The non-bang stem is wolfing down at the moment, and has no intention of talking to the two younger sisters at all.

Seeing this, Qin Huairu felt distressed, so he could only share his own meat with them, and the two sisters immediately started eating happily.

Looking at the three of Jia and Zhang, Qin Huairu felt extremely disgusted, these people were completely inhumane, even his own family members were vitriolic, and his heart was filled with despair!

Regret in my heart, if I had married Chu Xiu back then, I would be able to eat mutton hot pot now, and I should have given birth to Chu Xiu's child by now.

They don't have to be scolded even for eating meat like they are now. Depending on people's faces, they may have a happy smile now, and the family sits together and eats hot pot happily.

Chu family.

Chu Xiu was drinking some wine and eating top-quality mutton, and his body was warm.

After a long time, after eating and drinking, Chu Xiu cleaned up the table and exercised his body.

until late at night.

The frog cubs are back with a hop!Ding.

Chapter 104 Qin Huairu's Regret

The little frog lay at his feet and looked at Chu Xiu obediently, blinking his big eyes.Chu Xiu said in surprise: "Frog son, I don't know what surprise you brought me this time!"

Every time the little frog comes back, Chu Xiu can't help but look forward to it. After all, every time the little frog comes back from a trip, he brings god-level skills and treasures, which are very practical!

"Ding, the second-level traveling frog has returned from his trip and brought back a gift!"

"Gift: A fairy bean, a one-time summoning card for a top chef clone!"

Hearing the prompt, Chu Xiu was pleasantly surprised, and then looked at the introduction to the system.

a long time.

"Huh... this fairy bean is so powerful, it's equivalent to an extra life!"

Chu Xiu was pleasantly surprised and shocked. Through the introduction of the system, this fairy bean is actually a product of the later Dragon Ball. As long as there is still a breath, no matter how many injuries, as long as you eat the fairy bean, you can survive immediately. This is very scary !

That is to say, no matter who it is, as long as it is not dead, he can be revived, and the means of gods are nothing more than that!

"Good frog!" Chu Xiu picked up the little frog with a satisfied smile in his eyes. This thing is too important to him. After all, the medical treatment methods in this era are too poor. Even in later generations, there are still countless diseases for which there is no cure. But as long as there is this fairy bean, all diseases are just clouds in Chu Xiu's eyes.

Really brought the dead back to life!

Moreover, with Chu Xiu's current physical fitness, it is basically impossible to get terminally ill after the system is strengthened, but people are afraid of accidents. If he is seriously injured and dying, he will be able to live immediately after eating the fairy beans.

In addition, Ding Qiunan will marry soon, and will give birth to a child in the future, and Chu Xiu will become a man with seniors and juniors. At that time, if anyone in the family is seriously ill or has cancer, at least he will be guaranteed!

For the current Chu Xiu, he doesn't worry about his physical problems at all, but cares more about Ding Qiunan and the others. Now that he has Xiandou, he doesn't have to be afraid anymore!

"It solved a big knot in my heart, my good frog!" Chu Xiu wanted to kiss him, but he glanced at the little frog, although it is very cute, but...forget it...

The little frog was held in Chu Xiu's arms at the moment, a little at a loss, looking around in confusion with a pair of eyes, and paws paws, extremely cute.

Attracted by the cuteness of the little frog, Chu Xiu put it down with a smile, and then looked at the system introduction again.

"It's a bit tasteless!" Chu Xiu was a little disappointed. The second one is simply a one-time trial card for a top chef, which can summon a chef at the state banquet level, and it is a one-time "ninety-seven" one-time.

The key is that now I have super god-level cooking skills, so I don't need it at all.

At this time, Chu Xiu's eyes moved suddenly, thinking that he was going to marry Ding Qiunan, and there would definitely be a big banquet at that time, so the skill of the chef would be very important!

It can't be said that he is the groom, and he has to go up and cook by himself after getting married, right?

That's too dull!

And if you want to find a chef, the culinary skills of Shazhu are nearby, but the other party doesn't know how much he hates him at the moment, so he may not agree. Even if he agrees, Chu Xiu would not dare to use him. What's wrong?

And then Chu Xiu must use top-quality ingredients, God knows if Sha Zhu will steal them.

As for Mahua, it would be even worse. Currently, the cauldron is still so-so, but if it really goes to a banquet, it must be much worse!

For her wedding, Chu Xiu didn't want to make a mistake!

"Good stuff!" Now that I'm about to hold a wedding, such a card is a solution to my urgent need. Although this thing is a bit tasteless compared to other gifts, it is extremely precious to Chu Xiu. After all, his wedding is once in a lifetime, and he doesn't want to leave any regrets.

Marriage is a big event in this day and age, and if it is not done well, it will be criticized by others. After all, there are usually no entertainment programs. Of course, Chu Xiu doesn't care about these things, but he doesn't want to wrong Ding Qiunan.

And god-level skills and the like will be acquired slowly in the future, so there is no need to rush!

Chu Xiu was in a very good mood at the moment. After all, he had solved a major event, and then he thought of a mysterious gold coin he got during the day, which could be used by the little frog.

I wanted to upgrade directly, but Chu Xiu thought that the little frog was injured before. After thinking about it, he decided to buy a set of equipment for the little frog first!

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu opened the mysterious store directly, and there were all kinds of items in it, but he didn't care about these. The most important thing now is to buy a set of equipment for the little frog, so as to save it from being injured at that time, and it won't even be able to travel. A day's delay would be a huge loss!

"Coir raincoat!" Chu Xiu's eyes lit up. There was a set of coir raincoats and a straw hat in the mysterious shop, just like an ancient chivalrous man, extremely beautiful.

Without even thinking about it, Chu Xiu bought it directly. After all, the equipment effect of a gold coin is the same, but the appearance is different!

After purchasing, a ray of light shone on the little frog.

The little frog turned into a knight frog!

Wearing a straw hat and coir raincoat, he looked at Chu Xiu with big eyes blinking, and even had a flash of agility.

"Can this also increase wisdom?"

Chu Xiu was surprised, the knight-errant frog had obviously become more agile now, for example, it was actually rubbing against Chu Xiu's feet affectionately, which was not the case before.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, Chu Xiu couldn't help but smile wryly: "I've always regarded you as a tool frog, but I didn't expect you to have a chance to become my frog son!"

This is actually not in line with Chu Xiu's original intention. After all, there is no such thing as a tool frog for emotions. He just needs to travel continuously, but Chu Xiu can't turn a blind eye to frog cubs who have wisdom and emotions!

"lets go!"

Chu Xiu looked at the knight-errant frog in front of him, smiled, and didn't care, if he really had feelings later, that's fine, the big deal is to give it a hug and hold it high!

Hearing the order, Xia Kewa rubbed Chu Xiu's legs and feet reluctantly, then jumped into the void wearing a coir raincoat and a straw hat, and gradually disappeared.

Chu Xiu looked at the house where he was left alone, but he lost the feeling of loneliness before, because in a few days, this house will welcome its mistress!

Thinking of this, she fell asleep beautifully.

Silent all night.

The next day.

The weather is fine, the warm sun melts the thin ice on the ground, and it looks like spring flowers are blooming.

"The weather is good!" Chu Xiu faced the sun and looked at the sky, feeling refreshed!

After a simple wash, Chu Xiu made himself an egg-filled pancake, which was very fragrant.

The people who got up early in the yard looked envious, but no one said anything. They were almost used to it. If there is no attractive fragrance someday, they will not be used to it!

Jia family.

Everyone looked at Chu Xiu's house with resentment on their faces.

Because I ate chicken soup last night, I still have some aftertaste at this moment, but I am more eager to eat meat.

In addition, the egg-filled biscuits made by Chu Xiu are a luxurious configuration, which contains beef and some top-quality vegetables. The mixed aroma is naturally very attractive, which makes the gluttons in their stomachs completely unable to sit still!

Mrs. Jia Zhang didn't dare to go out because her head was bald and too ugly at the moment. She cursed at this moment: "God damn dog, tortures people every day, cooks delicious food if you have nothing to do, doesn't know how to help our family, and is alone It’s really shameless to steal food every day, and sooner or later it will go bankrupt..."

Jia Zhang was cursing and spraying feces.

Jia Dongxu and Bang Geng were also tormented by the smell at the moment, and they wished they could go to Chu Xiu's house to snatch the food right away!

"I'm wondering, why does Chuxiu eat hot food every day? What ability does he have? Why can't I see it, he must be flattering every day, otherwise how could he be the deputy director of the workshop at his age ?”

Jia Dongxu was paralyzed at the moment, he could only be helpless and furious, and he was depressed, but he could only vent it by cursing, his eyes were gloomy, almost crazy, for him, he could barely accept that everyone in the whole yard had a prosperous life.

But Chu Xiu is the only one who can't!

Because he is his wife's ex-boyfriend, he has been comparing secretly since Chu Xiu came to the courtyard, and he showed off and mocked him a lot before. Although Chu Xiu ignored him at the time, he always thought that Chu Xiu was cowardly and incompetent Performance.

Now look at the other party's life like a fairy, the most important thing is that the other party is still ignoring him.

This made him have no sense of existence in his heart, as if he was like a piece of trash to Chu Xiu, and he didn't need to care at all.

Stick is also very greedy at the moment, the corners of his mouth are drooling, after taking a sip, he couldn't help shouting: "I want to eat meat, I want to eat egg pancakes!",

It's so tempting. Chu Xiu, who has super god-level cooking skills, even making an egg-filled pancake is still a rare delicacy in the world.

The stick was already greedy, but now he couldn't help it anymore. He just felt that Chu Xiu's craftsmanship was getting better and better, and he almost seduced the glutton in his stomach.

Seeing that his grandson was about to make trouble again, Jia Zhang felt a headache, so he could only comfort him: "Wait a few days, and I'll make you egg pancakes when your mother gets paid!"

"I'm not going to do it, I want it now!" Reluctantly, the stick began to roll on the ground, still yelling: "I want to eat the omelette made by Chu Xiu, you can't make the taste, I don't care , I want to eat, you go and get it for me!"

Bang Geng's eyes were stern, but his immature face was full of ferocity, and he kept pushing the tables and chairs to make a harsh sound of 'squeak'.

Jia's family was in chaos, Jia Zhang was busy coaxing his grandson, but Bang Geng kept crying, and Jia Dongxu was in a trance.

The two daughters, Xiaodang and Xiaohuaihua, shrank in the corner in fear, feeling that this family was becoming more and more strange.

Looking at this scene, Qin Huairu felt bitter and desperate, extremely helpless!

Is this the path she chose in the first place?

It's ridiculous to think about it now.

There is simply no comparison with Chu Xiu, this is not called living, this is called dawdling, and it is a day to be able to dawdle.

Feeling suffocated, Qin Huairu just wanted to escape and hurried out to work.

When he came to the door, he happened to see Silly Zhu sitting at the door, staring in a daze.

Qin Huairu felt a little sympathetic, so he stepped forward and asked, "What are you going to do in the future?"

Silly Zhu was stunned for a moment, with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and then said: "Marry Jia Zhang first, and then... read it later!"

Looking at Qin Huairu, Sha Zhu felt a little strange, not knowing why she was asking questions.

"Hehe!" With a sneer, Qin Huairu turned around and left, labeling Shazhu a fool in his heart.

That home... She wished she could escape immediately, but Sha Zhu took the pole to blend in.

I just don't know what it means!


Chu Xiu rode his bicycle to work as usual.

After arriving at the Hongxing Steel Rolling Plant, I went to the office to sit for a while, and waited leisurely until the morning, then got up and went to the workshop to inspect.

The Red Star Steel Rolling Plant has a long history. The workers have long been familiar with everything and are working skillfully. Chu Xiu is actually like going shopping. He looks around and returns to the office when he sees nothing to do. He will come back for inspection in the afternoon.

At that time, the day's work will be basically completed. I have to say that in this era, the leaders of the factory are very comfortable.

in the afternoon.

After finishing the work at hand, the uncle saw that it was still early, so he checked the latest newspaper that his apprentice had just bought as usual.

As a result, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at the newspaper in disbelief. It turned out to be Chu Xiu's photo on it, and it was the largest page.

"Has Chu Xiu appeared in the newspaper?" The elder Yi Zhonghai exclaimed.

According to his usual appearance, it is impossible for him to be so panicked, but it was really shocking for Chu Xiu to appear in the newspaper. In this day and age, only major events can be published in the newspaper, and he was on the largest page of the newspaper, which is very meaningful .

"What? Deputy Director Chu published in the newspaper?"

"Really? Come and see!"

"This is amazing, those who can be published in the newspapers are all big shots!"

"I also remember the newspaper that was only published when Director Yang took office!"

"It's incredible, Deputy Director Chu's future achievements are limitless!"


A bunch of people came around, the uncle didn't say anything at the moment, he was also very curious, he didn't know what was published in the newspaper, so he opened the newspaper and everyone watched it together.

half an hour.

"It's actually an improved machine! It's also rated as an outstanding person!"

"Improving the machine, this is terrible. The original engineers in the factory can't do it. At most, the machine can be repaired, and foreigners are needed to repair the core areas!"

"Doesn't this mean that Deputy Director Chu is as powerful as foreigners?"

"It's not the same. The gringo is just repairing. If you want to talk about improvement, we can't do it. Our Deputy Director Chu is improving. There are many ways to improve!"

"Then the engineers in our factory didn't even give face to the workshop director before. Isn't Chu Xiu even better?"

"The future is great, the future is great!"

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