Ivan said with a smile, because he had heard the conversation between the two.

Fengling didn't like Infinitus very much because of her bad first impression. She sat next to Aiwen and glanced at Infinitus from time to time.

Infinitus walked up to Ivan, lowered his head slightly and said.

"This was a mistake of mine, and I'm sorry for the trouble you? have caused."

Wuji is not a person who knows his mistakes and never corrects them. A cultivator must have a clear mind. If Wuji is not as clear as a mirror, and even dare not admit his mistakes, he will not reach the current level of cultivation.

Ivan didn't care, and shook his head.

"It's okay, let's just discuss it. You are Xiao Hei's master, so I don't care."

"Well, do you know Xiao Hei?"

Wuji raised his eyebrows.

"Of course I know him. Didn't you ask him to get the Sky Pearl? I've been there too."

"You also know about Tian Mingzhu? Then do you know where Xiao Hei is now?"

When Xiao Hei was mentioned, Wuji's tone changed, he was indeed a spoiled demon pupil.

"Oh, Xiao Hei got the Sky Pearl, but there was a misunderstanding. Laojun forgot his oath to the Sky Pearl. He thought that Xiao Hei was a thief, so he ordered Di Ting to chase and kill Xiao Hei. At that time, I came forward to stop him. Now Xiao Hei He is recuperating at the little human girl."

"What! Xiao Hei was injured!? Who hurt him?"

As soon as he heard that Xiao Hei was injured, Wuji, who was about to sit down, stood up from his seat, stared at Ai Wen closely, and waited for the answer.

"Uh...it's nothing serious, I was hit by Zhiming, and I'm recovering well now, don't worry."


Infinit sat on the bamboo chair frowning, with a vengeful expression on his face, and Di Ting, who was waiting at the door of Xiaobai's house, sneered unreasonably.

"Alas... Xiao Hei, this child has a bad life...".

Thinking of his own revenge, Infinitus thought of what happened to Xiao Hei: he lost his home, lost his friends, lost his spiritual space, and now he is injured. Infinitus knows that the blow that Di Ting gave to Xiao Hei is definitely not a good blow.

Thinking of this, Wuliang felt even more guilty, because he was the one who ordered Xiao Hei to steal the Sky Pearl, in order to get rid of Xiao Hei and do some dangerous things himself.

"Master Wuliang, I have already prepared the secondary medicine and other preparations for the elixir. Do you have the main medicine?"

Qing Luo walked over, hesitated for a while, and asked Wu Liang.

Wuji raised his head, avoided self-torture, and nodded.

"It's already been brought. The Golden Monkey King is quite accommodating and gave me two fruits."

Wuji waved his hand, and two walnut-sized dark blue fruits appeared, and an invisible force of space emanated from them.

"This is?"

"The fruit of the void that contains the power of space, if people of the space system eat it, it can increase the power of the space system's ability.

Increase the power of space, from this point alone, this fruit is quite valuable.

"Oh? You want to give it to Heizi?"

Aiwen knows that Infinity also has space ability, but Infinity's space ability is already very advanced, and it will be difficult to improve it. This fruit does not improve Infinity much, so it can only be eaten by Xiao Hei.

"Right or wrong, this fruit is indeed related to Xiao Hei, but it's not for Xiao Hei to eat."

Infinitus cast a glance at Ivan, as if doubting whether to continue.

"It's used to make pills, and I know it should work better when made into pills, so that's fine."

Ai Wen said, but Qing Luo shook his head.

"Although the Void Spirit Fruit can be used to improve medicine pills, it can only be used as a kind of medicine medicine, that is, the Void Spirit Pill. The effect of the Void Spirit Pill is also very energy-consuming. Void, people who eat the Void Spirit Pill, half Hours will turn into void, without any harm."

"!!! Damn it! Is it invincible? This antidote is too unreliable!".

Aiwen looked surprised, invincible for half an hour?Isn't this too childish?

"It's not as powerful as you think. Although you won't get hurt after taking the medicine, you can't attack others. Your body will return to nothingness, your speed will slow down, and your consciousness will weaken. If you stay in nothingness for too long, you may lose yourself."

Wuji handed the two fruits to Qing Luo, and Qing Luo bowed and left, obviously ready to start alchemy.

"Since this is the case, it is quite dangerous. Since it is so dangerous, why do you practice?".

Ai Wen didn't understand Wuji's intention. This elixir is a double-edged sword, and Wuji must have his own use plan.

"My business, do you really have the nerve to ask?"

Unlimited Company didn't answer directly, but just looked at Ivan with both eyes.

And the corner of his mouth raised, and Ai Wen smiled. "Didn't you just say that you have something to do with Xiao Hei? Since you have something to do with Xiao Hei, I want to know. After all, this Xiao Hei calls me uncle. As an elder, I still have the right to know, right?"

o0 ask for flowers oo one

"Call your uncle?"

Infinit looked at Ivan from head to toe, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Hmph, believe it or not, let me tell you, if I appeared in front of Xiao Hei at the same time as you appeared, he would definitely be the first to throw himself into my arms, believe it or not." There was an inexplicable confidence in Aiwen's tone.

Infinite's mouth curled up, in the sense that Xiao Hei loves him, he has never been afraid of anyone! .

"If you don't believe me, we can bet that you will know when you see Xiao Hei in the future."

Aiwen is very confident and wants to defend himself to prove his point of view. Aiwen is so proactive, but Wuji's heart is inexplicably uncertain.

"Hmph, there is no need for such a gamble. You already know the result. I am Heizi's master and his best master." Infinit cheered up and spoke before Ivan could answer.

"Well, since you want to know, I can tell you."


"How much do you know about Xiao Hei?"

"I know quite a lot."

"Do you know what his attributes are?"

"Yu Ling-Jin, now it's teleportation, it used to be domain, it's a very rare twin spirit in space."

"...you do know a lot."

Wuji nodded, he believed that Ai Wen really knew Black very well, otherwise he couldn't know these things.

"From ancient times to the present, there are not many cases of dual-space quality, and a dual-space system like Xiao Hei is unprecedented. Originally, Xiao Hei's future was extremely bright, but due to my carelessness..."

Wuji seemed to have remembered something, and was a little unhappy.

"I know about the domain being taken away. Fortunately, Xiao Hei is in the dual illusion space, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Ivan nodded in agreement, but he didn't want to blame Unlimited Company. In fact, even if he wanted to blame the situation at that time, he couldn't blame Unlimited Company.

However, since then, Infinity has been secretly blaming: the extraction of the Aurora space has severely damaged Xiao Hei, and his head has changed from black hair to white hair. Over the years, Infinity has been looking for a way to make up for it, and then Time... finally found a clue! Plant.

Chapter 560 Meteorite Iron

"I came here because I discovered that there is a relic here, the relic of an ancient great country."

"It's not that no one has a space system in the double aura space, but then I don't know why his aura space system was born again. I found a record about this fairy in an ancient book, and followed them to the The so-called fairy ruins. I want to go in and find a way to revive the spiritual space, but the protection outside the ruins is too strong, and I can't get close, so I have to try the imaginary pill."

Wuji revealed his purpose, and it turned out to be to help Xiao Hei's spiritual space revive! ?This surprised Ye Fan.

"There is such a thing..."

"Yes, although I know there is little hope, but as long as there is a slight possibility, I will do it."

What a good host! Infinitus didn't miss "[-]" when it was named the best host, he really deserved it.

Aiwen has never seen that relic, no matter what it is, and he doesn't know what the defenses outside it are, but Wuji seems to be very complicated, absolutely dangerous, and life-threatening.

Infinitus knows this and has no intention of backing down, which is admirable.

When Aiwen listened to Infinity's words, his heart also became very interested in this mysterious ruin.

"As a craftsman, you have done a good job. After your words, it would be a pity if this uncle of mine has nothing to show, Infinitus, where are the relics? Next time I go, I will be with you Let's go together, I want to see the power of the ancient ruins cave!"

Anyway, it's still early, and Ivan doesn't mind going on an adventure with Wuji.

"Well, do you want to go too? But it's dangerous outside."

Infinitus once tested him there, knowing the dangers around the ruins, he actually didn't want others to follow him.

"You don't know the dangers, and they might not even be a danger to me unless you see them."

Aiwen didn't care much and said that he was more willing to do his part for Xiao Hei, and then Aiwen really wanted to see the power of the ancient mighty.

Infinitus frowned, looked into Ivan's eyes, and didn't understand the joke.

Realizing that Ivan was not joking, Unlimited spoke up.

"Since you want to go, we can take you there. After you see the defense outside the ruins, you have to explain it. Then, Qingluo alchemy will take some time. During this time, I need to find the iron-eating demon king in the east and tell him Some humming irons, I need a break, and you can leave anytime you want."

If Unlimited Company is going to explore the ruins, it must prepare some things. He got up and left. Aiwen and Feng Ling glanced at each other, then got up and followed Unlimited Company.

"...what are you doing?"

"Follow you, or it will be boring."

"I'll be back soon."

"It's okay, I also want to see what this iron-eating beast looks like."

Infinit was a little speechless, he suddenly regretted provoking Ivan just now, he felt as if he had provoked a dog skin plaster. (Wind chime: ????)

"Okay, keep up."

Infinit stretched out his hand, and the only remaining piece of metal on his right arm flew into the air and circled around. There was a flash of white light, and then several pieces of metal flew out of the light, landed at Infinit’s feet and quickly Drag the Infinit forward.


Ivan put his arms around the waist of the wind chime, rose from the ground, and followed Infinit through a large bamboo forest. After flying for a while, a large halo appeared in front of him.

"found it."

Wuji sensed the aura, and accelerated the speed of his feet, leaving an afterimage on the spot in an instant.

"Is that the aura of the iron-eating beast? He is much stronger than that bat. He must be a powerful elf."

Aiwen speeded up, chasing endless afterimages, and finally came to an open mine vein. As soon as he stopped, he saw a wide black and white figure sitting on the mine vein with thick claws grabbing a piece of metal ore and putting it into the mine. In his mouth, he immediately started chewing, chewing the stone chips in a mess, what a pair of good teeth.

"Iron Eater, do you still recognize me?"

Wuji fell to the ground, the metal piece was wrapped around his wrist, and then he spoke back.

"Hmph, who is that? How dare you interfere with my master's eating!? Courting death!!!"

The black and white figure began to move! Then, the majestic aura of the demon became fierce! As the halo continued to grow, Ivan was slightly surprised that this iron-eating beast was still hiding its power!

"Howl! There is only one consequence for anyone who dares to destroy my master's food! Si...si...si...si...si...uh..."

The Iron Eater stood up from his veins! His huge body, about three meters tall, was bursting with strength! Just…

When he turned around and saw that it was infinity, his bloated aura suddenly deflated, deflated like a punctured leather ball!At this time, he discovered that it turned out to be infinite.

"Wuji! Master Infinity! What are you doing here! I'm sorry! I didn't mean you! That...that...that...it's him! I said he is the one who wants to die!"

This iron beast has obviously been purified by Wuji, he felt powerless when he saw Wuji, and dared not insult Wuji.In a panic, he saw Aiwen and Feng Ling, so he immediately stretched out two furry fingers, pointed at Aiwen and shouted.

At first, Aiwen was very excited to see him become an elite iron eater, but he was suddenly told.


Aiwen tilted his head, and then fell from the sky like lightning! He stunned this rolling iron-eating beast in an instant...it was so unkempt!

"Great Immortal, please spare me! I know I was wrong!"

At the edge of the mine lode, a limbless monster curled up on the ground humbly begged for mercy.

Feng Ling knelt down beside it, stretched out her hand to caress the fluffy fur of the iron-eating beast, her eyes were shining.

"It's such a soft owner! And it's hot! This one looks like one of those stray pandas in the yard! Are they related?"

Feng Ling said that when the rogue panda came back, he was still holding a baby bear on his lap, which really looked like the 1.3 iron beast standing in front of him.

"It doesn't matter at all. The one in my house has more backbone than him. He is too afraid of being struck by lightning and is too weak."

Afterwards, Aiwen hit the spirit of rolling once, and it was gone. This young man is a complete wimp.

"So, iron eater, I suppose you have some humming iron here? Can you give me some? Take it as my debt."

Infinit asked, putting his hands behind his back.

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