So Chen Mo smiled and rubbed Kelsey's furry head with his chin.


"Huh..."" So today, Kai Miaomiao, you can enjoy and rest, I can accompany you wherever you go to play, or have a good sleep.

Just play.

But I sleep, you accompany me?

Is this my enjoyment, or yours?

Kelsey's eyes, which were half-closed due to the touching, opened and turned to look at Chen Mo.

Looking at the small eyes, Chen Mo knew what the cat was thinking: "Of course I sacrificed my life to be a pillow for you, and let you sleep with me in your arms. What were you thinking? I thought I wanted to hug you 13 times What about hours? Then, Kai Miaomiao, isn’t it equivalent to working overtime?”

But Chen Mo didn't, Chen Mo just wanted to verify that Kelsey's conjecture was correct, he still said: "Don't think I want to torment you when you hear me say that I will sleep with you. What, why do I always feel that, Kai Miaomiao, you have gradually become more and more lustful from the former abstinence department

Before he could finish speaking, Yinkelxi stretched out the cat's paw.

First open your mouth to say something that is extremely easy to be misunderstood, and when you really fall into the trap, then talk about you in reverse.

This is Chen Mo's common trick, so Kelsey ignored the fact that his villain complained first.

Kelsey just continued to enjoy Chen Mo's massage. When she felt the tiredness of so many days coming up, Kelsey explained what she wanted to say before she fell asleep: three things, you need You pay attention.

"The first one belongs to Skadi, I went straight to Skadi..."

"Why are you investigating that little killer whale? Let's put it first.

Kelsey was speechless, and glanced at Chen Mo.You should know better than me that you will go crazy with alcohol, so watch her to avoid personal injury and financial damage.

I figured that as long as I wasn't teasing her, she wouldn't go crazy, or even get drunk.

But after thinking about it, Chen Mo still didn't say this. After all, teasing the little killer whale is quite fun, and this fun cannot be lost.

Seeing that Chen Mo hadn't spoken, Kaierxi continued to speak: "The second thing is from Iberia, they seem to have searched for you from the church.

"That's not what I plundered, that's a little donkey.

If it wasn't for Kelsey who was really sleepy now, she would have to chat with Chen Mo for a few hours now.

education issues at the time.

Did you think I didn't see it?Amiya's jacket was not stained with any dust, mud, or sand, and it was as clean as if it had never been worn.

Where did that little dress in Amiya's luggage come from?

Amiya's arms are obviously a little tanned, and there is a dividing line after wearing short sleeves. Where did this come from?

Don't you have any points in your mind?

Kelsey sighed heavily, and then said again: "The last thing, forget it, you know the third thing better than me."Kelsey has already started yawning: "Last time, after you locked Gouda in the basement, the things in it hadn't had time to clean up, maybe...W can be used this time.

Chapter 728. W I'm back~!

If W knew what your cat was trying to do to her, she would have to turn around and run away immediately.

I'm afraid you have forgotten why W hid outside for so long in the first place.

But before the joke could be said, Kai Nixi couldn't help but yawned first.Sleepy? "

Chen Mo rubbed her hairy head, and said with a smile: Do you need sleeping service? "

Kelly rolled his eyes at him.

Even though he said that, Chen Mo didn't intend to get up.

Kelsey didn't say anything, she just turned around, stretched out her hand, and pushed Chen Mo onto the bed without saying a word.

After Chen Mo lay down, Kelsey patted Chen Mo's stomach with her cat's paw, and straightened Chen Mo's clothes, as if picking up her cat's nest.

After finishing picking up, Kelsey lay down on her face, nestled into Chen Mo's arms, and hugged Chen Mo with both hands.

Seeing her curled up like a kitten, Chen Mo couldn't help pinching the tips of her cat ears with his fingertips, gently pulling them up, and said with a smile: "Which kitten was it just now?"

Kelly didn't speak.

Even when Chen Mo let go of her fingertips, her cat ears didn't stand up, but fell limply back to the top of her head, and then buried her head in Chen Mo's arms.

Kelsey, who usually has such a cold face that no strangers should enter, only shows this cute appearance twice.

Now it's the third unlocked.

Looks really sleepy.

When she didn't come to the Tower of Babel before, she didn't even have anyone around her, so what could she do if she was sleepy?Just sleep on your own.

But now that she has companionship in her life, she will naturally have to act like a baby. Kelsey will definitely not admit it, and she will never say it.

So Chen Mo kindly added some drama to her.

I don't know if Kelsey can feel that her reputation has been victimized, and the soft cat ears on her head are also shaking at this time, indicating that she is not asleep yet.

Seeing this, Chen Mo smiled and stretched out his hand, took the mobile phone from the pillow, first took a picture of Kelsey's current appearance, and then saved it.

Framed in gold, to hang over your bed.


The next day

Two dusty travelers in cloaks came to the Tower of Babel.

But the other person took a step forward, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the Tower of Babel, and at the same time he stepped in, he also shouted directly: "I'm back, old lady! Is there anyone to welcome me?" !"

Taking off the hood, she has fair skin and beautiful appearance, white hair and red pupils, but unfortunately she has opened her mouth.

This person is naturally W.

W looked around with her small eyes, but she didn't see anyone, let alone greet her.

"Tsk tsk, how unfeeling, it's been a long time since I've returned home anyway, forget it, I guess I've gone fooling around again, maybe that old woman has been lying in bed since she came back from Longmen.

Oh, it's not an adjective, it's a fact, this is indeed her home.

So W took off the cloak on his body, threw it aside casually, and jumped up, onto the sofa in the hall.

Feeling the soft feeling that bounced her a few times, W nodded in satisfaction, reached for the teapot and poured herself a glass of water.

Gulu Gulu gulped down the drink, and when she let out a comfortable sound, she also took off her little leather boots, raised her legs in black silk pantyhose, and crossed them on the tea. After putting it down, the whole person stretched comfortably again.

But unlike her, who seemed to have come back to life, the other person who came with her was still standing at the gate.

The well-behaved appearance made W laugh and tease: "What are you doing standing there? Our house doesn't hire a janitor, please go back..."

The man sighed silently, as if he was very familiar with W's temper, but there was nothing he could do about her temper.

Fortunately, at this moment, following the clack, clack, clack, the sound of the soles of the high-heeled shoes stepping on the wooden board attracted the attention of the two of them.

Turning his head, he saw Kelsey walking down the stairs.She seemed to have noticed Kelsey's eyes, but she was still itchy. She deliberately changed the angle of her legs that were resting on the coffee table and continued to cross them.

When Kelsey frowned directly because of this, W smiled and said: "Look who is here? Isn't this the sweetest old woman in our family? Seeing that you are always so happy, tsk tsk , very acceptable ah?

During this period of time, I am very happy to be favored by Chen Mo alone. You are welcome. This is what I should do as a junior...

You know, the mutual harm between the two of them is a daily routine, as if the first sentence every morning is not ridiculed, it will be uncomfortable all day long.

W has been away from home for such a long time this time, and he didn't have a chance to chat with Kelsey. Now that he's back, why don't he make up for it all at once?And W is indeed right.

Kelsey's complexion is indeed very good now, she slept beautifully, and had a good rest for a day, as if she had been working overtime for a month, and suddenly the boss seemed to be green on the ancestral grave.

His face glowed like he was sitting up in a dying illness.

But Kelsey didn't intend to explain, her eyes just stayed on W's legs for a few moments, seriously considering how long it would take to recover after breaking her legs.

After thinking about it, it doesn't seem worth it, and that guy Chen Mo likes it.

So it's better to throw W in the basement.

Silbu is now in Beijing

"Hey... of course."

W also didn't pay attention to the longevity concept of time, she just raised her neck: "Although it's been a long time since I went to work in my old profession, but as expected, I still feel comfortable at home.

Old business?

Oh, during the time you ran out, you went to work as a mercenary again?

But now Kazdel's mercenaries, do they still have work to do?

There should be some, after all, Kazdel has nothing to do, and mercenaries can be regarded as a labor force that can help as long as they are paid.

Thinking of this, Kelsey turned his head, looked at the person who had been standing in front of the gate since just now, and said, "Where is that person? You picked it up?"

W smiled and stretched out his hand, pointed at the person at the door, and said, "You know me, Ines."

Chapter 729 Don't You Know Ines?Do you know that little lamb with very white legs?


To say we know each other...

It's considered acquaintance, after all, it's not the first time Ines has been here.

But if you don't know...

I really didn't know each other, because the person who had the most contact with Ines was Chen Mo, and Kelsey had only met her once at most, and they didn't even say a few words, even with a W in the middle.

In addition, Ines is still wearing a hood and has not shown her face, so when she first heard the name, Kelsey really subconsciously thought about who this person was.

As he spoke, W moved down the fingertip that was originally pointing at Ines, pointing at Ines's thigh, and said, "Little lamb with very white legs, is this name familiar? Yes, Ines :...

Let's not mention Ines's mood for the time being, but anyway, Kelsey was speechless for a while.

Because she had to admit, after W said this, she really remembered who Ines was.

Kelly couldn't help but sigh.

It's all the fault of Chen Mo.

At that time, he was talking about white legs, little lambs, etc. in front of him every day, so Kelsey was only impressed by this title.

So Kelsey acted as if nothing happened just now, nodded to Ines, and said: "Ines, I remember you, if I remember correctly, you and W were at the beginning" Yes, as you said Say.

Ines suffered a second loss, so she resisted the urge to see Kelsey's shadow.

She reached out and took off the hood, revealing her fair and aloof face: "Long time no see, Dr. Kelsey, this time I was invited by W to be a guest here for a few days. Nice... ..."

When W heard the words, he covered his mouth in feigned surprise, and he wouldn't have lied to me. Are you actually a lady from somewhere?Oops, this is so strange...


Ines cryptically stared at W.

When the two of them belonged to the same mercenary team, they often fought over W's bad mouth, but no matter who lost in the end, W would always come over cheerfully and taunt her a few times.

If you are angry, you will get used to it.

So even though W was stared at, he was still cheerful, and even raised his eyebrows at her provocatively.

This is my home, huh?Why don't you hit me...

Ines understood the meaning expressed in W's eyes.

Of course Kelsey on the side also saw the small movements of the two of them, but ignored them.

From what the little lamb said just now, one can probably understand that Ines should simply be called by W to play.

After confirming this, Kelsey nodded: "Understood, you can ask W directly if you don't understand anything, and Chen Mo should contact you later.

Ines: "...

Can I not contact Chen Mo?

But she didn't ask, and Kelsey naturally didn't reply.

After Kelsey's brief explanation, she turned her head and looked at W: "Then, it's you."

"Me? What's wrong with me..."

Of course W knew that Kelsey wanted to settle accounts with her.

But W didn't panic in the slightest, and even thought about acting. She pretended to be pitiful, and winked at Kelsey: "I just came back?"Even if you are old, you have to practice family law

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