"That's right." At this moment, Steve suddenly spoke again.

"What's wrong?" Admiral Shiba Inu looked a little surprised.

"Looking at you is like watching my Steve Jobs talking."


Admiral Shiba Inu was puzzled and speechless.

After the meeting, Steve once again raised the matter of changing his nationality in front of Ray.

Although the little girl was very happy to see her sisters, she probably took good care of her from the town guard's mansion, so she still seemed a little hesitant.Of course, the expectant or awkward looks of the three sisters here also made it difficult for her to refuse. It is estimated that this matter is enough for her to struggle for a while.

But even if it is agreed, the formalities will not be discussed until later when we return to the Bugas tutelary mansion.

Now that the war is approaching, it is irresponsible to increase the number of personnel casually.So in the next two days, after the little sisters of Six Drivers got together a few times, the battle plan was also finalized.So, after staying in Turin's tutelary for about a week, Steve's boat set sail again, heading for the cold and uninhabited sea area in the north all year round.


After carefully reading the battle plan proposed by Kashima, Steve belatedly understood why Admiral Shiba Inu said that this battle plan was bold.

The content of this battle plan is actually nothing.

First of all, in the early days of the war, Kashima did strive for an independent theater according to its own requirements.The Northern Governor's Office gave the locations of more than 40 resource points, and Steve directly took away [-] raiding targets. This area covers a huge sea area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

Secondly, in terms of the allocation of key strategy targets, I don't know what method Kashima used to directly take away [-]/[-] of the key targets, while the other seven tutelary forts shared the other [-]/[-] of the targets.

Putting aside emotional factors, the past record of Steve's tutelary mansion is enough to support this battle plan.Otherwise, Admiral Shiba Inu's evaluation might not be as euphemistic as "bold".

But it's hard to say what other people will think when they see this battle plan!

From Admiral Shiba Inu's attitude, Steve has already sensed that the admirals are wary of him...

"What, are you dissatisfied, admiral? I followed your instructions." Kashima stood in front of the admiral's desk, looking cautious.

"No," Steve waved his hand, "fine, I like the plan."

Chapter 202 Performance Effect

"But there's something weird here." After affirming the results of Kashima's work, Steve felt that some things must be explained to her. "I think they set a trap for us."

Kashima, who was definitely happy to hear Steve's words just now, frowned immediately: "Admiral... You are thinking too much! All this is under my control."

In order to make his words convincing, Kashima began to explain seriously: "According to the original strategic layout, this offensive is divided into three battle areas. Among them, the most important central war area is composed of Admiral Shiba Inu and the North Ocean Guard House. Elite soldiers and strong generals will carry out the strategy; the eastern theater will be in charge of four foreign aid fleets to support; as for Steve, he will contract the entire western theater.”

"Perhaps you, Admiral, think that such an approach is a bit big and inappropriate, but that is just a layman's opinion. From the perspective of record, probably all the battles in the history of the entire Northern Ocean Fleet have not defeated the record of defeating the main deep-sea fleet. The Northern Governor's mentality in agreeing to this condition is obviously to let those who want to fish fish fish, let those who want to show off go show off, separate the two, and do not interfere with each other, as long as your troops can stabilize the overall situation."

"This layout structure, from the host's point of view, Admiral Shiba Inu's idea is beyond reproach. Others will naturally accept it as a matter of course. I don't think this is a problem."

Kashima was right.

In fact, this is to catch the opponent's casual mentality of "let him be a black cat or a white cat, as long as he catches mice, he is a good cat".If their own fleet has this ability and wants to take on this responsibility, they will naturally accept it willingly. The so-called people's aspirations are nothing more than the eternal trend of "people go to high places, and water flows to low places".

"But this is a challenge for us." Steve's mind is not on the strategic plan in his hand, but looking at his secretary ship with a smile.

Noticing Steve's rare expression, Kashima also knew where he must have made a mistake, but Miss Kan, the secretary, is not used to bowing her head casually: "Hey...you have such a bad expression, just say what you have! It's not like you."

Steve was helpless, in this kind of matter, he definitely couldn't deal with her.

"I didn't say you did something wrong, but if you said Kashima, have you considered the result?"

"Uh... the result? I won the fight!" Kashima said with a look of course.

Looking at her, Steve understood what his girls were thinking.He put the plan on the table: "Don't be inflated, no adventure is without risk, and any small mistake can be fatal. Think calmly and equally, just as if you are a newcomer, if we win , what will happen; if you lose, what will happen."

"Uh..." Kashima didn't understand what he wanted to do, but he started to analyze along the line of thought he said: "It's very simple! If we win, we can win more rights and interests in the Admiralty's Office. In this way Then you can further expand the tutelary mansion and get more companions. If you lose, look at how miserable you are! If you really lose miserably, the myth of you, the admiral, will be shattered, and it will be hard to say where everyone will go in the future ...Oh, admiral, why are you asking me such an annoying topic?!"

"It's not annoying!" Steve sat up straight on the chair, "There's a hole in it."

"Is there a pit?"

"Yeah." Steve shook his head helplessly, "I was only planning to come here to fight the deep sea, but now it's turned into a show."

"A show?" Kashima blinked. "This is war, not a show."

"No, this is a show." Steve leaned on the table and clasped the strategic plan with his fingers, "The platform that the dog governor gave me is too good. If you want to destroy the deep sea, their best choice It is more in line with the normal situation to cooperate with our actions and share some of the credit. But in this situation, it is too serious to draw an independent front and let us decide whether to advance or retreat. Perhaps the deer who is used to victory Island, you take it for granted, but most people don't take it that way."

"If we succeed, everyone will know about us, but based on the current situation of humans and the deep sea, it is estimated that we will have more troubles in the future. If we fail, then it will definitely be a fiasco, and even the whole strategy will fail. It may all be on our heads, because we can only bear it independently!" Speaking of this, Steve's words were not heavy, but shrugged indifferently, "To put it bluntly, such an arrangement, in addition to the performance effect, There's no benefit at all!"

Kashima was dumbfounded by what he said, but he didn't know how to refute.

She felt that she had won this situation by herself, but after she won it, Steve said so.At first, Miss Jian, the secretary, felt a little wronged, but after thinking about it calmly, if the other party insisted on not giving in and wanted to get a piece of the pie, it seemed that she really had no good solution.

"...everything is based on the superior idea that you must win." Steve's words penetrated Kashima's mind.

The latter parted ways in embarrassment: "Hey... Is it natural to hope for victory, then admiral, what do you think should we do? I don't think you are nervous at all, you must have a countermeasure!"

"No." Steve shrugged his shoulders, "I've already gone to the battlefield, how can I back down? There's nothing I can do."

"Admiral, don't pretend!" Kashima suddenly put on an angry expression, "You asked me to fight for it, and then you said that after winning it, you must have done it on purpose, right! Dishonest. And didn't you just say you liked it!"

The secretary of his family started to get angry, Steve blinked, with an innocent face: "Really, I don't lie to you. Traps belong to traps, likes belong to likes. Since they gave me this challenge, why don't I take this achievement Woolen cloth?"

"...You mean just force it on?"

"Well said, it's tough! Since they gave me this stage, I will do what they wish and wipe out all the deep sea in the north! So we have to adjust the plan. You are responsible for informing the southern ghosts. The original plan was step-by-step. All abolished, and directly launched a surprise attack on the base camp. We must capture all the target strongholds as quickly as possible, forcing Shen Hai to put all the key forces on us. We will completely kill them in a head-on confrontation, for the best performance."

"Isn't that the best performance?" Kashima understood what he meant even though he asked this question, "I know that the Admiralty's Office didn't think we could do well, and this was indeed beyond their expectations, but you Don't mess around! It's very difficult for you to mess with the southern ghosts."

Steve gave Kashima a thumbs up: "Life needs surprises."

"It's not a surprise, it's a fright... Oh, that's fine, I know, I'll go and revise the plan."

Chapter 203 Northern Sisters

North Island.

Let's just say that's what the place is called.

It is said that it is an island, it should be said that it is more like a mountain growing out of the ice.

There are sporadic black spots under the white mountains and rivers. They are not strange deep-sea buildings, but ordinary tundra vegetation.The tall spruce trees look like a black dot from a distance, and the dots form a piece with the mountains and rivers, which is the snow-covered ridge.

Above the ridge, the white mountain top is connected with the white clouds in the sky, which makes the boundary between the mountain and the sky blurred.

The sky exposed from the clouds is blue and cold, like a mother with a blue face, rejecting all creatures indifferently.

If you look carefully along the ridge, a black and white tower stands on the peak.

The black one is the iron-black tower body, and the black body reflects the texture of steel.The white is the protruding "twigs", "twigs" are like living things, decorated with thin spikes.It is like a giant on the cape of the ice field, silently looking south at the dark blue and black sea.

In this world that is as silent as a black and white photo, it is not completely silent.

Under the huge black tower, a little girl wearing only a coat is hiking on the snow. She walks on the snow with one foot deep and one shallow. When she lifts her feet up, she can be seen walking barefoot on the icy snow .The wind from the southeast was blowing, and the wind filled her skirt so much that she had to stretch out her little hand to press down her robe-like dress.

A girl who looks like only six or seven years old is walking barefoot in such a cold place, no matter who she is, the parents will feel distressed.

She walked to the door of the black tower with strides, and knocked on the heavy black iron door with her white gloved hands.

"Sister, I'm back."

The black door opened, and the iron door creaked harshly. What opened the door was a sharp claw that was more terrifying than a wild beast.But the owner of this sharp claw is a white-haired woman with a kind face.

"Northern, you're back! Thank you for your hard work!" The woman who became the elder sister squatted down, smiled warmly at the girl, and narrowed her red eyes beautifully.

The little girl was also very happy to reach out and hug her sister.This intimate action caused the woman to show a panicked expression, and she quickly made dodge movements, subconsciously wanting to stand up.However, because of this action, the long horns growing from the woman's forehead scratched the face of the little girl named 'Northern'.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Northern Sauce..."

"It's okay, sister, I've been away for more than a day, please hug me!" Beibei smiled warmly.

"..." After a little hesitation, the woman nodded. She bent down and opened her hand, which was bigger than a polar bear's claw, to hug her sister's petite body. "Northern sauce, it's hard work."

"It's not hard work. I'm lucky that I didn't encounter that kind of thing." The girl responded with a bright smile to the warmth of her family.

"That's good, that's good, let's come in first!" Be careful not to hurt the family with her sharp claws, the elder sister put the younger sister down with the same movement as placing porcelain.

Close the door.

The facilities in this tower are not full of strange and eerie decorations like the castles on outlying islands.On the contrary, there are basically no decorations to be seen here, and the layout of the extreme review shows the value and significance of the actual existence of this black tower.

an institute.

Glass conduits are lined on the black walls, filled with unknown substances that gradually fade from black to white.

It looks like a chemical research institute, but the glyph-style displays on the table make people feel that it is a research institute of ancient cultural relics.

Bringing the two together is the young girl in the center of the room full of equipment and displays.

The same red eyes, the same snow-white long hair, and the difference from that sister, only the metal horns on the head, the sister has one, she has two.The girl directs the white ball plane at hand as if she were directing her arm.The white deep-sea plane is biting a black test tube with its teeth, and is pouring the black liquid inside into another test tube.

Using the aircraft as an assistant in the experiment, carrying and mobilizing the objects at hand, this kind of control accuracy is estimated, whether it is a battle in the first flight or an outlying island, it will be jaw-dropping.

"Flying Field Sauce, the North is back."

"Don't bother!"

The girl yelled rudely.It was because of such a distraction that the black liquid in the test tube dripped on the ground, and the black liquid fell on the metal floor, and it actually started to bubble like fermentation.Then, a purple-black light seeped through the churning liquid.

The girl who saw this scene frowned and waved her hand. Immediately, two white ball fighter jets sprayed out white gas, and the gas quickly froze the black liquid and the metal plate together.

After doing all this, the girl called Feichang turned around and said, "Miss Harbor, you wasted another bottle of liquid nitrogen for me."

"Ah... sorry..."

"Forget it," Feichang Ji's face was full of impatience, but no disgust could be seen, "Didn't Beibei come back? Has the matter of letting her run errands been completed?"

"Let's go back to this..."

"It's done!" The little girl's sister popped out her own head behind her, "Sister Airport, what you asked me to find, is this?"

As she spoke, she took out a palm-sized metallic ball from the front pocket of her dress. Strange words were engraved on the ball, and the words were practiced into a painting, which looked like the earth.

"It was actually found by you." The flying field came over, "And how many times have I said, don't call me the airport."

"But sister, you have the most planes! What about the plane you promised to make for me?"

"I know, I've prepared it a long time ago." Flying Field Ji took out a metal object out of nowhere, "This thing is called F-16, it is an aircraft that has ever existed in this world, and it is much better than the Gale you lost .”

Flying Field Ji confidently took out her proud work, but she didn't expect Beibei to be stunned first, and then quickly stuffed the sphere back into her arms: "Sister is a big liar! You agreed to do zero battle for me. "

"...This is much better than Zero War."

"No! I'm going to fight zero." North retorted, poking his head out from behind Harbor Princess.

"Damn it, what a stubborn brat..." Feichang Ji, the elder sister, was so angry that she gritted her teeth. In the end, she still sighed, "Miss Gangwan, please help me!"

Gangwanji smiled gently, turned around, and carefully patted Beibei's head with her sharp claws, "Northern, give the things to sister!"

"But, but she hasn't fulfilled the agreement yet!" Seeing all the harbor sisters fall to that side, the momentum in the north instantly weakened.

"This is an important thing, give it to Sister Feichang first! I promise her that I will help you build a Zero Fighter."


"When did my sister lie to you?"

It seemed that the guarantor's prestige played a role, and Beibei carefully took out the metal ball.Gangwan picked up the metal ball and handed it to Ji Ji, and said to her with a smile, "I've guaranteed it for you, remember to fulfill the promise!"

"Understood, don't laugh so scary!" The sister who took the metal ball complained, and then she wiped her nose with her finger, "I don't want this thing for myself, can you open the door to the root cause?" The logical passage depends on this thing."

As she spoke, she placed the metal ball on her hand. The texture on the surface looked like a super miniature planet.


Setting tips: 1. "Zero War" is Kita Suhime's favorite aircraft in the original setting. Its prototype is the Zero fighter used by the Japanese Navy United Fleet during the Pacific War.The prototype of Northern Qi Ji should be Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands of the US military.Because there was an anecdote that "During the Battle of Dutch Harbor, the U.S. military captured an almost undamaged Zero Fighter, and made some targeted adjustments to the F6F Hellcat fighter." This setting should be based on this. .

2. Only the first two have officially recognized sisterhood among Beiqi Ship, Harbor Qi Ji, and Flying Field Ji.According to the names of the levels they are in, their prototypes should be Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Islands, Darwin Port in Australia, and Henderson Airport in the Solomon Islands.Especially the last one, in the Battle of Guadalcanal, almost all the Japanese land and sea troops were almost crazy and failed to capture an important stronghold.Because of the misjudgment that Henderson Airport was destroyed by King Kong and Haruna, the Japanese army regarded this battle as a "successful case" of bombarding the airport, and it directly led to repeating the same trick in another battle, carrying out the bombardment of the airport. During the mission, the other two Kongo-class warships, Hiei and Kirishima, were lost.


ps: There are too many historical stalks in the part of the ship girl, I think it is still necessary for some people to understand it!If you don't know the original design, it's just a cute girl with a gun barrel on her back.The number of words in each tip will not exceed [-] words, and there is no need to worry about paying.

Chapter 204 The Last Talk

Harbor Princess looked at her younger sister with a worried face: "Although you have said it many times...but what kind of place is that?"

"I don't know," Ji Ji shrugged. "After all, the person who brought us to this world is no longer there, so no one can tell me where it is."

"In my mind, the so-called root reason should be a 'world of reason' that exists under the surface of matter. Countless 'reasons' link everything in the world together, allowing water to flow and iron to be hard. This kind of principle transcends matter, form, and may even transcend time and space. According to the information I have found over the years, this world once had a civilization that was very close to that world. Then this civilization was destroyed for some unknown reason. I don't know if I'm going to find a way to go back if I keep going, or I'm going to die like the creator of this thing. But if there's a chance, something has to be done."

"The creator of this?" Beibei grabbed his sister's skirt, blinked his eyes curiously, and looked at the things he brought back, "This ball is guarded by those dogs, and it took me a lot of effort to get them all." It’s resolved. Then it’s just that I haven’t encountered the black thing before.”

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