"However, it's really regrettable. I originally wanted to ask you how to make this kind of makeup that is so old but can still maintain a dazzling brilliance." Yukiko stared at Belmode and said, "I didn't expect the famous actor Sharon Wynyard turned out to be just someone who put on old age makeup on purpose."

"Ah, pretending to be an old man is still quite hard work." Belmod's tone was equally relaxed, and he was even interested in acting against Yukiko, "I usually have to pretend to be an old man. Let's not talk about this, when I When I passed you in the hallway, the words you said 'If we seized the opportunity first, this time, please really stop and stop dealing with her'... What does that sentence mean?"

"It means literally." You Xizi blinked and replied, "After all, Xiao Ai is also our companion."

"Heh heh heh, you're so full of words, but do you really think you've got the upper hand?" Belmode took a few steps forward, leaning on his height and looking down at Yukiko and said.

"Is it really okay for you to be so blunt?" You Xizi narrowed her eyes with a smile, "You should also know that we have Wu-chan here."

"With Wu Jiang's force and Xiaoxin's head, I don't think you have any chance of winning."

"Hmph." Belmode's face turned cold instantly, "So, the video that Bourbon got is really the bait you released."

"No, no, just the opposite." Yukiko replied, shaking her finger, "It's because the Bourbon you mentioned got the video, so we have to deal with it."

"That's it, then he really caused a lot of trouble." Belmode pressed his temple with some headaches.

To be honest, with Wu here, she has no confidence in winning this victory.

No, to be more precise, she now even feels that she has no chance of escape.

Even with bourbon.

If it wasn't for Rum to set up a perfect bureau first, and then all the elite cadres gathered together and united as one, it would be a dream to solve the man who had undergone a mutation.

Not to mention that this time it was still on a speeding train.

Even if it is a plane or a ship, as long as she is given a parachute or a lifeboat, she feels that she still has a chance.

But now on the train, if you jump off, you will die, and if you don't jump, you may be caught. It's a dilemma.

As for exposing the truth that Sera Ai is Miyano Shiho, she dare not.

Even if she lost her life, she would not dare to gamble on it.

After all, once the truth is exposed, her angel's life will be in danger.

She knew very well how ruthless Rum was.

If gin can only kill all participants and onlookers, then rum is the old ghost that can kill all insiders and uninformed people in the entire area.

So Rum must never know the truth, otherwise Xiao Lan's death rate will instantly change from 50.00% to [-]%.

"Yukiko..." Belmode looked at Yukiko with a complicated expression.

It has to be said that Wu's joining turned her from an advantage to a disadvantage in an instant.

But she still didn't want to let go.

After all, she is also a person with a good face.

It is absolutely unbearable to lose face in front of one's best friend and former competitor.

So, she raised her gun.


"What made you have the illusion that I won't really do anything to you? Is it the illusory friendship?"

Belmode stared into Yukiko's eyes and asked.

Of course, she really can't shoot.

If the angel Xiaolan is the last soft spot in her heart, then this woman in front of her is the only friend she admits.

If she chooses one of the two, she will definitely give up Yukiko and choose to let Xiaolan live.

But isn't that the case now?

"Sharon... don't get excited and shoot?" You Xizi raised her hands a little nervously, her accent was trembling, "The muzzle of a gun is not good for people, let alone you have the safety on."

"I think so too, so, can you please put the gun down?" The general opened the door, and pulled Yukiko behind him, blocking the muzzle of the gun.

"Wu-chan!" You Xizi looked at the back with both surprise and joy, but then her face was full of horror.

Based on her ten-year friendship with Sha Lang, she said that just now Sha Lang had no murderous intentions in her eyes.

But now the gun is not aimed at her, but Wu, the man who has driven her to a dead end several times.

Then she can't guarantee that Sharon will not shoot.

"Akai Gotake." Belmode's heartbeat started to speed up after seeing the person who appeared suddenly.

His fingers also began to tremble uncontrollably in an extremely subtle degree.

But she really didn't dare to shoot.

At this distance, she has no certainty of killing the current Gotake Akai with a single shot.

With the opponent's ability, it is definitely not difficult to dodge the first two shots and then defeat her in close quarters.

"Sharon, put down the gun, you have already lost." You Xizi froze for a moment when she saw her friend's reaction, and then she was overjoyed.

It seems that I still underestimated the horror of Wu Jiang in Sharon's heart.

"I only have one question." Belmode stared at Wu and asked, "Is Gin dead?"

"No." Wu replied shaking his head.

"Alas—" Belmode sighed suddenly, "If you kill him, then I might consider surrendering."

"What do you mean?" Wu frowned.

"Rum has discovered several suspicious places where Gin is being held." Belmode replied, "Once he is rescued by Rum, I will definitely be among the people who will die afterwards."

"So I will never surrender before Gin is killed."

"I understand." Wu nodded, then took out a mobile phone and called Mary.

He completely ignored the pistol in front of him that was still pointing at him.

"Mary, get rid of the gin." Wu said just after Mary got connected, "Rum may have tracked down his whereabouts. By the way, let's clear up the leaker on your side."

Chapter 44 Bourbon: The dog thief betrayed me!

Seeing Wu who was staring at him again after hanging up the phone, Belmode opened his mouth slightly with a helpless expression on his face.

I'm just talking!

Are you going to get rid of the gin so quickly?

"Speaking of which, Gin has been locked up for such a long time, and he didn't reveal any news. Instead, we wasted a lot of medicine and food. I wanted to kill him a long time ago. It just so happened that you gave the reason "Wu looked at Belmode gratefully, "And he can catch a mouse or two by the way."

Don't talk nonsense, I didn't!

Belmode was very wronged.

"I guess it won't be long before the news of Gin's death will come. Do you want to think about surrendering now?" Wu asked Belmode with a smile on his face, "Of course, it's not right to give you a little time No. But you'd better give me a satisfactory answer before Bourbon calls you."

What if you are not satisfied?

Belmode didn't have the courage to say these words in front of Wu, so he could only complain secretly in his heart.

"I will try my best." Belmode could only give such an answer dryly.

Wu pointed to the gun in Belmode's hand, reminding her to put the gun aside.

Belmode was also very savvy, and silently closed the safety again, and then put the gun on the table beside him, while he silently sat on the sofa.

Wu turned his head to signal Yukiko to close the door, and then sat in.

Looking around, Yukiko finally chose to sit beside Wu.

Well, even if Bermoder is reluctant to kill her only friend, he still has the consciousness to take this friend as a hostage and threaten to force him to get a chance to escape.

Although Yuxizi is careless and heartless all day long, she still knows what is good and bad.

At this time, we can't add chaos to Wu.

So she purposely sat very close to Wu, and by the way put her arms around Wu's arms.

Looking at the g...men and women on the opposite side, Belmode's throat moved slightly, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yukiko, I didn't see it."

"What?" You Xizi looked at her friend blankly.

"How long have you two maintained this relationship?" Belmode asked Takeshi and Yukiko.

"Why keep this relationship?" Yukiko looked at Belmode in astonishment.

"You put your chest on it, so what relationship can you keep?" Belmode raised his eyebrows and reminded.

"Isn't it a sense of security to be close to Wu-chan?" You Xizi replied indifferently, curling her lips, "After all, you are in this room, Sharon, and there is also that Bourbon outside."

"Although I have great confidence in Wu-chan, I don't have confidence in myself." You Xizi deeply realized that in this kind of scene, besides being a bystander, she could only be a hindrance.

So she chose to be a bystander.

"Tsk." Seeing that Yukiko didn't waver at all, Belmode curled his lips in dissatisfaction.

She really wasn't sure if these two people put a hat on Kudo Yusaku that he had never worn before.

But the relationship between the two is close, she can vouch for that.

If she was given another chance, she would definitely hold Yukiko and threaten Wu to give her a way out.

Unfortunately it's a bit late now.


At this moment, Wu suddenly sighed deeply.

"Wu-chan? Is there something wrong?" Yukiko asked nervously.

She also tightened her arms tightly.

"This country is so fucking outrageous." Wu couldn't help feeling emotional, "Passengers can just pull out a gun casually, and even fill the truck compartment with bombs, which makes people feel very unsafe to travel."

"Indeed." The first one who agreed with Wu was not Yukiko, but Belmode.

Yukiko showed a dazed look.

In the country she has lived in for the past 30 years, this kind of operation is basically done, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

After all, they are used to it.

But Belmode, she is on business trips all year round, so she has been to the country on the other side of the sea several times.

Let alone guns and bombs, you can’t even bring inflammable and explosive items.

If you bring a bottle of unknown liquid, if you don’t take a sip and ask someone to check it, they won’t let you know.

So for Wu's complaints, she can quickly understand and agree.

Agree, but don't agree.

After all, if other countries learn from the country on the other side of the sea, then those of them who live in the dark world will not be able to live.

"Wait! How do you know that the truck compartment is full of bombs?" Belmode finally sensed something was wrong, staring at Wu fiercely and asked.

That was her backhand.

It is to make the Miyano sisters die without a place to bury them.

As a result, this backhand has already been discovered by others?

"Look at what you said." Wu sighed helplessly, "We all know that going out is prone to accidents, if you don't check the train carefully, how can people feel at ease?"

"So, you inspected this train from the beginning to the end?" Belmode looked at Wu in astonishment and asked.

"Well, although it is inevitable that there are still a few omissions, we have checked almost all the compartments, large and small."

"You really filled the truck compartment with explosives!" Yukiko asked belatedly, standing up and staring at Belmode.

"Isn't it a matter of course?" Belmode spread his hands and replied, "Whenever we organize a big job, don't we make some bombs in advance?"

"It's just that, since you've already discovered it, it means that those bombs behind have become duds, right?" Belmode glared at Wu and asked.

"No, in order to prevent those things from going wrong, I even helped you maintain them, in case it won't blow up when the time comes." Wu shook his head and replied.

Belmode couldn't close his jaw in shock.

"What the hell did you do?"

"It's nothing, just to instill the idea of ​​'Sister Miyano' dying without a burial into the brains of all members of your organization." Wu Tanzhang replied.

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