The water cannon hit the four elves, the dragon-headed gopher came out of the ground, and knocked Master Itachi flying with a metal claw.

However, all of this was within Xin Yue's calculations!

The four elves turned into white smoke and dust, this is a stand-in.

At the moment when the wave missile collided with the rock cannon, the four elves used the smoke as a substitute, and only the giant pincer mantis launched an attack in the form of its own body.

What about the bodies of the other four elves?

on top!

"Oh! La!!"

All I heard was "Ola", a strange force descended from the sky, lightning flashed from the four fists, and the quadruple lightning fist hit the giant claw crab!

If the giant claw crab is hit, it must lose the ability to fight

"Hold it!" Shen Wenxi shrank her pupils and gave an urgent order.

The giant claw crab started to defend at the very moment, blocking the attack of the strange force.


"Scream!" Master Itachi jumped down suddenly, bounced and kicked the head of the giant tortoise-legged armor, causing damage to it and at the same time rushed to the top of the giant claw crab. Orange light glowed on both arms, and he whipped the giant crab. Claw Crab guarded the shield.

The protective shield shattered, and the giant claw crab was completely exposed!

It's Master Itachi's tile splitting!

Splitting tiles can break the light wall and reflective wall. Although it cannot be broken directly to hold it, but the principle of holding it is the same as that of the light wall and the reflecting wall. After being hit by a strange force, the shield is already broken. Wat's words are enough to smash the shield.


At the moment when the giant claw crab's protective shield burst, the strange force kicked the carapace of the giant claw crab's abdomen with all its strength, a million tons of flying kicks!

The giant claw crab was severely injured and flew out backwards.

It's not over yet!

When the leading gopher quickly moved from the burrow to the front of Master Itachi, and was about to jump out to attack it, a thick jet of water sprayed from the air, directly blasting the leading gopher that had just jumped out of the hole.

It's a water cannon!Gem Starfish's Water Cannon!

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus wanted to attack the strange force behind it, but a beam of light fell, and the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus instantly became drowsy after being irradiated by the beam of light, and then collapsed to the ground.

Hypnotism of dream monsters.

Dream Demon and Gem Starfish landed slowly.

This wave of coordination is perfect.

After only half a minute of the game, Nantah players had the upper hand!

All of this is in Xin Yue's calculations.


Chapter 260 Sixth Demon Counterattack

At this moment, the audience was silent.

Only half a minute of the game had passed.

However, the team of Moda seems to have entered a desperate situation.

Although the students of the Magic University knew that the NTU team had always been known for its seamless coordination, they could not have imagined that NTU would play such a perfect coordination without any pause.

"Moda will definitely let the heavy-armored tyrannosaur attack first with rock cannons. This will not only attract the attention of Nanda members, but also hold them back and create opportunities for our own side to attack."

This is what Xin Yue said when guiding the five members of Nantah University.

It's a pity that although Xin Jing is very strong and her command ability is even abnormal, she has never met a super accelerator like Li Lukai who can use waveguides in team battles. How fierce.

The mere rock cannon, the wave missile is weakened by half, and the bullet punch of the giant pincer mantis is enough to destroy it.

Using doubles with the help of smoke is what Xin Yue is best at.

The four elves except the giant pincer mantis are all turned on as substitutes, and the gem starfish uses superpowers to bring the four elves into the sky, and the dream monster releases illusions to enhance the sense of reality of the substitutes, followed by the combination of strange power and master Itachi , Flying the Giant Claw Crab in one fell swoop.

At this time, the leading gopher will come out of the ground. Xin Yue has calculated when it will come out of the ground based on every battle it has disclosed before. Hit the leading gopher.

The most important thing is that when the heavy armored tyrannosaurus was injured and distracted from attacking the opponent, the dream monster used hypnotism at this time, successfully hypnotized the heavy armored tyrannosaur, and forcibly turned the game into a four-on-three match.

The heavy-armored Tyrannosaurus was lethargic, the giant claw crab was severely injured by a million-ton flying kick of strange power, the leading gopher was hit by a water cannon and could barely fight, the turtle-footed giant armor was accidentally injured by the arm hammer of the heavy-armored Tyrannosaurus, and his physical strength was reduced Mostly.

Now the only elf in Moda that has not been affected in any way is the king of mosquitoes and frogs.

And how bad the mosquito-repellent frog king's combat effectiveness is, everyone knows this.

On the other hand, in the NTU camp, the five elves were unscathed!

In just one round, Nanda controlled the rhythm of the entire game, and Moda seemed to have lost the chance to turn defeat into victory.


If the tactical command of the Magic University is other teachers, then the referee can actually raise the flag and announce that Nantah University has won.

However, the commander of the Demon University is Xin Jing.

"Giant claw crab! Crazy!"

Accompanied by Shen Wenxi's voice of command, Moda's counterattack began.

I saw that the giant pincers actually aimed their pincers at the ground and used a water cannon!

The water cannon sprayed the giant claw crab out like a jet, and the flying giant claw crab hit the red gemstone in the center of the jewel starfish with a punch at an extremely fast speed.

When Li Lukai and the others reacted, the jeweled starfish had already been thrown out.

Crazy, like resurrection, is a skill with higher damage when the user's physical strength is lower.

With the giant claw crab's attack power, coupled with its limited physical strength, this blow just hit the vital part of the jewel starfish. The jewel starfish is dangerous!

It's not over yet.

When NTU was preparing to counterattack, Moda made another move.

"Mosquito-repellent Frog King, use awakening slap on the armored tyrannosaurus." Yao Meng pushed the frame, and the lens reflected white light.

I saw the mosquito-repellent frog king slap on the armored tyrannosaurus, and the armored tyrannosaurus suddenly woke up.

"Alloy explosion!" As if it had been prepared for a long time, Qiufeng issued an attack command the moment the heavy armored tyrannosaur woke up.

"Roar!!!" The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus roared angrily, its body glowing with silver light, and then a thick silver beam of light blasted out!

The target of this alloy blast is a gem starfish!

When Li Lukai and the others were about to let their elves use defense to help the gem starfish resist the attack, Yang Guang spoke in the private channel.

"Not at all, keep it to yourself, the contribution of Gem Starfish and me is over."

Before the alloy explosion hit the gem starfish, Yang Guang took out the poke ball and retrieved the gem starfish.

Where the alloy blaster fell, an astonishing explosion erupted.

It is conceivable what will happen if the jewel starfish is hit.

Alloy blasting, according to the recent attack, increases the power of this attack by half, and bombs out in the form of a metal light cannon.

The most recent injury suffered by the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus was the awakening slap of the Mosquito Frog King.

The power of awakening the slap is only 70, but for the heavily armored Tyrannosaurus in the sleeping state, it is a full 140.

If this kind of power is increased by half, it can be said that of all the elves present, only the strange power and the giant pincer mantis can block it.

Seeing Yang Guang take back the gem starfish, the referee blew his whistle and called to stop the game.

"Because Yang Guang took back the gem starfish and regarded it as a gem starfish that has lost the ability to fight, there are now four square elves left in Jinling University, and five Fang elves left in Modu University. The game continues!"

Why did Yang Guang choose to give up in the situation just now?

Just like what Li Lukai and the others thought, they could have the elf use defense to block the attack before the alloy explosion hit the gem starfish.

The reason is also very simple.

All of this is Xin Yue's plan.

From Shen Wenxi letting the giant claw crab attack the gem starfish with madness, to the mosquito-repellent frog king using the awakening slap to wake up the heavy armored tyrannosaurus, to the heavy armored tyrannosaurus chasing the gem starfish with alloy blasting.

All of them were calculated into countless possibilities by Xin Yue.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to tell Li Lukai and them all the possibilities he had calculated, because they couldn't remember them.

But he was able to find a certain possibility and tell the members individually how to deal with it.

Before the game started, Xin Yue said this to Yang Guang:

"If your Gem Starfish is under fire and cannot resist, but your teammates can let the elves use the guard to help. At this time, just take back the elves and give up the game."

Gem starfish has extremely strong superpowers. Not only can it make its own elves move instantly, but it can also perform a set of operations with stand-in tactics. It can be said that it is the core elf of the entire team.

Such elves will naturally be attacked by the devil's concentrated fire.

If at this time, the elves on Nantah's side choose to use their defenses to protect the gemstone starfish, this will just fall into Xin Jing's game.

All five elves have lost any defensive measures, and the elves of Moda will attack with all their strength, pushing Nan Dafang down in one fell swoop.

Is that good?This is not good, instead of saving a gem starfish to bring down the whole battle situation, it is better to sell the gem starfish and start plan B.

So far, the entire game is still under Xin Yue's control.

Although, the advantage is no longer obvious.

The entire battle is like a game of chess, Xin Yue and Xin Jing are chess players, the battlefield is the chessboard, and the players are the chess pieces.

The situation of this chess game is still evenly matched.


Chapter 260 Seventh General

Yes, evenly matched.

Although the situation of the game is still under Xin Yue's control, why isn't it under Xin Jing's control?

Xin Yue predicted Xin Jing's tactics, and Xin Jing also calculated that Xin Yue predicted her tactics.

For the spectators outside the arena and the contestants, normal battles feel like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs, the game situation is ever-changing, and the balance of victory is also very unstable. There is no way to know what changes will happen in the next battle.

However, for the two "chess players" Xin Yue and Xin Jing, watching the whole game was a boring one.

Because so far, the situation of the game, and even the details, are all in the "possibility" estimated by the two of them.

It was as if they were not watching a live game, but a rerun of a documentary. What would happen next was already clear.

At present, Gemstone Starfish and Yang Guang have left the stage at Nanda. Master Itachi, Guaili, Giant Pincer Mantis, and Dream Demon are still in full condition. On the opponent Moda's side, the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex is almost unscathed, and the Giant Claw Crab Crippled, but relying on madness, its threat is even greater. Mosquito-repellent Frog King seems to be no threat, but its awakening slap made You Ling stop thinking about hypnotizing the heavy-armored tyrannosaur, and the turtle-footed giant armor was seriously injured. It has not reached the point of losing the ability to fight, and it is still a big threat. The leading gopher still stands up, and it looks like it can continue to fight.

Four elves in full condition against five defeated generals can only be said to be half a catty.

'Activate plan B, divide the battlefield, Lao Zhang and the strange power will contain the heavy armored tyrannosaurus, and the short section will stare at the turtle-footed giant armor, Youling, and the giant claw crab. I will give you the dream monster is the only one who can ignore the madness. I'm the elf, the leading gopher is handed over to me, as for the mosquito-repellent frog king, everyone find an opportunity to send it to the end during the battle! '

In the private channel, Li Lukai quickly arranged the next battle pattern.

As the last word fell, the four elves rushed out, each finding their opponent.


The strange power shouted and pinched the claws of the heavy armored tyrannosaurus with both hands, and with a strange force, he forcibly separated the double claws of the heavy armored tyrannosaurus, preventing it from using skills such as rock cannon. At the same time, the other two hands began to accumulate power and burst Fist, melee combat, and various skills began to greet the heavy armored tyrannosaurus.

The heavy-armored tyrannosaur did not retreat or evade, just stomped his foot to stand firm, and began to wrestle with the strange force. As for the attack that the strange force bombarded himself, it could almost be described as painless.

The giant tortoise-foot armor just wanted to break it with water to help the heavy-armored tyrannosaurus attack the monster, but a silver light flashed like a bullet.

The giant claw crab, which was about to spray again to approach Master Itachi's attack, was knocked away by a shadow ball. The dream monster let out a strange laugh and floated in front of the giant claw crab.

The leading gopher thought that no one was paying attention to him, and planned to dig a hole to sneak into the ground again, but was kicked away by a jaw smashing kick, and then a wave of missiles locked on him, and flew out.

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