The incorporation of her own body in her dream is proof enough of this.

"I've never done anything for him." With a teary voice, Shui Wurena said so.

"It's the greatest consolation for him that you can live till now." Wu lightly patted Mizuru Nai's back comfortingly.

"Now Gin has been caught by us. If there are no accidents, it will be very difficult for you to return to that organization and continue to lurk."

After all, the people from the Gin Action Team had officially announced their termination after he himself was arrested.

"...Don't you need to lurk any more?" Rena Mizumu's voice sounded unexpectedly weak.

"I'm sorry, we are only MI6, not CIA." Wu was stunned for a few seconds and replied, "If you are willing to change jobs and come to our company, then I can answer you with certainty, you don't need to lurk anymore, you can already have a good rest .”

"If that's the case, then you will have to face the threat of the CIA." Shui Wurenai left Wu's arms, then looked at Wu and asked, "Have you realized this yet?"

"Although we are not afraid of the CIA...but the disappearance of the CIA operator Hondo Ekai is under the control of the FBI. What does it have to do with our MI6?" Wu blinked and asked back.

Chapter 223 Rena Minzumu's Last Weakness

When I opened my eyes, there was a snow-white ceiling.

The tip of the nose can smell the smell of disinfectant.

There is also the feeling of being held by the hand.

Shui Wurena lowered her head slightly, and saw Wu who was crouching beside her and just raised her head.

"Just now was that...a dream?" Rena Mizumu asked weakly.

Wu loosened Rena's hand, then nodded.

"That's right, it's a dream."

"Take a good rest, I will ask someone to prepare some liquid food for you to replenish your strength." Wu Qi said.

"That's right...Although I can't remember what happened in the dream, thank you anyway." Rena Mizumu didn't know why she wanted to thank her.

"There is no need to thank you anymore, after all, you have agreed to join us in your dream." Wu said with a slight smile.

"Hey? When did I agree? No, how could you possibly know what I dreamed about." Renai Mizumura frowned and looked at Wu and said, "It's really lucky that you can tell such a lie."

"So, do you want to go back to the dream and experience it?" Wu tilted his head and asked, "Although when you wake up, you will gradually forget what happened in the dream."

"Isn't that just doing useless work?" Shui Wurena complained, "Although I don't know if what you said is true or not... But I don't know why, my trust in you is very high now."

"Because I promised to keep you safe from the organization and the CIA."

Just when Rena Mizumura was about to continue to say something, footsteps came from outside the door.

The deputy appeared at the door.

"Well, Mr. Wu, the minister has already asked the kitchen to prepare food for Miss Rena Mizumu. I'm here to take Miss Rena Mizumu to get acquainted with the room she will live in in the future."

Although Deputy-kun has released his kindness as much as possible, but Rena Mizumura looked at him with eyes full of vigilance.

"Let me do it." Wu shook his head and said, "You should lead the way ahead."


Wubang Mizumu Rena tore off the electrode patches on her head and body, and helped her pull out the needles on her arms.

After Shui Wurena calmed down a bit, he helped her get off the bed.

Following the deputy to the prepared guest room, Reina Mizumu was dumbfounded.

Pink wallpaper, ceiling wallpaper with blue sky and white clouds, the whole room is full of fantasy atmosphere of little girls.

"...What does this mean?" Shui Wurenai asked with a vein popping out of her forehead, turning her head to look at Wu Zhi.

"...What do you mean?" Wu said that he couldn't say anything, and could only turn his head to look at the deputy.

"This was originally the room that the minister planned to give Miss Ai to live in, but Miss Ai rejected the proposal to live in this room on the first day of her arrival, so it has been unoccupied before." The deputy explained, "And, now This is the only room that is ready to move in in a short time.”

"That's what he said." Wu blinked and looked at Reina Mizumura and replied.

"...Everything else is okay, can you tear off the wallpaper?" Rena Mizumu asked with a very serious expression.

"It's hard to put it on, so it's not good to tear it off?" The deputy showed a embarrassed look, "Why don't you wait for a few days before we prepare a new room?"

"No, forget it." Shui Wurenai sighed, with a look of how much he had been wronged, "It's just a place to sleep, and I'm still under your protection, there shouldn't be so many It's right to ask."

Mr. Wu felt that she was actually just talking about tearing up the wallpaper, but in fact she still had a girlish heart who loved to dream.

Otherwise, how could she stay in peace and be willing to accept protection?

"By the way, can I meet the person in charge of your place?" Shui Wurenai looked at Wu and asked, "I have one... very important thing and I want to ask her for help."

"You go out first." Wu motioned to the deputy.

After the deputy left, Wucai looked at Shui Wurena again.

"Same to me."

"Are you the person with the highest responsibility?" Rena Mizumu asked back.

"No, but I have a very close relationship with the person in charge."

"...Well, anyway, I want to make this request because I believe in you who have helped me several times." Rena Mizumura hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded, "Yes... ...about the only family I have now."

"Hondo Eisuke?"

As soon as he heard about the only relatives, Wu immediately reacted.

"! Have you found out?" Shui Wurenai was startled, then grabbed Wu's arm and asked nervously, "How is that child doing now?"

"Let me answer this question for you." Mary's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

The next moment, the door was opened, and Mary walked in with light steps.

"You are..." Rena Mizumura looked nervously at Mary.

"I'm the one you want to see." Mary replied, "This branch... cough cough cough, the highest responsible person here."

Mary glared at Wu.

It's because he always said something about the division, which made her almost blurt out that it was the division.

"...Child?" Rena Mizuru looked at Mary in astonishment, and then looked at Wu in disbelief.

"It's not a child." Wu explained, "It's just that she was raped by Belmode once before, and was poured with poison, but she unexpectedly turned into the current junior high school student."

"Huh?" Rena Mizumura had an expression that couldn't accept the reality.

"I came to see you because you told about Eisuke Hondo." Mary ignored Reina Mizumu's doubts, and said to herself, "After all, it is possible to get rid of the secret you have been hiding so deeply. The child's words are enough to prove your trust in us. So I also want to trust you once."

"I'm sorry, it's not the trust in you, but the trust in him." Mizuru Nai pointed to Wu and explained.

"No difference." Mary's expression was a little stiff.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"...If you, you are really the highest responsible person here, then I hope you can carry out the 'witness protection plan' for that child." Renai Mizumu said seriously.

"Witness Protection Program." Mary looked at Reina Mizuna in surprise, "You mean, you plan to join us completely?"

"Do I still have a choice?" Shui Wurena gave a helpless wry smile, and then asked back.

"There is really no choice." Mary replied with a nod of approval, "Yes, I agree. The witness protection plan for Hondo Eisuke can be launched at any time."

"It's just that I still have some things, I hope you can cooperate."

Chapter 224 Koizumi Hongko's Family Lineage (Self-set)

"A magic potion that allows people to reveal their secrets?"

In the first class of the magic class, Hongko Koizumi received questions from students.

"Yes, there is, but in today's society, isn't there such a thing as Veritaserum? What's the point of a magic potion that wants to reveal secrets at a distance?" Koizumi Hongzi frowned dissatisfied.

"No, it's because Veritaserum didn't work for that person, so he thought about seeking the path of magic." Wu replied, scratching his cheek in embarrassment.

"...Is the opponent's willpower too firm? Or is it because the opponent has received strict training against Veritaserum?" Koizumi Hongko asked.

"There should be both, but the former accounts for a larger proportion." Wu thought for a while, and then replied.

"Then just give up." Koizumi Hongzi waved her hand unhappily, "Magic potion is not a panacea. If you are facing an opponent with amazing willpower, then the magic potion will not work."

"That's it, that's really a pity." Wu sighed and murmured.

Koizumi Hongzi also had a troubled expression.

If it were placed on her before she met Kaito, she would 100% not be able to tell the omnipotent cognition that the magic reduction potion is omnipotent in other people's senses.

But since the appearance of Kaito, who can ignore her charm, she has questioned whether her magical ability is really as powerful as she thinks.

And now, there is a second man who can ignore his own charm, and is even a magician.

"Okay, stop talking about those irrelevant topics. You didn't come here to talk about these things." Koizumi Hongzi forcefully rejected Wu's next communication, turned around and walked towards the basement, "Follow me Come on, your class is in the basement."

Eerie, spooky.

It looks like the witch's residence in the seven 80s movies.

The utensil in the center looks just like the utensil in the horror movie where the ugly witch stirs the mysterious liquid with a stick.

"Teacher Hongzi, can't we use electric lights instead of those candles?" Wu couldn't help raising his hand and asked, "It's easy to damage eyesight."

"Shut up! Style, do you know what style is?" Koizumi Hongzi scolded Wu with a slightly red face.

I just don't know if she is angry or not.

Walking to the wooden shelf at the side, Koizumi Hongzi took out two ancient books with somewhat worn-out sheepskin covers, and handed them to Wu.

"These two books introduce the general knowledge of magic materials and the general knowledge of the magic world. You should write down the knowledge in these two books first."

"Do you want to be here?" Wu asked, pointing to some dim candles beside him.

"...Tsk, of course not. Go up and read it!" Koizumi Hongzi replied, "Because the books here are hand-written copies handed down from generation to generation in my family, so you are not allowed to take them with you. If you don’t understand anything in the process, you can ask me directly.”


Wu almost asked questions such as 'Why don't you buy a printer to print more copies of such an important book? And candles are used in this kind of place, don't you worry about a sudden fire'?

But in order not to let the teacher who is younger than him not get angry, Wu still kept silent.

Because it is the first time to get involved in the world of magic, there are simply too many things Wu doesn't understand.

In two hours, he basically wanted to take Hongzi's question to the point where he regretted accepting this student.

But, even if she regrets it, Hongzi has no intention of giving up.

After all, the number of magicians in this world is too rare.

Wu is the first magician she has ever seen, except from her own family.

As for why the number of magicians has become so small now, according to the records of ancient books, the main reason is because of the witch hunts back then, coupled with people's fear of unknown powers, which led to the loss of most families.

So much so that in his father's generation, he could no longer see magicians from other families.

Because the mother is an ordinary person, she almost didn't inherit the magic of the Chi family.

Later, it was her grandfather who transferred his magical aptitude to her, and it barely survived.

The reason why she favors Kuroba Kaito so much.

In addition to being the first being able to ignore her charm, the other party is also because of the other party's superb magic techniques.

It was almost magical.

If it is Kaito Kuroba, the child born will definitely have a higher probability of inheriting magic aptitude than children born with other people.

However, Kaito Kuroba is no longer the best candidate to continue the family line.

Koizumi Hongzi glanced at Wu who was still chewing on the book with tangled eyes, and sighed silently in her heart.

The magic aptitude of the person in front of him is undoubtedly stronger than his own.

Being able to use that kind of powerful magic without guidance, even among the grandparents in her family, is considered top-notch.

If it was a child born with him, the probability of inheriting magic aptitude suddenly changed from one-fourth of that of Kuroba Kaito to three-quarters.

The remaining [-]/[-] is due to the possible delay on my own side.

After all, Koizumi Hongzi is talented, but her qualifications were transferred from her grandfather.

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