Sure enough, this gene group is definitely not a good kind, and it is doing human body research on elves, doing elf cloning, and wanting to make some "biological weapons"... This looks like the standard configuration of villain organizations in anime.

"2042..." whispering this year softly, Xin Yue wrote down 2042 in his heart.

It seems that in the future, we must pay attention to the researchers who are now engaged in genetic research. One of them is very likely to establish the existence of the gene group in the future.

Xin Yue's head was a little dizzy at this time. If he knew that Xin Yi hadn't left yet, he should have asked about the general information of the gene group, so that he could prepare in advance.

But at this moment, Xin Yue didn't want to bother about this aspect for the time being, the most important thing was to settle the matter before him.

"Mr. Ida is from 2042, so why did he appear in this era? The current year is 2021." Rubbing his temples, Xin Yue asked Kagura again.

He now needs to figure out why Kagura traveled to this time and space, and why he absorbed those two stone slabs.


Chapter 270 Seven

[This starts with my escaping from the hands of those villains. 】

Speaking of this, Kagura paused, looked up to the window, and after a few seconds, turned his head again, and slowly talked about his experience.

【When I was avoiding those villains, I entered a coastal forest and planned to take a rest there】

【However, I witnessed a battle between monsters】

【It was a blue octopus, it looked very brave, it was attacking a green praying mantis, and that praying mantis seemed to be protecting something, like a green slate...】


Xin Yue sorted out Ida Kagura's experience.

When Kagura was resting in a coastal forest, he accidentally ran into two elves who were fighting.

The blue octopus is an octopus warrior, and the green mantis is naturally a flying mantis.

The slate protected by the Flying Mantis is exactly the slab of jade insects in Ida Kagura's body.

Flying Mantis most likely found this stone slab, but was unable to absorb it due to lack of ability, and did not want to give up this rare resource easily, so he kept it by his side, which attracted the attention of the eight-clawed warrior.

Inside the eight-clawed martial artist, there is another stone slab.

Water drop slate.

Although the eight-claw warrior is not a water-type elf, but because he lives in the deep sea all the year round, he is very proficient in controlling the water-type energy, so he does not reject the water drop slate in his body, but fuses it.

The eight-clawed martial artist whose strength has been greatly increased believes that as long as he absorbs other slates, he can become stronger, so he focuses on the jade worm slate in a forest near the ocean.

The Flying Mantis who did not absorb the slate was naturally no match for the Eight-Clawed Martial Artist, and was easily defeated by it.

Originally, Kagura didn't want to care about the battle between the two elves, but when it saw that the octopus warrior was going to kill the flying mantis, it couldn't sit still.

According to the situation just now, Flying Mantis has already lost. At this time, the eight-clawed martial artist should stop here, but he maliciously makes up the sword without paying attention to martial arts, and even wants to kill Flying Mantis. , is that okay?This is not good. Ida Kagura, who has always followed the "point to end" and "no ultimate move", expressed deep hatred for this, and jumped out directly to save the flying mantis.

However, it seems that because of Kagura's strong will and ability, it has attracted the jade insect stone plate, and before it can react, the jade insect stone plate has merged with it.

Now the eight-clawed martial artist is annoyed, the prey he got is gone?Then who can bear it, launched an attack on Kagura without even thinking about it.

In nature, the octopus warrior and the armored warrior are old enemies. Originally, the octopus warrior's goal was only the stone slab. It didn't want to provoke Kagura, but now Kagura swallowed the slate. It must be a fight what!

So, the eight-claw martial artist got up, it rushed up, it used the octopus on Kagura, and it used melee combat on Kagura!

It was seconded by Kagura.

Yes, seconds.

Is this an exaggeration?This is not an exaggeration at all.

This eight-clawed martial artist is only about the strength of a heavenly king. After absorbing the complete water drop slate, the level has reached the master level, which is considered very strong among wild elves.

But it was still a million points away from being the overlord.

Unfortunately, this body of Kagura, this armored warrior, is an overlord captured alive by the gene group.

The main body has master-level strength, coupled with Kagura's fighting skills as a "sword master", he can easily surpass the top-level overlord elf of the hanging hammer, even if Kagura did not absorb the jade insect slate, he can suppress this octopus martial artist.

Not to mention that after absorbing the complete jade worm slab, the level soared to the peak level.

If Kagura wanted to put this eight-clawed martial artist to death, he only needed one blow.

But it stopped. After all, peace is the most important thing in martial arts, so it just cut off two legs of the eight-clawed martial artist with one claw, and then beat him into hemiplegia with a backhand elbow, and then stopped.

However, when Kagura was about to leave and continue to flee, it was attacked by the eight-clawed warrior.

Uh... To be precise, it was attacked by the water drop slate.

That's right, the water drop slate also stared at Kagura's body, it jumped out of the eight-clawed martial artist's body, and directly merged with Kagura.

This time, Yuchong Slate is not willing!

Originally, it was uncomfortable to squeeze the consciousness of the jade insect slate and Kagura together, but now a water drop slate is squeezed in.

It's like you're alone in a small room of a few square meters. It's already crowded, but then a burly man squeezes in and says he wants to live with you?

Damn, who can bear this!The Yuchong Slate began to fight with the Water Drop Slate on the spot.

The water drop slate is not a good thing, it also intends to drive the jade worm slate out, so it also started to be ruthless.

How do two stone slabs fight each other?It's very simple, crazily releasing attribute energy.

This made Kagura feel as if his body was going to explode, his headache was splitting, and the whole elf was not feeling well.

Immediately, Kagura also began to use her mental power and two stone slabs to seize her body.

If it is really taken away by these two stone slabs, then Kagura's consciousness will disappear in smoke!

As a result, the three groups of consciousness began to collide fiercely. Under these overflowing energies, Kagura's strength not only did not increase sharply, but was restrained, stuck at the peak stage of the peak level, and the remaining energy made its body huge It melted and grew to five meters directly.

After that, Kagura ran away because of the uncontrolled consciousness, but subconsciously suppressed this group of consciousness forcibly, preventing himself from having the idea of ​​killing, and then ran crazily all the way.

Coincidentally, it bumped into a space-time turbulence.

Yes, in 2042, for some reason, space-time turbulence became common.

After being sucked into the turbulent flow of time and space, Kagura first fell into the dilapidated elf world, and then was pulled by a mass of space energy, followed by a lake and forest to the earth in 2021.

After that, what happened just now, Kagura used his last bit of rationality to drive away the elves in the lake forest, and then let himself sink to the bottom of the lake, intending to give up thinking completely.

As a result, the human beings who were always drilling into the secret realm always startled Kagura, and finally Xin Yue entered the secret realm and started a battle with Kagura.

During the battle, Kagura held back his killing intent and continued to implement the "click to the end", knocking Xin Yue's four elves unconscious, but it turned out that Xin Yue's rush was an inhuman punch, which made the Kagura sounded some of the modified people of the gene group, and their negative mentality was suddenly strengthened by the slate, and they went completely berserk.

Then he was given three moves by Xin Yue, and then the giant metal monster's punch silenced the two slates in its body, and the excessive attribute energy was blasted out, breaking Kagura's spiritual shackles.

After that, here we go.


Chapter 270 Eight Do You Have U?

After sorting out Kagura's experience, Xin Yue's whole body became numb.

It's time and space turbulence again, and time and space travel again...

And Kagura has traveled through it twice!

The elf world at this point in time was first swept up by the turbulence of time and space, and then came to the real world in 2021 because of the advent of the secret realm.

He didn't know what to say anymore.

"So... Mr. Ida, what's your plan now..." After calming down his numb mood, Xin Yue asked Kagura.

Kagura thought for a long time before giving his answer.

[I am a dying person, and my resurrection must be God's will, but I have no desires or desires, and my current plan... I don't know for the time being. 】

Although Kagura's voice still sounded calm, Xin Yue could hear the confusion in his words.

Indeed, the peach in the shed next door has been lying in the ice for 70 years and came out very confused, not to mention that Kagura has been lying directly in the ice for almost 1 years, and he is still not a human when he wakes up. unusual.

[If you insist on your plan, it is to destroy the organization of those wicked people, but in the current era, that organization has not yet been established...]

"Has Mr. Jing Tian ever had any dreams? If so, let's move towards that dream." Xin Yue paused and said.

Kagura was silent.


Maybe it once had a dream to let the younger sister live a superior life.

But after his sister passed away, this only dream was also shattered.

[I don't have a dream, and I don't want to have a dream, because... I can't bear the pain of my dream being shattered again. 】 Kagura said bitterly.

But when it came to this, Kagura changed the subject and asked Xin Yue: 【May I ask what your dream is? 】

Xin Yue was stunned by Kagura's question.

He didn't understand why Kagura would ask himself this question.

But Xin Yue still thought about it, and seriously threw out his own answer: "The dream in the past was just to become a strong trainer. Of course, I am also pursuing this goal now, but my current first goal... It's protection."

"In 2021, I have experienced too many things..." Speaking of this, Xin Yue rubbed his temples, "The identity of a super ancient person, the vermilion orb, the mysterious father... more and more abnormal secret realms, repeated contacts into the future..."

"The future is unknown. If I don't know what will happen in the future, it won't be such a headache... But I know in advance. What will happen in the future, I have to prepare in advance."

Whether it is the disaster predicted by "Blade", which is getting closer to the present, or the gene group in 2042, all these make Xin Yue feel a little headache.

He just wanted to be an ordinary time traveler, and he didn't want to get involved with these big events at all.

But everything that happened to him in the past year destroyed Xin Yue's illusions, and he was really tied to these events.

"And... I have something I want to protect, even now, she hasn't been born yet." Speaking of this, Xin Yue's gaze became firm.

This is the most important thing. Xin Yue doesn't know if he chooses to escape, doesn't accept these facts, and leaves the responsibility behind, whether the world will be destroyed in advance.

If the world is destroyed early just because of his evasion, then everything in the future will also be wiped out, and the girl Xin Yue wants to protect will also be strangled in the cradle.

Although Xin Yue has always sneered at the moral kidnapping of "greater ability comes greater responsibility", but after experiencing these things, he has to admit that sometimes, seemingly wrong ideas are correct.

At this time, Xin Yue is already mentally prepared to deal with all the disasters that will happen in the future. This is also his recent decision to urgently collect all gym badges, and completely abandon the identity of "genius breeder", and spend all his spare time The reason for training elves.

When he is ready, he will immediately challenge the road to championship. In the face of disasters that will happen in the future, only if he has a certain right to speak can everyone respond to the disaster according to the best plan.

After listening to Xin Yue's speech, Kagura was silent for a few seconds, and what it said next made Xin Yue almost unsteady.

[Is this your dream?I understand...Although I don’t have a dream, I can help others realize their dreams. I agree with your dream. From now on, please let me help you. Your dream is your dream. 】

"What?!" Xin Yue, who had always kept calm, broke his voice.

According to Kagura's words, is it tacitly acquiescing the fact that he was subdued by Xin Yue?

Xin Yue admitted that when he first saw the absolute strength of the armored warrior, he did have the idea of ​​subduing it.

But when he knew that Kagura's consciousness was a human being, this idea was thrown away by him.

One, because although Kagura is now an armored warrior, it is still a human being after all. If Xin Yue subdues Kagura and makes it his own elf, this is the same as the original world's often ridiculed "it's up to you" Already! Super newcomer!" is a property.

Second, Xin Yue didn't expect Kagura, a strong man, to be willing to become his elf.

You know, after completely containing the two complete stone slabs, Ida Kagura's strength is no longer something ordinary elves can measure.

The current level of Kagura has reached the early stage of the quasi-legendary level. Even Chen Yu, who can rank at the top among the world's Four Heavenly Kings champions, the ace is just a master-level combat power after MEGA evolution. Even for veteran trainers from various countries, the trump card is at best the peak level.

If Kagura really became Xin Yue's elf, then Xin Yue would become the fourth existence in the entire Hua Kingdom with quasi-legendary combat power, even if Kagura was not cultivated by Xin Yue.

And this is just Kagura's level as a "armored warrior"!

When Kagura was a human being, he was the "Sword Master". With his superb swordsmanship and combat skills, he was even able to fight against the disaster-level full Kyurem. A very shallow sword mark was made, which is already a legendary record.

What's more, the "double swords and four flashes" that Kagura is good at is exactly the same as the attack method of a warrior with armor. With this body, Kagura can fully display its swordsmanship. The problem is that even in front of the disaster-level elves, it can last more than ten rounds.

If Xin Yue really conquered Kagura, let alone the champion, he would be able to fight against even a powerhouse like the Big Three.

How could such a strong person be willing to become an elf who was weaker than himself.

In fact, this is exactly the case. What Kagura meant was not to admit that he became Xin Yue's elf.

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