Can't they just sit comfortably on chairs and talk?

This is not a lecture hall, and you need to stand up and answer.

Or is this also a means of inducing the jurors?

"Jurors, please look at the screen in front of you for confirmation." The judge was really worried about the group of laymen around him.

When the picture of the body's autopsy report appeared on the screen, several jurors exclaimed in unison, and some even wanted to look away with a look of disgust.

"It may be a bit overwhelming for the average person, but it's the juror's job to see the truth."

"Mr. Xiao Lin, do you want to hold my hand?" Wu Wang asked Xiao Lin Chengzi.

"No, I can." Xiaolin Chengzi replied in a low voice, gritted his teeth, and forced himself to look at the screen.

"The cause of death was blood loss caused by a stab wound to the abdomen, and the murder weapon is believed to be Ruili's blade." Reiko Kujo continued to tell the case report, "The length of the knife is estimated to be about [-] centimeters..."

The search for evidence did not take long.

After all, there were no detectives present at the time, and with the capabilities of the police... Hehe, it would be great if the deceased could not be convicted of suicide. Can you expect them to provide more evidence?

"Well, let's move on to hearing the testimony," the judge said.

"Your Excellency, the prosecution requests to summon the first witness, Ms. Yuan Xinghui, the housewife of the deceased."

A stout old woman stepped onto the witness stand.

Kujo Reiko came out from behind the table, came to the witness stand and stared at the witness.

"You are the helper who has been cleaning the victim's house."

"Yes, it has been cleaned for five years." Yuan Xinghui nodded and replied.

"Please explain what you saw when the incident happened."

Yuan Xinghui raised his head slightly, glanced at the ceiling, and made a memory expression.

"I remember that day I was cleaning the room on the second floor as usual, and I seemed to hear something coming from downstairs."

"Because I heard the master said that I would come back after golf and dinner, I thought it might be my own illusion."

"I didn't expect that when I went downstairs after cleaning..."

Well, to be honest, the testimony of this witness is very problematic.

If Wu was the defense lawyer, he would have exploited the loopholes in the other party's testimony to force the other party to reveal their flaws.

After all, this man was on the witness stand!

You want to come down after getting on the witness stand?


This is Conan, not Ace Attorney?

That's fine.

"Your Excellency, I'm done asking." Reiko Kujo left this sentence and turned back to her seat.

"Attorney for the defense, do you have any questions?" the judge turned to Fei Yingli and asked.

Fei Yingli stood up and looked at Yuan Xinghui.

"The witness just said that when the witness went to the room where the crime happened, he didn't actually see the prisoner, right?"

"Yes!" Yuan Xinghui replied nervously, "I only saw the old man lying there bleeding."

"Huh——" Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief, then turned her head to look at the judge's seat, "Jorrors present, this witness can only be said to be the first discoverer, and he did not see what the prosecutor said just now. Please keep that in mind when the defendant and the victim are fighting and fighting."

The jurors nodded and whispered, only Wu frowned and stared at Yuan Xinghui on the witness stand.

Wu's abnormal performance also attracted the attention of Fei Yingli and Conan in the auditorium.

Then the second witness who was called up was the deceased's brother-in-law, Tsukano Yoshi.

"You are the younger brother of the victim's deceased wife, right?" Kujo Reiko came out from behind the table again and asked the witness.

"Yes." Tsukano Kyo nodded and replied, "I am also President Ishigaki's subordinate, and I hold a special position in the company."

"I heard that you met the murder case that day because you went to visit because of work."

"Well, because it's about a business transaction, the president needs to make a final decision." Tsukonaka nodded and replied, "However, I heard Ms. Hara's scream just as I walked into the entrance, and then... …”

As he said that, Tsukano Kyou couldn't help but began to cry.

"Dear jurors, President Ishigaki is the only family member I can rely on after my sister passed away. I beg you to execute the death penalty on the prisoner who took his life!" Tsukano Kyou was very emotional.

And the jurors entrusted by him couldn't help but sit up straight and nodded solemnly.

A group of stupid people who were promoted to high positions began to produce "I will definitely judge the criminals and bring peace to the dead and their families".

"Judges, if there is anything you don't understand, or if you want to ask, please feel free to ask."

"Then, please let me ask a question." A man in a blue suit next to Teacher Xiao Lin raised his hand slightly and said.

"Please." The judge nodded, motioning him to ask casually.

"Speaking of which, it seems that the murder weapon has not been found yet. Does this mean that the murderer escaped with the murder weapon?"

"That's what we speculate." Reiko Kujo stood up and replied, "So we searched for the escape route, but we still haven't found it yet."

"The defendant was arrested and brought to justice within 10 to 15 minutes after the incident. It took at least [-] minutes to run at full speed from Ishigaki's house at the scene of the crime to the place where he was arrested." Fei Yingli got up and added, "The defendant It is conceivable that the defendant will not have enough time to escape."

Chapter 21 So, is it really okay to let the layman play the minority to obey the majority?

"What the jurors are seeing now is what the crime scene study looks like."

The screen on the table in front of everyone started playing the video again.

This is a live video prepared by the prosecution.

And Reiko Kujo is now relying on this video to deepen the impression of judges and jurors.

"The murderer broke in through the window first, and was found by the victim returning home when he was looking for targets indoors."

"Huh?" When the wall and the painting hanging on the wall appeared in the video, Xiaolin Chengzi was stunned for a moment, then leaned forward, bringing his eyes closer to the screen, "Ah?"

Xiaolin Chengzi's change caught everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?" the judge looked at Xiaolin Chengzi and asked.

"Huh?" Xiaolin Chengzi was stunned for a moment, and when she found that everyone's attention was on her, she started to panic.

She shrank her neck with a reddish face, then lowered her head.

"If you have any doubts, feel free to ask, it's okay." The judge looked at Xiao Lin Chengzi kindly and reminded.

"Ah, yes." Xiaolin Chengzi raised her head nervously, "Since you say that... yes!"

She suddenly raised her right hand high.

It looks like I want to speak and is waiting for your roll call.

Wu can only say that he deserves to be a teacher.

"Please speak." The judge kept smiling and said to Xiaolin Chengzi.

"Is the direction of the paintings placed in this room reversed?" Xiaolin Chengzi asked, pointing to the painting on the screen.

"The painting in the room?" After hearing Xiaolin Chengzi's words, everyone turned their eyes back to the screen.

"Yes, because the same painting hangs in the principal's office of our school." Xiao Lin Chengzi explained, "So, I think..."

Reiko Kujo walked to her assistant, whispered a few words to him, and then turned to look at the judge's seat.

"During the search, there were no reports of the painting being removed."

"The defendant does not recall seeing such a painting."

After confirming with Toshio Iwamatsu, Empress Eri also replied.

"That matter should have nothing to do with this case, right?" Some of the jurors began to express dissatisfaction.

"That's right." The female juror on the other side also agreed with a complaining tone, "Suddenly asked what painting I don't know."

So as an outsider...

"If the question you raised is the same, does that painting have anything to do with this case?" the judge looked at Xiao Lin Chengzi and asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Xiaolin Chengzi blushed slightly and began to apologize.

"Of course it is related, Your Excellency." Wu suddenly interrupted Xiao Lin Chengzi, "And there is still a very crucial connection."

"Huh?" Xiaolin Chengzi looked at Wu in surprise, "Ooka-kun?"

Wu frowned and glanced at the other jurors, then continued to speak.

"Since there were no reports of the painting being removed during the search, it follows that the painting was in this state before the police arrived."

"And the defendant has no impression of this painting, which means that he should have never touched this painting."

"Then, here comes the question, do you think that the owner of that painting, President Ishigaki, would deliberately place a painting with the reverse side in the study, just to make a joke?"

Wu looked at Reiko Kujo suspiciously.

If she was truly an elite, shouldn't she have noticed something was wrong when Xiaolin Chengzi raised a question?

"So, what exactly do you want to say?" The man who first raised the unsatisfactory case frowned and asked Wu.

"This shows that during the period between the death of the deceased and the arrival of the police, someone moved the painting in the study where the corpse was placed." Reiko Kujo finally noticed something was wrong, "And this person is not defendant."

"However, there is a premise, that is, the painting in the video is really hung upside down as the jury said." Fei Yingli raised her eyebrows and said to Reiko Kujo.

Reiko Kujo bit her lip, then sat back in her seat.

With this uncertain factor, she has no chance to win the initiative from Fei Yingli's men in today's trial and convict the defendant.

Seeing that both the prosecutor and the defense lawyer accepted the clues related to the painting, the jurors who complained looked away with strange expressions.

Mobile phones are not allowed in court, so even if they wanted to investigate whether the painting was really hung upside down, they would have to wait until the trial was over and they could retrieve their mobile phones after leaving the court.

Next, Kujo Reiko and Fei Yingli seemed to be deliberately consuming the evidence in their hands, and quickly threw out their carefully prepared speeches.

So the trial soon came to a temporary conclusion.

To decide whether the defendant is guilty or not, we can only wait for the next trial.

"Thank you so much, Ooka-kun." After leaving the courtroom through the back door, Kobayashi Chengzi heaved a sigh of relief, then turned around and bowed to Wu in thanks.

"No, I just expressed my doubts." Wu waved his hand and replied, "It's better to say that you can boldly speak out your problems in court, which is already very good."

"After all, what jurors have to do is to find out what they believe to be the answer among the many clues and the communication content between the prosecution and the defense."

"So, even the slightest doubt may become the key to the final judgment of this trial."

When Wu said these words, he amplified his voice as much as possible, so that the other jurors who were embarrassed to look over could hear it.

"Ooka-kun looks very experienced." Kobayashi Chengzi looked at Wu in surprise and said with emotion.

"Experience? No, this is actually the first time I've been in court." Wu replied shaking his head.

"Hey? Really? It's my first time too." Xiao Lin Chengzi didn't notice anything wrong in his words.

She looked at Wu with joy, as if she had found a kindred spirit.

And the other jurors who didn't go far also cast their eyes here from time to time.

But eventually, someone came over to say hello.

Probably, in their opinion, Wu is still too young.

They couldn't save their face to ask a young man who was still in school for advice.

In this regard, Wu could only shake his head helplessly, and hoped that these people would not be led by the nose by the prosecution or defense lawyers in the future.

Then create a lot of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.

Japan is a country where the police are holding back, and the suicide rate has skyrocketed, which is already very difficult.

If another batch of layman jurors who only shout 666 or try to save face come out... Na Wu can only shake his head and sigh at this, and then consider running away with his family as soon as possible.

Chapter 22 People who serve as jurors and feel fulfilled

Jurors are not allowed to have personal contact with either the prosecution or the defense.

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