Feeling that the vines were constantly absorbing his physical strength, the wind speed dog activated the fire energy without saying a word, and the flames burst into flames instantly. It launched a flash charge and burned the vines tied to its body.

Xin Yue also noticed the situation on Fengsugou's side. He bit his lower lip tightly, and after biting the bleeding from his lip, he forcibly calmed down and gestured to Fengsugou a few times.

As a police dog, Feng Speed ​​Dog naturally understood the meaning of these gestures.

There are only two words, protection.

All of a sudden, the wind speed dog understood Xin Yue's order to him.

Ordinary energy emanates from the wind speed dog's nose, instantly locking onto Yi's aura.

Then, the wind speed dog launched the flame vortex, and the burning fire circle surrounded it and its wings, making these vines inaccessible.

"... "

Xin Yue stared at Rabbi steadfastly, without saying a word.

The situation at this time is Shi Rabi's crushing situation.

The vines flying all over the sky locked on Xin Yue's three elves as if they had eyes. The big needle bee and Elle Duo couldn't find a chance to attack, so they could only dodge or defend passively. The giant gold monster relied on The extremely strong defensive ability resisted these vines, and used its own speed to confront Shirabi.

But it is also at a disadvantage, being completely suppressed and beaten by Rabi, and it is estimated that it will lose its fighting ability in a short time.

At this time, Xin Yue was holding a poke ball tightly in his hand.

This Poké Ball has a black cover with a yellow "H" pattern on it.

This is the most advanced elf ball in the world, the advanced ball...

Even though he knew that the chance of success was so low that he had nothing to say, Xin Yue still wanted to try.

He's going to capture Rabbi!

This is the only way for them to survive.


Chapter 230 The long-lost group battle!

Xin Yue saw it, the dark elf ball was broken by Rabi himself.

The destruction of the poke ball means that the pokemon in it has returned to a wild state.

Although Xin Yue didn't know why the dark elf ball was damaged, Shirabi was still in a state of berserk, but he felt that as long as Shirabi was caught again, he could be quiet for a while.

But...Xin Yue thinks that the success rate of his idea is zero.

Let’s not talk about whether the high-level ball can successfully capture the rabbi, just look at the previous dark elf ball that successfully captured the rabbi, and was still broken by it with brute force. From this point of view, the high-level ball basically cannot restrain the rabbi.

Even if you give Xin Yue a master ball, it may not be able to restrain Rabi.

Perhaps only the "Poke Ball that can capture time" G·S ball specially made for capturing Celebi can truly capture Celebi.

But Xin Yue still wanted to give it a try.

What if it succeeds?

Of course, looking at the current situation, maybe Xin Yue couldn't even throw the high-level ball in his hand to Rabi's face.



He raised his hand and rubbed out an energy ball to blast the giant golden monster away. Shi Rabi finally noticed Xin Yue who had been standing on the sidelines watching the battle.

Its eyes flashed a green light, and the next second, the ground in front of Xin Yue cracked open, and a vine full of thorns stabbed towards Xin Yue.

When the vine was about to stab Xin Yue, a light purple half-moon-shaped energy blade struck from the side, cutting off the vine.

Already's cutting guillotine.

Even though these vines are extremely hard, they are still as easy to cut as tofu before Elledo's cutting guillotine.

However, Elle Duo just accidentally caught a glimpse of Xin Yue's direction when he was dealing with the vines on his side, and promptly swiped a guillotine to save the scene.

Now, it doesn't have time to deal with... the vines stabbing behind Xin Yue!

Although Xin Yue knew that he was being targeted by these vines, he seemed to be unable to do anything. The speed of these vines was faster than the speed of the wind speed dog, run?He couldn't dodge it at all, so he just waited for the vine to pierce him.

"Bo missiles!"

At this moment, three wave missiles shot from one direction, directly smashing the vines behind Xin Yue.

"Li Lukai?!"

Xin Yue turned his head abruptly, and saw Li Lukai who still had a blue light in his hand, as well as Master Itachi and Blastoise beside him.

Not only Li Lukai, Du Shu and Zhang Taiyue are also here.

They hurried to Xin Yue's side, released all their elves, and joined in the battle with Rabbi.

"Didn't I tell you to evacuate?! Why are you still here?"

Although Xin Yue breathed a little after being saved, he still asked Li Lukai and the others in a certain mood.

Li Lukai spread her hands, looked away, perfunctory Xin Yue's questioning: "Because there's a lot of movement on your side, so I ran over to take a look."

Without waiting for Xin Yue's answer, Li Lukai looked at Shi Rabi, his eyes brightened: "That elf is not recorded in the illustrated book...Looking at this posture, it is a phantom beast, right?"

"It should be the fantasy Pokémon living in the Forest of Time. If you say that, then the space-time fluctuations here are also created by it." Du Shu took Li Lukai's words, showing the expression of a scientific madman, "Really A great research opportunity..."

"...One thing to say, indeed."

Zhang Taiyue, who really didn't know what to say, thought for a while, and then said the omnipotent sentence.

Seeing these three guys who looked like they were on a sightseeing tour and had no sense of crisis at all, Xin Yue's eyelids twitched wildly.

He didn't want to say anything anymore.

Although he felt a little speechless about the three people who appeared suddenly, Xin Yue had to admit that because of the three of them joining, the battle situation was slightly easier.

Originally, the only ones who faced the Rabbi were the Big Needle Bee, the Metagross and Elle Redo, and the Big Needle Bee and Elle Redo were entangled by vines flying all over the sky. Rabbi.

But now, Li Lukai's master Itachi, Water Arrow Turtle, Shawaran, Zhang Taiyue's Weili, Wrestling Eagleman, Chaoli King, and Du Shu's Nido King have joined the battle, and the pressure brought by those vines is also less.

Now, Li Lukai's master Itachi, Zhang Taiyue's strange power, and Du Shu's Nido King have all reached the early stage of the Heavenly King level, and the remaining elves are all at the middle or peak stage of the elite level. When dealing with these vines, Rabbi's elves also changed from one golden monster to six when facing the frontal battle.

And there was also Li Lukai, the best accelerator in team battles, present.

Li Lukai's talent in waveguide is indeed very high. Now it's like a joke to strengthen dozens of elves with one idea. With his help, all the elves on Xin Yue's side have improved their abilities and can easily avoid the attack of vines. , all of a sudden the situation was evened out.

"Okay... what's the plan?"

With one hand, he took out a wave of missiles and smashed a few vines protruding from his face like throwing a spiral pill. Li Lukai looked at Xin Yue.

"Try to weaken rabbi's mobility through negative effect skills, and then find a way to catch it with this advanced ball."

Xin Yue didn't have time to elaborate, so he briefly summarized the whole plan in two sentences.

"Sounds pretty simple..."

Li Lukai interrupted another vine, and after muttering something, he opened his own private chat channel through Bird, and told all the elves the battle plan.

Looking at Li Lukai who was cleaning up the surrounding vines while talking about plans in the private chat channel, Xin Yue couldn't help showing a gratified expression.

Although Li Lukai was at the bottom of the rookie team three years ago, his biggest role was to be an accelerator.

But now, Li Lukai has trained the "accelerator" to the full level, and his team dominance has reached the limit. Elf, his own fighting ability is not weaker than Xin Yue's human limit, if it weren't for him, these vines alone would be enough for Xin Yue and the others to have a headache for a while.

"G will come!"

In the private chat channel, Li Lukai suddenly shouted.

Almost at the same time as Xin Yue, Li Lukai caught a flaw in Celebi, it seems that because of the long-term burst of attribute energy, its movements slowed down, and at the same time it began to use optical synthesis to restore its physical strength.

In less than a second, all the elves received Li Lukai's order, and those who could throw control skills were thrown at Rabi without reservation.

Master Itachi jumped to Shi Rabi's side by bouncing, and used Fa Jin, Shi Rabi fell into a state of paralysis immediately, and then, the purple electromagnetic cannon from the giant golden monster bombarded him, and the paralysis effect was amplified.

There is also the poisonous and silk-spinning enchantment of the big needle bee, and the electromagnetic wave thrown by King Nido...

Rabi was completely restrained in an instant, this is the best chance to catch it!

Xin Yue magnified the advanced ball in his hand, and threw it towards Rabi with all his strength.


Chapter 240 Rabbi's Second Rampage

The high-level ball hit Shi Rabi, and Shi Rabi's figure suddenly turned into a bright green streamer and entered the high-level ball.

The moment Rabi disappeared, the entire Forest of Time fell silent.

The vines flying all over the sky stopped moving, as if the pause button was pressed, and remained motionless in mid-air.

"Back all."

Xin Yue's expression became tense, and he shouted to all the elves.

The elves also obeyed Xin Yue's instructions and retreated to a safe distance. The giant metal monster wanted to stand in front of Xin Yue and the others, but because of the numerous scars on their bodies, they were dragged behind by Xin Yue.

The advanced ball fell to the ground slowly, the button in the center began to flash, and the ball continued to shake.

One, two, three...

The expressions of all the people present became dignified, their spirits were tense, and no one dared to blink.

The advanced ball stopped shaking, and the center button flashed one last time, making a "ding".

Capture succeeded...

But, can the high-level ball really trap Shirabi?

The cracks that slowly emerged on the high-grade ball answered this question.

"All! Get down!"

Xin Yue's pupils contracted suddenly, and he roared with the loudest voice, and at the same time pushed the three people around him to the ground.


At this moment, green light radiated from the cracks on the high-grade ball, and this high-grade ball with a market price of five figures was scrapped!

Accompanied by the high-grade ball that exploded with a bang, wooden spikes flew out.

Under Xin Yue's reminder, everyone and the elves got down on the ground to avoid the flying wooden thorns.

However, in order to knock down the three closest to the high-level ball and the most likely to be stabbed by wooden thorns, Xin Yue did not get down in time.

At this moment, he forgot that he was the one who was most likely to be stabbed.

In the blink of an eye, the three of Li Lukai realized that Xin Yue was no longer by their side.

He was blown away by the wooden spikes moving at super high speed.

Although Xin Yue evaded the fatal attack in time, his left knee and right waist were still pierced by two wooden thorns, and he was paralyzed on the tree trunk that was broken by himself, unable to move.

The left arm was pierced, which almost disabled Xin Yue's left leg, not to mention moving, it is difficult for him to even stand up now.

Lifting his head with difficulty, Xin Yue looked at Rabbi who was exuding black air all over his body, and gave a wry smile.

Sure enough, delusion to use tools made by mortals to restrain gods is just delusion after all.

It seems that because of being locked up by the high-level ball, Shilabi now looks very angry. Countless branches protrude from behind it, wrapping it into an egg, and then these branches start to bind each other, constantly stacking, and finally , turned into a giant tens of meters tall, woven from branches.

In this state of rabbi, Xin Yue remembers appearing in the theatrical version.

But now he doesn't want to think about it...

"Elledo... Can I teleport now..."

Xin Yue asked Ai Lueduo with the wave wave built by Li Lukai in a low voice.

He got an affirmative answer.

Before that, teleportation was completely invalidated because of the super energy barrier created by Celebi.

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