
67 years old: Divinity slows down your aging speed, and the audio-visual explanations left by Shangguanhong help you gain a lot of faith, and you begin to understand Shangguanhong's intentions.

68 years old: You finally understand how to save Shangguan Hong back then, but it was too late.


99 years old: You've finally fully grasped how to use the trails.

100 years old: Divinity and various researches make you divorced from human beings. You become a god and become a star official, ending your life as a human.

In this simulation, you got 209 points. "

Not daring to choose the 100th age, Wang Huai directly chose the 99th age for a real simulation.

As soon as he entered the real simulation, Wang Huai felt as if he was in the starry sky, and in front of him was a blue planet flying fast in the starry sky.

In addition, there are countless bright stars flying along with the planet, like the guardians of the planet, protecting the planet.

Carefully identifying the planet in front of him, Wang Huai saw the Great Zhou, the Northern Border, and the Western Regions on it.

"This is...our planet."

"That's right, Wang Huai."

The god Zhuang Wuwang suddenly appeared and stood beside Wang Huai.

"Your divinity has accumulated enough, do you want to get rid of the flesh now and become a star official?"

Star officials are another name for gods.

Wang Huai didn't quite understand why the gods would call themselves star officials, but now he understands a little bit.

The gods are the stars.

They watched the planet quietly, guarding the world.

From time to time, there will be meteors flashing past in the sky and hitting the planet in front of them, but before they get close, they will be intercepted by other stars, and then they will die together.

All the stars together form a big net to protect the whole world.

Pointing to the distance, Zhuang Wuwang said: "Remember what I told you, I need to eliminate demons every year in the Snow Festival? Those meteors are the evil spirits from the sky. Every meteor will make one or more regular God falls into a deep sleep, only to be awakened later at great cost."

"The meteor is unknown, so that's what it means."


"What would happen if they fell into our world?"

Zhuang Wuwang looked at Wang Huai suspiciously, nodded after a while and said, "So, you are not you, and I am not me. Then you have no right to know."

"What qualifications?"

"Eligibility for forbidden knowledge. Even if you know it, it may provide them with a beacon, which will attract more meteors. Tell me, Wang Huai, what do you want to know?"

"The way to save Shangguan Hong."

"Give you."

Zhuang Wuwang pointed, and a series of memories rolled into Wang Huai's mind.

After verifying the method, Wang Huai found that the success rate of this method is very high, but there is a risk of exposing his cheating fingers.

Aware of Wang Huai's hesitation, Zhuang Wuwang smiled slightly, and pointed at him again, letting Wang Huai understand the method that would never be seen through.

"Thank you, Zhuang Wuwang. However, I still have a question. If you say you are not you, then what are you?"

"A possibility."

Smiling at Wang Huai, the god Zhuang Wuwang said: "Since they are all possibilities, let me just say it straight. Being a partner with you is the happiest thing for me."

The real simulation ended at this moment, and Wang Huai had already got what he wanted.

He didn't choose to kill himself, after all, Zhuang Wuwang reminded that there was taboo knowledge in this simulation, and he didn't want to touch this knowledge until he was strong enough.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Shangguan Hong was looking at him.

"How about it, Wang Huai, have you thought about it?"

"Think about it, is the previous jade pendant still there?"

"It's in your pocket, I put it in secretly, are you finally willing to use it?"

Wang Huai fumbled in his pocket and finally found the jade pendant.

Directly transforming the jade pendant, Wang Huai saw that his simulation times had finally returned to six.

The hint given by Zhuang Wuwang was obvious enough.

It just takes time.

After using it twice, Wang Huai confirmed that there was no problem with his plan, and then he looked at Shangguan Hong and said, "Shangguan Hong, I will save you next. No matter what I do after that, don't be surprised. And just say yes, Okay."

"Ah, okay."

Taking out the hourglass, Wang Huai said: "I still have some gifts, but they should not be enough, so I need to owe you some gifts."

"How do you know that you can owe God's gift?" Shangguan Hong asked in surprise.

Owing to the gift of the gods is a very special way to obtain the gift, and it often requires an additional [-]% repayment afterwards.

This kind of thing is still felt through the divinity in the simulation, and now is the time to use it.

Facing Shangguan Hong's question, Wang Huai said directly: "Is it possible?"

"Well, that's fine."

Some black grains of sand emerged out of the hourglass in Wang Huai's hand and flew to the top.

Looking at the extra gift, Wang Huai said directly: "I need you to completely ignore what happened for the next quarter of an hour, and you will not pursue it afterwards, and you will only say yes."

All the black gravel disappeared, and Shangguan Hong's eyes immediately became dull.

"Okay." She nodded.

"very good."

Once the gift is consumed, the contract with the gods is established.

Although Wang Huai knew that the other party could not detect his golden finger, but the other party could still feel some traces, and then he would become suspicious.

It's not that Wang Huai can't trust Shangguan Hong, it's just that when he thinks that the secret may be exposed in the future, he has to cover up the secret.

According to his understanding of divinity, after this contract is established, the other party will not have the possibility of knowing his secret.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Huai said, "Say yes."


The moment Shangguan Hong said yes, Wang Huai had already replaced the opponent's fate.

Gods have no destiny, but Shangguanhong is not a pure god, but a god-man.

As long as it is a human being, the human part of the opponent has a destiny and can be replaced, which in turn affects the god part.

And Wang Huai's choice of destiny is "Survival from Desperate Places".

However, it is impossible to solve the current problem perfectly with a single purple fate, and he still needs more adequate preparations.

He punched Shang Guanhong, and a large amount of purple energy burst out from Shang Guanhong's body, and was collected by Wang Huai with the skill of grasping the sky.

With his bombardment, more and more purple air was collected, covering the top of his head like a canopy, turning the surrounding area purple.

Just when Shangguan Hong was about to be beaten to death, a cloud of black energy suddenly came out of Shangguan Hong's body and turned into a beautiful woman.

Looking at Wang Huai, the woman said, "Are you really going to kill her?"

"Cthulhu, you can figure it out."

Shaking his fist, Wang Huai knew that the opponent was the evil spirit possessing Shangguan Hong.

Now, Shangguan Hong has completely ignored everything outside, and the evil god who was suppressed by her can also come out and communicate with Wang Huai face to face.

This evil god stared at Wang Huai, always feeling that the other party was different from anyone he had seen before.

The power of the evil god is not very strong, but its whereabouts are strange, it cannot be traced, and it has the ability to confuse people.

Because of this characteristic, she can mix in the crowd, constantly bewitch each other, and then achieve her own goals.

But the boy in front of him was too confident.

He seems to be able to see through everything about himself, understand his own essence, and has the confidence that he can completely control himself.

Facing the other party, the evil god seemed to have seen his natural enemy, and he didn't have this feeling even when facing Shangguan Hong.

Looking at Wang Huai firmly, the evil spirit smiled charmingly: "Wang Huai, how about we make a deal?"

Hearing his own name from the other party's mouth, Wang Huai was instinctively disgusted.

Things like evil gods really made him uncomfortable.

However, he forced a smile: "It's just right, I also want to make a deal with you. Leave Shangguan Hong, and then integrate with me."

The Cthulhu couldn't believe what he heard for a moment, but immediately smiled again.

Wrapping around Wang Huai directly, she laughed and said, "Wang Huai, is this serious? Do you really want me to completely possess you? But Shangguan Hong doesn't allow it, and I can't help it."

"Shangguan Hong, say yes."


The Cthulhu immediately felt that her restrictions had been lifted, allowing her to regain control


Too bad it's still on the trail.

How powerful this Yangshen magic weapon is, she can't leave here without getting rid of Shangguanhong, the guardian god in front of her.

Flying into Wang Huai's mind, her voice sounded in Wang Huai's heart: "Wang Huai, but we must kill Shangguan Hong, so..."

"It's okay, you can possess yourself first."

The evil god didn't know what trap Wang Huai was arranging, but once possessed by her, the trap would be useless.

After all, when the time comes, Wang Huai's memory will be her memory, and Wang Huai's body will be her body.

Shangguan Hong in front of him was also blown out of almost all the purple energy, which would dissipate with a light touch. There was nothing here that could threaten him.

Therefore, with a chuckle, she completely submerged into Wang Huai's body and merged into Wang Huai's primordial spirit.

When she was about to fully integrate into it, Wang Huai immediately activated the golden finger, replacing his most dangerous fate with himself.

[Aura of Jiangzhi] (deep black).

This fate will reduce your own intelligence and the intelligence of those around you, and as time accumulates, the effect will continue to increase.

At the moment when his fate was replaced, Wang Huai also punched Shangguan Hong in front of him, smashing him into pieces.

The moment Shangguan Hong died, the trail behind him suddenly disappeared, and Zhuang Wuwang and others who had been waiting for a whole day were on the opposite side.

Facing the crowd behind him, Wang Huai only had time to say a word: "Save Shangguan Hong, and stay away from me!"

After that, he didn't remember anything.

When he regained consciousness again, he found himself in Qingqiu.

Surrounded by sticky frog demon solution, Duan patted his body and hummed in a low voice: "Who am I, what am I doing here?"

Now Wang Huai feels that he is still stupid, but there is one more thing that he remembers very clearly.

Hurry to replace fate!

After replacing his fate with [Glory], Wang Huai felt his mind cool down for a while, and his IQ finally returned to the high ground.

Rubbing his head, Wang Huai let out a sigh of relief, feeling that he was saved by Duan again this time.

Seeing himself appearing here, Wang Huai knew that his plan had succeeded.

Let the evil god possess him, and then use the [wisdom-reducing aura] to forcibly lower the intelligence of himself and the evil god, and then be sent to Qingqiu by the surviving Shangguan Hong, and use the previous method to kill the evil god.

Because of the [Aura of Lowering Wisdom], the intelligence of this evil god has also been reduced very low. With a little coaxing, he can get the other party to tell his real name, and then he will be sent to Qingqiu to deal with it.

Thanks to the 100 million frog demons, thank you for your sacrifice, please continue to breed and contribute to the elimination of evil gods.

But this method can only be used once, after that other evil gods must know that they can't get on their body casually, otherwise it will be a dead end.

But no matter what, there are already two evil gods who died in his hands, so it's not too much to give him the nickname of evil god killer.

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