Xiuya to them with a divine power feather Put into the main hall in the domain of the gods.

Before implementing the plan, Yuzaolian and Gui Yitianyu had to pretend to be chasing the rebel monsters normally, because at first many gods sent people out to investigate, and they took them back after two days.

These two days were wasted, Yuzaolian and the others dared not make any changes.

They waited for the spies of the gods to return before they officially took action.

First of all, they have to find a suitable God's Domain.

The monsters have data on the distribution and strength of the Japanese gods, but these data are out of date for decades, and have not been updated after the war.

So it is necessary to divide the troops to observe, send monsters to sense outside the God's Domain of each target, and integrate the information to Yuzaolian and Gui Yitianyu.

This is a lot of work, in addition to the Inari Shrine, there are other shrines to be detected.

Yuzaolian and Gui Yitianyu found capable men to study for a few days before they determined the order of targets.

After setting the target, the division of troops is relatively easy.

They didn't deploy their troops after the research was done. They divided their troops on the pretext of chasing the rebels according to previous intelligence, while the Kanto side divided their troops on the grounds of looking for the missing Tamamo-mae.

The main target is still on the Kansai side, and there is one target on the Kanto side that must be hit, and the others are beyond reach.

After dividing up the soldiers in advance, they will study the new formation, and after they are done, they will send Tengu out to contact and make fine adjustments.

One day before Shuya activated, he was finally reassigned.

The number of monsters is not enough to face the [-] Inari Gods. They must ensure that the shrine can be suppressed in an instant.

The small ones are resolutely ignored, the big ones must be captured, the more famous the few ones, the more monsters will gather.

The first-line famous shrines other than Fushimi Inari Shrine are easy to find, just those that are famous in the outside world, but it took some effort to sort out the following rankings.

Yuzaolian and Gui Yitianyu couldn't guarantee that all the arrangements would be successful. As long as the largest group of God's Domains had no problems, it was acceptable for the following God's Domains to have some problems.

The first-line Inari Shrine, except for Fushimi Inari Shrine, has various theories.

What is the second largest Inari in Japan, the third largest... Well, the O of this O Da Inari can be filled in two, three, four, five, six, and seven.

Anyway, the goal is to pick these.

But it should be noted that some shrines enshrine other gods, so you can't pick those in order to avoid leaking information.

The most important target of this operation is Toyokawa Inari.

Toyokawa Inari is a Buddhist monastery, which enshrines Toyokawa Tashini Shinten, who is regarded as the same as Yuga's soul god because of the combination of gods and Buddhas.

According to the returns of his subordinates, the scale of Toyokawa Inari God's Domain is second only to Fushimi Inari God's Domain.

At this time, outside the Toyokawa Inari God Territory, Tamamo Ren led three thousand men and lined up a little distance away.

Dayake Maru was also among them, and he brought two thousand men over.

Toyokawa Inari God Realm is very powerful, even if Yuga's Soul God is restrained by Xiu, it has enough power to summon Arhat King Kong (the Buddhist version of Heavenly Soldiers and Heroic Spirits).

In order to ensure success, Dayake Maru, who was supposed to guard the pass, came to join the battle.

A group of monsters were already in place, and they had been waiting for a long time. Dayuemaru and Yuzaolian were resting and did not speak.

Finally, the faces of Yuzaolian and Dayuemaru changed, and a feather flew out from the arms of the two monsters, and the feathers were shining brightly.

Yuzaolian and Dayuewan looked at each other, knowing that the time had come.

Yuzaolian said decisively: "Attack!"

Dayake Maru also shouted: "According to the plan, don't get entangled with miscellaneous soldiers!"

Some large feathered monsters responded.

Xiu also scatter a lot of feathers, and whoever has the opportunity will rush to throw them.

Tamamo Ren and Dayake Maru didn't waste precious time, and they rushed into the Toyokawa Inari God's Domain with their men.

When they violently crashed into God's Domain, the luck of the alliance flashed past, pushing away the pressure of God's Domain.

Toyokawa Inari God's Land is not as beautiful as Fushimi Inari God's Land, but it has its own solemnity.

This divine domain is a stretch of Buddhist temples, Dayake Maru shook his head as soon as he entered, he didn't like the Buddhist singing reverberating here.

And when he saw that Toyokawa Inari God's Domain didn't even have a single guard, he knew he was worrying too much.



With a loud roar, he announced the start of the attack.

Dayue Maru appeared in the form of a monster, broke through the closed gate and rushed in. The monk inside stared dumbfounded at the monsters that filed in.

Da Yuewan ignored the monk who ran to ring the bell in a panic, and ignored the newly refreshed Arhat and Vajra Warrior.

After he appeared as a monster, he rushed forward crazily, spraying various different spells, and Jade Zaolian also continuously launched different spells. The monsters rushed in to resist the enemy, allowing Da Yuemaru and other big monsters to advance smoothly.

"Youkai...youkai invade!"

"Quick, hurry up and invite the Buddha mother!"


A large number of monks were shot flying by Dayue Maru, and then they were hit by the wave of monsters, screaming continuously.

Dayue Maru rushed straight towards the place where the divine aura was strongest, smashing down one building after another with all his might.

"Stop the monster!"


Several powerful old monks flew over and shot together.

But what kind of powerful monster is Otake Maru?

He is strong in himself, and after Xiu Ye unified the monsters, he shared a lot of power of awe. Dayakemaru's strength went further, he roared and punched with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, he used a fist as big as a casserole to smash the old monks back.

They crashed through a temple door and fell in front of a Buddha statue together.

The old monks looked at the grinning Dayuewan and Yuzaolian approaching gracefully, coughing up blood and said in despair, "Why...why the Buddha mother didn't respond!"

Dayue Maru ignored them, and smiled at Yuzao Ren: "Here is so weak? It seems that I don't even need me?"

280 264 For Whom the Bell Tolls

Yuzaolian said: "The main reason is that the lord restrained Yuga's Soul God, and also... Our improvement during this period seems to be stronger than we imagined."

He said leisurely: "I understand why the ancestors are so troublesome. The speed of progress is really fast. Well, don't talk too much, let's throw the feather in. It seems that we should have time to go to the next place. "

"All right."

Dayakemaru responded, and after knocking out the old monks, he flicked the feather and melted into the Buddha statue.

Seeing this, Yuzaolian nodded, and directed to the subordinates who followed: "Go, go to the next place."

If the action goes well, go to the next place. This is a plan that has been discussed long ago.

In fact, there are many sets of plans, mainly relying on improvisation.

As for the feathers, there is no need to guard them, only gods can take them out, and these monks can't do it.

The monsters suddenly agreed and left like the wind.

Only a ravaged God's Domain was left, and there was a sound of bells.

After Ogakumaru and Tamamo Ren left the Toyokawa Inari God's Domain, they separated and ran towards other selected God's Domains.

The other big monsters also led the monsters to disperse.

Toyokawa Inari God's Domain is the first target. If this God's Domain cannot be conquered, it will leave in the shortest time and go straight to other God's Domains.

Now that the realm of the gods has been broken, all the monsters strive to maximize their benefits while there is still time.

The fire feathers left by Xiuya will burst out together 10 minutes after the plan is activated.

During this time, you can destroy as many God's Domains as you can.

Following Ogakumaru and Tamamoren, Oni Yitianyu also attacked the realm of the gods in Kansai and Shikoku.

Yaqi Orochi and Yaki Qingshan, who were far away in Kyushu, also led their men to act separately.

Yaqi Qingshan is no longer worried that Yamata no Orochi will really turn against him. After the war with the gods, he can only stand on the same boat.

The gods will not let a high-level person like him go.

Even if he did, it would only happen when the gods were at a disadvantage and would not hesitate to put down their skin to win over the monsters.

Don't worry about the future, just use it now.

Baqi Qingshan let him act on his own, and even entrusted him with the responsibility of God's Domain, the target of the first step.

He himself also attacked the Inari God Realm quickly one after another.

When gods such as Yuga's Yuhun God focused their attention on Shuya, Inari God's Domain seemed to be defenseless.

Yuzaolian and other big monsters set their targets after repeated calculations, and their strength is definitely enough to crush the target.

Soon all the God's Domain Raiders on the first step were captured, and it was fate to do more or less.

The launch of the Japanese Youkai Alliance is a change in the sky.

Multi-day calculations were concentrated until this moment broke out.

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