But its opponent, after all, is Oki Xiangyu's Ice Ibrahimovic.

When Ibrahimovic gradually fell into a disadvantage, Oki Xiangyu and Ibrahimovic really used their full strength.

Just a single absolute zero turned the entire battlefield into a field of ice, and at the same time dealt huge damage to the Metagros.

Afterwards, Ice Ibrahimovic even easily launched the Ice Age, which was paralyzed three years ago. The terrain of the Ice Field was constantly changing. The metal monster turned on the high pressure mode, but was still stopped by the changeable terrain, and finally fell down.

Although Oki Xiangyu won.

But it was also embarrassing to win.

Ice Eevee was hit by Metagros only once in the entire match.

The giant metal monster's bullet punch almost instantly killed Ibrahimovic, and with just one blow, he almost sent Ibrahimovic off the field.

Xin Yue lost this match, but he didn't feel any regrets.

After all, his opponent, Ibrahimovic, is like a monster, a serious champion-level fighter.

The giant golden monster has just become a champion-level force, and has not adapted to it at all. It is normal to lose.

But Xin Yue still felt that it was a bit outrageous.

It took three years to train a champion elf, which is a bit too exaggerated.

Although there are some people who can train a champion elf in a year...

And Oki Xiangyu didn't specialize in the field of battle.

He has changed his career.

A "national researcher" like him basically doesn't have much time to train elves. It's impossible to train a champion elf so quickly...

Thinking of Oki Xiangyu's surname again, Xin Yue finally couldn't hold back and asked him this question: "Xiangyu...do you know Oki Xuecheng?"

After hearing this question, Oki Xiangyu was stunned for a few seconds, then he replied calmly without changing his face: "Oki Xuecheng? I don't know."

"Is it…"

After getting a negative answer, Xin Yue didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing Xin Yue leave the battlefield, Oki Xiangyu's expression changed.

"How did he know Grandpa's name... Could it be that he also came from that world..."


Chapter 220 Five New Tasks

After a brief hesitation, Oki Xiangyu stopped thinking about these things and walked out of the battlefield through the back door.

He returned to the laboratory again, and Mo Qianyu was still waiting in the laboratory.

"So, did you bring that thing?"

Leng Yiyu didn't intend to beat around the bush, and asked directly.

Mo Qianyu took out a nutrition jar from the small pocket inside the white coat.

Inside the jar is a green thing that looks like a lump of slime...


After Xin Yue and Mo Qianyu handed over the formula for making the characteristic plaster to Oki Xiangyu, they left here.

Although it is difficult to encounter a shipwreck at the first stop, the task is still to be done.

However, the task that was originally expected to take a year only took a few months to complete.

The reason is also very simple, Oki Xiangyu also joined the task.

He copied a recipe, and he and Xin Yue went to the elf associations of various countries in the opposite direction, directly shortening the task time by half.

Moreover, I don't know if Mo Qianyu and Xin Yue died in the mission of the poaching group or what, but Xin Yue and the others only met some ordinary poachers along the way, and they didn't encounter any difficulties at all.

Quest time is cut in half again.

In this way, Xin Yue completed the one-year task in just over two months.

Everything went smoothly.

The release of Xin Yue's thesis hinted at another wave, and the Interpol also found out the inner ghost who entrapped Xin Yue and the others. He was a bastard who was dazzled by the huge profits of poachers...

These two months, to Xin Yue, it was like a vacation.

Normal paper writing, normal training elves...

Facts have once again confirmed Xin Yue's point of view, the conservation of character.

After the "catastrophe" of the shipwreck, Xin Yue also got along.

The big needle bee seems to be stimulated by the soaring strength of the giant gold monster. She doesn't read comics or eat honey. She trains for 24 hours out of [-] hours a day. Under such desperate training, It finally successfully broke through the elite level and entered the realm of the king level...

Although the distance from the giant metal monster is still a bit far, the big needle bee is still training desperately.

Although Elle Duo didn't show much on the surface, he was actually stimulated by the giant metal monster in his heart, and he trained harder. Although the level did not break through, the progress was still great. The connection between various attributes and energies One after another, the opponent will never know what type of Elledo's next attack will be.

As for the Metagross, after two months of hard work, it has finally fully adapted to the champion-level strength, and then it will face super-high-load training.

In the past two months, what pleased Xin Yue the most was not his three main players.

It's Katie Dog.

Katie, the dog, seemed to be enlightened, and he started to train himself.

This made Xin Yue almost wonder if his katti dog had been dropped by someone else.

After all, Cardi Dog's parents are extremely talented police dogs. Under serious training, it also showed a genius talent that is not weaker than Elledo's. It only took two months to successfully enter the elite field.

It has also exhausted all the talents it should dig, and Xin Yue also gave it a top-quality fire stone without hesitation, allowing it to evolve into a wind speed dog.

This dog has finally grown up.

This is Xin Yue's idea.

However in fact...

Katie Gou just listened to the story of Xin Yue's escape from the hands of the elite Ma Yula by the big needle bee.

It's just that this story has been magnified dozens of times by the big needle bee with exaggerated techniques...

Xin Yue picked up his own whip, and knocked the elite-level Ma Yula to the ground with one blow. In an instant, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and the whole ship exploded violently. cruise ship.

Up to now, Cardi Dog believes that the reason for the sinking of the cruise ship is because Xin Yue took a whip.

In order to prevent Xin Yue from seeing him displeased and sending him to heaven with a whip, Katie can only pretend to be serious, train hard, and become the current wind speed dog...

It's just that it seems to be used to the daily routine of training.

Counting Katie...

The Big Needle Bee has silently helped Xin Yue fool the two elves...

Back in China, Xin Yue and Mo Qianyu parted soon. Xin Yue had to go back to the headquarters to report, while Mo Qianyu had to go back to the research institute.

I don't know what it will be when they meet again.


February 2921, 6.

Xin Yue returned to China in May.

During this month, Xin Yue showed his exaggerated speed of progress to his colleagues again.

Relying on the points from the previous escort missions, Xin Yue successfully promoted to a sporadic third-level criminal policeman, and later took the time to take the trainer promotion test and was promoted to a fifth-level trainer.

Everything is going on as normal.

Until this day...

June 6th was originally Xin Yue's rest day.

Xin Yue didn't intend to accept the mission, he went to the magic city, intending to challenge the gymnasium in the magic city.

However, when everyone else had reached the entrance of the Modu gymnasium, Xu Yeqing sent him an urgent mission notice.



The door was kicked open by Xin Yue, he walked into Xu Yeqing's office with a black air, sat down opposite Xu Yeqing, stared straight into Xu Yeqing's eyes: "Say, what task."

Although Xin Yue's tone was very calm.

But the black air behind him that has already materialized proves that his heart is not peaceful at all.

He arrived at Modu at three o'clock in the morning, and after a few laps, he went to Modu gymnasium.

As a result, as soon as the front foot entered the gymnasium door, Xu Yeqing sent a message.

"This task is very important."

Xu Yeqing stared at Xin Yue and said seriously.

"Just an hour ago, there was a space-time turbulence in the Forest of Time."

Hearing these words, the black air behind Xin Yue dissipated instantly, and his expression became serious.

Xu Yeqing waved his hand to make Xin Yue relax a bit: "It's not a big space-time turbulence, it only lasted a few seconds..."

"However, when the search team entered the depths of the Forest of Time, they found a woman in the depths of the Forest of Time, where time and space turbulence broke out."

"That woman triggered the turbulence of time and space?" Xin Yue frowned and asked aloud.

Xu Yeqing denied Xin Yue's question, and took out something that looked like a chip and threw it in front of Xin Yue: "This woman is not from this era."

"She could be from the future."

Xin Yue pressed the switch on the "chip", and the whole chip expanded outward instantly, projecting a row of data.


【Age: 19】

[Occupation: Trainer]

[Trainer Level: Level [-]]

Below the data of this card is a pattern of the Trainer Association.

This is not the technology of this day and age.

"So, what is my mission?"

Xin Yue's performance was fairly calm, after all, it was a turbulent time and space, and it would not be unreasonable for a human from the future to fall out of it.

What he cares about is his mission.


Chapter 220 Six Step-by-Step Interrogation

Jinling City, the manager's hut of the Forest of Time.

Supreme interrogation room.

Xin Yue crossed his arms and stared blankly at the girl sitting across from him.

He has been deadlocked with this girl named "Wing" for half an hour.

The task Xin Yue received from Xu Yeqing was to find out her identity from Yikou, why she appeared in the turbulence of time and space, and to monitor her for a period of time afterwards.

After Yi woke up, no matter how the policemen questioned her, she would not say a word.

This once made people wonder if she was deaf and mute.

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