the same thing

Is it cheap?

Chen Mo kept taking advantage of her repeatedly.

And Chen Mo had told her before that he wanted to fatten her up.

It turned out to be the case.

Suddenly, Skadi felt that she understood again.Laplande didn't know what this little killer whale was thinking about. She just saw that Skadi didn't speak, so she turned her head, looked at Chen Mo who was still muttering, and asked, "So..."

Chen Mo raised his head, looked at her, and said dumbfoundedly: "That lost, human vampire, it should be a vampire."

Lipland: "In the room. Seeing that Chen Mo and the others had left and there was no movement, Warfarin threw off the quilt.

She gasped heavily.

Although her body was still a little weak, Hua Farin still moved her legs, put on cotton slippers, and got out of bed

"Die, what are you thinking, Warfarin, what are you thinking?

Warfarin muttered to herself, but perhaps her mind was so confused that Warfarin had to reach out and pat her cheek: "Be sober! What were you trying to do with your hands? Chen Mo, continue? No, no, no, I

How is it possible? Shaking her head fiercely, she threw out all these thoughts that she thought were unreasonable.

Although Warfarin wanted to say that it was because of the lack of oxygen from laughing that her cheeks were flushed and her skin was hot.

Moreover, it was wet and sticky, so she had to change all her clothes.

Chapter 746 News from Rhodes Island, and an Uninvited Guest in the Tower of Babel

In a sense, Hua Farin, as a typical representative of a young master of death who has not gone to the house for three days, is mainly due to her

She is more deadly than W, and more cowardly than W.

So it's the same this time.

I took a shower, changed my clothes, went to work, and then acted as if nothing happened.

But hide as far as you can.

If they met Chen Mo head-on, Warfarin would never go to these places on this day.

But after hearing the words tickle and physique, Kelsey felt that she might as well not ask.

Anyway, the medical operators don't seem to be normal people, so Kelsey finally didn't care.

So it was like this, after spending a period of time in peace

"Sharks, swordfish, and baby killer whales."

"After Laurentina, two operators, Cogdia and Skadi, also joined Rhodes Island.

[Rhode Island adheres to the concept of not giving up on any patient, and is committed to saving the infected.

Rhodes Island once again sent out such a message.

Although it looks like an ordinary advertisement and job posting, Rodwood has already posted one before.

Most people are still guessing who that Laurentina is, and now you have two more?

And specifically brought out Chen Mo's name again?

Who are you scaring?

And this time, it's easy to check

Because there's a Skadi in it.

There is no way, you ask Skadi to rescue a hostage, she can destroy the house, and then point to the ruins and say, the hostages are buried inside, you dig it yourself, you ask her to find a treasure, she can The sword cut off the top of the mountain.

It doesn't matter if you are not famous.

But what is Skadi's race?

do not know……

Which country are you from?

do not know……

Where did it come from?

This question and three questions made those people immediately realize that something was wrong.

Those who were probing at first also started to investigate seriously.

"Don't worry, they can get it straight away. After all, the first sentence of the news we released said "sharks, swordfish, and small killer whales", and they can always find Agor.

Sitting in the medical room, Chen Mo listened to the report from the intelligence department, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "The same is true for the Deep Sea Church in Iberia. Time can also find out the existence of such things as Haisi.

So, this is how you do it? "

Kelsey took a sip of coffee and smiled: "Although this method is a bit extreme, the efficiency is indeed very fast."

"What's so extreme about this, I told them, there are monsters in the sea, you have to be careful, hurry up and develop to resist, otherwise the monsters in the sea will come ashore to eat you? Give up, it's impossible, they believe it I don't believe it.

After living for a long time and seeing a lot, Chen Mo knows which things should be handled in what way.

You have to put their heads in the water and let them watch Hai Si grin at them, only then will they cry out in fright.

But Chen Molan, he was too lazy to put those people in the water one by one—unless they gave money.

So let them check it out by themselves. They think Chen Mo is engaging in conspiracy theories, so Chen Mo has fulfilled their wish.

They thought they had found the truth, and so they did. "Of course, it would be even better if we can catch a few more deep-sea hunters, free fighting power.

Chen Mo smiled and leaned forward, looked at Kelxi who was sitting opposite him, and said, "Kai Miaomiao, your previous method is not impossible, but you are like a safrin everywhere." who is it?

But Chen Mo was right. She used to put out fires everywhere, telling Taila's people what was dangerous and what had to be dealt with, although the effect was minimal.

However, she has the temperament of a strong woman, and she has never complained or given up.

Now I heard from Chen Mo that I have to rely on him

"I'm depending on you.

Kelsey was holding the coffee, through the curling steam, the corners of her mouth slightly raised: "It is now, and it will be in the future.

I don't know whether those people have found out about Agor and Haisi.

After the news was sent out, no deep sea hunter took the bait.

But even though no fish was caught, an uninvited guest was welcomed in the Tower of Babel first.

Chen Mo has already received the news, and also knows that the uninvited guest has come outside the sphere of influence of the Tower of Babel.

Yes, it was outside, because the uninvited guest was stopped by the staff of the Tower of Babel after he reported his home.

The unexpected guest waited outside without any complaints.

Chen Mo said this to the staff while digging through the person's information.After being released, the uninvited guest came in a short while.

Silver hair and orange eyes, dragon horns and dragon tail, visually estimated to be around 174 in height.

Although she can be glimpsed wearing earrings and feminine decorations, the overall feeling is very strong.

You can't see any weak side in her, standing upright, eyes serious

Li, you can even see the muscle lines on that white arm, you have no doubt that she can smash most people's dogs with one punch

And it was such a woman, without a hood, without covering up, without hiding, showing her face, and came to the Tower of Babel openly.

"The former director of the Rhine Life Defense Department, Seliya. I have resigned. In my personal capacity, I would like to ask you something about the Balrog Project."

Chapter 747 Serena, You Are Not Resigning, You Are Running Away

It's so straightforward.

Although it is true that the Tower of Babel and Rhine Life are at odds, and it is true that you are asking for help, you are still the first to use the word "disgust" to describe the relationship between the two.

How upset were you with your ex-boss?

And with her temperament, if you let her please others, you might as well give her two punches.

So a Saria, huh? "

Serena didn't shirk, Chen Mo asked her to sit down, and she sat down without hesitation.

But sitting upright, he also noticed the meaning of the words: "Earlier than you imagined? You knew I was coming from the beginning? Or, have you been paying attention to Rhine Life?"

"No, it's not attention, but sincerity. Chen Momo concealed it, but just made her a cup of tea and handed it over: "Even if you invite me in for a meal, you have to prepare a gift, right?I can't leave empty-handed, let alone a big company like Rhine Life, so in order to show my sincerity, I found out the details of the eighteen generations of Rhine Life's ancestors.


Serena understood, she reached out and took out a folder from her bag: "I understand, since you have checked Rhine's life, then my matter is definitely not a secret with you, so I will just say One is my materials, this one is Rhine Life’s materials, and this one is the materials I collected. I didn’t have time to print and organize them, so it’s a bit messy.

Slap, slap, slap, Serena placed the three documents on Zhuo.

But Chen Mo just glanced at it casually, didn't reach out to take it, but said a little funnyly: "You got quite a lot? If you really print out all of them, you probably need dozens of sheets of paper?"

"I know you don't trust me because I used to be an employee of Rhine Life, but I need your help. Sereya is very serious, looking into Chen Mo's eyes: "Give the original company's information to another Organization, this is an act of betrayal, shameful, I know, but I don't care about reputation if it can be corrected.

"No, what I mean is that the Tower of Babel also contracts services such as typing, photocopying, advertising, and photography." Chen Mo stretched out his hand and pointed to the goods store next door: "If you really want to tidy up, you can go Then, I can still earn some printing fees.


Sereya suddenly felt that she was a little stupid, because she couldn't keep up with Chen Mo's thought rhythm for a while.

So Chen Mo didn't care. He even ignored the other two documents. He just picked up Serena's personal information and read it.

Why did you include your measurements?

Are you being a little too sincere?

Chen Mo raised his head and glanced at Serena, looked at her a few times, then took a sip of tea, and said, "Forget it, for the sake of your sincerity, let's ask about Yan Mo's plan, right... "

"Yes..." Serena put away other thoughts, and said very seriously: I want to know the details.

"It's easy to say, but before that, I'll call my cat over." Chen Mo took out his mobile phone and motioned to her: "Just wait a moment.

Serena didn't ask anything, just nodded, and while waiting, finished the cup of tea that Chen Mo made for her before.

After a while, Kelsey came.

Kelsey glanced at Serena, as if wondering who this new white hair was.

Chen Mo handed her the other two documents, and Kai Erxi also took them and read them.

"The Rhine Life and the Balrog Project?"

Through those two documents, Kelsey had a general understanding of the incident, but she frowned because of it.

Kelsey put down the information, looked at Sereya, and said, "You noticed that Rhine Life is conducting human experiments, so you came to the Tower of Babel for help?"

"I just want to know the details to support my guess, and I don't need help."

Serena put down her teacup and shook her head: "If it's true, I'll deal with it myself."

"Break in and get the kid out.

Simple rough guide.

Chen Mo even felt that she should have a good chat with the little killer whale.

This made Kelsey suddenly feel a little familiar, and it was also a good material for hanging on the top of the tower.

"They say it's treating the kid's ore disease, they're working on a solution to the ore disease and they say that to everyone, including ... Hemer.

Serena uttered the name of a stranger, but she looked up at Chen Mo, as if she thought Chen Mo should know who it was.

Seeing that Chen Mo really nodded, Serena continued to speak: "I was appointed to protect the safety of that child, but the strange thing is that the protection level is too high to seem like I am protecting a child." People, but it seems to be protecting a family, hanging, expensive goods, I watched that child grow up, and the child's ore disease has not been relieved, but has worsened with time, and there are traces of man-made."

"So you feel something is wrong and start investigating?"

Kelsey didn't make a sound to interrupt, and didn't say anything until then: "Then you discovered that they were not conducting treatment, but conducting human experiments?"

"Yes, I also found out the name of the Balrog Project." Saria nodded, "But I don't have enough evidence."

"So you quit your job and came to the Tower of Babel for help?

When he found out that his company was engaging in illegal activities, he immediately resigned and went to the bureau to call the police.

If so, it seems reasonable.

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