Yu Zaoqian said in surprise, she thought for a while and said in admiration: "You are worthy of being the leader of the alliance, you are really wicked."

"what happened?"

Gosaburo Shuten was dumbfounded.

Xiu also stepped back, pinched the vixen's tail to punish her, and then explained:

"It's useless for me to kill the Inari God. After all, we can't kill the priests of the Inari Shrine. Sooner or later they will create a new god. I would be very upset, so I created the Five Pillar God in advance. "

He closed the door of the main hall, and a new god was slowly bred inside.

This new god will be the personal incarnation of the true god, the soul-controlling god of Yuga and the other four-pillar gods that everyone believes in.

These five pillar gods will not pledge allegiance to him after reuniting, and it seems that it is not good for Xiu.

Typical detrimental to others.

——But he is cool.

In the future, the priests will be released and let them serve the five-pillar god who has been occupied by them for many years.

Xiu also wanted to laugh when he thought of how aggrieved they were.

The monsters looked at Shuya in admiration.

It's a shame that he could think of such a wicked operation.

"Okay, what do you see me doing? Give you half an hour to rest, and then move on."

Xiu also drove away the monsters and asked them to gather the people in Inari God's Domain by the way.

He didn't want to listen to them and knocked them all out.

During this half hour, Xiu also chatted with his teammates and asked Yukino how the snow girl's crystallization was.

"One more function."

Xue Nai activated the snow girl's power crystal, and the appearance of the crystal changed a little. The outer layer of the original teardrop crystal was surrounded by a circle of round blue gems, and the teardrop crystal glowed in the middle.

It took Xiuya half a second to come up with a name, and he decided to call it Snow Girl Baoyu from now on.

The blue light of Xuenv Baoyu flashed, and Yukino's clothes changed into a pure white kimono, her complexion became white to the point of transparency, and her temperament became colder, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

Her beautiful black hair had also turned white, and her dark eyes had a tinge of blue.

"Yuki Nao-chan...you are..."

Yang Nai is not so sure.

"You turned into a monster?"

Xiu also clicked his tongue in amazement: "Then this Snow Maiden Jade is also a magical secret treasure."

In his feeling, the power fluctuations emitted by Yukino at this time are not inferior to the big monsters such as Shuten Gosaburo, and Yukino Baoyu also has a lot of power of awe.

...the machine hanging by my side!

Xiu Ye's face darkened, who is the protagonist?

In fact, it's not that Xue Nai is particularly lucky, the little fox on Yang Nai's side is not as bad as Xiu also said, and he must be able to beat the demon general.

"Snow Maiden Baoyu?"

Xue Nai frowned, what the hell is this name?Can it be more earthy?

But the people present obviously didn't care about Xuenv Baoyu's name, and no one complained.

Hezi smiled and said, "As expected of a treasure poured out of so much power of thought."

Suzi turned around Yukino curiously, reached out and shook her hand, "It's kind of cold."

"What, let me see my sister!"

Yang Nai rushed over, but this time Xue Nai escaped easily.

But she didn't see the direction of hiding, there was Shizuka Hiratsuka there.

As soon as Yukino approached her, she felt a chill, she turned abruptly, and ended up falling towards Xiu Ye.

Xiu didn't do anything, because Hiratsuka Shizuka picked her up kindly before she turned upside down.

She narrowed her eyes: "Yukinoshita Yukino, are you serious about avoiding me?"

Yukino's small face tightened: "I only felt it after I became a monster, Ms. Hiratsuka, your physique is too terrifying, just getting close to you is like seeing hell..."

"There is one thing to say, indeed."

Xiu also thought it was true, but his strength was not as exaggerated as Xue Nai felt.


Hiratsuka was stunned.

Chapter 285 Chapter 269

Yukino took the opportunity to turn back into a human.

"Well, it's all right now."

Yukino looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka and said, "...do you need me to hug you to comfort you?"

"Go away, go away, you black hearted little girl!"

Shizuka Hiratsuka angrily threw her to Yango.

Yang Nai ravaged Yukino hahaha, her eyes died again.

Xiu also looked at the looming Welfare in their fight, thinking wildly.

Half an hour passed like this, and it was time to leave.

Xiu also rolled up a group of subordinates and priests and flew away.

He left the Inari God Realm directly, and didn't do anything about it.

Anyway, it's useless to do it. People will know that something has happened if they don't go in when they see that this God's Domain has been tampered with by others.

Just slipped away.

Xiu also went back to the demon city first, and threw all the captives down. Naturally, some monsters would come to force them away and lock them up, and then release them later.

In name, they were the prisoners who assassinated Xiu Ye, so they couldn't be allowed to stay freely.

When Shuya was about to fly away, Director Abe's head popped out of his room: "Shuya Inoue, you won?"


Xiu also stopped to answer.

Director Abe shouted: "Since you have caught the prisoner, why are you still going out? How about we talk again?"

Of course Xiuya had something to say, he forcefully said, "They have accomplices!"

Director Abe sighed on the spot, and withdrew his head back into the room.

fuck your mates.

Xiu didn't pay attention to what he thought, anyway, everyone knew he was blowing water.

Anyone who doesn't know the truth will beat it back.

It's that simple.

He turned into a Suzaku and flew out of the demon realm, recognized the way, and then flew to the next target.

After the Inari Shrine, his second goal is a famous large shrine with nearly [-] branches throughout Japan.

God, Tianman system.

That is Tianmangu.

The main shrine of this shrine is Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, which is located in the real Kyoto area, and the map of the spiritual world is also nearby.

Kitano Tenmangu Shrine is the head office.

It, Dazaifu Tenmangu and Hofu Tenmangu are collectively known as the three major gods (societies).

The deity of Tenmangu is Sugawara Michizane, who is enshrined as a god named Tenman Dazizai Tenjin, and is mainly known as the god of learning and the god of thunder.

At the same time, Sugawara Michizane is also known as one of the three major wraiths in Japan, and is an extremely famous existence.

Xiu also had no ill feeling toward him.

Because Sugawara Michizane did not seize the position of the true god, but pushed himself to the position of the god.

He is different from the Inari Shrine's family of aliens.

The God of Soul Yujia is a myth passed down orally by the ancient people, and his formation has nothing to do with the family of strange magicians.

After they steal this kind of god's authority, it's okay to hide and practice by themselves, but those people really take themselves seriously and come out to deceive others.

This is very speechless.

Just like those pirated dogs who feel that they are justified when they play pirated version, but they are stupid pirated dogs who bite others into the genuine version.

But Michizane Sugawara's cult of personality to become a god is justified.

Xiu also read the information and learned some secrets.

When Michizane Sugawara was still a human being, he was a powerful magician.

He became a god by virtue of his true ability, and everyone worships him himself, and there is no deceitful behavior—at most, it is a bit exaggerated in propaganda, but it is also an artistic process based on facts, not nonsense, and there is no need to ask The people of the whole country apologize.

Back then, his process of becoming a god turned Japan upside down.

...Although the process is a bit deviated, everything will be fine if the ending is good.

Sugawara Michizane initially wanted to follow the refined and easy-going route of learning to become a god, and he also has this talent. His talent in literature is as good as his talent in strange arts.

He was excellent in poetry and writing when he was young, and finally became an official to the right minister. He could have achieved the status of the god of learning without any trouble, but unfortunately he was defeated in the political struggle and was exiled to Kyushu.

According to historical records, he died of illness in Kyushu.

However, everyone in Japan's extraordinary world knows that the old man is very elegant on the surface, very personable and cultivated.

But he has always had a wild and unruly character in him. Michizane Sugawara has personally killed many extraordinary people on his way to becoming a god, and he was extremely brave in battle, killing the enemy with thunder.

Unexpectedly, he likes the elegant style very much, and only wants to become a cultural god full of fairy spirit.

After Sugawara Michizane was exiled, he knew that this ideal was shattered.

He stayed in Kyushu for two years and couldn't bear it anymore.

His anger rose from his heart, and his evil came to his gallbladder.

The fiery temper could no longer be suppressed, Sugawara Michizane resolutely flipped the table.

He started a new plan to become a god, escaped from the secular world by feigning death, and returned to take revenge as a wraith.

First, the political enemy Fujiwara Shihei died of illness at the age of 39. One of the chief conspirators, the right minister Minamito, fell into a swamp and drowned to death while hunting, and then Emperor Daigo's princes and grandchildren were killed by him one by one.

At this time, the Japanese imperial court was frightened and cried, and held a "big pull out" ceremony in a panic. At the same time, it announced that Sugawara Michizane would be restored to the position of You Daiju, and the original exile would be abolished.

Even because the reign title "Yanxi Yuannian" was the year he was exiled, the imperial court changed the reign title from "Yanxi" to "Yanyan" in order to show the sincerity of repentance.

Sugawara Michizane did not accept.

In the third year of Yanchang (930), when Emperor Daigo, Dai Nayan and others were discussing matters in Qingliangdian, Sugawara Michizane attacked outrageously, and directly slashed a bunch of big figures to death in front of the emperor with thunderbolts.

This incident was recorded in the annals of history, known as the "Thunderstorm Incident at Qingliang Palace".

Emperor Daigo, who witnessed this incident, fell ill on the spot and died directly three months later.

Sugawara Michizane's operation directly scared the Japanese court up and down.

Hurry up and sincerely confess him as the god of thunder and beg for forgiveness.

After this series of events, as long as there is a catastrophe in the next hundred years, people will think that it is Sugawara Michizane's grievances.

In fact, he was still doing trouble in 993, and it was not until 1004 that there was no news of Sugawara Michizane doing trouble again.

Since his suspended animation in 903, Michizane Sugawara has played with the Japanese court for 100 years.

This guy is awesome.

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