That is to say, six years ago, Fox God and Rena did "certain things" and were punished.

This "something" involves some people.

Because Rena said: "It's just suffering them."

Who are "they"?

Xiu also thought it meant the quintuplets.

But here comes the problem.

What role did he, Osamu Inoue play in this matter?

Why did Fox God recognize him and apologize to him.

He finally said, "Remember quickly."

What exactly do you want Xiuya to remember?

Xiu can also say with certainty that he hadn't seen Rena six years ago.

Last but not least, what is it that punished Fox God and Rena?

Is it another god?Is it a powerful practitioner of different arts?Or warrior?

Xiu also pondered for a while, only to feel that everything was trapped in a mist.

There are some things that have been figured out, but more things that have not been figured out.

Rena is really full of mysteries.

... Heh, it really is the woman I like, so exciting.

As expected of you.

Xiu also forced a joke to keep himself from thinking about going crazy.

It's useless to think about anything now.

The only chance to know the truth is when the fox god wakes up next year.

Only by asking at the moment when the two parties/gods recover their memory can they know the answer.

Xiu didn't hold much hope for this either. Since Fox God was being punished, it was very likely that he would be restrained to prevent him from speaking out.

After all, what Fox God and Rena committed was a big mistake enough to call a god a "sin god".

Thinking about this kind of "big mistake" would be a "taboo".

It must not be known casually.

Shuya sighed, looking sadly at the gradually shrinking island.

In retrospect.

This week's trip.

It's really... a little too exciting.

Not only broke into the realm of the gods and had a fight with the Yin soldiers, but also faced a god directly, and even witnessed the tragic situation of the god being punished with his own eyes.

What surprised Xiu Ye the most was that Rena had such a strange past.

The two people's ceremony, which was thought to be sweet, ended in such a way. It's really... hard to describe.

Fortunately, looking at Rena's appearance, she was not punished.

It might be that the fox god has carried it all, if so, then it's true love.

Xiu also shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He ignored the quintuplets running around on the upper deck of the ship, and returned to his seat to rest with his eyes closed.

He was already very tired after experiencing so much yesterday.

Anyway, this mystery cannot be solved in the near future, and Xiu Ye has nothing to do except to go back and ask the old man for his opinion.

Renai and Fox God have been like this for several years, and it seems that they are not in a hurry.

If the Fox God is imprisoned, let him be imprisoned.

Anyway, Xiu was not familiar with him.

Let's do this for now...

The boat quickly arrived at the pier on the main island. Xiuya and others got off the boat and took the train. When they returned to the station near the apartment, it was already night.

"Heh--! Finally back."

Xiu also yawned and walked out of the station.

"Yeah, I'm finally back..."

"Mom, I'm so sleepy..."

After sitting in the car for so long, the condition of the quintuplets is also very bad.

"Then go home and go to bed early."

Rena was also a little sleepy, and her movements had a lazy and charming style.


The quintuplets agreed, and Yotsuba, who was more impatient, walked to the road first, and she saw that the light had already turned green.

Just as Yotsuba stepped out of the road, the sound of a huge engine bombing sounded from one end of the road, approaching at a very high speed.

In addition to the sound of the engine, there was also the noise of the ghostly screams of the teenagers.

It's those bosozoku!

Standing on the road, Yotsuba stared blankly at the formation of motorcycles rushing to the left at high speed.

Those teenagers were talking happily and laughing, no one paid attention to the lights, and naturally no one saw the little Clover.


Ps1: Do you think it will be better if I switch to the category of surreal cities?

In other words, if I stay there for a while and then come back, will the two categories jump repeatedly like this, will I be beaten by the editor lady?

Ps2: The Kojima series is officially over, I am really relieved, this plot is too important.

Episode 113 Episode 100

"Four leaves!"

Rena screamed in panic, her body moved subconsciously, and she wanted to rush over.

"Be careful!"


Passers-by nearby also noticed this scene and screamed in panic.

Seeing that Clover was about to be hit, a figure with an ice-blue trajectory crossed the space and hugged Clover back in time.

Xiu also frowned, looking at those bosozoku who went away unkindly.

From the beginning to the end, they never found Clover at all.

"Yotsuba! Are you alright!"

Renai's emotions almost collapsed, if she was not afraid that she would scare her daughter if she was too flustered, she would have screamed a long time ago.

She ran over and took Yotsuba from Xiuya's hand, and hugged her tightly.

Clover was hugged in a daze, and hadn't recovered yet.

The other four sisters also froze at this moment.

"Miss Rena, are you alright?"

"Hey, how are you all?"

The passers-by who screamed to remind them just now also surrounded them. These people are all nearby residents. The quintuplets are so conspicuous that many people know them.

The tragedy that almost happened really frightened them a lot, and they gathered around to ask their relatives.

Some people who had snacks stuffed Clover's hands in handfuls.

Clover ate the candy mechanically, but couldn't speak.

Xiu also shook his head, he knew that sometimes he would be too frightened to speak.

It will be fine after a while.


Xiu also just finished thinking about it.

Clover suddenly made a sound.

She wept loudly.

"Wow! Mom! It was scary just now!"





As soon as Clover cried, the sisters cried too.

The scene was simply devastated.

"Well, are you all okay?"

"Ma'am? Need help?"

Their cries attracted two nearby policemen.

These are two male police officers.

In fact, Xiu had noticed them as soon as they appeared.

Because they seemed to be looking for something, looking around.

Especially for one of the policemen, Xiu would have been on guard if he hadn't been wearing a policeman's skin.

Without him, this policeman has a vicious look on his face, not like a good person.

When everyone saw the police coming, they all moved aside a little so that they could go in and ask questions.

But when the quintuplets see them.

There was a pause in their crying.


"Wow——! Underworld!"

"His face is terrifying——!"

"Mom, help! Xiu-chan, help!"

The quintuplets hugged each other and cried even louder.

The fierce-looking policeman: "???"

Another policeman showed a contorted expression that wanted to laugh but couldn't.

"Yeah. Daisuke, you should stand back a little bit."

"……it is good."

The policeman named Daisuke twitched the corner of his mouth and replied in a low voice.

He also knew what kind of fear his appearance would bring to children—let alone children, even adults were afraid of him.

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